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1、24小时第4季第18集前情提要这里是空军一号♥我们遇到紧急情况This is Air Force One. We are declaring an emergency. 飞机失去控制了必须紧急迫降Were not gonna make it. I have to put it down now.克萝伊出什么事了?Chloe, whats happening?克萝伊!Chloe!空军一号♥坠毁了Air Force One is down.可能是他This may be him.是总统先生Its the President.他还活着Hes still alive.重复总

2、统先生还活着I repeat, the President is alive.马尔万肯定在迫降点方圆50英里之内Marwan has to be within a 50-mile radius.杰克Jack.有件事比找到马尔万更重要Theres a higher priority than finding Marwan.什么事?What is it?找回核弹“足球”Recovering the nuclear football.没有在空军遗骸的残骸中找到它吗?Didnt it go down with Air Force One?导弹对飞机造成严重损害The missile inflicted

3、 enough damage that机身在下降过程中解体the plane left a trail of debris as it went down.许多零部件在此期间散落包括核弹足球A lot of things were sucked out, including the football. 那个手提箱里That case contains theBye.喂Yes.马尔万是我Marwan, its me.一切顺利吗?Is everything all right?不No.出问题了No, its not.我犯了个愚蠢的错误I made a stupid mistake.他们会找到我的T

4、heyre going to find me.怎么了?What happened?我停下来加油I stopped to get gas.当我离开的时候才发现自己用错了信♥用♥卡♥While I was driving away, I realized I used the wrong credit card;是化名为艾瑞克墨菲的那张the one with the name Eric Murphy,就是你给我的那张the one you gave me.我告诉过你扔掉它的I told you to get rid of that one.我当时很急哈比

5、卜I was in a hurry, Habib.我必须来安排运送核弹头的行动I had to make the arrangements for the delivery of the warhead.如果转移出了问题他们会排查整个高速公路When that transaction gets flagged, theyll be searching the highways. 我知道所以我才没上高速公路I know, thats why Im not on the highway anymore.你在哪?Where are you?英格尔伍德Inglewood.我在去普拉多家的路上Im on

6、 my way to Prado*s now.你离码头很近Youre closer to the marina.去码头那里Go straight there.我让他去接你ril have him meet you.普拉多可以帮你离开美国Prado can make arrangements to get you out of the country. 谢谢哈比卜Thank you, Habib.谢谢Thank you.总统先生在这个时候就进入地下掩体不太合适Mr. President, it may be precipitous moving to the bunker now. 依旧坐在总统

7、办公室工作Working from the oval office might exhibit a greater 才能显示出我们在处理危机上所表现出的自信 sense of confidence in our abilities to handle this crisis. 建造地堡的目的The purpose of the bunker is to 不就是在危机时刻保护总统的安全么? protect the President in times of crises, is it not? 是的先生Yes, sir.现在我认为应该谨慎一点Now, I feel it*s always wis

8、er to take the prudent course.在下面我仍然可以指挥全局吗迈克?Will I be able to function at 100 percent down here, Mike? 是的总统先生Absolutely, Mr. President.这座核掩体有哪些保护设施?What kind of protection does this bunker afford?功能一应俱全Total.你在地下200英尺Youre 200 feet below the surface.就算白宫遭到直接的攻击If the white house suffers a direct h

9、it, 也可以确保这里的所有人的安全 everyone in the bunker would be safe, 同时还可以继续向外部发布命令as would the communication infrastructure to the rest of the country.最好不要出现这样的情况Lets hope that!s not needed.总统先生Mr. President.反恐局比尔布坎南的电♥话♥Bill Buchanan from CTU is on the line.喂比尔Hello, Bill.有什么情况?What do you have

10、for me?总统先生我正和Mr. President, Fm here with Michelle Dessler,洛杉矶反恐局主管米歇尔戴斯勒director of CTU Los Angeles还有战术指挥托尼阿尔梅达在一起and Tony Almeida, heading up tactical.好的Good.开始吧Lets get started.机密章节内所有的核武器都被关闭了么?Have all of our armaments referenced in the red chapter been secured?还没有完全关闭总统先生Not completely, Mr. Pr

11、esident,但是我们正在和国防部一起处理but were working with DOD on that.还有什么消息?What else do we know?策划今天一系列事件的恐♥怖♥分♥子♥The man who has choreographed todays events,哈比卜马尔万还在逃亡Habib Marwan, is still at large.很有可能机密章节就在他手上Most likely he is in possession of the red chapter.怎样才能找到他?What are we

12、doing to find him?我们刚刚得到一条线索阁下We just picked up a thread, sir.我们20分钟前发现了We have a location where马尔万的一名手下的踪迹one of Marwans associates was detected 20 minutes ago. 很好That sounds promising.还有呢?What else?我们正在筛选所有的情报We*re sifting through all of our intel now.希望能找到答案Were hoping to put together a pursuit s

13、cenario soon.所以你们很有把握So youre pretty confident youfll be able to赶在哈比卜马尔万发动下次袭击之前catch this terrorist, this Habib Marwan,抓住这个恐♥怖♥分♥子 ♥?before he strikes again?并非如此总统先生Its not an exact science, sir.我们只能尽力而为All we can do is maximize the probability for success.但是不能保证There ar

14、e no guarantees.当然Of course.这我明白I understand that.我们需要控制住局面We need to get control of the situation.我不可能待在这盲目领导政♥府♥I cant run the government from down here indefinitely, 同时在确保安全之前我也决不上去but Im not going upstairs until its safe.总统阁下Sir.我认为应该让他们把时间用在处理手头掌握的情报上面I think their time is better

15、spent working up what they have. 我建议让他们继续I recommend we let them get back to it.好吧比尔Okay, Bill.当你们有具体的行动的时候就通知我Call us when you have something more concrete.是总统先生Yes, sir, I will.好了我们继续All right, lets get back to it.等等等等Wait a second. Wait a second.有人为我们刚才所听到的感到担心么?Does anybody else feel uneasy abou

16、t what we just heard here? 哪方面?In what way?罗根应该是能够在国民面前Logans supposed to the man who speaks to the充满自信的发表讲话的人people of this country and exudes confidence.而不是畏畏缩缩的Not fear.空军一号♥刚受到攻击Air Force One was just attacked,基勒总统情况危急President Keeler is in critical conditional.罗根刚刚宣布就职给他点时间吧Logan was jus

17、t sworn in, give him time.我们没有时间了We don*t have time.我们必须尽快找到约西克哈塔米Weve got Yosik Khatami.一个交通监视器拍到他正朝海边开去A traffic cam picked him up, heading towards the coast.我们在卫星上发现他了We have him on satellite.传给柯蒂斯Link this up to Curtis,叫他抓到这个人I want him running point on this takedown.告诉柯蒂斯谨慎一点Tell Curtis to rema

18、in discreet.我想知道哈塔米在被抓之前I want to know what Khatamis doing, 要干什么和谁会面who hes meeting, before we take him down.米歇尔Michelle.关于你和比尔的事我做的有点过分了I was out of line before; about you and Bill.这是你的生活我没有权利指手画脚的Its your life, and Ive got no right to judge you.感谢你的理解I appreciate that.不管我们之间有什么不合And whatever tensi

19、on there is between us,我都要向你道歉I want to apologize for my part in it.我希望我们可以忘记这件事Fd like it if we could just let it go,继续我们的工作so we could do our jobs.抛开往事继续生活Leave the past in the past and move on.很不错Sounds good.好的All right.柯蒂斯刚打电♥话♥过来Curtis just called in.他马上就到码头进行部署He*s about to arriv

20、e at the marina and set up.好的连接好卫星并且准备好音频设备Good, set up a satellite, also patch in an audio link.交给我吧ril take care of it now.谢了埃德加Thanks, Edgar.你希望我来处理这件事么?You want me to run point on that?不比尔和我会处理的但我希望你处理别的事No, Bill and I will do that, but I want you in on others.什么事?To do what?你在战术指挥方面很出色rd like y

21、our tactical input.好的我会让埃德加把所有资料传去情况监控室的Fine, uh, Ill have Edgar transfer everything over to the situation room. 我觉得托尼I get the feeling Tonys not entirely对今天的人♥员♥安♥排♥不太满意 comfortable with the configuration here today.我们很久没见面了We havenrt seen each other for a very long time

22、.我们都感到不太舒服It*s uncomfortable for both of us.不同的是你可以安心工作The difference is, you seem to be able to stay on point.但他就不一定了Im not so sure about him.我很好I am.他也会的Hell be fine.他一个人Hes alone.他在做什么?Whats he doing?看起来像是要和谁见面It looks like a meet.他正在等人Hes waiting for someone.行动小组到位了么?Is the marine unit in place?

23、是的就在防浪堤后面Yeah, behind the jetty.看来约西克等的人来了Looks like the man Yosiks meeting just arrived,他正走过去hes walking towards him.是马尔万?Is it Marwan?很难说I cant tell.听着柯蒂斯我们要抓活的Remember, Curtis, we need them both alive.好的明白All right, copy.好了各小组注意我会封锁码头这面All right, all teams, Ell close off the foot of the pier.监视他们

24、但是不要击毙Keep them contained, but do not shoot to kill.重复不要击毙Repeat, do not shoot to kill.该死Damn it.各小组回报Teams respond.那是谁?Who is that?我是3号♥监视点的麦卡伦This is Macallan at point three.看起来像私人保安It looks like a private patrol.好继续监视All right, hold your positions.约西克Yosik.老兄Brother.你迟到了Youre late.我在这等你好久了

25、Ive been standing here waiting for you.好了我现在不是来了么Well, Tm here now.走吧Lets go.来啊Come on.你还等什么?What are you waiting for?等等Wait.怎么了?What*s the matter?有人Someones here.没事Ifs okay.只是码头的警卫Its just marina security.不有些不对劲No, somethings wrong.有人在监视我们They*re onto us.约西克快点Yosik, now.和他见面的不是马尔万The man hes meetin

26、g is not Marwan.除了他们两个之外还有其他人么?Is there anybody else there besides the two of them?没有除非在船上Not unless theres someone else on the boat.好了码头行动小组各就各位All right, marine units, move into position.所有小组行动All teams, move in.没事的Were okay.我认为我们应该离开这I think we should just get out of here.外面有个警♥察&hea祭s;The

27、re was a police officer out there.我告诉你了那只是码头的警卫I told you, thats harbor security.他们总是来回巡视的They stop by all the time.见鬼Damn it.那些是什么人?Who the hells that?我们是反恐局的This is CTU.你们已经被包围了We have you completely surrounded.喂?Yes?他们发现我们了!They found us!你在哪?Where are you?这不重要It doesnt matter.完了他们来抓我们了Its over, t

28、heyre going to get us.约西克你不能让这事发生Yosik, you cant let that happen.你不能被他们抓住You cannot allow yourself to be captured. 我明白I understand.并且你要杀了普拉多Also, you have to kill Prado.他知道的太多了He knows too much.我知道怎么做PH do whats necessary.约西克?Yosik?约西克?Yosik?举起双手走出来!Come out with your hands up!你们已经被包围了Youre complete

29、ly surrounded.你们已经无路可逃了Theres no escape.扔下抢!Drop the gun!把枪放下!Put the gun down!走出船舱Step off the boat.走下船来Get off the boat.里面有个人There*s a man inside.我杀死他了他想杀死我I shot him, he was gonna kill me.他想偷我的船有关于核弹部署位置和发射密♥码♥的情报 codes and locations of our entire nuclear arsenal.它在什么位置?What*s the l

30、ocation of the football?坠机点东北方40英里的沙漠之中40 miles northeast of here in the middle of the desert.空中支援!Air support!核弹足球在一辆往北行驶的吉普车里Football is in the lead jeep headed north.拦下它!Take it out!我拿到它了Im in possession of the football.击毙三个敌人Three hostiles are down,有一个逃跑了one escaped.我不确定但我认为那人是马尔万Im not positive

31、, but I think it was Marwan.文件少了几页Theres some pages missing.告诉我少了的那儿页上是什么Tell me what the contents are of the missing pages.杰克是最高机密章节Jack, its the red section里面记录了核弹的位置和启动密♥码♥which contains warhead locations and activation codes.如果他们找到了核弹并且启动了发射程序If they get ahold of a warhead and a ma

32、tching activation code, 我们就无力回天了we will not be able to stop them.副总统阁下Mr. vice President.基勒总统还活着President Keeler is alive.但是他随时会有生命危险But hes in critical condition.阁下我建议您启动第25号♥修正案Sir, I recommend you invoke the 25th amendment尽快接管国家的领导权He was trying to steal my boat.我是自卫It was self-defense.把双手

33、放在脑后Put your hands on your head.你是谁?Who are you?你是谁?Who are you?我叫乔普拉多My names Joe Prado.我是无辜的Im innocent.我什么都不知道I have nothing to hide.约西克在哪?Wheres Yosik?他死了Hes dead.旁边有部手♥机♥This phone was lying next to him.把他带走Get him out of here.走Lets go.搜查整艘船Secure the boat.约西克死了Yosiks dead.我们抓到和他见

34、面的人We have the man he was meeting.他说他叫乔普拉多He says his name is Joe Prado.带回来Bring him in.我们还发现了约西克的手♥机♥We also recovered Yosiks cell phone.我们正试着从中找到一些线索We*ll try and pull something off it.路上再向你汇报Ill report to you en route.干得好柯蒂斯Good work, Curtis.我们等着Were standing by.你打算怎么办?What do you w

35、ant to do?控制住局面Control the situation.确保普拉多不会吐出一个字Make sure Prado doesnt talk to the authorities.他会妨碍我们的He can hurt us.我们怎么联♥系♥他?How do we get to him?我们不能We cant.不能直接的联♥系♥Not directly.喂?Hello?我是马尔万This is Marwan.什么事马尔万?Yes, Marwan?你能马上联络到大♥赦♥国♥际&hearts

36、;吗?Can you reach Amnesty Global at this hour?有什么事吗?What do you need?我需要一名律师An attorney.应该没问题Im sure I can.告诉他们一个无辜的人将在没有被指控的情况下Tell them that an innocent man is being held without charges 被洛杉矶反恐局关押和拷问and is about to be tortured at CTU Los Angeles.谢天谢地基勒总统幸存了下来By god*s grace, President Keeler survive

37、d,但是其余的75人全部遇难but more than 75 others did not.我同你们一样对此次的悲剧感到无比的悲痛和愤慨I share in your grief and anger from this tragedy.我们全家人和你们一样My family and I feel no differently than each and every one of you.我们感到震惊难过或许还有一点害怕We are shocked, saddened and maybe a little afraid.这些恐♥怖♥分♥子♥

38、又一次向我们展示了These terrorists have displayed,他们灭绝人性的本质once again, their indifference toward human life.我向你们保证他们会为此付出代价的They will pay for what they have done, I assure you.比尔打扰一下Bill, excuse me.有一支护送小组不见了Theres a convoy missing.什一么?What?他们本该从伊利诺斯州到爱荷华州的杰佛逊市的It was headed from Illinois to Jefferson city,

39、Iowa,但是他们在州界处失踪了it disappeared just inside the border.失踪了?Disappeared?他们本应该每隔20分钟就像检查站报告的但是没有They were due to call in at their checkpoint every 20 minutes, they didnt. 我试着通过卫星电♥话♥联♥系♥他们I tried to reach them on comsat.但是没有回复There was no reply.卫星上也找不到吗?What about satellite?

40、毫无踪迹Nothing showing up.车上装载了什么?What was on the trucks?一颗核弹头A nuclear warhead.我们坚信会获得最终的胜利Our faith and our resolve will prevail.好的我们拿到指纹了Okay, weve got the fingerprints.我会拿它和数据库内的指纹进行比对Fil run them through our databases.谢谢Thanks.柯蒂斯带回来那个人的情况我们知道多少?What do we know about the prisoner Curtis is bringin

41、g in?只有他自己说的名字乔普拉多Just the name he gave, Joe Prado.柯蒂斯刚刚传来了他的照片和指纹Curtis just uploaded his picture and prints.我正在处理Im running them through now.准备好拘留室柯蒂斯一回来Prep holding so Curtis can begin interrogation就开始审问as soon as they arrive.我要这个人立即招供而不是拖上好几个小时I want this man broken in minutes, not hours.清空所有目录C

42、lear all directories,整合所有资源来寻找核弹的下落put all resources into finding this warhead.相信我迈克我也希望能早点知道这事Believe me, Mike, I wish I had known about this sooner, too.我并没有指责你Look, Tm not pointing fingers here.我站在你这边的Im on your side,但总统先生可不想看见but the President is not going to be happy自己作出的承诺变成空话that the statemen

43、t he made could be invalidated.我不知道该怎么说了I donrt know what to tell you.我们正在全力以赴寻找那颗核弹头We*re putting everything weve got into finding this missing warhead. 好稍后再联络All right, we41 get back to you.走!Move!抬上去!Inside!走!Lets go!快快快!Move, move, move!我们拿到了正准备离开We*ve got it and we1 re heading out now.托马斯将军刚刚告诉

44、我说军方丢失了 一枚核弹头General Thomas just told me were missing a nuclear warhead.是的我刚从比尔布坎南那了解了具体概况Yes, I just heard some of the details from Bill Buchanan.什么时候的事?When did this happen?中部时间凌晨1点45分It disappeared somewhere between 1:45 A.M.至2点15分之间And 2:15 central time.我们的卫星没有一颗发现么?None of our satellites was ab

45、le to pick this up?那里是山区而且是在晚上It was in mountain terrain at night.我们的人正在分♥析♥图像Our people are analyzing the imagery now,但是找起来会很困难but its going to be hard to find.如果我们找不到这个马尔万怎么办?What are we going to do if we dont find this man Marwan?我们的人正在尽全力Our people are doing everything they can把他的行动范围限制在洛杉矶to contain him to the Los Angeles area.他想离开几乎不可能


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