1、怜悯我吧Oh, mercy, mercy me不现在的情况和以前不一样了No, things aint what they used to be now蓝天都去哪里了?Where did all the blue skies go?毒药是吹来的风从北方、南方、东方和西方Poison is the wind that blows From north, south, east and west怜悯我吧Oh, mercy, mercy me现在的情况和以前不一样了不Oh, things aint what they used to be Now, no浪费在海洋上的石油在我们的海洋上Oil was
2、ted on the ocean And upon our seas迪西玛该走了Time to go, Decima.鱼肉里全是水银Fish full of mercury爸爸我很喜欢这首歌♥Dad, I love this song.迪西谁是千禧一代?Hey, Dec, whos the millennial?请告诉我这不是真的Please tell me thats not real.那是你♥爸♥爸吗?他看上去真诡异Is that your dad? He looks fucking weird.让他消失Make it go away.现在的情况和
3、以前不一样了Oh, things aint what they used to be当你做这样的事情时你把我们俩都置于一个非常危险的境地When you do things like this, you put us both in a very risky position. 你知道的You know that.阿尔法静音Alpha, mute.你是个非同寻常的年轻女子而我正试图保护你You are an extraordinary young woman, and I am trying to protect you. 对不起Im sorry.但是他?迪西玛真的吗?Where did it
4、 come from? The idea?我一直都想问Always wanted to ask.当我还是个小女孩时我很喜欢野花When I was a little girl, I loved wildflowers.我会用我祖父的蜡笔画它们I would draw them with my grandfather crayons.在不太热的日子里我会冒险出去寻找它们I would venture out to look for them on days that werent too hot.但是蜜蜂一消失野花也随之而去了而且But once the bees were gone, they
5、*d taken the wildflowers with them and.我的祖父曾经给我讲过一个故事说花儿们只是藏起来了My grandfather used to tell me a story that the flowers are just hiding.某天它们会再回来They11! be back again someday.也许可以让我们的人给你制&hearts作♥一些新种子Could probably get our people to make you up some new seeds.我采取了不同的方法I took a different approa
6、ch.我想“如果我能让时间停止呢?”I thought, nWhat if I could stop time?-因此有了生命暂停-正是-Hence LifePause. - Exactly.谢谢你分享很动人的故事Thank you for sharing. Really lovely story.我能问你另一个问题吗?Can I ask you another question?阿尔法能带给这个世界What would be the most exciting good or service最令人兴奋的商品或服务是什么?that Alpha could bring to this world
7、?癌症已被攻克识字也只需要分子生物学基因工程技术的修改Cancers been cured. Literacy is a simple CRISPR hack.还有什么吗?Anything?万事皆可能Sky*s the limit.我想找到一种方法在火星上生成全新的、可呼吸的大气层I guess, finding a way to grow a brand-new, breathable atmosphere on Mars 能让人类重新开始that allows humans to start over.火星Mars.它将能解决很多事It would solve a lot of thing
8、s.如果我们能在地球上做到这点呢?What if we were able to do that here on Earth?做什么?Do what?重新开始Start over.你在开玩笑吗?Are you kidding?我想我知道怎样让“纽科门”奏效I think I know how to make Newcomen work.而且我想让你来负责And Ed like you to run it.我们把它称作纽科门-为什么呢?-We called it Newcomen. Why is that?(第二天)托马斯纽科门在1712年发明了蒸汽机Well, Thomas Newcomen
9、invented the steam engine in 1712.具有讽刺意味的是它最初是用来防止煤矿被淹没的It was used originally to prevent coal mines from flooding, ironically.比尔顿先生认为这是人类的碳足迹开始Mr. Bilton saw it as the moment that humanityrs carbon footprint started 践踏自然秩序的时刻to stomp on the natural order of things.那么阿尔法的纽科门项目是什么?And what was Projec
10、t Newcomen at Alpha?它是圣杯It was the holy grail.这将是一台机器一项从大气中提取碳的技术It was gonna be a machine, a technology to take carbon out of the atmosphere. 它可扩展、可负担得起It was scalable and affordable.纽科门是否曾经出现过?Did Newcomen ever come into existence?没有No. No.它在大规模生产时总是存在设计问题It always had design problems at scale,我们从
11、未真正解决下游副产品的问题and we never really solved the problems with the downstream by-product.我很困惑我们为什么在这里?Im confused. Why are we here?丘宾先生刚才说他主持了一个项目是由比尔顿先生资助的Mr. Chopin just said he ran a program, funded by Mr. Bilton,项目旨在把二氧化碳从大气中抽出来that was meant to pull C02 out of the atmosphere.拯救世界免受气候变化影响Save the wor
12、ld from climate change.可以肯定的是这是个高尚的努力但你的证人没有成功A noble endeavor, to be sure, but your witness failed.没能完成那为什么是我的客户受审而不是他?Couldnt get it done. So why is my client on trial and not him?还有丘宾先生你为什么离开了?And why did you leave, Mr. Chopin?是决定你想在其他方面失败?Decide you wanted to go fail at something else?反对Objectio
13、n!反对有效Sustained.我告诉你我来回答这个问题我被解雇了Ell tell you. Til answer the question. I got fired.听上去比尔顿先生做得对Well, it sounds like Mr. Bilton made the right move.然后谁取代了你?And who replaced you?我知道纽科门七年前重新启动了I understand that Newcomen got restarted seven years ago由玛莎拉塞尔负责and that Martha Russell was put in charge.那个刚被
14、比尔顿先生宣布为首席执行官的女人The woman that Mr. Bilton just announced as CEO.那么他现在因提拔某人而受审?So hes on trial for promoting someone now?比尔顿先生对地球工程的立场是什么?What was Mr. Biltons position on geoengineering?反对不相关Objection. Not relevant.我不同意I beg to differ.如果一个人像他所说那样关注限制碳的问题If one is concerned about limiting carbon, as h
15、e claims, 他不可能赞成一个行动方案one cannot be in favor of a course of action让世界继续把碳放到天空中that allows the world to keep putting it in the sky.在多个场合他表达了自己的热忱On multiple occasions, he expressed his enthusiasm.这显然是在短期内降低温度的最佳方法It was obviously the best way to lower temperature in the short term, 而且他说他喜欢短期的解决方案and
16、he said he liked the short-term solution因为从公♥关♥的角度来看这也是最好的 because it was the best from a PR point of view too. 所以他支持地球工程So, he endorsed geoengineering.你也一样丘宾先生世界上几乎一半的人都支持And so did you, Mr. Chopin. Nearly half the world did.然后你改变了主意Then you changed your mind.你想让法♥院♥回顾你对
17、这个问题的评论吗?Do you want the court to review your comments on the issue?我们中的一些人意识到如果你把碳与温度脱钩Some of us realized that if you decouple carbon from temperature, 你就会把正在发生的污染合理化youre gonna rationalize ongoing polluting.尼克认为这是一种通过定制平流层赚取无限财富的方式Nick saw it as a way to make limitless money by customizing the st
18、ratosphere. 他想里里外外都赚钱He wanted both sides of the trade.反对这是猜测反对有效-Objection. Conjecture. - Sustained.他怎么能这么说我的父亲呢?How can he say these things about my father?他在撒谎Hes lying.-比尔顿先生是伟大的人道主义者-尼克你说过-Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian. - You did, Nick.他是世界上十大慈善家之一Hes among the top ten philanthropists in t
19、he world.你就承认吧你曾多次表示Just admit it. You said it over and over.碳含量达到多高并不重要It didnt matter how high the carbon levels got因为有一天你会制♥造♥一台机器cause one day, you were gonna make a machine可以把它从大气中吸出来而你that could suck it out of the atmosphere. And y-你在那天说上面的二氧化碳越多You said on that day, the more C02
20、 thats up there,消除它就能赚更多的钱the more money you can make eliminating it.你管它叫财富吸尘器You called it a fucking vacuum cleaner for wealth.乔尼你失败了You failed, Johnny.你工作失败了做父亲失败了Failed at your job, failed as a father.你要杀了我像瑞贝卡希勒那样?You gonna have me killed, like Rebecca Shearer?阿多博女士控制你的证人丘宾先生-Ms. Adobo, control
21、your witness. - Mr. Chopin.你个自以为是的小混♥蛋♥你就是你是这个问题的中心You smug little prick. Youre just- Youre at the center of this problem- 人类在煎熬而你把温度看作Humanitys frying, and you look at the temperature一种不便你只需稍作调整as an inconvenience that you just have to tweak来优化你最新的投资策略to optimize your latest investmen
22、t strategy.你是那个把狗踢得半死的家伙Youre the guy who- who kicks the dog half to death,-然后给它根骨头-丘宾博士我必须请你-and then offers it a bone. - Dr. Chopin, I must ask you-不要直接针对被告人让他说-to not address the defendant directly. - Let him speak.他需要心理治疗一吐为快吧小乔尼He needs the therapy. Let it all out, Johnny boy!肃静Order. Order!没有其
23、他问题了No further questions.丘宾博士Dr. Chopin,你的儿子若文目前因地球工程罪在监狱中对吗?your son, Rowan, is currently in prison for geoengineering, isn*t that right?是的他Yes. He他被我的前妻说服参与了一个计划He was convinced to participate in a- in a scheme by my ex-wife.被说服?Convinced?更有可能的是他对你在这个问题上的改变感到困惑More likely he was confused over your
24、 change of heart on the issue.若文丘宾不是这里受审的人Rowan Chopin is not the one on trial here.对他不是No, hes not.但我认为有必要指出的是你儿子But I think its important to note that your sons conviction因使用阿尔法送货无人机实施恐♥怖♥主♥义♥行为而被定罪 for using Alpha delivery drones to commit an act of terrorism was secur
25、ed 是在比尔顿先生向本法庭提供秘密证词后after Mr. Bilton gave secret testimony to this court.对不起你说什么?Im sorry, what did you say?我确定这让你生气Im sure thats upsetting,但我想知道是否有人承诺让你儿子获得自♥由♥but Im wondering if your sons liberty has not been offered to you以换取你今天的证词? 我没做过这种交易-in exchange for your testimony today. -
26、1 made no such deal!我没做任何安排没有I have no arrangement whatsoever. None.我请求驳回该证人并将其证词视为不可接受I move to dismiss this witness and his testimony be deemed inadmissible.反对有效Sustained.证人退庭The witness is dismissed.我想作证I wanna testify.我父亲是个伟大的人My father is a great man.帮我录些东西?Help me record something?我可以帮你做这件事I c
27、an do that for you.迪西玛比尔顿是谁?Who is Decima Bilton?你怎么知道这个名字?How do you know that name?她声称是你的女儿She claims to be your daughter.你不要再提那个名字Youre not to mention that name again.她愿意为你作证Shed like to testify on your behalf.她录了些东西Shes recorded something.一些非常感人的东西Its very touching stuff.销毁它Destroy it.立刻销毁Immedi
28、ately.你从悉尼的难民营里救了一个孤儿You saved an orphan from a refugee camp in Sydney.你要干什么?What are you doing?尼克Nick.你的自然修复模拟将在五秒钟后开始Your NatureFix simulation will begin in five seconds.您选择的是“秋日林地”具有平衡情绪的功能You have selected Autumn Woodlands with mood-balancing enhancements.你觉得鹿肉怎么样?How do you like the venison?很美味
29、Exquisite.是真的还是实验室合成的?Real or lab?我们在庄园里养了一小群鹿We keep a small herd of deer on the property.这都是真的This is all real.还有这个这是安德森谷的最后一批黑皮诺And this, this is the last pinot from the Anderson Valley.产于2053年在酒庄被烧毁之前2053. Before it burned.玛莎世界上其他地方的人不得不靠幻想和模拟过活The rest of the world has to get by on fantasy and
30、facsimile, Martha.我生活中的绝大多东西都非常真实Most everything in my life is very real.这让你感到不安吗?Does that bother you?什么让我感到不安?Does what bother me?世界上其他人都要靠幻想过活That the rest of the world has to get by on fantasy?不困扰我的是虚伪No, what bothers me is hypocrisy.困扰我的是希望得到舒适和安逸What bothers me is wanting comfort and ease,然后对其
31、实际成本感到愤怒and then being outraged by its real cost.你烧了几百年的煤让自己保持温暖You burn coal for a few hundred years to keep yourself warm.看起来是个好主意Seems like a great idea.让你觉得自己战胜了冬天Makes you feel like you defeated winter.有一天你醒来感觉很舒服、很温暖And one day, you wake up nice and toasty,却发现自己患上了肺癌only to realize youve devel
32、oped lung cancer因为吸入了燃烧大量煤炭的烟雾from inhaling the smoke from burning all the coal.但你还是继续烧煤And yet you keep burning coal.因为最强大的幻想是我们的舒适没有任何代价Because the most powerful fantasy is that there is no cost to our comfort. 玛莎生活就是一场交易Life is a transaction, Martha.这是它最有意义的衡量标准That is its most meaningful measure
33、ment.我从未这样想过I never thought of it that way.那么我想让你开始这么想Well, Id like you to start.-特纳-什么事?-Turner. - Yes?瑞贝卡希勒的尸检报告Rebecca Shearers autopsy.怎么了?What about it?“称她的药物有异常.has revealed irregularities in her medications是阿尔法治疗公♥司♥提供的”瞎扯-as delivered by Alpha Therapeutics.1 - Bullshit.它上面就是这么说
34、的Well, thats what it says right here国际刑事法♥院♥刚刚把该死的传票扔在我头上 in the goddamn summons the ICC just dropped on my head. 他们无凭无据他们很绝望Theyve got nothing. Theyre desperate.他们会要求提供记录Theyre going to ask for records.尼克想让我怎么做?What would Nick like me to do about that?尽量少做免得你把事情搞砸了As little as possibl
35、e, lest you fuck this up.一个机会An opportunity.你管这叫机会? 一个让我失去工作的机会Thats what you call it? An opportunity to lose my job.对有些人来说真&hearts湘♥是危险的The truth is dangerous to some people.无可奉告No comment.我们有理由相信他对其他证人做了手脚We have reason to believe hes tampered with other witnesses. 你被威胁过吗?Have you been thre
36、atened?我进行了忠诚宣誓因此用了化身I took a loyalty oath. Hence the avatars.拉塞尔博士我准备为你提供豁免权I am prepared to offer you immunity, Dr. Russell.以换取你的证词In exchange for your testimony.那我该如何向特纳解释?他是首席律师And how do I explain that to Turner? He*s chief counsel.显然你需要对我们的安排进行保密Obviously, you would need to keep our arrangemen
37、ts confidential.阿多博女士隐私在25年前就已经灭绝了Ms. Adobo, privacy went extinct 25 years ago.与之一起消失的还有举报人Along with whistleblowers.有什么让你关切的秘密吗?与纽科门的事?Is there a secret youre concerned about? Something with Newcomen?纽科门与生命暂停没有差别Newcomen is no different than LifePause.他没有想到这一点不意味着他不能买♥♥下它Just because
38、he didnt think of it, doesnt mean he cant buy it.你不可能赢过他没有人赢过Youre not going to win against him. Nobody ever does.塞尔玛Selma, 把乔纳森丘宾被解雇后阿尔法公♥司♥进行的所有知识产权收♥购 ♥都给我get me every IP acquisition Alpha made since Jonathan Chopin was fired.(第三天请你在法庭上说出姓名Would you state your name for
39、 the court?雅顿米勒Arden Miller.马塔菲勒卡布阿是谁?Who is Matafele Kabua?马塔菲勒和我于2060年在波士顿相识Matafele and I met in Boston in 2060.以什么身份?In what capacity?-在小额金融领域-那是谁?-In microfinance. - Who is that?以女性企业家为中心.with a focus on female entrepreneurs.And him? Really, Decima?但我很喜欢泰龙唐斯But I love Tyrone Downs.你知道他想对我、对阿尔法做
40、什么吗?You know what he tried to do to me? To Alpha?该死的模拟器需要升级了Fucking simulator needs an upgrade.发生什么了?Whats happening?真的吗?在我女儿面前?Really? In front of my daughter?给我接通特纳的电♥话♥Get me Turner.爸爸怎么了?Dad?(伦敦)(阿尔法)我记录这些是为了应对任何可能导致我I am recording this in anticipation of any eventuality that would
41、 cause me 放弃阿尔法国际集团首席执行官职位的情况to relinquish my position as CEO of Alpha International.如果你看到这个那是因为发生了不可预见的事件If youre seeing this, it is because unforeseen events have occurred, 并且为了企业的利益必须立即采取行动and immediate action must be taken for the good of the enterprise.尼克出什么事了?What happened to Nick?被捕了是国际刑事法&he
42、arts;院♥Arrested. International Criminal Court.生态灭绝与他们指控英国石油公♥司♥董事会的事情一样Ecocide. Same thing they charged the BP board with.这是给你的This is for you.祝贺你升职Congratulations on your promotion.你是阿尔法的新任首席执行官Youre the new CEO of Alpha.(全球气温变化上升摄氏2.59度)(大气中的二氧化碳56♥4♥百万分比浓度)(2070
43、 年)阿尔法尼克比尔顿有罪吗?比尔顿先生是一个伟大的人道主义者Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian.你当时是否知道雇用你的银行与阿尔法有关系?Were you aware that the bank that employed you had a relationship with Alpha? 不我不知道No, I was not.而当你得知他们有关时你的反应是什么?And when you learned that they did, what was your response?我辞职了I resigned.因为发生在马塔菲勒卡布阿身上的事情?Becaus
44、e of what happened with Matafele Kabua?是的Yes.具体发生了什么?And what exactly happened?阿尔法能够利用我们对妇女的贷款Alpha was able to use our loans to women作为孵化器产生新的发明as an incubator to generate new inventions.我想我可以代表大家说I think I speak on behalf of everyone in saying我不知道马塔菲勒卡布阿是谁也不知道为什么这个人会在这里I have no idea who Matafele
45、Kabua is or why this person here is relevant.你能告诉特纳先生和法庭吗?Can you enlighten Mr. Turner and the court?她来自马绍尔群岛She was from the Marshall Islands.当该群岛变得不适合居住时她搬到了美国When they became uninhabitable, she moved to the United States, 在麻省理工学院学习where she attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.攻读大气化
46、学专业Her degree was in atmospheric chemistry.她有一个想要融♥资♥的产品She had a product that she wanted to finance.这个产品有何作用?And what did this product do?她声称这是第一个可行的碳清除装置She claimed that it was the first viable carbon-removal device.她请求我们帮助开♥发♥和申请专利She asked for our help in developing and patenting it.那么是一个可以使地球碳中和的设备?So, a device that could make the planet carbon-n