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1、基础口译1课程教学大纲课程名称基础口译1课程类型专业必修课总学时32学时学 分2学分适用专业硕士研究生开课单位外国语学院一、课程性质本课程是对研究生进行系统口译基础技能训练的专业必修课。对于培养具有国际视野的高层次创新人才,为地方政府和各界提供口译服务具有重要意义,在帮助研究生提 高运用口译理论指导口译技能,提高英汉汉英口译基础技能等方面发挥着重要作用。二、教学目的通过教学,使硕士研究生能够掌握口译的基本技能,包括听译、短时记忆、笔记能 力、公共演讲能力、表达能力等,能够胜任各种正式场合1-3分钟间隔的口译任务。三、教学要求根据教学内容、学生特点及学时安排,采取教师授课、学生线上学习和模拟口译

2、演 练等相结合方式组织教学。通过系统训练,使同学较为熟练地掌握口译基本技巧并能胜 任联络口译任务。课堂中将真实语境中获取的材料对学生进行针对性训练,帮助他们培 养口译技能。四、教学内容及学时分配课程内容与学时分配课程内容学时分配第一讲口译简介2第二讲礼仪祝词类口译技巧4第三讲听辨信息6第四讲记忆信息6第五讲数字口译4101 .怀着十分兴奋和愉快的心 102. with great elation and pleasure;情104.怀着同样热切的心情106.愉快的氛围.热情洋溢的讲话108 .热情友好的讲话112 ,向大会发表讲话103. with very happy and joyful

3、feelings105. with the same eagerness107. A congenial atmosphereGracious and eloquent remarks110. warm and friendly speech113. address the conference on the topic of114 ,怀着对贵国人民的深厚感115. with profound and amicable sentiments foryour people116.作为贵国人民的友好使者117. as an envoy of friendship of your people118

4、 .远隔重洋/万里119. to be separated by the vast ocean/a longdistance; to be far away from each other120.远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的121. friends from a distant land/the other side of the朋友们Pacific Ocean122.随团来访的商界朋友们123. friends from the business communityaccompanying the delegation124 .请允许我邀请各位与我一125. may I ask you to j

5、oin me in toast to the起举杯,为我们两国的友谊friendship and cooperation between our two和合作干杯!countries?126. may I propose a toast to.127.为大使阁下和夫人的128. To the health of His Excellency the健康干杯!Ambassador and Mme.129 .提议祝酒130. to propose a toast131 .祝愿生活得幸福美满132. wish.a happier life133 .希望发展的更好134. wish.a better

6、future135 .珍惜与的传统友谊136. to cherish ones traditional friendship with.137.祝愿身体健康,心想138. Wish.a good health and all the best ;事成,万事如意。139. the very best of luck in everything140.向转达中国人民的诚141. to convey the cordial greetings and best wishes挚问候和良好的祝愿 of Chinese people to.142.我衷心祝愿会议取得成功143.1 sincerely wi

7、sh the conference a complete144 .感谢:successrd like to thank you for.145. Td like to express our sincere gratitude to.for.149.荣幸:151 .高兴:147.1 am very grateful for.148. My gratitude goes to.150. It is my great honor to do.Im privileged to do.152.1 am delighted to.153.表示诚挚的祝贺I am happy toI am pleased

8、to .It is my pleasure to154. to express sincere congratulation to sb. on sth.155 .很荣幸答谢您给予我们的156. to have the honor of reciprocating your warm热情招待reception157 .我愿借此机会感谢的热情好客(盛情款待)和周158. rd like to take this opportunity to thank.for the warm/ gracious hospitality and thoughtful到(精心)安排。arrangements.15

9、9 .东道主的热情好客将永远160. The generous/gracious hospitality of our host留在我的记忆中。will remain in my memory forever.161 .我此时的心情可以用表162. can best express what I feel now163.这些良好的印象将永远珍164. Theses fine impressions will remain forever in藏在我们美好的记忆中。our most cherished memories165.对贵国政府在我们逗留期166. No words can fully

10、express/convey our间给予我们体贴入微的关gratitude to you and your government for the照,千言万语道不尽我们的great kindness and consideration you have感激之情。given us during our stay here.16 7 .我谨向您表示衷心的感168.1 would like/wish to express my heartfelt谢。thanks to you.169.1 am very grateful fbr.170.我期待着在不远的将来访171.1 am looking for

11、ward to visiting your country问贵国。in the near future/ at your earliest convenience.172.邀请您在您方便的时候来173. to invite you to visit China at a time中国访问convenient to you174.回顾过去175. looking back; in retrospect; a review of thepast;176. look back on the past experiences177.展望未来178. looking ahead; looking int

12、o the future179.最后.180. In conclusion/closing,. ;Finally9.;181. Before I conclude,.182.我的发言到此结束,谢谢 各位!185.在热情友好的气氛中187.继往开来,携手前进189 .尽自己所能,并将继续竭 尽全力191 .尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴 和美酒192 .美酒佳肴195.在认真坦率的气氛中197.结出了丰硕的果实199.礼节性/告别拜会201.就要结束在我国的友好访 问203.到机场/车站送人205.今天我们怀着无限的惜别 的心情,欢送207.在这临别之际,我们有一183. And that conclu

13、des my speech.184. rd like to end/conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention.186. in a cordial and friendly atmosphere188. work hand in hand to build on our past achievement190. did and will continue to do our best193. taste the traditional Chinese cuisine and drink the unique Chinese wine to

14、your hearts content194. delicious wine and excellent food196. in an earnest and frank atmosphere198. to have borne rich fruits200. to pay a courtesy/fare well call202. to be about to conclude ones friendly visit in our country204. to see sb.off at the airport/ railway station206. With great reluctan

15、ce, we bid farewell today to.208. We feel reluctant to leave you at this moment种恋恋不舍之情。of parting.209 .感谢您在百忙之中百210 . Thank you so much fbr . in spite of the many忙中拨冗前来claims on your time and attention/ in spite ofyour busy/ tight schedule.211 . Thank you for taking time off your busy schedule to at

16、tend .212 .不用谢,这是我们应该做213 . Ifs our pleasure. And a lot of things might的,还做得不够。have done better. Tm glad you have enjoyed.214 .小小意思,不成敬意。216.欢迎再来。218.祝旅途愉快!220. 一路平安!215. This is a token of our appreciation.217. Do come again.1. 9.1 wish you a pleasant journey. Have a nice trip221. Bon voyage! / Hav

17、e a good flight! /1 wish you a pleasant journey.222. 一旦来了就不想离开的城223. a city which you will feel reluctant to leave市。once came; (you will enjoy yourself so muchin Cheng Du so as to linger on with no thoughts of leaving for home)224.剪彩225. cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony226. 奠基礼228.欢迎/开幕/闭幕词

18、230.共度难忘的时光232.(装饰)华丽的大厅227. foundation stone laying ceremony229. welcome/opening/closing speech231. to share the memorable time with you233. magnificently decorated hall(二)口译练习中翻英我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生的盛情邀请,参加你们的圣诞晚会。/圣诞节是一年中的良辰佳时,圣诞节聚会象征着人间的温暖,团聚和奉献。今年庆贺圣诞节对我们所有人来说更有意义,因为今年我们合资企业的销售额显著 增长。我希望我们能保持这

19、种务实的合作关系,使明年的业绩更加辉煌,让我们共同举杯, 为明年再创佳绩干杯!On behalf of all the members of my group, I would like to thank you Mr Chairman for your gracious invitation for us to attend your Christmas Party. / Christmas is a wonderful time of the year and the Christmas Party symbolizes warmth, union and dedication of ma

20、nkind. / To every one of us, it is more meaningful this year to celebrate Christmas, for our joint venture has had a remarkable growth in its sales. /I hope we can maintain this practical cooperative relations to make the coming new year a more fruitful year. Please join me in a toast to greater ach

21、ievements next year! Cheers!四、重点难点重点:礼仪祝词中的非语言因素和副语言因素;难点:掌握不同国家的文化、宗教、 风俗等。五、思考与讨论美音和英音的区别第三讲听辨信息一、基本要求要求译员在听懂的基础上对信息的整体和细节有全面的把握,同时推断和预测说话 人的意图、思路和目的,以便迅速地用目的语流利、完整地将信息表达出来。能够掌握 基本的听辨技巧,把握讲话人的讲话逻辑。二、授课方法教师授课、线上学习和模拟实践等。三、教学内容(-)听辨过程接收源语信息,并通过种种分析手段把接收到的信息纳入到我们的理解范畴。译员的听是多种听的综合听的目的:用另一种语言完整地表达和复述听到

22、的全部内容。听的被动性和受制约性:必须从头到尾保持注意;没有兴趣的也得听;不能掺杂个人的好恶。听的积极性:把握主题及关键信息;捕捉话语脉络;预测下文;判断词义。(二)口译时该如何听?从听字词转变为听意思listen for the ideas instead of the words从听语言形式转变为听内在含义listen for sense从语音听辨转变为语流听辨听的时候经常问自己:发言人要说什么意思?四、重点难点重点:听辨关键词;提炼主旨信息;难点:掌握不同国家讲话人发音特点。五、思考与讨论二口综合考试综述部分如何提炼主旨信息。第四讲记忆信息一、基本要求掌握短时记忆训练的方法;了解口译笔记

23、的特点;掌握口译笔记的内容。通过逻辑分析和图像等方法掌握基本的口译记忆方法,在实战中可以灵活运用笔记技巧。二、授课方法教师授课、线上学习和模拟实践等。三、教学内容(一)口译笔记要点1.少写多划。划线条比写文字快。线条形象,相当于翻译的半成品,有助译员 眼看笔记,口出译文。两种情况下应该尽量用线条:表示动作和动态的词句。比如,以上升的斜线代表发展,增加,进步,进一步; 以下降的斜线代表减少,下降,恶化等等。表示因果或前后关系的词句。比如,用一条线代表因为/所以,之后,在之前 ,以体现出上下前后之间的关联关系。2、少字多意养成一个词的笔记不超过一个字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个,或两个以上的

24、 字组成。只要看到其中一个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字。不必多写。比如, 中国最多写个中。北京最多写个北英文词也同理处理。“politics”最多写 poli, government最多写gov”,等等。另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一 个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国 的近况,听到改革,开放记一个改字,不难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到British Prime Minister Tony Blair,记PM,也同样能说出原文。3 .少线多指。通用一小组线条/标记。否则在自己本来熟悉的中英文之外,又编出 一套自己不熟悉的文码使用,会导致需

25、要想一想用哪个符号的情况,适得其反4 .少横多竖。采取从上往下的阶梯结构记录,尽量少用通常书写时的横向记录。 阶梯结构形象地体现出上下文的逻辑结构,简化了译员的思维过程,方便出译文。5 .快速书写。必须发展自己的汉字快速书写系统。口译笔记完全是自己看,而且只 需要几分钟之内能看懂就行。很多汉字笔划减少后,并不影响确认。我这里讲的不是潦草,而是除了实际口译经常不得不潦草之外,花一些时间,把练习中或口译工作中常用 的字琢磨一下,看看可以怎样减少笔划,或理顺笔划,一笔成字。6 .明确结束。口译中,讲话人说一段,停下来让译员译一段,然后再继续。这样, 上一段话和下一段话之间,必须有明确的界限。上一次的

26、结束点,就成了下一次翻译的 开始点。其重要性在于,如果笔记是从本子的1/3处开始的,下一段话可能写了 2-3 页,翻回来口译时,眼光无法确定这页上面哪一条线,或符号是这次翻译内容的开始点。 所以需要标明。(二)笔记符号NPC (National Peoples Congress 全国人民代表大会),CPPCC (Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference中国政治协商会议),COSCO (中国远洋运输公司),GE (通用 电器公司),GM(通用汽车公司),UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)EU(欧洲联盟),OECD (经济合作发展组织),AP

27、EC (亚太经济合作组织),ASEAN(东南亚国家联盟)+还有,和,此外,而且,以及-减少,不会,没有二等于,相当于大过,超过,优越于少于,小于,比不上I减少,下降t增加,上升,上报7逐步增加逐步下降,减少一向前发展四、重点难点重点:短时记忆中和笔记中的逻辑关系;难点:笔记的掌握。五、思考与讨论笔记内容是越少越好吗?第五讲,数字口译一、基本要求了解英汉数字段位差异;熟悉英汉数字转换方法。能区分英汉数字段位差异,通 过3逗4杠法掌握英汉数字转换方法。二、授课方法教师授课、线上学习和模拟实践等。三、教学内容(一)数字表达法汉语数字分段法:第一段位个I-百千第二段位万十万百万千万第三段位亿十亿百亿千

28、亿第四段位兆(万亿)英语数字分段法:第一段位OneTenHundred第二段位ThousandTen thousandHundred thousand笫三段位MillionTen millionHundred million第四段位BillionTen billionHundred billion第五段位Trillion英文数字用逗号隔开,有一个逗点读“thousand”;两个逗点读“million”;三个逗点读“billion”每个逗点区间由三位数组成,即百、十、千。因此,英文数字中的第四位数、第七位数、 第十位数是很关键的数位。Examples:第六讲公共演讲和信息表达2第七讲篇章口译综合

29、练习8五、课程考核及成绩评定本课程考试采用学生平时表现和闭卷笔试相结合方式,平时考核占50% (课堂表现 30分+超星学习通学习70分),期末考核占50%。平时考核则根据学生考勤情况、课堂 模拟口译完成情况给出成绩。六、推荐教材和教学参考书1 .冯庆华,实用翻译教程,外上海外语教育出版社,1997年。2 .任文,基础口译,外语教学与研究出版社,2009年。3 .刘宓庆,当代翻译理论,中国对外翻译出版公司,2001年。4 .吴钟明,英语口译笔记法实战指导,武汉大学出版社,2008年。5 .王银全,实用汉英电视新闻翻译,武汉大学出版社,2009年。6 .申雨平、戴宁,实用汉英翻译教程,外语教学与研

30、究出版社,2002年。7 .张培基,英汉翻译教程,上海外语教学出版社,2003。七、教学具体内容和要求第一讲 口译简介一、基本要求了解口译的发展史,口译的基本特点、分类和基本技能。学会运用口译理论辅助口译实践。二、授课方法教师授课。三、教学内容(-)口译简史口译活动作为一项以语言为媒介的人类思想文化的交流行为,其悠久的历史几乎与 人类自身的历史一样源远流长。早在书面文字产生之前,当语言不通的部落之间因战争、 贸易、生产、宗教祭祀、异族通婚等事件必须进行跨部落、跨语际的交往之时,夹杂着1,234 读作:one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four4,567,

31、809 读作:four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and nine(二)分数、小数、百分数的读法1 .分数词是由基数词的序数词合成的,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,除 了分子是“1 ”的情况外,序数词都要用复数形式。Examples: 1/3 读作:onethird比较复杂的分数读法如下:20/87 读作:twenty over eighty-seven33/90 读作:thirty-three over ninety2 .小数的读法:小数点读作point,小数后各位数要分别读,小数点前的数

32、若为0可略去不读。Examples:2.468 读作:two point four six eight0.157 读作:(zero) point one five seven4.032four point naught three two3.百分数由per cent表示Examples:20% 读作:twenty per cent16.09% 读作:sixteen point zero nine per cent15%fifteen percent42%forty-two percent4.35%four point three five percent0.5%point five perce

33、nt四、重点难点重点:英汉数字段位的差异;难点:多位数口译。五、思考与讨论三杠四逗法在口译实践中的应用第六讲公共演讲和信息表达一、基本要求1 .掌握演讲的环节和练习方法;掌握基本的表达方法,掌握较强的语言组织和概括 能力,能表达出讲话人的主要观点和逻辑思路。能够通过掌握的技巧准确、精炼的表达 信息。表达忠实于原文意思,并遵守社会主义价值观。二、授课方法教师授课、线上学习和模拟实践等三、教学内容(一)什么是公共演讲Public speaking is an audience- centered communicative activity in which a speaker speaks to

34、 a group of people in a structured manner with the intention to inform, persuade or entertain the audience.(二)公共演讲以听众为中心SpeakerMessage (verbal & nonverbal)ChannelListener (audience)Feedback (verbal & nonverbal)Interference (internal & external)SituationFields of experience(三)公共演讲基本要求good voice proje

35、ctiona. clear pronunciation and correct articulationb. proper rate of speakingc. fluency (short EVS, correct pace, intonation, tone, stress, andabsence of false starts, unnecessary repetition or self correction,hesitation, long pauses and stock phrases)d. standard language (absence of dialect, gramm

36、atically correct)e. personal appearancef. eye contactg. appropriate mannerismh. sound psychological quality四、重点难点重点:演讲的原则和技巧;难点:表达的流利性、逻辑性。五、思考与讨论演讲中的共情达成。第七讲篇章口译综合练习一、基本要求掌握主要文体的篇章口译技巧,掌握译前、译中、译后反思等基本技巧,做到译语准确、干净、流畅。二、授课方法教师授课、线上学习和模拟实践等三、教学内容(一) 国际首席执行官在中国预防级别论坛上的讲话Speech of international CEO at t

37、he prevention level forum in ChinaAs one of the first international retail enterprises that has settled in the province, we have set up 4 joint ventures with a total investment of RMB 3.5 billion Yuan.作为首批落户省内的国际零售企业之一,我们已经成立了 4家合资企业,总投资35亿 元人民币。We offer them 3 consultations including the customers

38、needs, layout of products, flow of funds and market feedback.我们提供客户需求、产品布局、资金流向和市场反馈等3种咨询。In the second half of this year, we will provide guarantee for suppliers who want to obtain loans or financing helping them to overcome the shortage of funds due to the global financial crisis.今年下半年,我们将为希望获得贷款或

39、融资的供应商提供担保,帮助他们克服全球金融 危机造成的资金短缺。We hold professional trainings and business seminars and expected to help local suppliers to be more aware of food safety issues to promote the innovation of products and technology, and to provide more products which meet the market demand.我们举办专业培训和商务研讨会,帮助当地供应商提高食品安

40、全意识,促进产品和技术 创新,提供更多符合市场需求的产品。5.8:55 After 12 years cooperation and development in China, we will as always go forward hand in hand with the development of this province, making more contributions to its prosperous market.经过12年的合作与发展,我们将一如既往地与本省的发展携手并进,为本省繁荣的市 场做出更大的贡献。(二)中国国家旅游局官员在第六届丝绸之路国际大会开幕式上的致辞

41、.拥有2000多年历史,绵延7000多公里的丝绸之路,是沿线各国人民共同开创的友 谊之路,是人类探索自然、挑战自我的奇迹之路,是亚欧非三大州文明交流和融合之路。 The Silk Road, which has a history of more than 2000 years and stretches over 7000 kilometers, is a road of friendship initiated by people of all countries along the Silk Road. It is a miracle road for human beings to e

42、xplore nature and challenge themselves. It is also a road for civilized exchanges and integration among the three major states of Asia, Europe and Africa.1 .今天,丝绸之路已成为沿线各国经济往来、文化交流的大道,更成为全球游客心驰神 往的一条黄金旅游线路。Today, the Silk Road has become the main road for economic exchanges and cultural exchanges am

43、ong countries along the route, and it has become a golden tourist route that tourists all over the world yearn for.2 .过去10年,中国丝路沿线5省区的入境游客量从141万人次跃升到415万人次,年 均增幅达11.4%oIn the past 10 years, the number of inbound tourists from 5 provinces along the Silk Road in China has jumped from 1.41 million to 4

44、.15 million, with an average annual increase of 11.4%.3 .但目前,沿线各国签证、交通等便利化程度还不高,区域经济和旅游市场发展还不 平衡。However, at present, the convenience of visas and transportation is not high in the countries along the route, and the development of regional economy and tourism market is not balanced.4 .在这里,我倡议沿线国家强化合

45、作、共谋发展,共同把丝绸之路打造成国际游客青 睐的旅游精品。Here, I propose that countries along the Silk Road strengthen cooperation and seek common development, and jointly build the Silk Road into a tourist boutique bu: ti:k favored by international tourists.sonal development encompassing body, mind, and sprit that dates back

46、 more than 5000 years. 瑜伽是古代印度圣者开创的,是个人躯体、心意、灵魂三者的协调运动。到今天,它已 经有五千多年的历史了。一5. Among U.S. adults aged 20-74 years, the prevalence of overweight has increased an estimated 4 percent since 1980, increasing from 33 percent to the 35 percent of the population in 1999.(语序倒置)在20-74岁年龄段的美国成年人中,超重的普遍率从1980年开始估计增长了 4%,从 33%上升到了 1999年人口的35%。四、重点难点重点:不同篇章口译专


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