1、2023年幼儿园大班英语教案随笔集锦 在儿歌sunny day中,进活动室,渗透故事当中的一些动词及短句如: Let&39;s go. walk and walk touch and touch.在创设的森林场景中,引导大班幼儿用疑问短句:what&39;s this? What&39;s that? 复习一些小动物的英语名称。接下来我在这里给大家带来关于幼儿园大班英语教案随笔,盼望对你有所关心! 幼儿园大班英语教案随笔1 (一)活动目标: 学习正确读准、认识单词daddy、mommy、grandpa、grandma,并了解其含义。 (二)活动预备: flash card:daddy、momm
2、y。 (三)活动过程: 1. say hello(打招呼): 师:今日我们班上来了好多客人,小伴侣们应当和客人说什么呀?(教师做hello动作提示幼儿) 师:我们一起唱一首好听的英文歌送给大家好吗? 师幼共唱hello song。 2. warm up(热身运动): 肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around 3. teaching(教学): 师:do you want to know whats behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小伴侣数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. on
3、e, two, three. 咦,它还是不愿出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three) (出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy) (出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy) 我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy! ki ing game:依次请幼
4、儿说:hello daddy/mommy. 4. jumping game: 以唱歌wheres my daddy/mommy?的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。 教师说明游戏规则。 教师指挥游戏:教师随机喊daddy或mommy,两名幼儿尝试游戏。 教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参加游戏幼儿进行jumping game. 5. say good bye(说再见)。 幼儿园大班英语教案随笔2 教学目标: 1.复习把握学过的动物单词比方tiger,elephant,dog,cat 2.学习新的动物名称:dolphin,peacock,penguin 3.理解问句:wh
5、at&39;s missing 教学重点 :学习新的动物的单词,并可以将图和单词对应 教学难点:让幼儿记住新的动物单词同时能理解老师问的问题what&39;s missing? 教具预备:各种动物卡 教学过程: 1. Warm up热身(手指儿歌: everybody can you show me your hands? 让小伴侣把两只手各伸出一只食指,相互敲敲并唱:one finger one finger tap tap tap, two fingers two fingers tap tap tap , three fingers three fingers tap tap tap,
6、four fingers four fingers tap tap tap , five fingers five fingers .clab.大家一起很快的拍手,老师说 one two three stop.大家停下。 2. Greeting问候时间: T: hello ,boys and girls how are you? Kids:I&39;m fine and you ? T: 引入主题 today I bring many friends ,can you guess who are they? Ok,let&39;s count one two three .they are c
7、oming. 3. Review复习: 老师以快速闪卡的模式依次出示学过的动物卡片,并让小伴侣说出动物的英文名字。(教案出自:屈老师教案网)老师观看看那个小伴侣说的最快最精确并击掌鼓舞。 4. New lesson新授课程: 老师继续引出新的动物出来:Now i have three new animals come out. Do you want know who are they? Ok, we count fivene,two,three,four, five. Look,what&39;s this? Kids:海豚。T:yes,it&39;s dolphin.It swim in
8、the sea.ok next one what&39;s this? K:孔雀。T: good,it&39;s peacock. It&39;s very beautiful yeah? Ok, the last one ,what&39;s this? K: 企鹅。T:yes,it&39;s penguin. It&39;s lives very cold places,对,它生活在很冷的的地方。介绍完新的动物,让孩子跟老师读一遍。 5. Chat练习: 老师将新的动物图片粘在黑板上, 然后每次请两名幼儿到黑板的对面,当老师问:which one is .?动物的时候,两个幼儿要快速跑到黑
9、板前正确并很好的用手指出图片,然后回来击掌(这个环节是检验学习新单词,可以每组进行两轮) 6. Games游戏环节: 老师先告知幼儿游戏规则。Now,let&39;s play a game.The name is what&39;s missing?谁不见了?Frist put three animals on the blackboard and one kid stand here.Look them and remember.首先我将三张卡片放在了黑板上,请一名幼儿上前面来站在这并看记住这些动物Then turn around and i take away a card. When
10、the teacher say: turn back and you can guess what&39;s missing.老师叫孩子转过去并拿走一张图片,然后说转过来的时候,幼儿猜 guess what&39;s missing? 假如猜对了,老师问大家right? 其他孩子会说yes,老师可以击掌或嘉奖给予鼓舞。老师作完示范,请每次请两名幼儿来玩,一个放卡片,一个猜,(教案出自:屈老师教案网)猜完后再互换位置,都猜对了都有嘉奖。 7. 最终再复习一遍全部动物,并强调新的动物跟它们说byebye。以唱儿歌形式走向卫生间洗手结束课程(hands and shoulders) 幼儿园大班英语教
11、案随笔3 活动目的: 1.练习和稳固对英文句子的把握。 2.培育集体荣誉感。 活动预备: 音乐磁带(背景音乐) 活动过程: 1.讲解游戏规则: 游戏开始后,方能同时开始往后传,声音应小。 师:"小伴侣们,今日咱们来玩一个游戏,游戏的名称叫&39;传悄悄话&39;。每一组从第一位小伴侣开始,一个一个往后传一句话,(教案出自:屈老师教案网)最终一个小伴侣上来说出传给他的句子是什么,与第一个小伴侣所传之话一样者为胜。看哪一组传得既快又正确确,即得第一名。" 2.全班幼儿分成人数相等的四组。 3.教师对每组第一名幼儿耳语一句话,四名幼儿记住后,回到座位。 4."The g
12、ame begins."每组幼儿分别往后传句子,第一名幼儿告知第二位,依次类推。 5.最终一位幼儿站起(stand up),大声说出本组所传句子,如与卡片上相同为对,若时间又快,为第一名。 6.评出第二、三、四名。 幼儿园大班英语教案随笔4 Green grass is on the ground. 主题:Green gra is on the ground. 班级:大班 老师:Ly Time:November 11th Teaching aims Le on 9 认读Q and R 听懂: Your green gra is on the ground. I know you li
13、ke it. Good afternoon. 会唱:< Baaing, baaing, peeper shee gt; Teaching tool: Some cards、tape Teaching Procedures Teacher Student 1st.Warm up First: cheek name. Second: Sing the song with children about what we have learned last le on . Children should act and sing the song. Your can act what you wa
14、nt to act. 2nd.Review Review the contents about le on 8. First: Show some cards and put the children to say: I can see and I cant see Second: make the children say three dogs name. Method: play the flash card game with the children and help them to remember the sentence :I can see or I cant see Some
15、 words they dont know how to read. But the are very interested in the game ,most of the children can say I can see table 、book TV act. The can remember the dogs name. 3rd.Presentation First: show the cards and introduce Peeper sheep to the children. Second: look at C D and listen to the contents abo
16、ut the le on: Peeper sheep: Good afternoon, peeper sheep. Mighty m&111nkey: Good afternoon Mighty m&111nkey. Mighty m&111nkey: I see. Youre hungry. Here you are. Your gra . Your green gra in on the ground Third: teaching the children how to eak world and sentence of the dialogue. Fourth:
17、 Tell them the mea about the dialogue. And encourage the children to act the dialogue in front of the cla room. Learn the song: < aaing, baaing. Peeper shee gt; They can remember the sheeps name quickly. When we listen to the dialogue together, some children can say some worlds about what we h
18、ave learned in the picture. ex: they can say the world gra ,tree, Dance Doggie, and so on. Repeat the sentence “your green gra is on the ground more and more. 4th.Goodbye < aaing, baaing. Peeper shee> Fallow the tape, singing the song < aaing, baaing. Peeper shee >tighter. 5th.Feed back Most of the children can eak the sentence, but some of them cant. The children are more interested in the game and song. 6th.Judge of myself I should keep more patience with the children. 返回大班教学列表展开剩余欣赏支持本文地址: s:/ ARTICLE幼儿大班英语教案随笔大全NEXT ARTICLE幼儿大班英语教案随笔集锦