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1、2011年年MBA(工工商管理硕硕士)英语语真题Sectiion II Usee of EngllishDirecctionns:Read the folllowinng teext. Chooose tthe bbest wordd(s) for eachh nummbereed bllack and markk A, B, CC or D onn ANSSWER SHEEET 1. (100 poiints)The IInterrnet affoords anonnymitty too itss useers, a bllessiing tto prrivaccy annd frreedo

2、om off speeech. Butt thaat veery aanonyymityy is alsoo behhind the expllosioon off cybber-ccrimee thaat haas 11 accrosss thee Webb.Can pprivaacy bbe prreserrved 2 briinginng saafetyy andd seccuritty too a wworldd thaat seeems incrreasiinglyy 3 ?Last montth, HHowarrd Scchmiddt, tthe nnatioons cybeer-

3、czzar, offeered the fedeeral goveernmeent aa 4 to makee thee Webb a ssaferr plaace-aa “voolunttary trussted idenntityy” syystemm thaat woould be tthe hhigh-techh 5 of a phhysiccal kkey, a fiingerrprinnt annd a photto IDD carrd, aall rrolleed 66 onne. TThe ssysteem miight use a smmart idenntityy carr

4、d, oor a digiital creddentiial 7 tto a speccificc commputeer .aand wwouldd autthentticatte ussers at aa rannge oof onnlinee serrvicees.The iidea is tto 88 a fedeeratiion oof prrivatte onnlinee ideentitty syystemms. UUser coulld 99 whhich systtem tto jooin, and onlyy reggisteered userrs whhose idennt

5、itiies hhave beenn autthentticatted ccouldd navvigatte thhose systtems. Thee appproacch coontraasts withh onee thaat woould requuire an IInterrnet drivverss liccensee 110 by tthe ggoverrnmennt.Googlle annd Miicrossoft are amonng coompannies thatt alrreadyy havve thhese“ssinglle siign-oon”syystemms t

6、hhat mmake it ppossiible for userrs too 111 jjust oncee butt usee manny diifferrent servvicess.12.thhe appproaach wwouldd creeate a “wwalleed gaardenn” n cybeerspaace, withh saffe “nneighhborhhoodss” annd brrightt “sttreettlighhts” to eestabblishh a ssensee of a 13 commmunitty.Mr. SSchmiidt ddescrri

7、bedd it as aa “voolunttary ecossysteem” iin whhich “inddividdualss andd orgganizzatioons ccan ccompllete onliine ttranssactiions withh 144 ,ttrustting the idenntitiies oof eaach ootherr andd thee ideentitties of tthe iinfraastruucturre 115 wwhichh thee traansacctionn runns”.Stilll, thhe addminiistra

8、ationns pplan has 16 priivacyy rigghts actiivistts. SSome appllaud the apprroachh; ottherss aree conncernned. It sseemss cleear tthat suchh a sschemme iss an inittiatiive ppush towaard wwhat woulld 117 bbe a comppulsoory IInterrnet “driivess liccensee” meentallity.The pplan has alsoo beeen grreeteed

9、 wiith 18 by ssome compputerr seccuritty exxpertts, wwho wworryy thaat thhe “vvolunntaryy ecoosysttem” enviisionned bby Mrr. Scchmiddt woould stilll leeave muchh of the Inteernett 199 .TThey arguue thhat aall IInterrnet userrs shhouldd be 20 to regiisterr andd ideentiffy thhemseelvess, inn thee samm

10、e waay thhat ddriveers mmust be llicennsed to ddrivee on publlic rroadss.1A.ssweptt BB.skiippedd C.waalkedd DD.riddden2A.ffor BB.witthin C.whhile D.thhoughh3A.ccarelless B.llawleess CC.poiintleess D.hhelplless4A.rreasoon B.reemindder Cppromiise D.ppropoosal5A.iinforrmatiion B.innterfferennce C.ennte

11、rttainmment D.equiivaleent6A.bby B.iinto CC.froom D.ovver7A.llinkeed B.direectedd C.chhaineed Dpparedd8A.ddismiiss B.disccoverr C.crreatee D.imprrove9A.rrecalll B.sugggest C.seelectt DD.reaalizee10A.relccasedd BB.isssued C.diistriibuteed D.ddelivveredd11A.carrry onn B.liingerr on C.set in D.log in12

12、A.In vvain B.In eeffecct C.IIn reeturnn DD.In conttrastt13A.trussted BB.modderniized C.thriivingg DD.commpetiing14A.cauttion BB.dellightt C.coonfiddencee DD.pattiencce15A.on B.afteer C.bbeyonnd D.acrooss16A.diviided BB.dissappoointeed C.prroteccted D.unitted17A.freqquesttly B.iinciddentaally CC.occc

13、asioonallly D.evventuuallyy18A.skeppticiism B.releerancce C.iindifffereence DD.entthusiiasm19A.manaageabble B.defeendabble C.vulnnerabble D.inviisiblle20A.inviited B.appoointeed C.alloowed D.fforceedSectiion III Readding Comppreheensioon Part ADirecctionns:Read the folllowinng foour ttextss. Annswer

14、r thee queestioons aafterr eacch teext bby chhoosiing AA, B, C oor D. Marrk yoour aansweers oon ANNSWERR SHEEET 11. (440poiints)Text 1Ruth Simmmons joinned GGoldmman SSachsss bboardd as an ooutsiide ddirecctor in JJanuaary 22000: a yyear lateer shhe beecamee preesideent oof Brrown Univversiity. For

15、the restt of the decaade sshe aapparrentlly maanageed booth rroless witthoutt atttractting muchh erooticiism. But by tthe eend oof 20009 MMs. SSimmoons wwas uunderr firre foor haavingg satt on Golddmans coompennsatiion ccommiitteee; hoow coould she havee lett thoose eenormmous bonuus paayoutts paass

16、 uunremmarkeed? BBy Feebruaary tthe nnext yearr Ms. Simmmonss hadd lefft thhe booard. Thee possitioon waas juust ttakinng upp tooo mucch tiime, she saidd.Outsiide ddirecctorss aree suppposeed too serrve aas heelpfuul, yyet lless biassed, adviiserss on a fiirmss boaard. Haviing mmade theiir weealthh

17、andd theeir rreputtatioons eelsewwheree, thhey ppresuumablly haave eenouggh inndepeendennce tto diisagrree wwith the chieef exxecuttives prropossals. If the sky, andd thee shaare ppricee is fallling, outtsidee dirrectoors sshoulld bee ablle too givve addvicee bassed oon haavingg weaatherred ttheirr

18、ownn criises.The rreseaarcheers ffrom Ohioo Uniiverssity usedd a ddatabbase hat coveered moree thaan 100,0000 firrms aand mmore thann 64,000 diffferennt diirecttors betwween 19899 andd 20004. TThen theyy simmply checcked whicch diirecttors stayyed ffrom one proxxy sttatemment to tthe nnext. Thee mos

19、st liikelyy reaason for depaartinng a boarrd waas agge, sso thhe reesearrcherrs cooncenntratted oon thhose “surrprisse” ddisapppearrancees byy dirrectoors uunderr thee agee of 70. Theyy fouunt tthat afteer a surpprisee deppartuure, the probbabillity thatt thee commpanyy willl suubseqquenttly hhave t

20、o rrestaate eearniings incrreaseed byy neaarly 20%. Thee likkelihhood of bbeingg nammed iin a fedeeral classs-acctionn lawwsuitt alsso inncreaases, andd thee stoock iis liikelyy to perfform worsse. TThe eeffecct teendedd to be llargeer foor laargerr firrms. Althhoughh a ccorreelatiion bbetweeen tthe

21、m leavving and subssequeent bbad pperfoormannce aat thhe fiirm iis suuggesstivee, itt doees noot meean tthat suchh dirrectoors aare aalwayys juumpinng offf a sinkking shipp. Offten theyy “trrade up.” Leavving riskkier, smaallerr firrms ffor llargeer annd moore sstablle fiirms.But tthe rreseaarcheers

22、 bbelieeve tthat outsside direectorrs haave aan eaasierr timme off avooidinng a bloww to theiir reeputaationns iff theey leeave a fiirm bbeforre baad neews bbreakks, eeven if aa revview of hhistoory sshowss theey weere oon thhe booard at tthe ttime any wronngdoiing ooccurrred. Firrms wwho wwant to k

23、keep theiir ouutsidde diirecttors throough touggh tiimes may havee to creaate iincenntivees. OOtherrwisee outtsidee dirrectoors wwill folllow tthe eexampple oof Mss. Siimmonns, oonce agaiin veery ppopullar oon caampuss.21. AAccorrdingg to Paraagrapph 1, Ms. Simmmonss wass criiticiized for .Agaaininn

24、g exxcesssive proffitsBfaailinng too fullfilll herr duttyCreefusiing tto maake ccomprromissesDleeavinng thhe booard in ttoughh timmes22. WWe leearn fromm Parragraaph 22 thaat ouutsidde diirecttors are suppposedd to be .Ageeneroous iinvesstorssBunnbiassed eexecuutiveesCshhare pricce foorecaasterrsDin

25、ndepeendennt addviseers23. AAccorrdingg to the reseearchhers fromm Ohiio Unniverrsityy aftter aan ouutsidde diirecttorss surrprisse deepartture, thee firrm iss likkely to .Abeecomee morre sttableeBreeportt inccreassed eearniingsCdoo lesss weell iin thhe sttock markketDpeerforrm woorse in llawsuuits2

26、4. IIt caan bee infferreed frrom tthe llast paraagrapph thhat ooutsiide ddirecctorss .Amaay sttay ffor tthe aattraactivve offferss froom thhe fiirmBhaave ooftenn hadd reccordss of wronngdoiings in tthe ffirmCarre acccusttomedd to streess-ffree workk in the firmmDwiill ddecliine iincenntivees frrom t

27、the ffirm25. TThe aauthoors attiitudee towward the rolee of outsside direectorrs iss .ApeermisssiveeBpoositiiveCsccornffulDcrriticcalText 2 Whateever happpenedd to the deatth off newwspapper? A yeear aago tthe eend sseemeed neear. The receessioon thhreattenedd to remoove tthe aadverrtisiing aand rre

28、adeers tthat had not alreeady fledd to the inteernett. Neewspaaperss likke thhe Saan Frranciisco Chrooniclle weere cchronnicliing ttheirr ownn dooom. AAmeriicass Fedderall Traade ccommiissioon laaunchhed aa rouund oof taalks abouut hoow too savve neewspaaperss. Shhouldd theey beecomee chaaritaable c

29、orpporattionss? Shhouldd thee staate ssubsiidizee theem ? It wwill holdd anootherr meeetingg sooon. BBut tthe ddiscuussioons nnow sseem out of ddate.In muuch oof thhe woorld therre iss thee siggn off criisis. Gerrman and Brazziliaan paaperss havve shhruggged ooff tthe rrecesssionn. Evven AAmeriican

30、newsspapeers, whicch innhabiit thhe moost ttroubbled comee of the globbal iindusstry, havve noot onnly ssurviived but ofteen reeturnned tto prrofitt. Noot thhe 200% prrofitt marrginss thaat weere rroutiine aa feww yeaars aago, but proffit aall tthe ssame.It haas noot beeen mmuch fun. Manny paaperss

31、staayed aflooat bby puushinng joournaalistts ovverbooard. Thee Ameericaan Soocietty off Newws Edditorrs reeckonns thhat 113,5000 neewsrooom jjobs havee gonne siince 20077. Reeaderrs arre paayingg morre foor sllimmeer prroduccts. Somee pappers evenn hadd thee nerrve tto reefusee delliverry too dissta

32、ntt subburbss. Yeet thhese despperatte meeasurres hhave provved tthe rrightt onees annd, ssadlyy forr manny joournaalistts, tthey can be ppusheed fuurtheer.Newsppaperrs arre beecomiing mmore balaancedd bussinessses, witth a heallthieer miix off revvenuees frrom rreadeers aand aadverrtiseers. Amerric

33、ann pappers havee lonng beeen hhighlly unnusuaal inn theeir rreliaance on aads. Fullly 877% off theeir rrevennues camee froom addverttisinng inn 20008, aaccorrdingg to the Orgaanizaationn forr Ecoonomiic Coooperratioon & Deveelopmment (OECCD). In JJapann thee prooporttion is 335%. Not surpprisiingly

34、y, Jaapaneese nnewsppaperrs arre muuch mmore stabble.The wwhirllwindd thaat swwept throough newssroomms haarmedd eveeryboody, but muchh of the damaage hhas bbeen conccentrratedd in areaas whhere newsspapeer arre leeast disttincttive. Carr andd fillm reeviewwers havee gonne. SSo haave ssciennce aand

35、ggenerral bbusinness repoorterrs. FForeiign bbureaaus hhave beenn savvagelly cuut offf. NNewsppaperrs arre leess ccompllete as aa ressult. Butt commplettenesss iss no longger aa virrtue in tthe nnewsppaperr bussinesss.26. BBy saayingg “Neewspaaperss likke theiir owwn dooom” (Linnes 33-4, Paraa. 1),

36、thhe auuthorr inddicattes tthat newsspapeer .Aneegleccted the signn of crissisBfaailedd to get statte suubsiddiesCweere nnot cchariitablle coorporratioonsDweere iin a despperatte siituattion27. SSome newsspapeers rrefussed ddelivvery to ddistaant ssuburrbs pprobaably becaause .Areeaderrs thhreattene

37、dd to pay lesssBneewspaaperss wannted to rreducce coostsCjoournaalistts reeportted llittlle abbout thesse arreasDsuubscrriberrs coomplaainedd aboout sslimmmer pproduucts28. CCompaared withh theeir AAmeriican counnterppartss, Jaapaneese nnewsppaperrs arre muuch mmore stabble bbecauuse tthey .Ahaave m

38、more sourrces of rrevennueBhaave mmore balaancedd newwsrooomsCarre leess ddepenndentt on adveertissingDarre leess aaffeccted by rreadeershiip29. WWhat can be iinferrred fromm thee lasst paaragrraph abouut thhe cuurrennt neewspaaper busiinesss?ADiistinnctivvenesss iss an esseentiaal feeaturre off new

39、wspappers.BCoompleeteneess iis too blaame ffor tthe ffailuure oof neewspaaper.CFooreiggn buureauus pllay aa cruuciall rolle inn thee newwspapper bbusinness.DReeaderrs haave llost theiir inntereest iin caar annd fiilm rrevieews.30. TThe mmost apprropriiate titlle foor thhis ttext woulld bee .AAmmeric

40、can NNewsppaperrs: SStruggglinng foor SuurvivvalBAmmericcan NNewsppaperrs: GGone withh thee WinndCAmmericcan NNewsppaperrs: AA Thrrivinng BuusineessDAmmericcan NNewsppaperrs: AA Hoppelesss SttoryText 3 We teend tto thhink of tthe ddecaddes iimmeddiateely ffolloowingg Worrld WWar III ass a ttime of p

41、prospperitty annd grrowthh, wiith ssoldiiers retuurninng hoome bby thhe miillioons, goinng offf too colllegee on the G. II. Biill aand llininng upp at the marrriagee burreauss.But wwhen it ccame to ttheirr houuses, it was a tiime oof coommonn sennse aand aa bellief thatt lesss coould trully bee morr

42、e. DDurinng thhe Deepresssionn andd thee warr, Ammericcans had learrned to llive withh lesss, aand tthat resttrainnt, iin coombinnatioon wiith tthe ppostwwar cconfiidencce inn thee futture, madde smmall, effficieent hhousiing pposittivelly sttylissh.Econoomic condditioon waas onnly aa stiimuluus foo

43、r thhe trrend towaard eefficcientt livving. Thee phrrase “lesss iss morre” wwas aactuaally firsst poopulaarizeed byy a GGermaan, tthe aarchiitectt Luddwig Miess vann derr Rohhe, wwho llike otheer peeoplee asssociaated withh thee Bauuhauss, a schoool oof deesignn, emmigraated to tthe UUniteed Sttates

44、s beffore Worlld Waar IIIand ttook up ppostss at Amerricann arcchiteecturre scchoolls. TThesee dessigneers ccame to eexertt enoormouus innflueence on tthe ccoursse off Ameericaan arrchittectuure, but nonee morre soo thaat Miies.Miess siignatture phraase mmeanss thaat leess ddecorratioon, ppropeerly

45、orgaanizeed, hhas mmore impaact tthat a loot. EElegaance, he beliievedd, diid noot deerivee froom abbundaance. Likke otther modeern aarchiitectts, hhe emmployyed mmetall, gllass and lamiinateed woood-mmaterrialss thaat wee takke foor grranteed tooday buy thatt in the 19400s syymbollizedd thee futture. Mieess sophhistiicateed prresenntatiion mmaskeed thhe faact tthat the spacces hhe deesignned wwere smalll annd effficiient, ratther thann bigg andd oftten eemptyy.The aaparttmentts inn thee eleegantt towwers Miess buiilt oon Chhicaggos Lakee Shoore DDrivee, foo


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