1、西南边疆民族地区经济发展与社会稳定 机制建设研究 Study on the Mechanism Construction of the Economic Development and Social Stability in Chinese Southwestern Borderlands Minority Areas 学位申请人 张倍倍 指导教师 赵曦教授 学科专业 区域经济学 学位类别 经济学 西南边疆民族地区经济发展与社会稳定 机制建 设研究 Study on the Mechanism Construction of the Economic Development and Socia
2、l Stability in Ghinese Southwestern Borderlands Minority Areas 学位申请人: _ 张倍倍 _ 学 号: 209020202008 _ 学 科 专 业 : _ 区域经济学 _ 研 究 方 向 : 中国西部发展 _ 指 导 教 师 : _ 赵曦教授 _ 定 稿 时 间 : 2012年 4月 _ 西南财经大学 学位论文原创性及知识产权声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研 究工作所取得的成果。除文中己经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他 个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个 人
3、和集体,均己在文中以明确方式标明,因本学位论文引起的法律结果完全 由本人承担。 本人同意在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西南财经大学。 本人完全了解西南财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和 借阅。本人授权西南财经大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关 数据库进行检索,可以采用影 印、缩印、数字化或其他复制手段保存和汇编 本学位论文。 本学位论文属于 1、 保密,在 _ 年解密后适用本授权书。 2、 不保密 特此声明。 学位申请人 : 年月日 摘要 西部大开发十二年来,西部地区的经济总量大幅度增加,人
4、民收入不断 增长,生活水平不断提高,综合实力不断增强。但是与其他地区相比,发展 的绝对差距仍在扩大,自然环境恶劣、基础设施薄弱、生态环境脆弱、产业 结构扭曲、贫困人口众多、自我发展能力薄弱等问题较为突出,加强区域协 调发展、维护社会稳定的任务依然严峻,西部地区仍然是我国经济发展和社 会稳定的重点和难点。西部地区尤其是以广西、云南、西藏为主体的西南边 疆民族地区经济发展依然非常落后,根据国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室 2012年发布的国家扶贫开发工作重点县名单显示,全国 592个国家扶贫 开发工作重点县(以下简称扶贫重点县)分布在 21个省(市、区),以云南 最多,高达 73个,占全省县级区划的
5、56.6%, 341个民族自治贫困县(包括 西藏)分布于全国 17个省级行政区内,西藏最多,其次为云南,广西 109个 县级区划有 28个扶 贫重点县,占该省县级区划的比重为 25.7%,西藏作为整 体集中连片贫困地区进入国家扶贫序列,则其贫困面为 100%。在这些国家扶 贫开发工作重点县中,广西有 3个边境县、云南 16个边境县、西藏 21个边 境县,这些边境贫困县绝大部分是少数民族聚居地,生活环境恶劣,生产条 件简陋,发展程度低下,人民生活困苦。经济和社会发展水平的严重滞后, 使边疆地区的社会稳定面临严峻态势。边疆地区多为民族交错聚居地区,云 南多个民族跨境而居,民族问题 1宗教问题、跨国
6、犯罪、毒品走私、艾滋病 以及人口贩卖等问题错综复杂;广酉毒品和人口 贩卖以及走私犯罪相当严重; 西藏藏独分裂势力活动猖獗,给西南边疆民族地区社会稳定造成重要影响 *。 总之,西南边疆民族地区毒品、艾滋病、走私犯罪等社会不稳定因素广泛存 在,宗教势力、恐怖主义、黑恶势力等也共同威胁着社会稳定和边疆安全, 而西南边疆民族地区广泛存在的贫困问题又进一步加剧了这种风险,致使西 南边疆民族地区社会稳定和民族安定团结的局面状况日益堪忧。中华人民 共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年计划纲要明确提出: “ 要继续加 大对民族地区、边疆地区和贫困地 区的扶持力度,深入推进兴边富民行动, 支持边境贸易发展,加大
7、对滇西边境山区、藏中地区以及广西边境地区的扶 贫开发攻坚工程,加大以工代赈和易地扶贫搬迁力度;在民族地区进一步完 善健全覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系、完善基本医疗卫生制度、提高住房保 障工作等;进一步创新社会管理机制、强化社会监督和社会控制机制、加强 社会组织建设等。 ” 1加快西南边疆民族地区经济发展和维护社会稳定是西南 边疆民族地区经济社会发展的重要战略任务。 民族地区经济发展与社会稳定是当前西南边疆民族地区经济社会发展面 临的重大理论与政策问题。本 文通过研究西南边疆民族地区经济社会发 展所面临的严峻状况及重大挑战,着重分析经济发展机制和社会稳定机制 缺陷、边疆地区特殊的战略地位以及经济发
8、展对社会稳定产生的制约影响等, 提出具有针对性的西南边疆民族地区经济发展与社会稳定的机制设计及维护 社会稳定的政策体系,这对于进一步加快西南边疆民族地区的经济发展、 实现社会公正安定、维护民族团结及国家安全具有重要的现实意义。本文在 研究上主要是采用了理论研究、历史研究、比较研究以及数量分析等方法, 全面系统地阐述和分析了西南边疆民族地区经济发展和社会稳定机制建设全 面的理论视角、数据对比以及经验启示等。 本文的创新点包括研究视角创新和研究内容创新两个部分。在研究视角 上,本文在国家髙度重视社会稳定的背景下,通过研究西南边疆民族 地区经济发展与社会稳定所面临的严峻状况及重大挑战,在系统分析国
9、外民族地区经济社会发展滞后影响社会稳定机制、国际案例及其经验启示的 基础上,立足于西南边疆民族地区的经济社会发展的实际状况,紧紧围绕经 济社会全面发展、国家安全这一主线,创新性地从西南边疆民族地区发展的 战略定位、特殊发展背景及其功能定位出发,对西南边疆民族地区经济社会 全面发展的 严峻挑战及状况进行深入剖析、对其战略地位及机制建设重点等 重大战略核心问题进行系统全面的分析和总结,提出了推动民族地区经济社 会全面发展的机制设计的战略对策。分析其经济发展存在问题的成因及社会 1国家发展和改革委员会 .中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要 N.人民网- 人民日报, 2011.03.
10、17. 稳定机制存在的缺陷,探索推动西南边疆民族地区经济发展与社会稳定 的战略框架及机制建设重点。本文系统全面地提出并强调西南边疆民族地 区应建立以资源开发机制为核心的经济发展机制,建立以社会管理机制为核 心的社会稳定机制,同时必须要进一步优化社会监督机制、公众利益共享机 制以及社会保障机制等。本文力图寻求一条适应新时期西南边疆民族地区经 济社会全面发展的机制创新与机制改革之路,努力强化社会稳定发展在维护 西南边疆民族地区经济社会发展与国家安全中的基础性、关键性、促进性作 用。 本文的研究框架结构如下: 第一部分本文的导论,主要对文章的选题背景、选题意义、研究方法、 论文的创新之处、不足之处等
11、进行简要介绍,并对现有的国内外学术成果进 行梳理、分析、总结和评价。本文的研究内容方面的创新是系统全面地提出 并强调西南边疆民族地区应建立以资源开发机制为核心的经济发展机制,建 立以社会管理机制为核心的社会稳定机制,同时必须要进一步优化社会监督 机制、公众利益共享机制以及社会保障机制等。 第二部分本文的理论基础及相关经验总结。本章主要从公共管理理论、 内生增长理论、社会风险理论以及机制设计理论四个方面介绍理论背景、内 容、运用和启示等,并对国外对民族地区以及边疆地区关于经济发展与社会 稳定实践的成功案例进行经验总结以及从失败案例中吸取教训,深刻反思 中 国西南边疆民族地区的经济发展与社会稳定问
12、题,积极寻找理论基础以及实 践经验。 第三部分是对西南边疆民族地区经济发展与社会稳定状况的分析。主要 从生存发展、经济发展、社会稳定以及发展基础等四个方面进行分析,从来 了解到西南边疆民族地区生存环境恶劣、基础设施薄弱、社会发展滞后以及 社会稳定状况严峻等,因此必须要推进西南边疆民族地区的经济发展与社会 稳定机制的建设研究。 第四部分在第三章内容分析的基础上,对经济发展与社会稳定的机制缺 陷进行详细分析,并从西南边疆民族地区的战略地位、经济发展对社会稳定 的制约影 响出发,找出民族地区经济发展落后、社会稳定严峻的根源所在, 并得到结论认为西南边疆民族地区的特殊的地位决定了其社会稳定建设的重 要
13、性。在推进民族地区的经济社会全面发展的建设中要加强社会稳定机制建 设,保障民族地区社会发展的内在动力。 第五部分为西南边疆民族地区经济发展机制的建设重点。由于资源开发 机制不科学、反贫困机制不健全、产业发展机制不合理等经济发展机制的缺 陷,使边疆地区自我生存和自我积累的能力较弱,经济发展后劲不足。针对 以上问题,我们提出要进一步明确经济 发展机制建设重点,制定科学的资源 开发机制、建立长效的反贫困机制以及推进产业协调发展机制,进一步提高 边疆地区自我发展和自我积累的能力。 第六部分是西南边疆民族地区社会稳定机制建设重点。在社会稳定机制 缺陷分析的基础上,针对社会管理机制不完善、信息对称机制存在
14、欠缺、社 会预警机制不及时、公众利益表达机制严重缺失、社会控制机制薄弱、社会 保障机制不健全等,利用机制设计的全新理念和视角,从社会管理机制、社 会监督机制、基层政权机制建设以及社会保障机制等方面进行研究,不断加 强西南边疆民族地区的社会稳定机制建设, 保证社会发展的基本内在动力和 国家安全、民族团结。 本文的基本结论是:在西南边疆民族地区经济发展和社会稳定的严 峻状况和重大挑战下,着力推进民族地区经济社会全面发展具有重要 的现实性。西南边疆民族地区应进一步明确经济发展机制和社会稳定机制 建设重点,通过以科学的资源开发机制和以创新的社会管理机制重点的机制 建设,着重提高边疆地区自我发展和自我积
15、累的能力,维护社会稳定和边疆 安全 c 关键字:西南边疆民族地区;经济发展;社会稳定;机制设计 Abstract The strategy to develop western region has been implemented for twelve years, the total economy has increased, peoples income grew and living standards rised in the western region. However, compared with other regions, the absolute gap is stil
16、l widening, there have many issues, such as harsh natural condition, weak infrastructure, fragile ecological environment, distorted industrial structure, many poor people and weak self-development capacity. Strengthening coordinated regional development, maintaining stability of the task is still se
17、vere and the focus of Chinas economic development and social stability is in the western region. Western region especially in the southwestern borderlands minority areas of Guangxi5 Yunnan, Tibet, as the main economic development is still very backward. According to List of Key Counties of National
18、Poverty Reduction released by the Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development in 2012 ; 592 national poverty reduction priorities countries (hereinafter referred to as pro-poor focus counties) distributed in 21 provinces (cities, districts), Yunnan, up to 73. accounting for 56.6 perc
19、ent of the county-level divisions of the province, 341 National autonomous Poverty Counties (including Tibet) located in the countrys 17 provincial-level administrative regions, Tibet most, followed by 109 county-level divisions of Yunnan, Guangxi has 28 pro-poor focus counties, accounting for accou
20、nting for 25.7 percent of the county-level divisions of the province and Tibet as a whole contiguous focus of poverty-stricken areas into the national poverty reduction sequence, then its 100% of poverty. In these countries, poverty alleviation and development focus counties, the three border counti
21、es of Yunnan 16 border counties in Tibet in 21 border counties in Guangxi, the vast majority of these border poverty-stricken counties inhabited by ethnic minorities, the poor living conditions, poor production condition, the low level of development, the people living in poverty. Economic and socia
22、l development level of serious lag in the border areas of social stability are facing a grim situation. Border areas for the national cross areas inhabited by ethnic groups in Yunnan cross-border neighbors, ethnic issues, religious issues, transnational crime, drug trafficking, AIDS and human traffi
23、cking and other issues are complex; the Guangxi drugs and human trafficking and smuggling crime is very serious; Tibetan separatist forces is rampant, causing a significant impact on the social stability of the southwestern Frontier Region. In short, the Southwestern Frontier Region of drags, AIDS,
24、the crime of smuggling and other social instability widespread, religious forces, terrorism, and evil forces, a common threat to social stability and border security; the problem of widespread poverty and Southwestern Frontier Region-further exacerbate this risk, resulting in the southwestern Fronti
25、er Region of social stability and national stability and unity in a situation increasingly worrying situation. The Peoples Republic of China national economic and social development in the 12th Five-Year Plan is dearly stated: To continue to increase in ethnic minority areas, border areas and povert
26、y-stricken areas to support efforts to further promote the Frontier action in support of border trade development, increase the crucial project of poverty alleviation and development of the border area in western Yuirnan, Tibet in the region and the border areas in Guangxi, and relocation efforts to
27、 increase food for work and ex-situ poverty alleviation; farther improve the sound social security system covering both urban and rural residents in ethnic areas, improve basic medical and health system? and improve housing security, etc.; further innovation in the social management mechanism, to st
28、rengthen social supervision and social control mechanism, strengthen the construction of social organization. Speeding up the southwestern Frontier regional economic development and safeguarding social stability is the important strategic task of economic and social development in southwestern borde
29、rlands miBority areas. National regional economic development and social stability is a major theoretical and policy issues facing southwest frontier regions economic and social development. Serious condition and the major challenges facing the economic and social development through the Southwester
30、n Frontier Region will focus on analyzing the mechanisms of economic development and social stability mechanism defect analysis, special strategic position in the border areas, as well as economic development constraints impact on social stability, southwestern Frontier targeted regional economic de
31、velopment and social stability mechanism design and maintenance of social stability in policy system, which farther accelerate the economic development of the southwest frontier regions, to achieve social justice and stability, safeguarding national unity and national security practical significance
32、. Research using theoretical research, historical research, comparative research and quantitative analysis methods, comprehensive and systematic description and analysis of the Southwestern Frontier Region economic development and social stability mechanism for the construction of a comprehensive th
33、eory perspective tie comparison of the data and the experience of enlightenment and so on. The innovation of this paper includes two parts of the research perspective on innovation and research content innovation. Research perspective, this paper in the country attaches great importance to social st
34、ability in the context of the Southwestern Frontier Region economic development and social stability, the severe situation and major challenges faced by the foreign national economic and social development in system analysis, the lagged effect of social stability mechanism based on international cas
35、e and the experience of enlightenment, based on the actual situation of economic and social development of the southwest frontier regions, closely focus on the economic and social development, the main line of the national security strategy of the development of innovative from the southwestern Fron
36、tier Region positioning, special development background and Its Function in the southwest frontier regions overall economic and social development of the severe challenges and condition-depth analysis of systematic and comprehensive analysis and summary of its strategic position and tnechanism of th
37、e construction of a major strategic focus the core issue, mechanisms designed to promote all-round development of the national economic and social strategic countermeasures. Analysis o the causes of the problem of economic development, and social stability mechanism defects, and exploring ways of fa
38、cilitating the strategic framework and mechanism for the construction of the focus of the Southwestern Frontier Region economic development and social stability. This article systematically and comprehensively and stressed the Southwestern Frontier Region should establish a mechanism of resource dev
39、elopment mechanism as the core of economic development, social stability and social management mechanism as the core mechanism, and at the same time to farther optimize the social supervision mechanism, the public benefit-sharing mechanisms and social security mechanisms. This paper tries to seek a
40、mechanism innovation and the road of institutional reform to adapt to the new era Southwestern Frontier Region overall economic and social development, social stability and development efforts to strengthen the basic maintenance in the western national regional development and national security, cri
41、tical, catalytic role. The researcli framework is structured as follows: Introduction of the first part of this article, the research background of the article, the significance of the topic, research methods, the innovation of the paper, the inadequacies such as a brief introduction, and the result
42、s of the existing home and abroad to sort out, analyze summary and evaluation. The innovation of the content of this study is comprehensive and stressed the Southwestern Frontier Region should establish a mechanism of resource development mechanism as the core of economic development, social stabili
43、ty and social management medianism as the core, at the same time to further optimize the social supervision the mechanism for sharing mechanism, as well as the public interest, social security mechanisms. The second part of the theoretical basis in this article related experience. This chapter from
44、the public administration theory, endogenous growth theory, the theory of social risk, as well as four aspects of mechanism design theory of the theoretical background, the use and enlightenment, and foreign to the practice of the minority areas and border areas for economic development and social s
45、tability success stories, lessons learned and lessons learned from the failures, a profound reflection of the southwestern Frontier regions economic development and social stability, and actively looking for a theoretical foundation and practical experience. The third part is the analysis of the eco
46、nomic development and social stability conditions of the Southwestern Frontier Region. Mainly from four aspects of the survival and development, economic development, social stability and development of basic, never learned the Southwestern Frontier Region poor living environment, weak infrastructur
47、e, social development lags behind, and the grim situation of social stability, it is necessary to promote the southwest frontier regions, economic development and the construction of social stability mechanism. The forth part on the basis of the analysis in the third chapter, on economic development
48、 and social stability mechanism defects analyzed in detail from the strategic position of the southwest frontier regions, economic development social stability and constraints impact starting to identify the ethnic regional economic underdevelopment, social stability and the stem lies at the root, and concluded that the special status of the southwestern Frontier Region determines its social stability and the importance of building. Promoting the economic and social development in ethnic regions to strengthen social stability mechanism to protect the internal driving force