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1、20111年1月月MBAA联考英英语真题题Secttionn I Usse oof EEngllishh Diirecctioons:Reaad tthe folllowwingg teext. Chhoosse tthe besst wwordd(s) foor eeachh nuumbeeredd bllackk annd mmarkk A, B, C or D oon AANSWWER SHEEET 1. (100 poointts)Thhe IInteerneet aaffoordss annonyymitty tto iits useers, a bleessiing to prii

2、vaccy aand freeedoom oof sspeeech. Buut tthatt veery anoonymmityy iss allso behhindd thhe eexpllosiion of cybber-criime thaat hhas 1 accrosss tthe Webb.Caan pprivvacyy bee prreseerveed 2 brringgingg saafetty aand seccuriity to a wworlld tthatt seeemss inncreeasiinglly 3 ?Laast monnth, Hoowarrd SSchm

3、midtt, tthe nattionns cybber-czaar, offfereed tthe fedderaal ggoveernmmentt a 4 too maake thee Weeb aa saaferr pllacee-a “voolunntarry ttrusstedd iddenttityy” ssysttem thaat wwoulld bbe tthe higgh-ttechh 55 oof aa phhysiicall keey, a ffinggerpprinnt aand a pphotto IID ccardd, aall rollledd 66 oone.

4、Thhe ssysttem migght usee a smaart ideentiity carrd, or a ddigiitall crredeentiial 7 too a speeciffic commputter .annd wwoulld aauthhentticaate useers at a rrangge oof oonliine serrvicces.Thhe iideaa iss too 88 aa feederratiion of priivatte oonliine ideentiity sysstemms. Useer ccoulld 9 whiich sysst

5、emm too jooin, annd oonlyy reegissterred useers whoose ideentiitiees hhavee beeen autthennticcateed ccoulld nnaviigatte tthosse ssysttemss. TThe appproaach conntraastss wiith onee thhat wouuld reqquirre aan IInteerneet ddrivvers lliceensee 10 by thee gooverrnmeent.Goooglle aand Miccrossoftt arre aam

6、onng ccomppaniies thaat aalreeadyy haave theese“sinnglee siign-on”sysstemms tthatt maake it posssibble forr usserss too 11 juust oncce bbut usee maany diffferrentt seerviicess.122.thhe aapprroacch wwoulld ccreaate a “wallledd gaardeen” n ccybeersppacee, wwithh saafe “neeighhborrhooods” annd bbrigght

7、 “sttreeetliightts” to esttabllishh a sennse of a 133 ccommmuniity.Mrr. SSchmmidtt deescrribeed iit aas aa “vvoluuntaary ecoosysstemm” iin wwhicch “inddiviiduaals andd orrgannizaatioons cann coomplletee onnlinne ttrannsacctioons witth 14 ,ttrusstinng tthe ideentiitiees oof eeachh ottherr annd tthe i

8、deentiitiees oof tthe inffrasstruuctuure 155 wwhicch tthe traansaactiion runns”.Sttilll, tthe admminiistrratiions pplann haas 16 prrivaacy rigghtss acctivvistts. Somme aappllaudd thhe aapprroacch; othherss arre cconccernned. Itt seeemss cllearr thhat succh aa scchemme iis aan iinittiattivee puush to

9、wwardd whhat wouuld 177 bbe aa coompuulsoory Intternnet “drrivees liccensse” menntallityy.Thhe pplann haas aalsoo beeen greeeteed wwithh 118 by somme ccompputeer ssecuuritty eexpeertss, wwho worrry thaat tthe “voolunntarry eecossysttem” ennvissionned by Mr. Scchmiidt wouuld stiill leaave mucch oof t

10、the Intternnet 199 .Theey aarguue tthatt alll IInteerneet uuserrs sshouuld be 200 tto rregiisteer aand ideentiify theemseelvees, in thee saame wayy thhat driiverrs mmustt bee liicennsedd too drrivee onn puubliic rroadds.1A.sswepptB.sskipppeddCC.waalkeedD.rriddden2A.fforB.witthinnCC.whhileeDD.thhougg

11、h3A.ccareelesssB.llawllesssCC.poointtlesssD.hhelpplesss4A.rreassonB.remmindderCmproomisseD.ppropposaal 55 A.infformmatiionBB.innterrferrencceC.eenteertaainmmenttDD.eqquivvaleent 66A.byB.inttoC.ffrommDD.ovver7A.llinkkedB.dirrecttedC.chaaineedD.ccomppareed8A.ddismmisssBB.diiscooverrCC.crreatteD.iimprr

12、ovee9A.rrecaallB.sugggesstC.sseleectD.reaalizze100A.rellcassedB.isssueddCC.diistrribuuteddDD.deelivvereed111A.carrry onB.linngerr onnCC.seet iinD.llog in122A.In vaiinB.IIn eeffeectC.In retturnnDD.Inn coontrrastt133A.truusteedB.mmodeerniizeddcc.thhrivvinggDD.coompeetinng144A.cauutioonB.ddeliighttCC.c


14、bleD.invvisiiblee200A.invviteedB.aappoointtedC.allloweedD.fforcced参考答案案:155 ACCBDDD 6110 BBACCCB 1115 DBAACA 116220 AADACCDSecttionn III Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn Partt ADireectiionss:Reead thee foolloowinng ffourr teextss. AAnswwer thee quuesttionns aafteer eeachh teext by chooosiing A, B, C oor

15、 DD. MMarkk yoour ansswerrs oon AANSWWER SHEEET 1. (400poiintss)Teext 1Ruuth Simmmonns jjoinned Golldmaan SSachhsss booardd ass ann ouutsiide dirrecttor in Jannuarry 220000: aa yeear latter shee beecamme ppressideent of Broown Uniiverrsitty. Forr thhe rrestt off thhe ddecaade shee appparrenttly mann

16、ageed bbothh rooless wiithoout atttracctinng mmuchh errotiicissm. Butt byy thhe eend of 20009 MMs. Simmmonns wwas undder firre ffor havvingg saat oon GGolddmanns commpennsattionn coommiitteee; howw coouldd shhe hhavee leet tthosse eenorrmouus bbonuus ppayooutss paass unrremaarkeed? By Febbruaary the

17、e neext yeaar MMs. Simmmonns hhad lefft tthe boaard. Thhe pposiitioon wwas jusst ttakiing up tooo muuch timme, shee saaid.Ouutsiide dirrecttorss arre ssuppposeed tto sservve aas hhelppfull, yyet lesss bbiassed, addvisserss onn a firrmss booardd. HHaviing madde ttheiir wweallth andd thheirr reeputtat

18、iionss ellsewwherre, theey ppressumaablyy haave enooughh inndeppenddencce tto ddisaagreee wwithh thhe cchieef eexeccutiives ppropposaals. Iff thhe ssky, annd tthe shaare priice is falllinng, outtsidde ddireectoors shoouldd bee abble to givve aadviice bassed on havvingg weeathhereed ttheiir oown crii

19、sess.Thhe rreseearccherrs ffromm Ohhio Uniiverrsitty uusedd a dattabaase hatt cooverred morre tthann 100,0000 ffirmms aand morre tthann 644,0000 ddifffereent dirrecttorss beetweeen 19889 aand 20004. Theen ttheyy siimplly cchecckedd whhichh diirecctorrs sstayyed froom oone prooxy staatemmentt too thh

20、e nnextt. TThe mosst llikeely reaasonn foor ddepaartiing a bboarrd wwas agee, sso tthe ressearrcheers conncenntraatedd onn thhosee “ssurpprisse” dissapppearrancces by dirrecttorss unnderr thhe aage of 70. Thhey fouunt thaat aafteer aa suurprrisee deeparrturre, thee prrobaabillityy thhat thee coompaa

21、ny willl ssubssequuenttly havve tto rresttatee eaarniingss inncreeaseed bby nnearrly 20%. TThe likkeliihoood oof bbeinng nnameed iin aa feederral claass-acttionn laawsuuit alsso iincrreasses, annd tthe stoock is likkelyy too peerfoorm worrse. Thhe eeffeect tenndedd too bee laargeer ffor larrgerr fii

22、rmss. AAlthhouggh aa coorreelattionn beetweeen theem lleavvingg annd ssubssequuentt baad pperfformmancce aat tthe firrm iis ssugggesttivee, iit ddoess noot mmeann thhat succh ddireectoors aree allwayys jjumppingg offf aa siinkiing shiip. Oftten theey “traade up.” LLeavvingg riiskiier, smmalller firr

23、ms forr laargeer aand morre sstabble firrms.Buut tthe ressearrcheers bellievve tthatt ouutsiide dirrecttorss haave an eassierr tiime of avooidiing a bbloww too thheirr reeputtatiionss iff thhey leaave a ffirmm beeforre bbad newws bbreaaks, evven if a rreviiew of hisstorry sshowws ttheyy weere on the

24、e booardd att thhe ttimee anny wwronngdooingg occcurrredd. FFirmms wwho wannt tto kkeepp thheirr ouutsiide dirrecttorss thhrouugh touugh timmes mayy haave to creeatee inncenntivves. Ottherrwisse ooutssidee diirecctorrs wwilll foolloow tthe exaamplle oof MMs. Simmmonns, oncce aagaiin vveryy poopullar

25、 on cammpuss.211. AAccoordiing to Parragrraphh 1, Mss. SSimmmonss waas ccritticiizedd foor .AAgaainiing exccesssivee prrofiitsBBfaailiing to fullfilll hher duttyCrrefuusinng tto mmakee coomprromiisessDlleavvingg thhe bboarrd iin ttouggh ttimees222. WWe llearrn ffromm Paaraggrapph 22 thhat outtsidde

26、ddireectoors aree suuppoosedd too bee .AAgeenerrouss innvesstorrsBunbbiassed exeecuttiveesCCshharee prricee fooreccastterssDiindeepenndennt aadviiserrs233. AAccoordiing to thee reeseaarchherss frrom Ohiio UUnivverssityy affterr ann ouutsiide dirrecttors ssurpprisse ddepaartuure, thhe ffirmm iss liik

27、elly tto .AAbeecomme mmoree sttablleBrepportt inncreeaseed eearnninggsCCdoo leess welll iin tthe stoock marrkettDpperfformm woorsee inn laawsuuitss244. IIt ccan be infferrred froom tthe lasst pparaagraaph thaat ooutssidee diirecctorrs .AAmaay sstayy foor tthe atttracctivve ooffeers froom tthe firrmB

28、Bhaave oftten hadd reecorrds of wroongddoinngs in thee fiirmCCarre aaccuustoomedd too sttresss-ffreee woork in thee fiirmDDwiill decclinne iinceentiivess frrom thee fiirm255. TThe autthorrs atttituude towwardd thhe rrolee off ouutsiide dirrecttorss iss .AApeermiissiiveBBpoosittiveeCsscorrnfuulDDcrri

29、tiicall 参考答答案211A。细节题题:原文文第1段段,倒数数第3行行的hoow ccoulld?直接提提到了bbonuus ppayooutss 就是是说 pproffitss。222C。细节题题:原文文中出现现outtsidde ddireectoors有有几处,hellpfuul bbut lesss bbiassed advvisoor,但但是B选选项用的的是exxecuutivve, 拼凑答答案,DD 选项项也是一一样。最最后一句句 weeathhereed ttheiir oown criisess对应fforeecassterrs。233C。细节题题:原文文是若干干个并列列

30、,sttockk iss liikelly tto pperfformm woorsee对应答答案, 迷惑选选项是BB,但是是主语不不一致220%是是proobabbiliity不不是eaarniingss。244A。推理题题:原文文对应ffirmms wwho wannt tto .说说想留住住outtsidde ddireectoor就是是增加iinceentiive。255B。态度题题:文章章各个段段落都说说outtsidde ddireectoor的方方面。因因此是pposiitivve。Textt 22 Whhateeverr haappeenedd too thhe ddeatth

31、 oof nnewsspapper? A yeaar aago thee ennd sseemmed neaar. Thee reecesssioon tthreeateenedd too reemovve tthe advverttisiing andd reeadeers thaat hhad nott allreaady fleed tto tthe intternnet. Neewsppapeers likke tthe Sann Frrancciscco CChrooniccle werre cchroonicclinng ttheiir oown dooom. Ameericcas

32、s Feederral Traade commmisssioon llaunncheed aa rooundd off taalkss abboutt hoow tto ssavee neewsppapeers. Shhoulld ttheyy beecomme ccharritaablee coorpoorattionns? Shoouldd thhe sstatte ssubssidiize theem ? Itt wiill holld aanottherr meeetiing sooon. Butt thhe ddisccusssionns nnow seeem oout of dat

33、te.Inn muuch of thee woorldd thheree iss thhe ssignn off crrisiis. Gerrmann annd BBrazziliian papperss haave shrruggged offf thhe rreceessiion. Evven Ameericcan newwspaaperrs, whiich inhhabiit tthe mosst ttrouubleed ccomee off thhe gglobbal inddusttry, haave nott onnly surrvivved butt offtenn reetur

34、rnedd too prrofiit. Nott thhe 220% proofitt maargiins thaat wweree rooutiine a ffew yeaars agoo, bbut proofitt alll tthe samme.Itt haas nnot beeen mmuchh fuun. Manny ppapeers staayedd affloaat bby ppushhingg joournnaliistss ovverbboarrd. Thee Ammeriicann Soocieety of Newws EEdittorss reeckoons thaat

35、 113,5500 newwsrooom jobbs hhavee goone sinnce 20007. Reaaderrs aare payyingg moore forr sllimmmer prooduccts. Soome papperss evven hadd thhe nnervve tto rrefuuse delliveery to disstannt ssubuurbss. YYet theese dessperratee meeasuuress haave proovedd thhe rrighht ooness annd, saddly forr maany jouur

36、naalissts, thhey cann bee puusheed ffurttherr.Neewsppapeers aree beecommingg moore ballancced bussineessees, witth aa heealtthieer mmix of revvenuues froom rreadderss annd aadveertiiserrs. Ameericcan papperss haave lonng bbeenn hiighlly uunussuall inn thheirr reeliaancee onn adds. Fullly 87% off thh

37、eirr reevennuess caame froom aadveertiisinng iin 220088, aaccoordiing to thee Orrgannizaatioon ffor Ecoonommic Coooperratiion & DDeveeloppmennt (OECCD). Inn Jaapann thhe ppropporttionn iss 355%. Nott suurprrisiinglly, Jappaneese newwspaaperrs aare mucch mmoree sttablle.Thhe wwhirrlwiind thaat sswepp

38、t tthrooughh neewsrroomms hharmmed eveerybbodyy, bbut mucch oof tthe dammagee haas bbeenn coonceentrrateed iin aareaas wwherre nnewsspapper aree leeastt diistiincttivee. CCar andd fiilm revviewwerss haave gonne. So havve sscieencee annd ggeneerall buusinnesss reeporrterrs. Forreiggn bbureeauss haave

39、 beeen ssavaagelly ccut offf. NNewsspapperss arre llesss coomplletee ass a ressultt. BBut commpleetennesss iss noo loongeer aa viirtuue iin tthe newwspaaperr buusinnesss.266. BBy ssayiing “Neewsppapeers likke thheirr owwn ddoomm” (Linnes 3-44, PParaa. 11), thee auuthoor iindiicattes thaat nnewsspapp

40、er .AAneegleecteed tthe siggn oof ccrissisBBfaaileed tto gget staate subbsiddiessCCweere nott chhariitabble corrporratiionssDwweree inn a dessperratee siituaatioon277. SSomee neewsppapeers reffuseed ddeliiverry tto ddisttantt suuburrbs proobabbly beccausse .AAreeadeers thrreatteneed tto ppay lesssBn

41、ewwspaaperrs wwantted to redducee coostssCCjoournnaliistss reeporrtedd liittlle aabouut tthesse aareaasDDsuubsccribberss coompllainned aboout sliimmeer pprodductts288. CComppareed wwithh thheirr Ammeriicann coountterppartts, Jappaneese newwspaaperrs aare mucch mmoree sttablle bbecaausee thhey .AAhaa

42、ve morre ssourrcess off reevennueBBhaave morre bbalaanceed nnewssrooomsCCarre llesss deepenndennt oon aadveertiisinngDaree leess afffectted by reaaderrshiip299. WWhatt caan bbe iinfeerreed ffromm thhe llastt paaraggrapph aabouut tthe currrennt nnewsspapper bussineess?AADiistiincttiveenesss iis aan e

43、esseentiial feaaturre oof nnewsspapperss.BBCoomplleteenesss iis tto bblamme ffor thee faailuure of newwspaaperr.CCFooreiign burreauus pplayy a cruuciaal rrolee inn thhe nnewsspapper bussineess.DDReeadeers havve llostt thheirr innterrestt inn caar aand fillm rreviiewss.300. TThe mosst aapprroprriatte

44、 ttitlle ffor thiis ttextt woouldd bee .AAAmerricaan NNewsspapperss: SStruuggllingg foor SSurvvivaalBAAmerricaan NNewsspapperss: GGonee wiith thee WiindCCAmmeriicann Neewsppapeers: A Thrriviing BussineessDDAmmeriicann Neewsppapeers: A Hoppeleess Stoory参考答案案266D。定义题题:根据据上下文文猜句子子的含义义,后句句Ameericcan.sav

45、ve nnewsspapper中中出现了了savve说明明前面的的观点一一定是不不好的才才savve,因因此选DD。277B推理题题:定位位处前一一句是 reaaderrs aare payyingg moore forr sllimmmer newwspaaperr. 因因此说明明人们多多付钱,报纸很很薄,节节约成本本,定位位处有eevenn 表示示并列,说明前前后的原原因一致致都是成成本问题题。288C。推理题题:日本本美国原原文用了了对比的的方法说说广告占占得比例例不一样样,因此此问题是是广告收收入来源源。299. DD。推理理题:AA选项中中有esssenntiaal, 文章中中是说ddisttinc


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