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1、河南大学 硕士学位论文 试论散文英译意象再造 一 格式塔心理学视角 姓名:淮亚鹏 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:郭尚兴 20100601 散文,又被称作美文,是一种语言简单但意义深刻的文学体裁。中国的散文 产生于先秦,发展于魏晋,在明清两代形成其文学品性,到了现代更是衍化为叙 事、议论和抒情等各种类型。在当前文化交流繁荣的背景下,中国散文作为一种 极具文学价值和文化内涵的文学形式,其英译更显得意义深远。散文翻译不仅仅 是语言之间的转换,散文译本也需要使译语读者获得同源语读者相同或相似的审 美体验。意象是作家根据审美需要,在细致观察自然的基础上,通过语言再现的 供读

2、者审美把握的一种意识性客体。它可以是一个比喻,一个符号,一个人物, 一个场景或事件。散文意象是形象和思维的产物,是主观情感和客观物象的统一。 散文意象不可能是完全想象也不可能都是绝对写实的,它虚实结合。但与诗歌意象 相比,散文意象更偏重于真实性。散文不用诗的分行、押韵以及其高度凝练的表 现形式,相对于诗歌意象来说,散文意象显得疏松、分散,往往流布于整篇作品 之中 。散文意象的这种特点使散文具有了其独特的魅力。它灵活自由,随意自然 但又 “形散神不散 ”。在散文英译中,将散文意象的特点体现出来并且能给读者 以同样的审美感受是一个值得研究的问题。 对于文学作品的翻译,从翻译的文艺学派到语言学派,从

3、微观的语言层面到 宏观的文化层面历来研究众多。近些年来,美学和心理学也被应用到翻译研究中 去。格式塔心理学理论作为近代才产生的一种理论,己经被应用到了语言学和美 学的研究,将这种理论应用到散文英译中的意象再造,是一个全新的视角。在这 篇论文中,作者将试图以张培基英译中国现代散文选 为例,探讨格式塔心理 学理论对散文英译的意象再造的启发。 论文分为五个章节。 第一章简要介绍了论文的研究动机,研究目的、研究方法和篇章结构。 第二章从不同的角度回顾了散文意象再造的研究。从格式塔心理学建立以来 , 曾有学者将格式塔心理学的一些理论应用于文学翻译研究,同时也有一些学者从 美学角度探讨散文的翻译,但他们的

4、理论研究仅仅涉及到格式塔心理学的某一个 层面或者文学翻译的某一个方面,对于如何更全面有效的将格式塔心理学理论应 用到散文英译的意象再造中去并未做深入的 研究。 第三章介绍了格式塔心理学并分析了散文的意象,提出了将格式塔心理学理 论应用于散文意象再造的设想。格式塔心理学导源于对知觉的研究,其重要特点 是强调经验和行为的整体性,认为整体不等于部分之和。作者重点介绍了格式塔 心理学提出的一些组织原则:整体律,闭合律和简洁律以及异质同构论。接着作 者分析了散文意象的特点,指出散文英译中意象的再造不仅仅要进行语言的转换, 同时也要使译语读者获得相似的审美体验。作者认为,格式塔心理学知觉研究的 这些成果和

5、散文英译中的意象再造有一定的契合之处,最后作者提出了将格式塔 心 理学理论应用于散文意象再造的设想。 第四章是该论文的重点部分,尝试以张培基英译中国现代散文选为例, 探讨散文英译中,格式塔心理学理论对于意象再造有何启发。作者首先从意象再 造实践方面进行分析。根据意象的不同阶段,作者将意象再造实践过程分为:分 析意象并在译者大脑中再造阶段和用译语文字再造阶段。作者将整体律,闭合律 和简洁律以及异质同构论应用在这两个阶段中,探讨它们所起的不同作用。接着, 作者从意象再造翻译批评方面进行论述,根据整体律,闭合律和简洁律以及异质 同构论的不同作用,通过译文对比分析,作者来验证 将格式塔心理学理论应用到

6、 意象再造翻译批评的可能性和可行性。 第五章是论文的结论部分。通过以上论述,作者得出结论:散文英译中意象 再造的问题值得研究,格式塔心理学理论对于该问题的研究有一定的应用价值。 尽管在散文英译的意象再造实践中,中西方存在着文化和语言的差异,但是格式 塔心理学的研究成果有助于译者在翻译过程中克服这些障碍。同时格式塔心理学 为散文意象再造提供了一些方法并对译者提出了 一 些要求。另外,利用格式塔心 理学对散文意象再造提出的要求,可以对散文译本中的意象进行分析评价。作者 认为格式塔心理学对散文英译中的意象再造批评提供了一个新的美学视角。最后 , 作者提出了研究的重要性以及研究尚存在的不足和缺陷。 关

7、键词:散文翻译;散文意象;意象再造;格式塔心理学;翻译批评 Abstract In China, prose began in the pre-Qin times, developed in the Wei and Jin dynasties, formed its literary character in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The definitions of prose vary in classical and modem literature. In classical literature, it refers to the writings

8、 not written in poetical form, such as preface, postscript, travelogue, biography, argumentation, etc. In modem times, prose, poetry, fiction and drama are called four major literary genres. It can be lyrical, narrative and reasoning. It is a literary genre with highly literary value and cultural co

9、nnotation. And it is significant to translate Chinese prose into English for the translation of Chinese literary works is of wide concern at present. Prose translation is not only to trmisfer the source language into the target language, but also to evoke the same aesthetic experience in the readers

10、 of the target language. Image is a mental picture produced out of language narration on the basis of the writers, sufficient observations of the nature. It embodies the writers, emotions and spiritual experience. It is to stir our imagination and aesthetic perception through a visual presentation o

11、f objects, persons and events. It can be a metaphor, a symbol, a character, a scene or an event. It is not completely imaginary or absolutely realistic, but a combination of both. Compared with image of poetry which tends to be illusive and idealized, image of prose tends to be concrete and realisti

12、c* It seems loose, scattered and flows within the whole work, leaving to the readers an aesthetic experience and a great imagination which make the prose lively and vividly. These features give prose its unique charm which is called 64free form but focused spirit5 In prose translation, how to actual

13、ize the images is indispensable and worth studying. As for the literary translation, many theories have been proposed, from literary-oriented approach to linguistic-oriented approach, from micro linguistic level to macro cultural level. Gestalt psychology, which has existed for no more than 100 year

14、s, has been applied to the study of linguistics and aesthetics. It will be a new perspective to apply it to the study of translation which is related to psychology and aesthetics. This thesis is going to explore image actualization in prose translation from the perspective of Gestalt psychology, tak

15、ing Zhang Peiji9s Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings (英 译中国现代散 文选)站 3116父 3111卩 16. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One gives a general introduction to the thesis which consists of the motivation, the purpose, the methodology and the structure of the thesis. Chapter Two reviews

16、 the studies of image actualization in prose translation from different perspectives. In the history of translation, some theorists and translators have discussed applying Gestalt psychology and aesthetics to the study of translation. But they only applied some aspects of Gestalt psychology and disc

17、ussed some aspects in literary translation. They did not do further research on how to apply Gestalt psychology sufficiently to image actualization in Chinese prose translation. Chapter Three introduces Gestalt psychology, analyzes images of prose and proposes the tentative idea of applying Gestalt

18、psychology to image actualization in Chinese prose translation. Gestalt psychology mainly concerns human perception and behavior. Gestalt theorists believe that what people perceive is not merely a sum or sequence of sensations but the whole configuration of which they are parts. Here the author int

19、roduces and adopts law of integrity, law of closure, law of simplicity and heterogeneous isomorphism in the thesis. Then the author analyzes the features of prose image and points out that image actualization in prose translation is not only to transfer the source language into the target language,

20、but also to evoke the same aesthetic experience in the readers of the target language. The author believes that there are corresponding points between Gestalt psychology and image actualization and proposes the tentative idea of applying Gestalt psychology to image actualization in Chinese prose tra

21、nslation. Chapter Four is the main part of the thesis, which tries to apply Gestalt psychology to image actualization in Chinese prose translation from the perspective of practice and criticism, taking Zhang Peiji Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings as an example. According to different stages, t

22、he author claims that the process of image actualization is: firstly, analyze the images in the original text and actualize them in the translator mind; secondly, actualize the images in the target language. Gestalt psychology will be used in the process of image actualization and the functions will

23、 be explored. Then according to the flinctions of Gestalt psychology, the author testifies the possibility and feasibility of applying Gestalt psychology to the criticism on image actualization through the comparison between two translated versions of the same text In the last chapter, the conclusio

24、n is drawn. The findings are: firstly, though there are many cultural barriers and linguistic difference between Chinese and English, Gestalt psychology is helpful to overcome such barriers and difference in image actualization in Chinese prose translation. It provides some methods for image actuali

25、zation and proposes some requirements for translators; secondly, it brings us an aesthetic standard on image actualization in Chinese prose translation according to the requirements proposed by Gestalt psychology. At the same time, the significance and the limitation of the study are also elucidated

26、. Key words: prose translation; image of prose; image actualization; Gestalt psychology; translation criticism 关于学位论文独立完成和内容创新的声明 本人向河南大学提出硕士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是 本人在导师的指导下独立完成的,对所研究的课题有新的见解。据我所知,除 文中 #别加以说明、标注和致謝的地方夕卜,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰 写过的研究成果,也不包括其他人为获得任何教育、科研机构的学位或证书而 使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在

27、论文中作 了明确的说明并表示了謝意。 学位申请人(学位论丈作者签彡: 痕 I 滅 本人经河南大学审核批准授予硕士学位。作为学位论文的作者,本人完全 了解并同意河南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的要求,即河南大学有杈甸国家 图书馆、科研信息机构、数据收集机构和本校图书馆等提供学位论文(紙质文 本和电子文本 ) 以供公众检索、查阅。本人授权河南大学出于宣扬、展览学校 学术发展和进行学术交沆等目的,可以采取影印、缩印、妇描和拷贝等复制手 段保存、汇编学位论文(紙质丈 本和电子文本 )。 (涉及保密内容的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 学位荻得者(学位论文作者)签启: 准 i“ 滅 20 I。年 4 月

28、f 曰 关于学位论文著作权使用授权书 20 丨年 6 月 扣 曰 丨。年 6 力 扣 日 Ackn owledgem en ts I would like to pay my tribute to all those who have helped me to make this thesis a better one than it otherwise would be. Firstly, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Professor Guo Shangxing. Without his great encouragement,

29、judicious guidance and insightful suggestions to this thesis writing, the thesis could not have been completed. And he has also helped me to cultivate a rigorous attitude towards academic research, from which I will benefit a lot through all my lifetime. Secondly, Fm also indebted to all the other p

30、rofessors and teachers in College of Foreign Languages of Henan University, especially to Prof. Xu Youzhi, Prof. Liu Chendan, Prof. Niu Baoyi, Prof. Ma Baojin, Prof. Jiang Ling, Prof. Yang Chaojun and Prof. Li Shujing. Their profound knowledge and excellent lectures are of everlasting significance t

31、o my postgraduate study and future research. Finally, my thanks go to my beloved family members, especially to my mother and my sister, for their love, help and support in the writing of this thesis. Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Motivation for Choosing this Topic In the history of literature, prose,

32、 a kind of random and free literary genre, is as important as poetry. In China, prose began in the pre-Qin times, developed in the Wei and Jin dynasties, formed its literary character in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The definitions of prose vary in classical and modem literature. In classical litera

33、ture, it refers to the writings not written in poetical form, such as preface, postscript, travelogue, biography, argumentation, etc. In modem times, prose, poetry, fiction and drama are called four major literary genres. And the concept of prose is narrowed. It can be lyrical, narrative and reasoni

34、ng. Qin Mu(秦牧 )says, “The literary work, which is to express the writers emotion on the basis of describing the real things, can be called prose (以描写真实事物 为基础,抒发作者情感的那部分作品,才叫散文 )”( 秦牧, 1980:1970) .What is studied in this thesis is the prose, which is considered as a text with a polished language, roo

35、ting on sentiments, forming by the free and flexible organization, focusing on the mental feeling, and toning on nature of reality (舒舟, 2009:3) The feature of prose is “free form but focused spirit”. Li Guangtian (李广田 )has said, 66As for prose, I think it is like a river, which goes across the valle

36、ys, avoids the hills and flows everywhere it can flow, but in the end, it will flow into the sea (至于散 文,我认为它很像一条河流,它顺了壑谷,避了丘陵 ,凡可以流处它都流到,而流 来流去,却还是归入大海 )”(转自舒舟,何大顺, 2008:106) . Prose, written out of the writer heart-felt emotions, is often short but can reflect the real life flexibly and rapidly. It

37、 is neither like poetry, which has strict requirement with rhythm, imagination and syntax, nor like fiction and drama, which need complex plot, scene setting and characterization. The language in prose is concise, accurate, and fluent and can evoke an aesthetic experience in readers. It is a unity o

38、f beauty in form, in content and in style. Prose writers use images to convey emotions. Image is helpful to highlight the l beauty of prose. It is not completely imaginary or absolutely realistic, but a combination of both. Compared with image of poetry which tends to be illusive and idealized, imag

39、e of prose tends to be concrete and realistic. It seems loose, scattered and flows within the whole work like a pearl necklace, linking the scrambled language structure, unifying the spirit and leaving to the readers an aesthetic experience and a great imagination which make the prose lively and viv

40、idly. Prose translation is an aesthetic practice. It is not only to transfer the source language into the target language, but also to evoke the same aesthetic experience in the readers of the target language. To actualize image in prose translation is the same. Linguistic structure and aesthetic ef

41、fect should be taken into consideration. Since image is very important to prose, image actualization is indispensable and worth studying in prose translation. 1.2 Purpose of the Study As for the literary translation, many theories have been proposed, from literary-oriented approach to linguistic-ori

42、ented approach, from micro linguistic level to macro cultural level. Aesthetics and psychology also have been applied to the study of translation in recent years. Aiming at finding a new perspective for translators, this thesis is going to explore image actualization in Chinese prose translation fro

43、m the perspective of Gestalt psychology, taking Zhang Peiji9s Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings as an example. 1.3 Methodology Applied in the Thesis In the thesis, first, the author introduces Gestalt psychology, analyzes image of prose and puts forward the tentative idea of applying Gestalt psychology to image actualization in Chinese prose translation. Then she uses Zhang Peiji Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings to testify if it is applicable and feasible. At last she gets the


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