1、Nidas Equivalence TheoryBrief introduction of Eugene Nidaan American linguist,translation theoristborn in Oklahoma 1914,died in Madrid 2011 graduated from the University of California in 1936,Masters degree from the University of Southern California in 1939,Ph.D.in linguistics from the University of
2、 Michigan in 1943 American Bible Society(ABS)vFunctional Equivalence TheoryvContributions of FETvLimitations of FET1.Formal equivalenceDefinition:F-E focuses attention on the message itself,in both form and content.Such translations then would be concerned with such correspondences as poetry to poet
3、ry,sentence to sentence,and concept to concept.Emphasis:literal fidelityTwo different types of equivalence2.Functional Equivalencefirst put forward in the book Toward a Science of Translating in 1964 Emphasis:the functional equivalence of information instead of the direct formal equivalence in trans
4、lationDefinition:The relationship between the target language receptor and the target text should generally be equivalent to that between the source language receptor and the source text Maximal equivalence:最高层次的对等 The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it essen
5、tially the same as the original readers did.Minimal equivalence:最低层次对等 The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it.Four Levels of Functional EquivalenceLexical Equ
6、ivalenceSentence EquivalencePassage EquivalenceStyle Equivalence1.Lexical EquivalencenNida uses word classes(词类)instead of traditional parts of speech(词性)to describe the semantic relationship.Entities(实体),(实体),如man,book,table等Activities(活动),(活动),如walk,think,swim等States(状态),(状态),如dead,tired,Happy等Pro
7、cesses(过程),(过程),如widen,grow,enlarge等,与状态或特征的变化有关Characteristics(特征),(特征),如tall,huge,beautiful等Links(连接),(连接),如when,during,below等,在时空等方面起连接作用Deictics(指示),(指示),如this,there,here等 Eg:environmentally damaging waste 传统词性翻译:在环境上有损害的废物词类分析法:environmentally(entity)damaging(activity)waste(entity)3(waste)does
8、2(damage)to 1(environment)损害环境的废物2.Sentence EquivalencenNida use the concept of kernel sentence to overcome the syntactic barriers in translation.Eg:There is something I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice.1.There is something.2.I must say som
9、ething(to my people).3.My people stand(on the warm threshold).4.The threshold is warm.5.The threshold leads(into the palace).6.The palace is of justice.Nidas Translation Proceduren(1)to reduce the source text to its structurally simplest and most semantically evident kernels;(decomposing)n(2)to tran
10、sfer the meaning from the source to the receptor language on a structural simple level;(generating)n(3)to generate the stylistically and semantically equivalent expression in the receptor language.(reconstructing)(Nida 1964:68).Semanticsimple 原文原文 译文译文 stylistically and semantically equivalenton a s
11、tructural simple level3 Passage EquivalencePassage equivalence consists of three parts passage context,scene context and cultural contextIn order to handle such inter-language problems,Nida turn to semiology,especially the concept of isomorphism.A basic concept in isomorphism is that linguistic symb
12、ols like words,or non-linguistic symbols like gestures are meaningful only in its own culture(system).Thus,we should try to find an equivalent symbol in target language to refer to the original object/process.Examples:nEg:to grow like mushroom.如雨后春笋般地成长起来“mushroom”in English =“春笋”in Chinesento teach
13、 fish to swim 教鱼游泳(direct formal equivalence)班门弄斧(functional equivalence)Contributions of FETl“功能对等功能对等”解决了长期以来解决了长期以来“意译意译”与与“直译直译”之争之争,为翻译研究提供了全新角度,将新思维、概念和方法注人为翻译研究提供了全新角度,将新思维、概念和方法注人到翻译中。到翻译中。l该理论将现代语言学、交际学、符号学该理论将现代语言学、交际学、符号学(semiology)和美和美学学(aesthetics)带入了翻译领域,从多个角度对翻译进行带入了翻译领域,从多个角度对翻译进行更细致
14、的研究更细致的研究.l它从语言和文化的角度缓和了翻译家们归化和异化争论,它从语言和文化的角度缓和了翻译家们归化和异化争论,从多个学科的角度找从多个学科的角度找“归化归化”和和“异化异化”的平衡点。的平衡点。Limitations of FETn不同的文化会导致读者的反应是不同的不同的文化会导致读者的反应是不同的u 历史文化的不同历史文化的不同u 宗教文化的差异宗教文化的差异u 思维方式和价值观念的差异思维方式和价值观念的差异1.1.为达到原文读者为达到原文读者心理反应心理反应(mental reaction)(mental reaction)和译文读者和译文读者心理反应相似,不惜心理反应相似,不惜“改变、调整、删减改变、调整、删减”原文,结果原原文,结果原文中一些有意义的形式都在追求功能对的过程中消失了。文中一些有意义的形式都在追求功能对的过程中消失了。2.2.心理反应很难准确测量,心理反应很难准确测量,文化具有复杂性,文化具有复杂性,不同语言间不同语言间还存在的还存在的文化差异文化差异。References2.叶子南.高级翻译理论与实践.北京:清华大学出版社,20133.包宏艳.浅谈奈达的功能对等.科技视界,2012(29)1.Nida,Eugene A.Toward a Science of Translating.Leiden:E.J.Brill,1964