1、UNIT 4 SHARING续写语料积累XUXIE YULIAO JILEI增 厚 文 学 底 蕴背诵句之美欣赏语之秀L(行为描写)(2021 泰安市适应性训练)Annand I exchanged breathless glances,ourcheeks red and wet with sweat.2.(心理描写)(2021泰安市适应性训练)1was st i l l in awe of the mountains,but Icoul dn,t hel p feeling my heart shaking withanxiety.3.(人物描写)(2021 日照市校际联考)It wasas
2、 big as the dog,but the color was greyerand it looked thinner.(202 b 苏 州 八 校 联 考)Thel oan-shark was a very old,unattractive looking guy t hatj ust happened t o fancy t hebusi ness ow ner,s daught er,w ho w as pretty,lively andintelligent as wel l.He rackedhis brains and deci ded t o offert he busi n
3、essm an a deal t hatw oul d com pl et el y wipe out thedebt he ow ed hi m.基础知识梳理JICHU ZHISHI SHULI 构 建 知 识 体 系课标单词背诵(先填后背)1.parcel n.包裹”.裹好;打包2.j am n.果酱;堵塞3.m ail/7.邮件;信件;邮 政”.邮寄;发电邮给4.secondary cidi.中学的;次要的5.cl ay n.黏土;陶土6.weed n.杂草;野 草”.&式.除杂草7.chorus n.合唱曲;合 唱 团 合 唱;齐声说8.cot t on n.棉布;棉花9.t abl
4、et n.平板电脑;便笺本;药片10.rubber/?.橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶11.w ashroom n.洗手间;厕所12.ri gi d adi.死板的;固执的13.t ube n.管子;管状物14.ci rcus n.马戏团15.shade vt”给.遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把.涂 暗n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分16.j aw n.颌;下巴17.w ri nkl e 3.&正.(使脸上)起皱纹:皱起.皱纹18.forehead n.额;前额19.pl at form n.平台;站台;舞台20.saucer n.茶碟;杯托21.ket t l e n.(烧水用的)壶;水壶22.pan n.平底锅;
5、烤盘23.p lu g 封 堵;补 足n.堵塞物;插头;插座24.d eserv e值得;应得;应受25.i nput n.情况;信息;投入;输 入”.输入26.t une n.曲调;曲子”.调音;调节;调频道27.ci rcui t n.巡回;环形线路28.di sabi l i t y n.缺陷;障碍29.consul t at i on n.咨询;咨询会30.rel ay”.转发;转播n.接力赛;接班的人31.cri t eri on n.标准;准则;原则32.pray况.&ut.企盼;祈祷 单词拼写运用核心单词语境运用1.uni form n.校服;制服 adj.一致的;统一的2.dr
6、ag vt,拖;拽 vt.&vi.缓慢用所给词的适当形式填空。1.School uni form s(uni forni)are t radi t i onali n Bri t ai n,but som e school s are st art i ng t o而费力地移动3.grant”.同意;准 许 .拨 款4.pri vi l ege n.优惠待遇;特权5.cont ract vt.感染(疾病);与.订立合同(或契约).合同;契约get ri d of t hem.2.I found m ysel f i ncreasi ngl y unw i l l i ng t odrag(dr
7、ag)m ysel f t o dance perform ances,soI qui t.3.You can enj oy al l t he benefi t s andpri vi l eges(pri vi l ege)of cl ub m em bershi p.4.I was grant ed(grant)perm i ssi on t o vi si tt he fam ous m useum l ocat ed i n t he cent re oft he t ow n yest erday.5.Peopl e l i vi ng out si de A fri ca sho
8、ul dn,t bepart i cul arl y concerned aboutcont ract i ng(cont ract)t he vi rus.派生单词语境运用1.dust n.沙土;灰尘 vi.&vt.擦灰f dust y用所给词的适当形式填空。adj.布满灰尘的2.chem i st n.化 学 家;药 剂 师;药房1.A cl oud of dust rose as t he t ruckdrove off al ong t he dry and dust ychem i st ry n.化学f chem i cal adj.化学的;化学上的.化学品road,(dust)2
9、.He i s very i nt erest ed i n chem i st ry,3.house 给 房子住;收藏;存放hopi ng t o m aj or i n chem i caln.房屋;住宅f屋usi ng .住房;住宅4.r ip e成熟的;时机成熟的一ri pen vt.使成熟engi neeri ng at uni versi t y and hi sdream i s t o becom e a chem i st,(chem i st)3.A ffordabl e housi ng i s st i l l i n short5.di sabl e v.使伤残,使残
10、废f di sabl edsuppl y i n ci t i es and m any.有 残 疾 的;丧失能力的巧di sabi l i t yn.缺陷;障碍l ow-i ncom e fam i l i es have t o behoused i n rough shel t ers or t i ny,6.stable。的.稳定的,稳固的一st abi l i t yn.稳定(性);稳固(性)f st abl y adv.稳定地;稳固地shabby houses,(house)4.The w orl d st abi l i t y l argel ydepends on t he
11、good and st abl e高 考 热 点-熟 词 生 义 选出黑体字在句中的正确汉语意思7.resi gn vi.&vt.辞职;辞去 f resi gnat i onrel at i onshi p bet w een Chi na and t hen.辞职;辞呈;顺从;听任U ni t ed St at es,(st abl e)5.Up t o now,dozens of engi neershave resi gned for reasons know n t oal l,and furt her resi gnat i ons areexpect ed,(resi gn)1.(
12、2020新高考卷 I )Judges wi l l choose up t o 50 honorabl e mention wi nners,w ho wi l l each recei ve a T-shi rt i n m em ory of Earhart,s fi nal fl i ght.BA.提及 B.提名奖 C.写上一笔2.(2020全国卷HI)H e passed m i l ky w hi t e w at erfal l s and m ount ai ns i n m anyshades of bl ue.AA.色度 B.阴凉处 C.阴影部分3.(2018全国卷 I )A
13、 nd M P3 pl ayers,sm art phones,and LCD TV s ent eredhom es i n 2002,before tablets and e-readers show ed up i n 2007.CA.药片 B.便签本 C.平板电脑 短 语 理解运用高频短语语境运用1.not t o m ent i on 更不用说;且不说2.t ake for grant ed 认为.是理所当然;对不予重视3.dry out (使)变 干;(使)干透4.w ork on 忙于;从事于5.a chorus of 齐声;异 口同声6.be rel at ed t o 与.有
14、关7.get t hrough 通过;完成;接通8.up to 多达;忙于;由 决定选用左面短语的适当形式填空。1.The governm ent i s defendi ng i t seconom i c pol i ci es agai nst a chorus ofcri t i ci sm.2.The rai l w ay wi l l creat e m oreopport uni t i es fbr busi ness,t ouri sm and soon,not t o m ent i on t he bet t ercom m uni cat i on am ong cou
15、nt ri es al ong t hel i ne.3.The m essage was rel ayed t o m e byA_ 重雎考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU 突 破 思 维 瓶 颈9.rel ay t o 转 达 给.;转 发给 phone,sayi ng t hat I was bei ng wat ched.4.I cam e i nt o adul t l i fe but knew not hi ngabout a l ot of t hi ngs t hat m ost peopl e t ookfor grant ed.句下t辨识运用教材原句背
16、诵句式结构仿写1.be doing.when.The ot her day I was showing t he boysa chem i st ry experi m ent when,before Iknew i t,t he m i xt ure was bubbl i ng outof t he t est t ube spi l l i ng everyw here!一 个 星 期 五,我们正收拾行装准备去度 周 末,突 然 我 女 儿 听 到 了 呼 救 声。One Fri day,w e were packi ng t o l eavefbr a w eekend away wh
17、en m y daught erheard cri es for hel p.2.not only.but(also).N ow,not only are Tanzani ans hel pedby t he hospi t al ,but peopl e i nnei ghbouri ng count ri es are hel ped aswel l.作 为 家 庭 主 妇,母 亲 不 仅 没 有 报 酬,而 且 她 们 枯 燥 而 艰 苦 的 工 作 也 常 常不 为 人 所 注 意。As housew i ves,not onl y are m ot hersnot pai d,but
18、 al so t hei r bori ng andt ough w ork i s oft en unnot i ced.3.now that引导原因状语从句Now that I underst and how i m port antm y m ot her s w ork i s,I ve deci ded t obecom e a vol unt eer m ysel f t o hel ppeopl e i n ot her l ands.(2020全国卷I )既 然 你 已 经 列 出 了自己的优点,那 就 列 出 你 的 不 足 吧。N ow t hat you ve l i s
19、t ed your st rengt hs,l i st your i m perfect i ons.1.not to mention更 不 用 说;且不说 高考原句2021 全国乙卷These days,safet y regul at i ons一not to mention t hem odern sport s fan s desi re fbr a good vi ew and a com fort abl e seat-t end t o keepst adi um capaci t i es sl i ght l y l ower.(l)m ent i on sb./st h.
20、(t o sb.)(向某人)提及/提起某人/某事m ent i on doi ng sth.提到做某事m ent i on(t o sb.)t hat (向某人)说起.(2)as(i s)m ent i oned above 如上所述(3)D onJ t m ent i on it.没关系。You mentioned i n your l et t er that you m i ght be m ovi ng abroad.你在信中谈至l j你可能要移居国外。p.语块存储.m ent i on seei ng you 提至现过你m ent i on her nam e t o m e向我提起
21、过她的名字deserve a m ent i on 值得表扬l _)基础练习 单句语法填空O ne of t he benefi t s m ent i oned(m ent i on)i n t he advert i sem ent i s a di scount onany course at Tanya Language School.Pollution has a negative effect on the health of anyone living in the city,notto mention(mention)the damage to the environment.
22、(3)When we talked on the phone,she mentioned meeting(meet)a stranger wholooked ridiculous.链接写作 完成句子正如早前所述,树立信心是你通向成功的第一步。As(is)mentioned earlier,building up your confidence is the first step tosuccess.2.privilege 课本义,优惠待遇;特权 增补义仞.给予特权;特 别 优 待 荣 幸;光荣 高考原句2019北京卷 Its such a privilege to be a part of t
23、hese kids,lives,even just for a few hours,getting to know them and hearing their stories.(l)It is a privilege to do sth.做某事是一种殊荣。have the privilege to do/of doing sth.有特权做某事(2)privileged adj,有特权的;受特别优待的be privileged to do sth.有幸做某事It is a privilege to be here and I want to use this opportunity to co
24、ntinue to growas a player.能在这里是一种荣幸,我希望作为一个球员能利用这个机会继续成长。.语块存储.the benefits and privileges of club membership 俱乐部成员的福利和优惠lead a life of wealth and privilege 过着有钱有势的生活come from a privileged background 出身特权阶层 基础练习 单句语法填空I take it for granted that I have the privilege to enter(enter)the lab at my will.
25、Its such a privilege to work with the celebrities Ive been admiring.Travel was tough and costly thioughout that period,possible only for aprivileged(privilege)class.链接写作 一句多译我很荣幸地通知你,你在比赛中得了一等奖。I am greatly privileged to relay to you that you won the first prize in thecompetition,(privilege v.)It is
26、 a great privilege to relay to you that you won the first prize in thecompetition,(privilege n.)3.resign vi.&课本义 辞职;辞去 增补义 顺从;屈从;勉强接受 高考原句2020天津卷Dr.Rowan,whose secretary resigned two weeks ago,has had to do all his own typing.(l)resign from.从.辞职/退出resign a s.辞去.的职务resign oneself to(doing)sth.听任/顺从(做
27、)某事;只好接受(做)某事(2)resignation n.辞职;放弃;顺从What I cannot understand is why she wants to resign her present jo b.我所不能理解的是为什么她想辞去现在的工作。.语块存储.resign as manager辞去经理职务resign from the board从董事会辞职resign herself to her fate 听天由命 基础练习 单句语法填空At sixteen,I resigned myself to the fact that T d never be a dancer.Mary
28、decided to resign from her post and stay home looking after herchildren.(3)Too many people are queuing up for the tickets,so you must resignyourselves to waiting(wait)a bit longer.链接写作 完成句子我找不到住宿的地方,只好在露天里过夜。Finding no place to live in,I resigned myself to passing the night under thestars.经过几天的考虑,他决
29、定辞去班长职务。After several days of consideration,he decided to resign as monitor.4.deserve”.值得;应得;应受 高考原句 2021 全国甲卷Its the seaside birds that deserve at least part of theblame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel inVictoria,Canada.deserve to do sth.应该做.;理应做.deserve sth.值得.;
30、应得.;该当受.deserve to be done值得被.;该当被.be deserving of sth.应受到.;应得到.With many wild animals gradually dying out,the present situation deservesattention.许多野生动物正逐渐灭绝,目前的状况应当引起关注。名师指津deserve to be done也可改为deserve doing,意义相同,但deservedoing较为少见。语块存储deserve a rest应该休息deserve careful consideration 应该予以认真考虑be des
31、erving of praise 应该受到表扬deserve it(口语)活该;自作自受l_)基础练习 一单句语法填空By mentioning the Swiss study,the author intends to tell us that e-wastedeserves making/to be made(make)good use of.Ma Long is an outstanding athlete of table tennis and deserves to win(win)theOlympic gold medal.(3)1 have a friend who is mor
32、e brilliant than I am and more deserving(deserve)ofthe success.链接写作 一句多译虽然已经退休了,但他仍然尽力帮助残疾人,所以他理当受到表扬。Although hes retired,he still does whatever he can to help the disabled,so hedeserves praising.(deserve doing)(2)Although hes retired,he still does whatever he can to help the disabled,so hedeserves
33、 to be praised,(deserve to be done)Although he,s retired,he still does whatever he can to help the disabled,so hedeserves praise,(deserve sth.)5.take for granted认为.是理所当然;对.不予重视 高考原句,2019江苏卷 Human beings took it for granted that their brains heldall the solutions,but maybe their hearts can be a bette
34、r guide.(l)grant sb.sth./grant sth.to sb.给予/批准某人某物(2)take sb./sth.for granted(因习以为常)对.不予重视;(因视为当然而)不把当回事take it for granted that.想当然地认为.Never take it for granted that once you are admitted to a famous university youwill surely succeed in life.不要想当然地认为你一旦被名校录取,就一定会在人生中取得成功。.语块存储.grant my request批准我的请
35、求be granted permission to visit the palace 获准参观宫殿grant a$500 loan to m e同意给我贷款500美元l_)基础练习 单句语法填空The board of directors made a decision,granting(grant)me access to detailedaccounts of the company when necessary.I was amazed that almost all the things I took for granted up north just didn,thappen in
36、London.(3)1 was never asked to join them in playing baseball because they took it forgranted that I was not good at it.链接写作 完成句子我们不要想当然地认为我们可以轻易通过考试。Lets not take it for granted that we can pass the exam easily.我们想当然地认为洁净水的供应无穷无尽而不予以珍惜。We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.6.教
37、材 原 句 The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experimentwhen,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spillingeverywhere!不久前的一天,我正给男孩子们演示一个化学实验,我还没有明白怎么回事,混合剂就从试管里冒了出来,溅得到处都是!句法句式 此 处 为be doing.when.”句式。句 中when用作并列连词,意 为“这 时 突 然 。when表 示“这时突然”之意,还用于以下三种句型:(l)be about t
38、o do.when.正要做.突然.(2)be on the point of doing.when.正要做.突然.(3)had(just)done.when.刚做完.这时突然.【金句推送 jAmateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon throughhis telescope last night when he got a big surprise.昨天晚上业余天文学家戴维贝茨正在用天文望远镜观看月球,突然他有了一个惊人的发现。基础练习 单句语法填空The director was just about to drive off
39、 when his secretary came running over.(2)1 had just locked the door when suddenly I realized my keys were left behind.(3)1 was looking(look)at the photos on the notice-board when I heard a voicebehind me.链接写作 完成句子今天早晨,我正行走在大街上,突然看见两名游客正在看地图,显得很困惑。This morning I was walking on the street whnn I saw t
40、hat two travelers werereading a map,looking puzzled.我正要说点什么,这时我的小女儿插嘴了。I was about to say something when my little daughter cut in.关键能力评估GUANJIAN NENGLI PINGGU 强 化 运 用 技 能夯基固本基础落实I.用所给词的正确形式填空。1.I felt greatly privileged(privilege)to log the great deeds you had done.2.In her letter she mentioned tra
41、veling(travel)around Africa,saying that shehad experienced many surprises.3.We were watching(watch)a live football match on TV when the power wentout suddenly.4.Now there still exist many serious economic problems deserving(deserve)great public attention.5.When her father couldn,t afford a new bicyc
42、le for her,Joan resignedherself(she)to riding the old one.6.Drivers who park their cars illegally,particularly obstructing traffic flow,deserve to be punished(punish).7.As long as you have these qualities mentioned(mention)above,you will beexcellent and make a difference to the world.8.It is a great
43、 privilege to deliver(deliver)a speech at the opening ceremony ofthe conference.9.His decision to resign(resign)from such a good job was quite beyond theexpectation of all his friends.10.He,s got fast cars,great clothes,a helicopter,etc.not to mention(mention)the big house in New York.II.在空白处填入一个适当的
44、词。1.Mary took it for granted that they would approve of the idea.2.Groups like Anti-Slavery International say other,less dramatic,cases areequally deserving of attention.3.It was such a privilege to have been invited to your wedding party.4.The bank granted a 500 loan to me after carefully checking
45、my credit.5.The terrorists were on the point of shooting the hostages when policemenburst into the house and rescued them.查缺补漏知识拾遗I .用所给词的正确形式填空。1.We shook hands(hand)with all the villagers,each of who seemed to berelated to our student Tombe.2.Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are qui
46、te commonly(common)contracted in Tanzania.3.We feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with ashared(share)future for mankind.4.He arrived at school early in the morning,dragging(drag)his heavyinstrument case across the campus.5.(2019全 国 卷 I)Some positions require students to b
47、e 15 to 24 or up to 29 forpersons with a disability(disable).n.在空白处填入一个适当的词。1.Inch by inch,I kept pushing and before I knew it,my knee was stuck andswelling before my eyes.2.Last week I made my first visit to a remote village,home to one of ourstudents.3.Why help people overseas when China has many
48、areas that/which are still inneed of development?4.Since surgery was quite expensive,many people went without medicaltreatment and some even died.5.Sometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because thereward is satisfying.强技提能语言应用I.语法填空短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点,请在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形
49、式,并背诵该短文。I resigned from my current job lately and signed a contract with a secondaryschool for the disabled in a remote village.Initially my parents 1.were(be)stronglyopposed to my choice,but now they are singing a different tune because they reaware that I am doing a job 2.equally(equal)deserving
50、of respect.Every day when Istep into the school,I 3.am greeted(greet)by a chorus of“good morningn fromthe pupils.Certainly,the school is very shabby,with several clay huts acting asclassrooms,4.whose doorways are just big enough to get through.There,s noelectricity,running water or even 5.platforms(