1、第1页/共11页Physiological needs Physical requirements for human survival.Air,water,nourishment,sleep,etc.第2页/共11页Safety needs The need to feel secure at work and at home.Living in a safe area,medical insurance,job security,financial reserves,etc.第3页/共11页Social needs(Love and belonging needs)Interpersona
2、l and feelings of belongingness.Friendship,intimacy,family,romantic attachments,etc.第4页/共11页Esteem needs Recognition and acknowledgment from others.Internal esteem needs Self-respect and achievement.External esteem needs Social status and recognition.第5页/共11页Self-actualization needs The request of r
3、eaching ones full potential as a person.Never fully satisfied.Realising personal potential,self-fulfillment,seeking personal growth,peak experiences,etc.第6页/共11页How are you motivated to satisfy these unmet needs in your life today?Esteem needs Do a good job in team cooperation.Self-actualization nee
4、ds Take something I like and get really good at it.第7页/共11页When you start your first job,what kinds of motivation will you seek?Physiological needsMeet my basic needs.Safety needsFinancial reserves,safety workplace.Esteem needsBe respected.第8页/共11页What will motivate you to succeed in life?Esteem needsSelf-esteem and personal worth.Self-actualization needsCuriosity about my potential.第9页/共11页 Thank you!第10页/共11页感谢您的观看!第11页/共11页