1、2023年幼儿园大班英语教案随笔精选 鼓舞幼儿用英语说一种想象中颜色和物品组合的词语,如:green house(绿色的星星)。说正确就可得一颗星。鼓舞幼儿说得与别人不同和说一句完好的句子,接下来我在这里给大家带来幼儿园大班英语教案随笔,盼望对你有所关心! 幼儿园大班英语教案随笔1 Alice in wonderland (New Edition) Yoyo: It is story time. Alice, hurry up! Je y: I am coming. Yoyo: ring is here. Flowers blo om in the ring time. Butterflies
2、 fly in the ring time. Children play in the ring time. To y: My god! I am late. I am late! Je y: Wait for me, wait for me, please. Daniel, Eric, Tina, Richard, Lucy小茶壶,歌曲I am a little teapot. 歌词:I am a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle. Here is my out. When I start to steam up, then
3、I shout, tip me over and pour me out. Tina: A beautiful girl! Eric: A strange girl! Richard: Who are you? Je y: My name is Alice. I feel thirsty and hungry. Lucy: Please drink some water. Daniel: Please eat some bread. Je y: Thank you. Do you see the white ra it? 小茶壶们合: No, we dont. Je y: I want to
4、find him. Bye bye. 小茶壶们合: Bye bye. Je y: Its a big garden. There are many beautiful flowers. Erica, Beauty, Jasmin, Rose, Amanda, Julia小仙女舞蹈,歌曲Bu les 歌词: Bu les, bu les, blow, blow, blow. Bu les, bu les, blow, blow, blow. What are you doing, doing, doing, doing? What are you doing, doing, doing, doi
5、ng? I am blowing bu les. Je y: Do you see the white ra it 小仙女们合: No, we dont. 国王和王后Helen Demi Helen: Who are you? Je y: My name is Alice. Demi: I know a fun game. Lets play together. Je y and Demi: Paper-sci ors-stone.(三次) Demi: Im the number one. Im the number one! Helen: Dont be angry. Playing car
6、ds, come on! Richard, Thomas, Jack, Jo y扑克牌 扑克牌合:Stop! Stop! No ru ing! No ru ing! Helen and Demi: Catch her! Catch her! Catch her! Je y: Dont catch me! Help! Help! Help! Yoyo: Alice, wake up, wake up! Je y: Im coming back! Its a dream! Je y and Yoyo: Laughing 全班合唱,歌曲待定。 全班:Thank you. Bye bye. 幼儿园大班
7、英语教案随笔2 教学目标: 1、引导幼儿在游戏中复习单词:bus car train plane boat。 2、引导幼儿在游戏中学习使用单词:by。 3、能较好地遵守游戏的各项规则。 教学预备: 1、 各种交通工具(bus car plane train boat)的玩具模型、操作道具,图片,挂图,小动物(小兔、小猫、小狗、小羊、小牛)的房子和头饰。 2、 幼儿对各种交通工具的名称已有初步的印象。 教学过程: 一、WARM UP 1、 律动:By bus 师:Lets go by bus, OK? 2、 Are you ha y today 师:How do you feel today?
8、Are you ha y?/Are you sad? /Are you angry? 二、想一想 1、 逐一出示交通工具(bus car train plane boat)的图片。 问:a、What is it ? b、where should we park the bus(car/train/plane/boat)? 引导幼儿逐一把图片贴到挂图上的停车场、码头、和飞机场。 2、引导幼儿逐一认识小兔、小猫、小狗、小羊、小牛的家,问:Whose house is it ? 3、引导幼儿观看挂图,逐一提问: How can we go to the(ra it、cat、dog、sheep、cat
9、tle)s house ? 引导幼儿学习用By 来表达4、个别提问,引导幼儿边操作边表达。 三、玩一玩玩法:幼儿分四组,每组分别请一名幼儿戴上头饰操作相同的“交通工具竞赛谁先到达某个小动物的家。全体幼儿喊口令:By bu y train ,获胜的幼儿得到奖品。 师:Do you like to play a game?(介绍游戏的玩法和规则) 四、幼儿律动出活动室、Row row row your boat 师:Lets go by boat, OK? 幼儿园大班英语教案随笔3 一.教学目标 1、 能听、说、读、写字母Ii 2、 把握单词 二.教学重点与难点 1、如何听、说、读、写字母Ii 2
10、、如何更好的把握单词 三. 课前预备: VCD机、碟片、字母单词卡片 四.教学过程 1. Words:bee bird horse Practice new words one by one. 2. (出示字母单词卡片) T Whats this in English Ss Its“H T Whats this in English? Ss Its“sheep 3、 T: (板书) big letter H , small letter h Ss: (书空) Hh 4、 practice T: Take out your copy book Ss: Copy the letters and w
11、ords. 5、Assign homework 抄写字母Hh、Ii各两行。单词一行 幼儿园大班英语教案随笔4 Easter Bunny Teaching Plan: Easter Bunny School: No.2 Education Kindergarten of Jiangmen Teacher: Eileen Zhou 周爱连 Children&39;s age: Four years&39; old 复活节是西方纪念耶酥复活的一个宗教节日。蛋是其最典型的象征,而兔子因繁殖力强,人们把它视为新生命的表现者。在日常的教学中,觉察幼儿特殊喜爱小白兔,故在复活节来临之际,为了让幼儿了解西方的
12、一些风俗习惯,感受节日的欢乐气氛,特开设了此课程。本课程分为英语活动、美工和体游三部分。通过拼图、I can hop、找伴侣、制作复活蛋、藏蛋和寻蛋等游戏,让幼儿知道了兔(Easter Bunny)和蛋(Easter egg)在节日里的重要意义,知道了兔子跳是hop, 学会了单词Easter Bunny、Easter egg、toy、basket、hop、hide。句型Color the egg, lots of fun. Go on an egg hunt. 在活动当中让幼儿感受到其乐趣,激起学习英语的兴趣。 活动(一)英语活动 一、活动目标 1.初步认识西方节日-复活节的风俗习惯。 2.正
13、确分辨单词及其发音。 3.通过拼蛋、我会跳、找伴侣游戏中感受节日的欢乐。 4.单词:Easter Bunny Easter egg basket toy hop 二、教学时数 1课时(小班15分钟) 三、活动预备 1.复活兔头饰、复活蛋、篮子、玩具、夫拉圈若干。 2.Easter Bunny的音乐磁带 3.配班老师戴上复活兔头饰,提着装有复活蛋和玩具的篮子,预备参加活动。 四、活动过程 1. Warm up <1>.Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? C: I am happy. Thank y
14、ou. And you? T: I am fine, too. Thank you. Please look at the sky, what&39;s the weather like? C: It&39;s sunny/rainy/cloudy. <2>. Music: "Weather" "It&39;s a sunny day today. Sunny day, sunny day. It&39;s a sunny day today. Hot, hot,hot." 2. New words T: Easter is coming.
15、Here comes an Easter Bunny. Look, she is hopping to us. T: Hello, I am Easter Bunny. Nice to see you. T&C: Nice to see you, too. T: What&39;s in your hand? T1: It&39;s a basket. T&C: Basket, basket, It&39;s a basket. T: What&39;s in your basket? T1: Let me show you. This is a toy. T&C: O
16、h, toy, toy, it&39;s a toy. T: There are many toys in your basket. Let me see. This is a toy car. This is a toy carrot. That&39;s a toy dog. Oh, what&39;s that? It&39;s very beautiful. T1: I want you to guess. T: Is it a boat? T1: No, it isn&39;t. T: Is it a bowl? T1: No, it isn&39;t. T: I&39;m sorr
17、y, Easter Bunny. I don&39;t know. Boys and girls, do you know? T1: (Match the egg) Do you know now. it&39;s an Easter egg. T: Easter egg, Easter egg, It&39;s an Easter egg. How colorful it is! T1: Yes, How many colors can you see? T&C: Let&39;s count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. The
18、re are seven. T1: What colors are they? T&C: They are red, blue, green, pink, orange, purple and yellow. T: Easter eggs are so beautiful. May I have one. T1: Sure. Here, I have many Easter eggs. But they are broken. Can you help me match them? T: Yes, I can. Can you, boys and girls? 3. Play game
19、s <1>. Match the Easter egg from two parts. Put the Easter egg puzzles on the floor. Have the children match them right. <2>. I can hop. T: Easter Bunny, you have so many toys. Shall we play with them? T1: Of course. Let&39;s play together. (Have the children put on the headbands. Put on
20、e object into each hulohoop.) Now, I am an Easter Bunny. I can hop. Hop, hop, hop, I can hop. Hop to the toy. Hop to the basket. Hop to the Easter egg. <3>Find friends T: Easter Bunny has hided the Easter eggs down and up. Each of them has friends. Can you find them out? (Have the children find out the same Easter eggs.) (Music: "Easter Bunny hop, hop, hop. Hide the eggs, down and up.") 4. Follow up Encourage the children to listen to the tape everyday and play games with theirparents. 返回大班教学列表展开剩余欣赏支持本文地址: s:/ ARTICLE大班主题活动设计方案随笔最新汇总NEXT ARTICLE幼儿园大班数学教案教学设计