1、(全球气温变化,升温摄氏1.8度)(本世纪灭绝物种,411227种以上无奇不有(2046 年)终结为何?Tell me about the end.终结?The end?生命循环何处终结?Where does a circle end?时刻都是结束,时刻都是开始It is always now ending, and now beginning.我们随着世界运行活到终老We rise and fall on our breath for as long as the world allows.日子向我们压♥迫♥The days press against us,随后
2、又继续向前and then move past.迈向未来,直至我们倒下Now becomes next until we fall away.尘归尘、土归土And return what has been taken.这是你想知道的吗?Is that what you wanted to know?我想知道所有事I want to know everything.唏,小老虎Hey, tiger.你开着电视睡着了You fell asleep with the TV on.婆婆在讲故事,小飞象那故事Grandma was reading me a story. The one with the
3、flying elephants.但牛也们没办法真正的飞But. they can never really fly.对吧?Can they?是的,乖仔片也们只有象鼻,没有翅膀No, sweetie, they had trunks, not wings.你知道的,我给你看过图片You know that. I showed you pictures.来吧,乖仔,起身了我下年就十岁So, since Ill be turning ten next year,所以我只剩下20年命that means Ill only get two more ten-year lives.我不相信此事Well,
4、 I dont believe that.我相信你还会有很多个十年I believe you will have many more ten-year lives.也许你会像猫一样有九条命Maybe youre like a cat. Youll have nine lives.那就有90岁.对Thats 90. - Right.等到你30岁And I bet by the time youre 30,应该就会有人发明出一颗全新的心脏给你someone will have invented an entirely new heart just for you.欢迎来到冬冷Welcome to
5、WinterChill,为心热症病人而设的虚拟实境治疗the best immersive therapy for heat-related conditions.(冬冷,砌雪人)拜出裁判点解不能玩?Come on, ref. Why cant I play?对不起,小朋友Sorry, buddy.但你今天在学校遇到事故Looks like you had a bit of an episode today at school.但我想玩,冬冷真垃圾But I wanna play. WinterChill sucks.保护我们的事物不一定会有趣Sometimes the things that
6、 protect us arent the most fun.但你的朋友露娜进入游戏了But your friend Lola is here.(按下以寻找朋友)艾斯华,要帮手吗?我找到钮扣做它的眼睛You want to help, Ezra? I found buttons for his eyes.我妈妈说你搞错了My mom says you*re wrong.她说将来我们会有新的心脏She says theyre gonna make new hearts for both of us.我会活到90岁And that Tm gonna live to be 90.这是兽笼2100的安
7、全线路This is a secured link for Menagerie2100.丽碧嘉舒利亚,HW1998F的档核员Rebecca Shearer, archivist for HW1998F.以下在通讯接口的对话Everything that follows in the communications interface 均为兽笼2100的财产is the property of Menagerie2100.2046年8月18日,三、二、一August 18, 2046. Three, two, one.若你收到请答话If you are receiving this, please
8、 respond.拜ftCome on.若你听到,请答话If you can still hear me, please respond.我昨晚听到另一把声I heard another last night.牛也在哪里?Where is he?若外面有雄性鲸鱼,我必定会帮你找牛也If there is a male out there, I will help you find him.我想再次成为母亲I want to be a mother again.此地、此刻In this place, in this now.你有足够的食物吗?Is there enough food for th
9、at?若华也在,那必定够If he is here, then there must be enough.那肯定There must be-把声音加进词麋表Add sound to vocabulary interface.你为何要禊裂我的声线?都过了这麽久了Why do you make my sounds? After all this time.我毕生致力观察你的族类I have watched your kind all my life.我对你十分好奇I was curious about you.你知道何谓好奇吗?Do you know what curious is?我在水面见过你
10、吗?Have I seen you where the sky begins?你有份令我们灭绝吗?-没有Have you caused some of us to fall? - No.没有,我永远不会伤害你No, I would never hurt you.我想向你学习I want to learn from you.你一直在观察我们,你了解我们You have been watching. You know how we are.请问你在找寻甚麽?Could you tell me what youre looking for?你们和我们同活于此We, who are us, share
11、 the world.共享所有资源All that is there.资源减少,对我们也有影响When it becomes less; so do we.对你们也有影响吗?Is it like that for you?我们新诞下的孩子不会活到终老Our new ones do not rise and fall on the breath.中也们会离开我们They leave us for the distance.我们只能看着牛也们消失We watch them vanish.我所有孩子都已经消失了All of mine have gone that way.我会帮你找食物I will
12、look for food for you.我要找牛也牛也知道I need to find him. He knows-加进词麋表Add to vocabulary interface.若不帮牛也找食物我们有机会再次失去牛也和那堡雄性鲸鱼If she doesn*t find something to eat, we could lose her again. And the male. 若果我们为牛也提供食物呢?What if we offer her food to keep going?成年的座头鲸每天需要一千三百公斤食物Adult humpbacks require 3,000 pou
13、nds of food a day.主要食磷虾,不过不好说Mainly krill, but- -1 didnt know.对,我们要讨论一下那会衍生的结果Yeah, that obviously has ramifications we would need to talk about internally. 好消息是牛也有意繁殖Well, the good news is she wants to mate,那是地迁徙周期的一部分which is part of her migratory cycle,我们很有机会可以了解牛也们的行为so we could have a real wind
14、ow into that behavior if the male is,但要雄性足够强壮you know, strong enough.雌鲸将会成为我们的座头鲸原型Shes gonna be the prototype for every humpback we ever develop.做得好,碧嘉-谢谢Great work today, Becca. - Thank you.食物?Food?难搞是吧?Thats a tricky one. - Yeah?把优质的蛋白质食物提供给动物I mean, its not a good look to take quality protein会引人
15、非议and offer it to animals.亚洲遇上乾旱Theres a damn drought in Asia.死了不少人People are dying there,我们却要把人类的优质营养食品喂给鲸鱼and were gonna feed a whale human-quality nutrients来哄骗中也讲食物、讲交♥配♥to get it to chat about eating and fucking.简直是公♥关♥灾难Its a PR nightmare.好.有道理Okay, okay. Thats fair
16、enough.地面温度上升,海洋酸化加剧The surface temperature is up. Acidification is up.海湾迟早变死区The bay is destined to become a dead zone.好大机会捱不过今季Its likely to be the last season here.我们要儒快带来进展We just need to move this along.在事情扬开前,赶紧在遇末前收尾Wrap it up by end of week before everything comes out.是的Agreed.独家座头鲸,一定足以打败明日
17、动物园Exclusivity of a humpback knocks TomorrowZoo out of the game.给我几晚时间Just give me a couple more nights.“玫瑰说:我们是玫瑰,uWe are roses/ the roses said.他克服悲伤,因为他的花说过And he was overcome with sadness cause his flower had told him它是全世界唯一的花that she was the only one of her kind in the universe.但这里却有五千多朵And here
18、 were 5,000 of them,长得一模一样,同在一个花♥国♥里all alike, in one single garden.他对自己说若它看到这个场面She would be very much annoyed/ he said to himself,肯定会很生气if she should see that.它一定会咳得很厉害She would cough most dreadfully,它会装死,避免被嘲笑and she would pretend that she was dying to avoid being laughed at.若我And i
19、f I-我有义务要假装And I would be obliged to pretend悉心照料,使它恢复精神that I was nursing her back to life.若我没有这麽做For if I did not do that若我没有卑躬屈膝to humble myself also,它有可能真的会死去,she would really allow herself to die.妈,要我来念吗? 不必You want me to read for a while, Mom? - No, no, no.我你还有很长命fm- Youre going to be here.我不是,
20、现在是婆婆的讲故时间Im not. So, this is Grandma time.于是,他望向倒影So, then he went on with his reflections.俄以为自己有了花朵而富裕.-你喜欢这个故事,对吗?I thought that I was rich with a flower. - You like that one, dont you?它是世上独一无二的.that was unique in all the world”一跟你沟通的那条鲸鱼像红毛猩猩吗?Does the whale youre talking to sound like the way t
21、he orangutan did?不,我让红毛猩猩变成你♥爸♥爸把声了No, I made the orangutan sound like your father因为我想念他because I missed him.那鲸鱼的声音像甚麽?Then what does the whale sound like?像伊芙婆婆Like Grandma Eve.不,但牛也在现实中是怎麽叫的?No, but what does she sound like in real life?想听吗?Wanna hear?播放HW1998,基本词麋Play HW1998. Basic v
22、ocabulary.牛也在说甚麽?What is she saying?中也说俄心爰的这个小人类Shes saying, uWho is this little human, Ezra,艾斯华是谁?who I love so much?我死后,你会让动物用上我的声音吗?When Im gone, will you make an animal sound like me?不,宝贝,你不会死的No, baby. Because youre not going extinct.“而我只有一堆平凡的玫瑰“And all I had was a common little rose.艾斯华,你想看吗?
23、想看玫瑰吗?You wanna see, Ezra? You wanna see roses?他说:平凡的玫瑰A common rose/ he said.”我是礼高标顿,大家可能有听闻过Im Nick Bilton, and many of you may have heard我打算和全球最尖端的that Im interested in joining forces基因知识版权公♥司♥合作with the most sophisticated DNA-based IP company in the world, 兽笼2100Menagerie2100.现在,大家
24、可能会问Now, you might ask why a company为何阿尔法这样的公♥司♥会想涉猎基因界like Alpha wants to be in this space,原因很简单and the answer is easy.阿尔法只对一件事情感兴趣Alpha is interested in only one thing:分♥析♥出有甚麽现存物种有资格活到未来identifying what about the present belongs in the future.一个更好的未来A better future.这个未
25、来包括基因库中的大笨象、红毛猩猩A future with genetically banked elephants, orangutans and, 我还听说,连座头鲸都有from what I hear, maybe even humpback whales.阿尔法开出的条件简直不同凡响The Alpha benefits package is outstanding.我有很多事情要向你们学习I have so much to learn from you all.我希望在股东的同意下And I am hoping that, with shareholder approval,你们能加入
26、这趟旅程you will join me in this journey.过来Come on.播放档核时段008Play archive session 008.你上次听到雄性的声音是在哪里?Where did you hear the last male?牛也离这里不远He was not far from here.我们在天空下找到彼此We found each other at the bottom of the sky.中也与别不同He was different from this one.牛也怎麽了?What happened to him?那时是白天It was a day.天空
27、非常接近The sky was close.我们以前的食物不见了The ones that were food for us were gone.于是我们去新地方找So, we looked in new places.中也没有看到上方有东西撞下来He did not see what hit him from above.中也被撞出一个洞It put holes in him,然后牛也就死去了and he fell away.一直沉归海底All the way down.牛也至今还在那里He is still there.我看着牛也腐烂I see him as he changes.新的雄性
28、在哪里?Where is this new male?我找不到牛也I cannot find him.你肯定是丽碧嘉了我是行动部的人汉夕You must be Rebecca. Tm with Operations. Hendricks.负责南半球项目资源管理Southern Hemisphere Project Resources Management.结束播放Playback, stop.抱歉姬丝汀娜没有提过其他人Sorry, Christina didnt tell me that anyone else was working 处理这个对象不,我只有夜晚才来with the subje
29、ct. - No, Ive been coming in at night帮忙加快进度to help speed things along, you know?时间很宝贵Time is of an essence.很大机会外面那条是最后一条的座头鲸Theres a good chance this is the last humpback out there.最后两条The last two.HW1998,还有一直在跟牛也沟通的雄性HW1998 and the male she has been communicating with.你有昨晚文字纪录的影印本吗?Do you have a co
30、py of last nights transcript?不知为何,进取不了For some reason, its blocked.我建议先集中在这条雌性上I say we wanna keep our focus on the female right now.我听过你的记录I was going over some of your recordings.我们新诞下的孩子不会活到终老Our new ones do not rise and fall on the breath.我想问一下有关你在用的声音I wanted to ask you about the voice you*ve b
31、een using.声音?-鲸鱼的声音Voice? - For the whale.你用上人类的声音,违反了兽笼的规矩You use a human voice avatar, which is against Menagerie protocol. 它会导致我们I mean, it leads to exactly the kind of对牛也们产生想尽可能避免的情感emotional attachment we try to guard against.你要告发我吗?You gonna turn me in?不No, no.不,悉听尊便No. Whatever floats your bo
32、at.我有甚麽资格批评?I mean, who am I to judge?我认识一个跟蝙蝠沟通的像伙还用上玛丽莲梦露的声音I knew a bloke who worked with bats. Made them sound like Marilyn Monroe. 我翻阅过你的档核I just- I went back in your file.你对大象也是用上了人声You used a voice avatar for the elephants as well.它令我更有共鸣,提出更好的问题It helps me connect, ask better questions.你用的人声
33、The human voice youre using here,伊芙舒利亚Eve Shearer, 应该是你妈妈,对吧?is your mother, I assume.还有苏门答腊的红毛猩猩And the orangutan in Sumatra,你就用上奥马哈德的男人声some gent called Omar Haddad.那是我先夫是My late husband. - Right.我也说了,悉听尊便Well, like I said, you know, whatever floats your boat.我提出过要一队潜水人员I put in a request for a di
34、ve team拍下雄性鲸鱼的模样甚至是取得基因样本to get a visual on the male, maybe even a DNA sample.你有见到牛也吗?看起来如何?Did you see him? How did he look?是Yeah,你今天应该不会有办法跟雄性鲸鱼聊天youre not going to be able to work with the male today,而很遗憾,潜水队也不会找到牛也and, sadly, the dive team wont be able to find him.你现在听到的What youre hearing.是资料库里录
35、音,七年前冰J11湾附近录下thats an archive recording from near Glacier Bay seven years ago.那是雄性,现在已经死了It was a male. Hes dead now.死了?Dead?Come on, amigo. Lets go.希望今天不会有橙色预警I hope its not another orange day.2046年8月17日August 17, 2046.哥伦比亚的卡利市橙色预警将维持至日落时分Orange alert in effect for Cali, Colombia until sunset.请儒量减
36、少外出时间Minimize time outdoors.(哥伦比亚)今季一条座头鲸都没有Not a single humpback this season over here.我恍如走进一间废置旧屋Feel like Im walking through an old, abandoned house,叫着有没有人在家yelling if anyone is home.若外面是有件也们似乎不想与人类接触If theyre out there, they dont seem to wanna be in contact.仔细想,跟你颇像的That reminds me of you, now t
37、hat I think about it.我见到又发生鲸鱼搁浅事件I saw there was another beaching event.费尔韦尔沙嘴就有三条,知道点解吗?Three individuals at Farewell Spit. Do you have any thoughts on why?为何一头健壮Why would a healthy,美丽的动物会在世界陷于火海时选择自杀?beautiful animal choose to end its one life just because the worlds a mess?不好说,你告诉我好,马高I dont know
38、. You tell me. - Okay, Marco.也许我不该打给你Maybe calling you was not a good idea.好,你在对家工作,阿碧Okay. You work for the competition, Bec.严格来说,你提出的要求是间谍行为Technically, thats corporate espionage youre asking for,不是同行互惠not professional courtesy.明日动物园非常担心对家会派黑客TomorrowZoo*s become very paranoid about hackers间谍或旧情人出
39、马应该是被船撞死的Ship strike, I believe.你向牛也播放死去鲸鱼的求偶录音?You played her a mating call from a dead whale?你有病?What the fuck is wrong with you?我?Me?你有看清楚工作内容吗?Now, did you read the mission statement?我们不是要拯救一堡生物Were not saving individuals here.我们是要整个物种的生命蓝图Were after a blueprint for the whole species.中也现时就在外面到处寻
40、觅这头雄性鲸鱼She is out there right now, searching for him.我们就是需要牛也展示出求偶行为Exhibiting mating behavior, which is what we need her to do.我不知道你有甚麽难理解的Im not sure why thats so hard for you to wrap your mind around.我是说,你I mean, you-你以为我们没有试过用食物和庇护来换取资讯吗?you think we havent bribed them with food and shelter to g
41、et what we needed?也许你不知道那就是I mean, maybe you didn*t know that was what was happening在你那些大象上发生的事with the elephants you were working on.我rm也许你以为牛也想找个人Maybe you just thought it was looking for a human谈谈时事to catch up with about current events.我是说,一我不能参与这些勾当I mean- -1 cant be a part of this.认真?你已经参与其中Rea
42、lly? You already are a part.喂,舒利亚Hey, Shearer!你以为这是在做甚麽?What did you think we were doing here?牛也们是非常睿智的动物These are highly sophisticated creatures!是,没错,我们也是Yes, they are, and so are we.若我们不尽快And if we donrt drain her brain在地意识到自己是世上最后一头鲸鱼前了解牛也before she realizes shes the last whale in the world, 公&he
43、arts;司♥也做不下去,对吧?then we dont really have a business, do we?至少这不是你能卖♥♥出去的公♥司♥At least not one you could sell.准备好开会?Ready for this meeting?当然Absolutely. - Okay.好我觉得这正好Great. - And I think it*s a great idea to-我有事要跟你谈丽碧嘉rd like to speak to you. - Rebecca,我现在没空一事关重大Im
44、a little busy right now. - This is important.我可以转头再来I can come back.你不只骗了我You didnt just lie to me.还骗了牛也You lied to her.无论如何月也也会绝种Shes going extinct either way.这样至少能在处理绝种问题后把牛也带回来At least this way, we can bring her back when we fix things.我们先是把鲸鱼造成蜡烛和束腰First we turn them into candles and corsets,之后又
45、用船撞死牛也们,让牛也们满肚胶袋and then we run them over with ships and fill their bellies with plastic bags. 但还能有少数存活下来And yet, still, somehow, a few survive.直到二氧化碳把海洋酸化Until the carbon dioxide turns the ocean into acid,牛也进食的生物连骨头都长不了and the animal she eats cant even form bones.然后到了现在And so now-世上只剩下一头鲸鱼时now when
46、 there is only one left,你却骗牛也you have to lie to her.若然你一早就把直相告诉牛也And if you had told her all that at the beginning,牛也还会热衷于跟你分享自己的故事吗?how eager would she be to tell you her life story?或者告诉牛也我们裂作的录像Or what if you had told her that the recordings were making将会取代成年人向青少年传授的野外知识will replace the informatio
47、n imparted from an adult to a juvenile in the wild因为未来没有野外可言because there will be no wild?这下够诚实了吧?Would that be honest enough for you?标顿愿意付更高的价格因为我们拥有仅存座头鲸的Bilton pays more because were the ones who have an exit interview绝种前访问with the humpback whale.皆大欢喜That*s a win.若其他人知道我们的勾当万一传媒得知此事If people knew what we were doing, if the press got ahold of this-点解传媒会知?And how wo