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1、巧克力舒芙蕾朱莉娅第八集该死Oh, shit.*她是不是很惹人爱* Oh, wouldnt she be delicious *BGM: Everybody Ought To Have A Maid人人都该有个女仆*盘子洗得* Tidying up the dishes *他们说他的歌♥听完就忘They say his music isnt memorable.这曲子却在我脑中挥之不去I cant get that tune out of my head.真太有趣了Itrs so witty.你真这么认为吗Is that what youd call it?我想这歌&hearts

2、;不过是开玩笑Its all rather tongue in cheek, I think.我知道你不是那种假正经亲爰的Wouldnt take you for a prude, my dear.不我知道我知道No, I know. I know.也许她说得对Maybe shes right.也许谁说得对我们错了-Maybe whos right? - And were wrong.我们还在说那事吗Are we still talking about this?我只是没法忘记她的话Well, I just cant seem to shake what she said.也许我们现在That

3、 maybe, at this moment in time,传递的是错误信息maybe we are spreading the wrong message.我不知道怎样才能说得更清楚I dont know how to state this more clearly -毫无疑问弗里丹太太是错的In no uncertain terms, Mrs. Friedan is wrong.你需要忘掉那些话Well, thats very kind of you to say.当全世界都在你脚下时So, to leave on your own terms,自愿离开这一切吗with the worl

4、d at your feet?我觉得这就是勇敢Well, that is what I call brave.棒极了Brava.厉害爱儿Nice one, Al.拉斯Russ?我讨厌你叫我爱儿I hate it when you call me AL“我们是一家人“这话她常挂在嘴上“Were family.1 That is what she always said.我们是一家人我们是一家人Were family. Were family.听起来那么好听And that sounded so good.你听了也会感动不是吗I mean, you could fall for that, cou

5、ldnt you?肯定的没错Oh, absolutely, yeah.但是工作不是家人Yeah, but work isnt family.家人不会因为一个人Family doesnt just go away戾定结束而分崩离析because one person decides its over.她需要你的支持她很有智慧She needed something from you. Shes smart.不她没错No. Sh- Well, yes,但我觉得她认为她是认真的but I-I think that she thought she meant it.她那么And shes so.我不知

6、道为什么我觉得需要听她说这话Gah! I don*t know why I felt like I needed it from her.我自己有完美的家人I have a perfectly good family of my own.你不想觉得自己只是一个雇员You didnt want to feel like you were just an employee.对就是这样Yes. Yes, exactly.我喜欢她关心我I liked the fact that she cared about me,她可能真的关心我which she may have.她只是更关心其他的事She ju

7、st cares about other things more.别人也是这样Well, like everyone, though.比方你 有一天你当上老板也这样Like you, some day, when youre a boss.好吧可能是这样Yeah, I guess thats right.对啊Yeah.我想出人头地I want to be someone.我想证明给我妈看证明给所有人看I-I-I want to show my mom. I want to show everyone.不管我有多想证明这一点No matter how much you want that,我不能

8、把所有的幸福you cant go putting all ofyour little happiness eggs都押在工作这一件事上对吧into one work basket, can you?到纽约来吧Come down to New York.反正你之后不会这么忙了Youll be less busy now anyway.真的吗Really?所以我说了这么多这么久So all of this, and the whole time,你只是在想“我能从中得到什么”youre just thinking, Whafs in it for me?显然是这样Yeah, obviously.

9、我和朱莉娅一样聪明会操纵人心Hey, Im smart and manipulative, just like Julia.到纽约来吧Come down to New York.女性的奥秘我能进来吗May I come in?别闹了保罗Oh, really, Paul.今天的爆发之后我想到了蛋壳After the outburst today, I thought eggshells.现在你就是个受虐狂Oh, well, now youre just being a masochist.保罗什么事-Paul? - Mm-hmm?法国大厨是我的主意“The French Chef was my

10、idea.我向波士顿公共电台提议的不是他们提的I proposed it to WGBH, not the other way around. 而且我耍了花招让你加入And I tricked you to get you on board.什么What?这个事Ive held onto this我隐瞒了快一年了for the better part of a year now,不过明天录完后but after the taping tomorrow, 谢天谢地一切就结束了thank God, it will be done.但更糟糕的是拉斯和那些小伙子们And whats worse, Ru

11、ss and the boys对我提出要自己掏钱were so unenthused by the notion录节目的想法无动于衷that I offered to pay for it myself out of pocket.这个事我也背着你做了Which Ive done also behind your back.哪来的钱How?主要是这本书的版税It was royalties from the book, mostly.不过我爸来看我们时他走之前But when Pop came to visit, right before he left,我也找他帮助了I got him to

12、 pitch in, too.你找他要钱了吗是的-You asked him? -1 did.我咽下了你和我的骄傲I just swallowed my pride and yours做了该做的事and did what had to be done.你绝对不会允许我做这么蠢的事Theres no way you would have let me go through such folly. 老实说保罗我就好像被附身了Honestly, Paul, it was as if I was possessed.我I, uh.我真的不明白I dont really understand.我是你的头

13、号♥粉丝Im your number-one fan.-是我知道-我一直都是-Yes, I know. -1 always have been.确实是Yes, its true.我不知道要说什么I-I-I dont. know what to say也不知道or or where 从哪里开始说起where even to begin.我真是不解朱莉娅Im confused, Julie.陷入这种状况Uh, its - its - its confusing真的让人困惑to be put into this position.我的做法太可怕了Well, I have behaved

14、 horrendously.到了我们这把年纪And at this point in our lives?经历f大使♥馆♥的流言蜚语和羞辱之后After all the gossip and humiliation at the embassy, 我以为我在家里是平安的I-I - I thought I was safe here.在自己家里又被羞辱To be undermined again,而且还是被你羞辱in my home, and by you?保罗Oh, Paul.我今晚要Im going to 到自己房♥间睡going to spend

15、the night in - in my room.天啊Oh, God.忘了拿枕头Forgot my pillow.你还好吗You all right?好着呢Yeah.错过你一开始就不想做的事Its weird to miss something感觉很奇怪you never wanted to begin with.是啊当然了Right. Of course it is.我完全理解I completely understand.她是我们生活的一局部She was part of our lives.对而且她不是那种Right. And shes not the kind of person你能

16、轻易忘掉的人you get out of your head that easily.没错她绝对不是No, she definitely is not.等我们白发苍苍时还会记得她I mean, we will remember her, when were old. 她的声音还在我脑海里回响Ill still hear that voice in my head.我很高兴你在散伙之前有了其他的工程Im glad you moved on before it all fell apart.否那么情况就很糟了The other way wouldve been worse.会糟很多Oh, much

17、.不过我会想念那些I will miss all that par-cooked food我带回家的烹饪半成品I got to bring home and play with, though.她教会我怎么做菜She taught me how to cook.你也跟她学了做菜And she taught you how to cook.这也太奇怪了How strange is that?拉斯尔Russell.味道好极了That is perfect.最值得我们自豪的不在于永无败绩而在于每次失败后都能站起来好了回到你伙伴身边打入练习我数到三One, two.three.保罗能抑制片刻怒火的人可

18、以防止多日的悲伤做十次前倒是老师Yes, Sensei.告诉朱蒂斯很难Oh, it was tough telling Judith,不过这样更好but this was better.不用撒谎了The lie is gone.他最终还是会原谅我的Hell forgive me eventually.当然了亲爰的Well, of course he will, my dear.我们将画上一个圆♥满♥的句号♥Well end on a high note.如果要结束节目最好用舒芙蕾结尾If youre gonna go, you may as well

19、go out with souffles.难以置信一切都结束了Cant believe its over.我现在回头想想When I think about it now,我不仅不知道我在做什么not only did I not know what I was doing也不知道我要向这个世界展示什么and what I was putting out into the world.你这话我可不敢苟同Oh, I could make a strong argument against that.不仅如此我的内心世界.more than that, what I was doing insid

20、e和个人生活更是一团糟and in my personal life was even worse.老天Gosh.我可怜的保罗斯基Oh, my poor Paulski.你可怜的保罗斯基之前不支持你做节目Your poor Paulski wasnt going to let you do the show.你是不得已才撒谎的You lied out of necessity.一切如昔Nothings changed.和谁结婚很重要Who you marry matters.你比任何人都清楚这一点You know that better than anyone.因为他我的生活充满了And I

21、have gotten to live a life full of adventure and fun 冒险和乐趣because of that man.这一年实在太毒害了This was a poisonous year.我感觉心头卸下了沉重的负担I feel an enormous weight off my chest.-是吗-是的-Do you? - Oh, yes.我心情很好This feels good.感觉很棒This feels right.继续这么暗示自己吧Keep telling yourself.亨利切割粘土干燥室等等在这里得改成Oh, wait, it*s here.

22、 It has to go -进来Come in.我敲门了I knocked.一切都好吧Everything all right?请坐Have a seat我知道我之前I know I may haveJ能越界了overstepped earlier.只是你一直鼓励我Its just, youve always encouraged me相信自己的直觉就像你一样to trust my gut the way you trust yours.我只是I was just.在追随我典范的脚步following the footsteps of my role model.天哪我的天哪Oh, my G

23、od. Oh, my God.-出什么事了 -朱蒂斯-What is it? - Judith.是阿尔佛雷德吗Alfred?不跟阿尔佛雷德无关No, no, its not Alfred.我就快瞎了Im going blind.这是我第一次大声说出来Thats the first time Ive said it out loud.我的天啊My goodness.预后很差The prognosis is bad.雅各布医生说病情会迅速恶化Dr. Jacobs says it will snowball quickly.没有眼睛我要怎么继续我的事业How can I continue witho

24、ut my eyes?我要是看不见那我是谁Who am I without my eyes, without my sight?工作是我的生命朱蒂斯I am my work, Judith.我的婚姻千疮百孔不是我的错My marriage is a mess through no fault of my own. 我跟我儿子的关系一团糟I made a mess of my son.我的工作当我My work - When I.当我阅读处♥女♥作的手稿时When I read the pages of a virgin manuscript.没有眼睛Without

25、my eyes.我我一无是处Im - I am nothing.一文不值Nobody.绝对不是布兰奇克诺普夫了Definitely not Blanche Knopf.如你所见这是一个平安系数最高的烤箱As you can see, this is a maximum security oven.请勿触摸请勿中途翻开如果有人翻开它就会被送上军事法庭If anyone opens it, theyll be court-martialed.说的就是你马蒂And that means you, Marty.请记住你必须静候舒芙蕾And, now, remember, you have to wai

26、t for the souffle.舒芙蕾可不会等你The souffle wont wait for you.现在我要And now, Tm going to用一把非常锋利的刀检查一下check it with a very sharp knife确保它已经烤好to make sure its ready.如果刀出来时没有面糊And if it comes out clean,那么就表示大功已告成well, nirvana awaits.如果不是再把它放回烤箱And if not, back in she goes.非常完美And that is perfect.保重身体本尼Oh, bles

27、s you, Benny.现在我们把绳子松开And now, lets loosen this collar.看看这孩子裸体是什么样子.see what this baby looks like naked.-她很幽默-是啊Shes funny. - Yeah.- 她真的很幽默-小心翼翼地Shes really funny. - .very careful when youre拿走.removing the.看舒芙蕾做好了Now, thats a souffle.或“蕾芙舒“我有时喜欢这么叫Or an HeLffuos, As I like to call it sometimes好让我丈夫保

28、持警觉to keep my husband on his toes.就是把“舒芙蕾”倒过来说Thats Souffle Backwards.You need to move past this.看看我正在给你做早饭Look at me, serving you breakfast.正如她所说的那样Im exactly what she said I am.-喂-早上好亲爰的-Hello? - Good morning, sunshine.你好想我吗-Hi. - You miss me?因为我们一直聊到今早3点吗Mm, seeing as we spoke until 3:00 in the m

29、orning?我的话费账单都快让我破产了You know, my phone bill is going to bankrupt me. 把账单寄给我Well, send it to me.为什么你也负担不起Why? You cant afford it, either.说的也是Yes, that is true.我和你才分开2天吗Did I only just leave you two days ago?两天打了 4通电♥话♥Two days and four phone calls.-看看这个-怎么了-Oh, look at that. - What?没什么这

30、真挺蠢的Oh, nothing. It*s silly, really.朱莉娅告诉我了个掌握煎蛋卷翻面的诀窍Julia told me this trick to mastering flipping an omelette - 用干豆子练习you practice with dry beans.所以我整个冬天和春天都在练习And so I did all winter and spring, 现在我似乎有了个小花♥园♥and now I seem to have a little garden. 听起来像是在暗示什么Well, that feels like a

31、metaphor for something.暗示我更健康自信吗That Im blossoming?暗示你成熟了That youre ripe.现在我要把它拿到桌子上And now Im going to carry it over to the table, 慢慢地挪过去以免惊动我们的杰作gliding softly so as not to disturb the maestro.然后我来教你怎么吃And Fil show you how to serve it.如果可以的话最好从烤箱拿出来后马上吃Now, you want to serve it straight out of the

32、 oven, if you can, 因为它会马上开始放气as it will begin to deflate almost immediately.- 你还好吗有些人会You okay? - And some people serve用舒芙蕾配冰淇淋their souffle with ice cream甚至生奶油一起吃or even whipped cream.谢谢你为我们所做的一切Thank you for everything youve done for us.- 从一开始我喜欢拿它配From the start. -1 like to serve it with一罪恶的卡仕达酱我

33、们会永远心存感激sinful creme anglaise. - WeH always be grateful.虽然本应是六人份And even though its supposed to serve six.我们保持联♥系♥WeH stay in touch.但大家都爱它所以只勉强够四人吃.everyone loves it so much, itll barely feed four.最好的方法是The best way to do this is拿两个勺子背靠背 然后to take two spoons back to back and.我的老天真让人垂涎欲

34、滴Oh, my gosh, this looks wonderful.随后And.盛到盘子里Now let*s plate.你可以浇上浓郁美味的You can serve it with that decadent.卡仕达酱creme anglaise, and.黄油糖鸡蛋巧克力Butter, sugar, eggs, chocolate.这就是全部所需Thats all it is, really.实际上我有个秘密要跟你提供As a matter of fact, I have a secret to tell you.你一直都知道如何制♥作♥巧克力舒芙蕾Youv

35、e known how to make a chocolate souffle all along. 你要做的就是全身心投入即可All you have to do is plunge in.再告诉你一个秘密And Ill tell you another secret -这不仅是烹饪的小窍门Thats the key; not only to the kitchen,也是人生的真谛but to life itself.我是朱莉娅查尔德This is Julia Child.祝大家好胃口Bon appetit.停And cut.好了别鼓掌了Oh, enough, enough.已经够傻了Oh,

36、 this is silly already.真的谢谢大家Really, thank you.谢谢Thank you.天呐Oh, gosh.如果没有这个房♥间非凡的Theres no way I could have done any of this艺术家领袖和专业人员without all the extraordinary artists and leaders我不可能做成这档节目and craftsmen in this room.没有你们我就做不到”“I couldnt have done it without you感觉像是陈词滥调但是feels like a clic

37、he, but.但该死的But, shit.这话一点不假.is it ever true.拉斯爱丽丝Russ? Alice?致辞致辞致辞Speech! Speech! Speech!好吧Alright, alright.天呐Oh, God.真舍不得This is rough.今天对我来说很艰难This is a hard day for me 对我们都是for all of us.比我想象的更难Harder than Id like to admit.爱丽丝Alice?我从没在Oh. Um, Ive never given a speech这么多人面前致过辞to a crowd of peop

38、le like this.说真的我希望是个欢乐些的场合And, truthfully, I wish it were a happier occasion.集体照Group photo!大家都去台面后面Everyone behind that counter.对好极了Yes! Yes! Thats wonderful.保罗保罗你能来拍吗Paul! Paul, would you do the honors?当然可以Uh, yes, of course.朱莉娅这边Julia, right here. Yes.完美谢谢Perfect. Thank you.大家都到了吗所有人都来了吗Do we ha

39、ve everyone? Is that everyone?好Yes.说“奶酪”Say Hfromage.u奶酪Fromage!好了Alright.干杯兄弟们Chin chin, boys.干杯一干杯-Cheers. - Cheers.人怎么能离开片场呢I mean, you dont walk offset.是啊根本前所未有-No. -1 mean, you just dont do that.就是Completely.但我会怀念那些好吃的Ell miss the goodies, though.好吃的Goodies?华而不实的人一只脚进了疯人院Its the flashy ones tha

40、t have one toe in the loony bin.不她是兔子No, shes a hare,我们才是乌鬼and were torti.我觉得应该念乌龟I-I think its, uh, tortoises.像我们这样稳健的男人Well, sure and steady men like us毫无疑问最终会取得胜利inevitably win the race.她以为自己是谁啊玛丽莲梦露吗I mean, who does she think she is, Marilyn Monroe?而且我能重新拥有拉斯And Fil get my Russ back.我整晚都在想方法I wa

41、s up all night thinking of ways除掉贝蒂弗里丹to snuff out Betty Friedan.你真贴心That was sweet of you.事实是如果我有一把枪Truth is, itd be a lot simpler事情会简单很多if I had a firearm.我并不是想杀了她Not that I want to kill her, really.只是让她残疾Just maim her.漂亮地残疾A good maiming.你要是继续刷油漆都要掉光了Keep scrubbing and the paints going to come of

42、f.我已经习惯了忙碌I got so used to being busy.阿门Amen.突然多了这么多闲暇时间All this time to ourselves.让人害怕Terrifying.我猜自己又得变回一个普通的Guess Ill go back to being another grandmother酗酒祖母了with a drinking problem.我还是开心我们拍了Im still happy we did it.你的积极让人不安Your optimism is unsettling.对吧It is, isnrt it?我猜我有更多时间摄影和画画了I guess ther

43、e will be more time for photography and painting.一切都感觉好空虚This all feels rather empty,好像画布缩水了一千倍like the canvas has shrunk a thousand fold.说得好Hear, hear.我被解雇时我真以为When I was fired, I really thought自己到极限了I had reached the end of my tether.这真是天赐良机What a godsend this was.你是被解雇的吗You were fired?我不想说这件事I do

44、nt really want to talk about it.你知道吗Did you know?我知道什么Did I know what?她的谎言About the lie.我当然知道Of course I did.你说她做不了You told her she couldnt do it.她还有什么选择What choice did she have?简单来说我属于你茜姆卡Well, the simple point is, I am yours, Simca.任你派遣At your disposal.这是永远的吗还是等你拍摄开始Is this forever, or until you b

45、egin filming again?没有什么拍摄了Oh, there is no more filming.我已经完成了最后一集法国大厨I have made the final episode of The French Chef.这么快就失败了吗A flop already?是我的决定It was my decision.最后我发现这对于In the end, it proved to be a distraction我们所做的重要工作来说分散太大from the very valuable work you and I are doing.朱莉娅你知道我不喜欢说这话Oh, Julia,

46、 you know it does not make me happy to say 我早告诉你了I told you so.这是你的优点之一Itfs one of your best qualities.上周末我去巴黎Last weekend, I went up to Paris跟朋友在大维弗吃晚餐to have dinner with a friend at the Grand Vefour.天呐我想念那餐馆Oh, gosh, I miss that place.还有那巧克力慕斯And the chocolate mousse.两百年的历史一如既往的好吃200 years and better than ever.这些昙花一现的东西You know, these things of the moment -时尚电视fashion, television -你试图抓住它们 却发现早已消散you try to grab on to them, and they are gone.就像手里的空气Like air in your hand.重要的事才会存留What matters lasts.对我同意Oh, yes, I agree.


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