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1、20111年MBBA(工工商管理理硕士)英英语真题题Secttionn I Usee off EnngliishDireectiionss:Readd thhe ffolllowiing texxt. Chooosee thhe bbestt woord(s) forr eaach nummberred blaack andd maark A, B, C oor DD onn ANNSWEER SSHEEET 11. (10 poiintss)The Intternnet afffordds aanonnymiity to itss usserss, aa bllesssingg too pr

2、rivaacy andd frreeddom of speeechh. BBut thaat vveryy annonyymitty iis aalsoo beehinnd tthe expplossionn off cyyberr-crrimee thhat hass 11 aacrooss thee Weeb.Can priivaccy bbe ppresservved 2 bbrinnginng ssafeety andd seecurrityy too a worrld thaat sseemms iincrreassinggly 3 ?Lastt moonthh, HHowaard

3、Schhmiddt, thee naatioonss cyyberr-czzar, offferred thee feederral govvernnmennt aa 44 tto mmakee thhe WWeb a ssafeer pplacce-aa “vvoluuntaary truusteed iidenntitty” sysstemm thhat wouuld be thee hiigh-tecch 5 of a pphyssicaal kkey, a finngerrpriint andd a phooto ID carrd, alll roolleed 6 onee. TThe

4、 sysstemm miightt usse aa smmartt iddenttityy caard, orr a diggitaal ccreddenttiall 77 tto aa sppeciificc coompuuterr .aand wouuld autthennticcatee usserss att a rannge of onllinee seerviicess.The ideea iis tto 8 a ffedeerattionn off prrivaate onllinee iddenttityy syysteems. Usser couuld 9 whhichh s

5、yysteem tto jjoinn, aand onlly rregiisteeredd usserss whhosee iddenttitiies havve bbeenn auutheentiicatted couuld navvigaate thoose sysstemms. Thee appprooachh coontrrastts wwithh onne tthatt woouldd reequiire an Intternnet driiverrs liccensse 100 by thee gooverrnmeent.Googgle andd Miicroosofft aare

6、 amoong commpanniess thhat alrreaddy hhavee thhesee“siinglle ssignn-onn”syysteems thaat mmakee itt poossiiblee foor uuserrs tto 111 jjustt onnce butt usse mmanyy diiffeerennt sservvicees.12.tthe appproaach wouuld creeatee a “waalleed ggardden” n ccybeersppacee, wwithh saafe “neeighhborrhooods” andd

7、brrighht “sstreeetllighhts” to esttabllishh a sennse of a 133 ccommmuniity.Mr. Schhmiddt ddesccribbed it as a “vvoluuntaary ecoosysstemm” iin wwhicch “iindiividdualls aand orgganiizattionns ccan commpleete onllinee trranssacttionns wwithh 114 ,trrusttingg thhe iidenntittiess off eaach othher andd th

8、he iidenntittiess off thhe iinfrrasttruccturre 15 whhichh thhe ttrannsacctioon rrunss”.Stilll, thee addminnisttrattionns plaan hhas 166 pprivvacyy riightts aactiivissts. Soome appplauud tthe appproaach; ottherrs aare conncerrnedd. IIt sseemms ccleaar tthatt suuch a sscheeme is an iniitiaativve ppush

9、h toowarrd wwhatt woouldd 117 be a ccomppulssoryy Innterrnett “ddrivvess liicennse” menntallityy.The plaan hhas alsso bbeenn grreetted witth 18 byy soome commputter seccuriity exppertts, whoo woorryy thhat thee “vvoluuntaary ecoosysstemm” eenviisioonedd byy Mrr. SSchmmidtt woouldd sttilll leeavee mu

10、uch of thee Innterrnett 119 .Thhey arggue thaat aall Intternnet useers shoouldd bee 220 to reggistter andd iddenttifyy thhemsselvves, inn thhe ssamee waay tthatt drriveers musst bbe lliceenseed tto ddrivve oon ppubllic roaads.1A.sweept BB.skkippped C.wwalkked DD.riiddeen2A.forr BB.wiithiin C.wwhille

11、 D.tthouugh3A.carreleess B.lawwlesss C.ppoinntleess DD.heelpllesss4A.reaasonn B.rremiindeer CC.coomprromiise DD.prropoosall5A.infformmatiion B.intterffereencee CC.ennterrtaiinmeent B.intto C.ffromm D.oveer7A.linnkedd BB.diirecctedd C.chaaineed D.ccomppareed8A.dissmisss BB.diisc

12、ooverr C.creeatee D.iimprrovee9A.reccalll BB.suuggeest C.sellectt D.reaalizze10AA.reelcaasedd B.iissuued C.disstriibutted D.ddeliiverred11AA.caarryy onn B.linngerr onn C.sset in D.llog in12AA.Inn vaain BB.Inn efffecct CC.Inn reeturrn D.In conntraast13AA.trrustted B.mmodeerniizedd C.tthriivinng Dmpet

13、tingg14AA.caautiion B.ddeliightt C.connfiddencce D.pattiennce15AA.onn BB.affterr C.beyyondd DD.accrosss16AA.diividded B.ddisaappoointted CC.prroteecteed D.uniitedd17AA.frrequuesttly BB.innciddenttallly CC.occcassionnallly D.eveentuuallly18AA.skkeptticiism B.rreleerannce C.iindiiffeerennce D.eenthhus

14、iiasmm19AA.maanaggeabble B.ddefeendaablee C.vullnerrablle DD.innvissiblle20AA.innvitted B.aappoointted C.allloweed D.forrceddSecttionn III Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn Partt ADireectiionss:Readd thhe ffolllowiing fouur ttextts. Ansswerr thhe qquesstioons aftter eacch ttextt byy chhoossingg A, B, C o

15、r D. Marrk yyourr annsweers on ANSSWERR SHHEETT 1. (440poointts)Textt 11Ruthh Siimmoons joiinedd Gooldmman Sacchss bboarrd aas aan ooutssidee diirecctorr inn Jaanuaary 20000: a yyearr laaterr shhe bbecaame preesiddentt off Brrownn Unniveersiity. Foor tthe resst oof tthe deccadee shhe aappaarenntlyy

16、maanagged botth rrolees wwithhoutt atttraactiing mucch eerotticiism. Buut bby tthe endd off 20009 Ms. Siimmoons wass unnderr fiire forr haavinng ssat on Golldmaanss coompeensaatioon ccommmitttee; hoow ccoulld sshe havve llet thoose enoormoous bonnus payyoutts ppasss unnremmarkked? Byy Feebruuaryy th

17、he nnextt yeear Ms. Siimmoons hadd leeft thee booardd. TThe possitiion wass juust takkingg upp tooo mmuchh tiime, shhe ssaidd.Outssidee diirecctorrs aare supppossed to serrve as hellpfuul, yett leess biaasedd, aadviiserrs oon aa fiirms bboarrd. Havvingg maade theeir weaalthh annd ttheiir rrepuutatti

18、onns eelseewheere, thhey preesummablly hhavee ennouggh iindeepenndennce to dissagrree witth tthe chiief exeecuttivees proopossalss. IIf tthe skyy, aand thee shharee prricee iss faalliing, ouutsiide dirrecttorss shhoulld bbe aablee too giive advvicee baasedd onn haavinng wweattherred theeir ownn crri

19、sees.The ressearrcheers froom OOhioo Unniveersiity useed aa daatabbasee haat ccoveeredd moore thaan 110,0000 firrms andd moore thaan 664,0000 diffferrentt diirecctorrs bbetwweenn 19989 andd 20004. Thhen theey ssimpply cheeckeed wwhicch ddireectoors staayedd frrom onee prroxyy sttateemennt tto tthe n

20、exxt. Thee moost likkelyy reeasoon ffor depparttingg a boaard wass agge, so thee reeseaarchherss coonceentrrateed oon tthosse “ssurpprisse” dissapppearrancces by dirrecttorss unnderr thhe aage of 70. Thhey fouunt thaat aafteer aa suurprrisee deeparrturre, thee prrobaabillityy thhat thee coompaany wi

21、lll ssubssequuenttly havve tto rresttatee eaarniingss inncreeaseed bby nnearrly 20%. TThe likkeliihoood oof bbeinng nnameed iin aa feederral claass-acttionn laawsuuit alsso iincrreasses, annd tthe stoock is likkelyy too peerfoorm worrse. Thhe eeffeect tenndedd too bee laargeer ffor larrgerr fiirmss.

22、 AAlthhouggh aa coorreelattionn beetweeen theem lleavvingg annd ssubssequuentt baad pperfformmancce aat tthe firrm iis ssugggesttivee, iit ddoess noot mmeann thhat succh ddireectoors aree allwayys jjumppingg offf aa siinkiing shiip. Oftten theey “ttradde uup.” Leaavinng rriskkierr, ssmalllerr fiirms

23、s foor llargger andd moore staablee fiirmss.But thee reeseaarchherss beelieeve thaat ooutssidee diirecctorrs hhavee ann eaasieer ttimee off avvoiddingg a bloow tto ttheiir rrepuutattionns iif ttheyy leeavee a firrm bbefoore badd neews breeakss, eevenn iff a revvieww off hiistoory shoows theey wweree

24、 onn thhe bboarrd aat tthe timme aany wroongddoinng ooccuurreed. Firrms whoo waant to keeep ttheiir ooutssidee diirecctorrs tthrooughh tooughh tiimess maay hhavee too crreatte iinceentiivess. OOtheerwiise outtsidde ddireectoors willl ffolllow thee exxampple of Ms. Siimmoons, onnce agaain verry ppopu

25、ularr onn caampuus.21. Acccorddingg too Paaraggrapph 11, MMs. Simmmonns wwas criiticcizeed ffor .Aggainningg exxcesssivve pproffitssBffaillingg too fuulfiill herr duutyCrrefuusinng tto mmakee coomprromiisessDlleavvingg thhe bboarrd iin ttouggh ttimees22. We leaarn froom PParaagraaph 2 tthatt ouutsii

26、de dirrecttorss arre ssuppposeed tto bbe .Aggeneerouus iinveestoorsBuunbiiaseed eexeccutiivessCssharre ppricce fforeecassterrsDiindeepenndennt aadviiserrs23. Acccorddingg too thhe rreseearccherrs ffromm Ohhio Uniiverrsitty aafteer aan ooutssidee diirecctorrs surrpriise deppartturee, tthe firrm iis l

27、likeely to .Abbecoome morre sstabbleBrrepoort inccreaasedd eaarniingssCddo llesss weell in thee sttockk maarkeetDpperfformm woorsee inn laawsuuitss24. It cann bee innferrredd frrom thee laast parragrraphh thhat outtsidde ddireectoors .Ammay staay ffor thee atttraactiive offferss frrom thee fiirmBhha

28、vee offtenn haad rrecoordss off wrronggdoiingss inn thhe ffirmmCaare acccusttomeed tto sstreess-freee wworkk inn thhe ffirmmDwwilll deecliine inccenttivees ffromm thhe ffirmm25. Thee auuthoorss atttittudee toowarrd tthe rolle oof ooutssidee diirecctorrs iis .AppermmisssiveeBpposiitivveCsscorrnfuulDc

29、critticaalTextt 22 Whatteveer hhapppeneed tto tthe deaath of newwspaaperr? AA yeear agoo thhe eend seeemedd neear. Thhe rreceessiion thrreatteneed tto rremoove thee addverrtissingg annd rreadderss thhat hadd noot aalreeadyy flled to thee innterrnett. NNewsspapperss liike thee Saan FFranncissco Chrro

30、niiclee weere chrroniicliing theeir ownn dooom. Ammeriicas FFedeerall Trradee coommiissiion lauunchhed a rrounnd oof ttalkks aabouut hhow to savve nnewsspapperss. SShouuld theey bbecoome chaarittablle ccorpporaatioons? Shhoulld tthe staate subbsiddizee thhem ? IIt wwilll hoold anootheer mmeettingg s

31、ooon. Buut tthe disscusssioons noww seeem outt off daate.In mmuchh off thhe wworlld ttherre iis tthe siggn oof ccrissis. Geermaan aand Braazilliann paaperrs hhavee shhrugggedd offf tthe reccesssionn. EEvenn Ammeriicann neewsppapeers, whhichh innhabbit thee moost trooublled comme oof tthe glooball in

32、ndusstryy, hhavee noot oonlyy suurviivedd buut oofteen rretuurneed tto pproffit. Noot tthe 20% prrofiit mmargginss thhat werre rrouttinee a feww yeearss aggo, butt prrofiit aall thee saame.It hhas nott beeen mucch ffun. Maany papperss sttayeed aaflooat by pusshinng jjourrnallistts ooverrboaard. Thhe

33、 AAmerricaan SSociietyy off Neews Ediitorrs rreckkonss thhat 13,5000 neewsrroomm joobs havve ggonee siincee 20007. Reeadeers aree paayinng mmoree foor sslimmmerr prroduuctss. SSomee paaperrs eevenn haad tthe nerrve to reffusee deelivveryy too diistaant subburbbs. Yett thhesee deespeeratte mmeassuree

34、s hhavee prroveed tthe rigght onees aand, saadlyy foor mmanyy joournnaliistss, ttheyy caan bbe ppushhed furrtheer.Newsspapperss arre bbecoominng mmoree baalanncedd buusinnessses, wiith a hheallthiier mixx off reevennuess frrom reaaderrs aand advverttiseers. Ammeriicann paaperrs hhavee loong beeen hh

35、ighhly unuusuaal iin ttheiir rreliiancce oon aads. Fuullyy 877% oof ttheiir rreveenuees ccamee frrom advverttisiing in 20008, acccorddingg too thhe OOrgaanizzatiion forr Ecconoomicc Cooopeerattionn & Devveloopmeent (OEECD). IIn JJapaan tthe prooporrtioon iis 335%. Noot ssurpprissinggly, Jaapannesee

36、neewsppapeers aree muuch morre sstabble.The whiirlwwindd thhat sweept thrrouggh nnewssroooms harrmedd evveryyboddy, butt muuch of thee daamagge hhas beeen cconccenttratted in areeas wheere newwspaaperr arre lleasst ddisttincctivve. Carr annd ffilmm reevieewerrs hhavee goone. Soo haave sciiencce aand

37、 genneraal bbusiinesss rrepoorteers. Fooreiign burreauus hhavee beeen savvageely cutt offf. Newwspaaperrs aare lesss ccompplette aas aa reesullt. Butt coomplleteenesss iis nno llongger a vvirttue in thee neewsppapeer bbusiinesss.26. By sayyingg “NNewsspapperss liike ttheiir oown dooom” (Liiness 3-4,

38、 Parra. 1), thhe aauthhor inddicaatess thhat newwspaaperr .Annegllectted thee siign of criisissBffailled to gett sttatee suubsiidieesCwweree noot ccharritaablee coorpoorattionnsDwweree inn a dessperratee siituaatioon27. Somme nnewsspapperss reefussed delliveery to disstannt ssubuurbss prrobaablyy be

39、ecauuse .Arreadderss thhreaatenned to payy leessBnnewsspapperss waanteed tto rreduuce cosstsCjjourrnallistts rrepoorteed llitttle aboout theese areeasDssubsscriiberrs ccompplaiinedd abboutt sllimmmer prooduccts28. Commparred witth ttheiir AAmerricaan ccounnterrparrts, Jaapannesee neewsppapeers aree

40、muuch morre sstabble beccausse ttheyy .Ahhavee moore souurcees oof rreveenueeBhhavee moore ballancced newwsrooomssCaare lesss ddepeendeent on advverttisiingDaare lesss aaffeecteed bby rreaddersshipp29. Whaat ccan be infferrred froom tthe lasst pparaagraaph aboout thee cuurreent newwspaaperr buusinne

41、sss?ADDisttincctivveneess is an esssenttiall feeatuure of newwspaaperrs.BCComppletteneess is to blaame forr thhe ffailluree off neewsppapeer.CFForeeignn buureaaus plaay aa crruciial rolle iin tthe newwspaaperr buusinnesss.DRReadderss haave losst ttheiir iinteeresst iin ccar andd fiilm revviewws.30.

42、Thee moost appproppriaate tittle forr thhis texxt wwoulld bbe .AAAmerricaan NNewsspapperss: SStruuggllingg foor SSurvvivaalBAAmerricaan NNewsspapperss: GGonee wiith thee WiindCAAmerricaan NNewsspapperss: AA Thhrivvingg BuusinnesssDAAmerricaan NNewsspapperss: AA Hoopellesss SttoryyTextt 33 We ttendd

43、too thhinkk off thhe ddecaadess immmeddiattelyy foolloowinng WWorlld WWar II as a ttimee off prrospperiity andd grrowtth, witth ssolddierrs rretuurniing homme bby tthe milllioons, gooingg offf tto ccolllegee onn thhe GG. II. BBilll annd lliniing up at thee maarriiagee buureaaus.But wheen iit ccamee

44、too thheirr hoousees, it wass a timme oof ccommmon sennse andd a bellieff thhat lesss ccoulld ttrully bbe mmoree. DDuriing thee Deepreessiion andd thhe wwar, Ammeriicanns hhad leaarneed tto llivee wiith lesss, andd thhat resstraaintt, iin ccombbinaatioon wwithh thhe pposttwarr coonfiidennce in thee

45、fuuturre, madde ssmalll, effficiientt hoousiing possitiivelly sstyllishh.Econnomiic ccondditiion wass onnly a sstimmuluus ffor thee trrendd toowarrd eeffiicieent livvingg. TThe phrrasee “llesss iss moore” wass acctuaallyy fiirstt poopullariizedd byy a Gerrmann, tthe arcchittectt Luudwiig MMiess vaan dder Rohhe, whoo liike othher peooplee asssocciatted witth tthe Bauuhauus, a sschoool of dessignn, eemiggratted to


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