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1、24小时第4季第15集前情提要杰克当心Jack, look out!保罗!Paul!快去叫医生Get me a Medic!医生Medic!血压正在降低给我10毫升的Losing pressure, I need lOccs.这发生的太突然等我反应过来他已经中弹了It happened so fast, he was hit before I could do anything情况有多糟?How bad is it?不知道We dont know.真的不知道We just dont know.告诉我他不会死Please tell me hes not going to Die.我为什么要帮你?

2、Why should I help you?我会给你自♥由♥戴娜Im offering you your Freedom, Dina.你和贝鲁兹将会作为证人受到保护You and behrooz will be put in the witness protection program.你会有新的名字新的身份新的一切Youll be given new Names, identities, everything.你要我做什么?What do you need me to do?我要你去找法耶德告诉他你要和马尔万谈谈I need you to go to Fayed

3、and tell him that you need to speak to marwan. 他连门都不让我进更不要说接近马尔万了He wont let me through his front door let alone get near marwan. 他会的只要你告诉他有一个对他有用的人♥质♥He will when you tell him that youve got a hostage that can help him. 谁?Who?反恐局有没有扣留他?Does ctu have him in custody?是的他很安全Yes. Hes safe.

4、你回答了我的问题我怎么知道你有没有说实话呢?You answered the question, but are you telling me the truth?打电♥话♥给反恐局自己问他们Call ctu, ask them yourself.埃德加斯泰尔斯Edgar Stiles.服务器新密♥码♥是多少?Whats the new password for the Server?中 ♥央♥服务器?For the central Server?我帮你连上去PH get you on.不用了把密&hearts

5、;码♥给我这样我随时能够登入No, don*t get me on. Give me the password so I can access it whenever I want to.这里不再归你管了It*s not your area anymore.你在说什么?What are you talking about?你为我工作You work for me.不我以前为你工作那已经过去了No. I worked for you. Worked. With an -ed at the end. Past tense.埃德加我已经复职了Edgar, Tve been reinst

6、ated.别再争论f把密♥码♥给我So quit being territorial and just give me the password.不行No.柯蒂斯你能否向埃德加解释一下我已经复职了仍是组里的负责人Curtis, could you please explain to Edgar that I have been re-hired to resume my position as head of comm?情况变了克萝伊Things have changed, Chloe.埃德加代替了你Edgar took over for you.你现在为他工作Yo

7、ull be working for him now.开玩笑Youre kidding.米歇尔把我召进来因为在埃德加领导下事情变得一团糟Michelle called me in because things were falling apart here under Edgar.立即把我的职权还给我要不我辞职Now give me my command or I walk.表面上你为他工作实际上你们两个职权相同Youll have equal authority, just on Paper it has to look like you work for him. 不行这是原则性问题Wel

8、l, Im not going to do that. Its a matter of Principle.你将被晋升为分♥析♥师Youll be bumped up to a term four analyst.你的工资将会增加35%奖金另加Thats a 35% Increase in salary plus bonus.那是我应得的Well, I should be getting that anyway.我的重点不是这个Thats not my point.埃德加为我工作Edgar works for me.今天不行克萝伊Not today, Chloe.好

9、吧Fine.中♥央♥服务器的密♥码♥是多少?What*s the password to the central Server?C-I-s-l-5-AC-I-s-one-five-a.谢谢Thanks.柯蒂斯!Curtis!一个自称是哈比卜马尔万的人在电♥话♥一号♥线A man who says hes Habib marwan is on line one.他要和反恐局主管说话He wants to speak to the director of ctu.通过高保真滤波器接进来Put it t

10、hrough a Hi-res filter.启动所有的追查装置和录音机Activate all tracers and recorders.米歇尔一个自称是哈比卜马尔万的人打电♥话♥来Michelle, someone claiming to be Habib marwan is on the line. 准备好监听电♥话♥ 了吗?Are you prepped for the call?把电♥话♥接进来Put him through.我是米歇尔戴斯勒反恐局主管This is Michelle dessler

11、, director of ctu.你是谁?To whom am I speaking?哈比卜马尔万This is Habib marwan.杰克鲍尔还活着被我关押着Jack bauer is alive and in my custody.我想和他说话Fil need to speak to him.用贝鲁兹阿♥拉♥索来交换他I will return him to you unharmed in exchange for behrooz araz. 给你十分钟时间决定I will give you ten minutes to secure clearances

12、 with your people. 我需要更多时间考虑一下I need more time before I can agree to that.就十分钟Ten minutes.我会再打电♥话♥给告诉你交换的具体细节I will call you then with exact details on how the exchange is to proceed. 追踪到了吗?Did you get a Trace?没有No.好的确认一下马尔万的声音Okay, confirm marwans identity off voice.然后处理贝鲁兹阿♥拉&

13、hearts;索的事And process behrooz araz.明白got it.为什么贝鲁兹阿♥拉♥索值得交换杰克?Why is behrooz araz Worth trading for Jack?不知道I dont know.召集所有站术小组到形势分&hearts淅♥室见我Have all tactical teams meet me in the situation room.好的Yeah.当地警方有没有把飞行员及其家人的报告送至反恐局?Sent the report about the pilot and his missing fa

14、mily to ctu yet?还没有I don*t think so.但是我们在洛杉矶警♥察♥局的人说报告已经完成But our contact at lapd said that the report has been flagged.十五分钟内会发往所有的机构It will go out to all the agencies within the next 15 minutes.如果反恐局得到了报告即使只快了一分钟他们就能够阻止我们If ctu gets a hold of it, even a minute too soon, they1! be able

15、 to stop us.报告一公布立即通知我You need to tell me the second that report gets released.好的Yes, marwan.马尔万想用杰克鲍尔交换贝鲁兹阿♥拉♥索Marwan wants to exchange Jack bauer for behrooz araz.这是为什么呢?The obvious question is why.在我看来有两种可能性The way I see it, there are two possibilities.第一可能有私人关系One, there*s a person

16、al connection.第二贝鲁兹知道能够打倒马尔万的内♥幕♥Two, behrooz has information that can damage marwan.我同意I agree.埃德加你的小组有没有调查我们所知的关于贝鲁兹阿♥拉♥索的一切 Edgar, have your team sift through everything we have on behrooz araz.尽快调查一下看他和马尔万是否有亲戚关系Go back as far as you can and see If theres a family Lin

17、k between him and marwan.对于贝鲁兹的初次审问Did the initial interrogation reveal that behrooz knew anything有没有得出马尔万的消息?that might make him valuable to marwan?没有我们太专注于他的母亲No, but main focus was on the mother.还没有好好审问他We really didnt push him very hard.柯蒂斯好好审问他Curtis, push harder.看看能有什么发现See what you can find.现

18、在就去But do it now.我猜想马尔万想在一个小时之内完成人♥质♥交换My guess is marwan will want to make this exchange within the hour.托尼从观察室监视他Tony, monitor him from the observation room.克萝伊声音分♥析♥方面有什么进展?Chloe, what do we have on audio?我们从麦克伦宁福斯特公♥司♥获取了一些声音的样本I was able to get some voi

19、ce memos from mclennan-Forster.声音符合The voice print matched.正是马尔万本人It was marwan.你准备怎样处理这个事情?How are you going to handle this?这孩子认为他的母亲为了保护他而作了笔交易The kid thinks his mother made a deal to protect him.首先我要让他相信这交易取消了The first thing I have to do is let him think that the deal is off.我们不能用心理攻势We cant use

20、a psychological approach.太慢了Its too slow.你有什么建议?What are you suggesting?我认为除非我们揍他一顿否则他不会合作的I think hes just going to drag his feet unless we put some physical pressure on him. 他只是一个受惊吓的孩子Hes just a scared kid.我很肯定他已经把所知道的一切都告诉了我们Im pretty sure hes given us everything he knows.你很肯定吗?Youre pretty sure

21、?我打电♥话♥给理查兹PH call Richards.托尼Tony.去吧我马上就来Go ahead. Ill catch up.你有没有杰克的消息?Have you heard anything on Jack?我们几分钟之前刚刚获取一点信息Yeah, we just got some information a couple of minutes ago.为什么不告诉我?Why didnt you let me know?对不起奥黛莉事情发展得太快了Im sorry, Audrey, but things are going pretty fast here.杰

22、克还活着Lookjacks alive.他被马尔万关起来了He is being held by marwan.你怎么知道?How did you confirm that?马尔万联♥系♥ 了我们Marwan contacted us.他联♥系 ♥你们?He contacted you?他为什么这么做?Why would he do that?他想做个交易He wants to make a trade.用杰克交换贝鲁兹Jack for behrooz.什么时候交换?When is that going to happen?我们不确定是否

23、会会交换We dont know If it is.什么意思?What do you mean?如果他想做这笔交易意味着贝鲁兹知道些什么Look, If he wants to make this trade, that means behrooz has tactical value.如果这样我们就得留着他If thats the case, then we May have to hold on to him.在这之前我们还有很多事情要做Look, theres a lot of stuff we have to go over before anything happens.我会告诉你的

24、现在我必须去找贝鲁兹好吗?Ill keep you posted, but right now I have to get in that room with behrooz, all right? 谢谢Thank you.好的保持住这个水平All right, keep it at that level.如果读数发生波动告诉我Let me know If the readings fluctuate.记住他不知道他母亲已经死了Remember, he doesnt know that his mothers dead. 我明白I know.你好贝鲁兹Hello, behrooz.我还要在这里

25、呆多久?How much longer do I have to stay here?这些需要时间These things take time.我妈妈在哪?Where is my mother?她还在外面Shes still in the field.和杰克鲍尔一起吗?With Jack bauer?她好吗?Is she okay?是的Yeah.她很好Shes fine.告诉我关于哈比卜马尔万的事情Tell me about Habib marwan.你为什么这样做?Why are you doing this?哈比卜马尔万Habib marwan.你妈妈只给了我们一点信息Your mothe

26、r gave us a little information.她说你会告诉我们更多She said you could give us some more.你答应过不伤害我You promised you wouldn*t Hurt me!求求你把这个男人赶走Please, get this Guy away from me.回到这里Back over here.我们要谈一下Were just going to have a little talk.马尔万是头儿Marwans the leader.我就知道这些了That*s all I know.我听到我父母亲谈论他 就这些了I heard

27、my parents talk about him, thats it.来吧Go ahead.你要干什么?What are you going to do?你想对我做什么?What is he going to do to me?对不起贝鲁兹sorry, behrooz.我是马尔万This is marwan.给我接米歇尔戴斯勒Get me Michelle dessler.戴斯勒小姐是马尔万Miss dessler, its marwan!所有人注意Everyone, on this!我是戴斯勒This is dessler.在联合管道水坝Union conduit dam,北面的入口碰头只

28、有30分钟North entrance. 30 Minutes.我要确认杰克鲍尔仍然活着I need to know Jack bauers still alive.很好Very well.米歇尔戴斯勒想要确认你还活着Michelle dessler wants to make sure youre alive.我被关在市区某个地方一个废弃的仓库Im being held in an abandoned warehouse; somewhere downtown.满意了吧Satisfied?我不确定30分钟是否来得及I dont know If I can make this happen i

29、n 30 minutes.自己想办法Youll find a way.等等Wait.该死Damn it!反恐局决不会完成这次交易Ctu will never go through with the exchange.我可以牺牲Im expendable.是的你可以Yes. You are.如果贝鲁兹对你来说很有价值那么对他们也一样If behrooz is a value to you, hes a value to them.他们不会让你得到他的They*! never let you have him back.马尔万Marwan.警方的报告已经分发了The police report f

30、ile has been distributed.几分钟之内反恐局就会就会得知一位军方飞行员和他的家人失踪了In the next few minutes, ctu will be alerted that a military pilot and his family are missing. 好的All right.克萝伊洛杉矶警♥察♥局传来实时报告Chloe, the hourlies from lapd are here.你通常怎么处理?What do you usually do with them?我浏览一遍然后把标注的项目交给分&hearts淅&hea

31、rts;员I go through them and promote any flagged items to the analysts.我现在没办法做这个I cant do that now.我要时刻准备跟踪马尔万的电♥话♥I have to get ready for the call from marwan.我也做不了这个Well, I can*t do it either.我正在跟踪贝鲁兹Im working on tracking behrooz.如果我是你的话我会看一下那个报告的But fd get on those hourlies If I were

32、 you.你不是我Well, youre not me.我把这个交给梅格让她浏览一下等我完成后再处理那些标注的项目Ill hand it off to Meg, tell her to sift through it, and deal with any flagged items when were done with the exchange.好的头儿Okay, boss.我是梅格this is Meg.梅格当地司法部门的实时报告来了Meg, hourlies from local Law enforcement just came in.克萝伊和我需要你筛选一下Chloe and I n

33、eed you to sift through them.你知道我们这儿有多少工作要做吗?Do you know how backed up we are down here?我知道我这里更糟Yeah, well, ifs worse up here.看一下好吗?Just do it, okay?好吧把报告发给我Fine. Send us a four.凤♥凰♥号♥准备起飞了Phoenix is ready to go.我想我们正在等待一个部件I thought we were waiting on a part.还好他们把我叫来检修Its a goo

34、d thing they called me in for a second opinion.机尾支架没问题是故障传感器误报Aft struts fine. It was just a faulty trouble sensor.你肯定吗?You sure?绝对肯定我检查三遍了Absolutely, I triple checked it.只是一个错误的报♥警♥It was just a false alarm.我的报告在这里Here is my report.好的我检查一下就可以起飞了All right, Fil clear it for take-off.我Me

35、.如果法耶德不相信我们怎么为,?What If rayed doesn*t believe us?那我们都得死Then were both dead.关门Close the door!把枪放在那Put your Gun over there.快点Doit!怎么了?What is it?一个叫戴娜.阿♥拉♥索的女人来找我A woman named Dina araz came to me.她想干什么?What does she want?她想交给你一名人♥质♥She wants to bring you a hostage.一名叫杰克鲍尔的

36、反恐局特工A ctu agent name Jack bauer.你给我添了很多麻烦鲍尔先生Caused me a lot of trouble, Mr. Bauer.杀了他kill him.不出我所料just what I thought.戴娜!Dina!不!No!在旅馆和他们见面Meet them at the hotel.我需要他全部的飞行资料包括通行证和身份识别密♥码♥Fil need his entire flight package, including clearance and identification codes. 一切都没问题Youll ha

37、ve whatever you need.收拾你的东西Get your things.我们要赶飞机我是米尔This is Miller.凤♥凰♥号♥检查完毕可以起飞了Phoenix is clear for take-off all right.克萝伊怎么了?Chloe, whats wrong?没什么Nothing.如果你想问杰克还没有他的消息I mean, theres no bad news about Jack yet, If thats what youre asking.由于杰克和你父亲都不在Since Jack and your fath

38、er arent here,你就是国防部的官方代表youre the Official dod representative, 这里有一些秘件so these are some Standard non-disclosures.有时间看一下需要你签字的地方我都做了标记Read them whenever you get a chance. I flagged where you need to sign. 我现在就看吧Ill do that now.关于你丈夫的事我很抱歉Im really sorry about your husband.谢谢Thank you.我想象不出如果我是你现在会是什

39、么感受?I cant imagine how Id be feeling right now If I were you.我现在就是害怕失去丈夫Im feeling like someone whos afraid of losing her husband.不我说的是你与你已经丈夫分居了No, I meant you know, you and your husband are separated.你又和杰克坠入爰河And youve fallen in love with Jack, I guess, 你们走到了一起你丈夫为了救杰克而中弹了 and then you end up toge

40、ther, and your husband takes a bullet but saves Jackrs life? 你会怎么做?What do you do with that?我考虑不了那么多克萝伊知道吗?I cant think about that right now, Chloe, okay?只是要保罗挺过这一关I just need Paul to pull through this.那杰克怎么办?What about Jack?你就假设恐♥怖♥份♥子♥不会杀了他吗?You just assume the terroris

41、ts arent going to kill him?克萝伊我现在不想谈这些Chloe, I dont want to talk about it.给Here.我太直接了是吗?I was inappropriately Blunt, wasnt I?我就是这样I do that a lot.抱歉Sorry.对不起我要走了Sorry, Fm going to go.我还有个一个外勤会议要参加I have a. A field meeting anyway.你说你♥爸♥爸与马尔万谈话f是打电♥话♥还是去你家? when you said yo

42、ur father spoke to marwan, was that on the phone or did he come to your house?都有Both.你与马尔万单独谈过话吗?Did you ever speak to marwan alone, away from your parents?没有No.他们为今天的袭击做准备时候你在场吗?When they made the preparation for todays attacks, were you in the room?我告诉过你了I told you.他们不允许我参与They didnt want me in th

43、ere.阿尔梅达Almeida.托尼汇报要开始了Tony, the briefing*s about to start.好的我一会儿就来All right, Fil be right there.如果他提供了什么线索If he produces something relevant,告诉我我在汇报室let me know. Ill be in the briefing.奥布莱恩OBrian.克萝伊你们所做的事情与军事有关吗?Chloe, is anything youre doing up there yielding a military connection?没有怎么了?No. Why?也

44、许不足为道但时事郡报里有一条的报告或许值得一看It May be nothing, but the county hourlys contain an incident report that might be Worth looking at.怎么了?What is it?据报告一位空军驾驶员的妻子和孩子两小时前失踪了An air force pilots wife and kids reported missing as of two hours ago.两小时前?Two hours ago?两小时怎么算失踪?How can someone be missing in two hours?

45、不知道I dont know, Chloe.我只是让你了解一下状况我该跟下去吗?Im just telling you what it says here. Should I run it?不得由我们来做No, we have to do it up here.那为什么你们一开始要送到我这来?Then why did you send it down here in the first place?那是埃德加的决定It was Edgars executive decision.我该给你吗?Should I give it to you?不我的首要任务是跟踪杰克那个交易No, Im the primary tactical in a trade for Jack.给埃德加吧Give it to Edgar.他说他太忙了He said hes too busy.在全郡搜索并把这个给他Just run it through county and get it to him.好Okay.埃德加Edgar什么事?What?梅格在时时报告中发现点东西Meg fo


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