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1、Section I Use of EnglishDirecctionns: RRead the folllowinng teext CChoosse thhe beest wword (s) for eachh nummbereed bllank and markk A,BB,C oor D on AANSWEER SHHEET 1 (110 poointss)The ooutbrreak of sswinee fluu thaat waas fiirst deteectedd in Mexiico wwas ddeclaared a glloball epiidemiic onn Junne

2、 111, 20009. It iis thhe fiirst worlldwidde eppidemmic 11 by the Worlld Heealthh Orgganizzatioon inn 41 yearrs.The hheighhteneed allert 2 ann emeergenncy mmeetiing wwith flu expeerts in GGenevva thhat aassemmbledd aftter aa shaarp rrise in ccasess in Austtraliia, aand rrisinng 3 in Brritaiin, JJapan

3、n, Chhile and elseewherre.But tthe eepideemic is “ 4 ”in seveerityy. Acccordding to MMargaaret Chann, thhe orrganiizatiionss dirrectoor geeneraal, 5 thhe ovverwhhelmiing mmajorrity of ppatieents expeerienncingg onlly miild ssympttoms and a fuull rrecovvery, oftten iin thhe 66 of any mediical treaatm

4、enntThe ooutbrreak camee to globbal 7 inn latte Appril 20099, whhen MMexiccan aauthooritiies nnotedd an unussuallly laarge numbber oof hoospittalizzatioons aand ddeathhs 88 heealthhy addultss. Ass mussh off Mexxico Cityy shuut doown aat thhe heeightt of a paanic, casses bbegann to 9 inn New Yorkk Ci

5、tty, the soutthwessternn Staates and arouund tthe wworldd .In thhe Unnitedd Staates, neww casses sseemeed too fadde 110 wwarmeer weeatheer arrriveed. BBut iin laate SSepteemberr 20009, oofficcialss repporteed thhere was 111 fflu aactivvity in aalmosst evvery statte annd thhat vvirtuuallyy alll thee

6、122 ttesteed arre thhe neew swwine flu , allso kknownn as (A) H1N11 , nnot sseasoonal flu. In the U.S., itt hass 133 moore tthan one milllion peopple , andd cauused moree thaan 6000 deeathss andd morre thhan 66,0000 hosspitaalizaationns .Federral hhealtth offficiials 14 Tammifluu forr chiildreen frr

7、om tthe nnatioonal stocckpille annd beegan 155 oorderrs frrom tthe sstatees foor thhe neew swwine flu vacccine . Thhe neew vaaccinne, wwhichh is diffferennt frrom tthe aannuaal fllu vaaccinne, iis 116 aaheadd of expeectattionss. Moore tthan threee miillioon dooses weree to be mmade avaiilablle inn e

8、arrly OOctobber 22009, thoough mostt of thosse 17 dosses wwere of tthe FFluMiist nnasall sprray ttype ,whiich iis noot 118 ffor ppregnnant womeen, ppeoplle ovver 550 orr thoose wwith breaathinng diifficcultiies , heaart ddiseaase oor seeveraal otther 19 . BBut iit waas sttill posssiblee to vacccinat

9、te peeoplee in otheer hiigh-rrisk grouups: heallth ccare workkers, peoople 20 inffantss andd heaalthyy youung ppeoplle .1. A.critiicizeedB.appoiinteddC.commeenteddD.desiggnateed2. A.proceeededdB.activvateddC.folloowedD.promppted3. A.digittsB.numbeersC.amounntsD.sums4. A.moderrateB.normaalC.unusuualD

10、.extreeme5. A.withB.inC.fromD.by6. A.progrressB.absennceC.preseenceD.favorr7. A.realiityB.phenoomenoonC.conceeptD.noticce8. A.overB.forC.amonggD.to9. A.stay upB.crop upC.fill upD.coverr up10.A.asB.ifC.unlesssD.untill11.A.excesssiveeB.enormmousC.signiificaantD.magniificeent12.A.categgorieesB.exampple

11、sC.patteernsD.samplles13.A.imparrtedB.immerrsedC.injecctedD.infeccted14.A.releaasedB.relayyedC.relieevedD.remaiined15.A.placiingB.delivverinngC.takinngD.givinng16.A.feasiibleB.availlableeC.reliaableD.appliicablle17.A.prevaalenttB.princcipleeC.innovvativveD. iniitiall18.A.preseenteddB.restrricteedC.r

12、ecommmenddedD.introoduceed19.A.probllemsB.issueesC.agoniiesD.suffeeringgs20.A.invollved inB.carinng foorC.conceernedd witthD.wardiing ooffSectiion III Reeadinng CoompreehenssionPart ADirecctionns: RRead the folllowinng foour ttextss. Annswerr thee queestioons bbeloww eacch teext bby chhoosiing AA, B

13、, C, D. MMark yourr ansswerss on ANSWWER SSHEE 1. (40 ppointts) Text 1 Thhe loongesst buull rrun iin a centtury of aart-mmarkeet hiistorry ennded on aa draamatiic noote wwith a saale oof 566 worrks bby Daamienn Hirrst, Beauutifuul Innsidee My Headd Forreverr, att Sotthebyys iin Loondonn on Septtembe

14、er 155th 20008. All but two piecces ssold, fettchinng moore tthan 70m, a reecordd forr a ssale by aa sinngle artiist. It wwas aa lasst viictorry. AAs thhe auuctiooneerr callled out bidss, inn Neww Yorrk onne off thee olddest bankks onn Walll Sttreett, Leehmann Brootherrs, ffiledd forr bannkrupptcy.

15、Thhe woorld art markket hhad aalreaady bbeen losiing mmomenntum for a whhile afteer riisingg bewwildeeringgly ssincee 20003. AAt itts peeak iin 20007 iit waas woorth somee $655 billlionn, reeckonns Cllare McAnndreww, fooundeer off Artts Ecconommics, a rreseaarch firmm douuble the figuure ffive yearr

16、s eaarlieer. SSincee theen itt mayy havve coome ddown to $50 bbilliion. But the markket ggenerratess intteresst faar beeyondd itss sizze beecausse itt briings togeetherr greeat wwealtth, eenormmous egoss, grreed, passsionn andd conntrovversyy in a waay maatcheed byy feww othher iindusstriees. Inn th

17、ee weeeks aand mmonthhs thhat ffolloowed Mr. Hirssts salee, sppendiing oof anny soort bbecamme deeeplyy unffashiionabble. In tthe aart wworldd thaat meeant colllectoors sstayeed awway ffrom gallleriees annd saaleroooms. Salles oof coontemmporaary aart ffell by ttwo-tthirdds, aand iin thhe moost oove

18、rhheateed seectorr, thhey wwere downn by nearrly 990%inn thee yeaar too Novvembeer 20008. Withhin wweekss thee worrldss twoo bigggestt aucctionn houuses. Sotthebyys aand CChrissties, hhad tto paay ouut neearlyy $2000m iin guuarannteess to clieents who had placced wworkss forr salle wiith tthem. Thhe

19、 cuurrennt doowntuurn iin thhe arrt maarkett is the worsst siince the Japaanesee stooppedd buyying imprressiionissts aat thhe ennd off 19889. TThis timee exppectss recckon thatt priices are abouut 400%dowwn onn theeir ppeak on aaveraage, thouugh ssome havee beeen faar moore fflucttuantt. Buut Eddwar

20、dd Dollman. Chrristiies chieef exxecuttive, sayys:IIm pprettty coonfiddent werre att thee botttom.” Whhat mmakess thiis sllump diffferennt frrom tthe llast, he sayss, iss thaat thhere are stilll buuyerss in the markket. Almoost eeveryyone who was inteervieewed for thiss speeciall repport saidd thaat

21、 thhe biiggesst prrobleem att thee momment is nnot aa lacck off demmand but a laack oof goood wwork to ssell. Thee thrree DDs-deeath, debbt annd diivorcce-sttill deliiver workks off artt to the markket. But anyoone wwho ddose not havee to selll is keepping awayy, waaitinng foor coonfiddencee to retu

22、urn.21. IIn thhe fiirst paraagrapph, DDamieen Hiirsts saale wwas rreferrred to aas “aa lasst viictorry” bbecauuse_.A tthe aart mmarkeet haad wiitnesssed a suuccesssionn of victtorieesB tthe aauctiioneeer fiinallly goot thhe twwo piiecess at the highhest bidssC BBeauttifull Insside My HHead Foreever

23、won overr alll massterppieceesD iit waas suuccesssfullly mmade justt beffore the worlld fiinanccial crissis22. BBy saayingg “sppendiing oof anny soort bbecamme deeeplyy unffashiionabble”(Linee 1-22,Parra,3), thhe auuthorr sugggestts thhat_A ccolleectorrs weere nno loongerr acttivelly innvolvved iin

24、arrt-maarkett aucctionnsB ppeoplle sttoppeed evvery kindd of spenndingg andd staayed awayy froom gaallerriesC aart ccolleectioon ass a ffashiion hhad llost its appeeal tto a greaat exxtenttD wworkss of art in ggenerral hhad ggone out of ffashiion sso thhey wwere not wortth buuyingg23. WWhichh of the

25、 folllowinng sttatemmentss is NOT truee?A SSaless of conttempooraryy artt felll drramatticallly ffrom 20077 to 20088B TThe aart mmarkeet suurpasssed manyy othher iindusstriees inn mommentuum.C TThe aart mmarkeet geeneraally wentt dowwnwarrd inn varriouss wayys.D SSome art deallers weree awaaitinng b

26、eetterr chaancess to comee.24. TThe tthreee Ds menttioneed inn thee lasst paaragrraph are _.A aauctiion hhousees ffavorritessB conttempooraryy treendsC ffactoors ppromootingg arttworkk cirrculaationnD sstylees reepressentiing iimpreessioonistts25. TThe mmost apprropriiate titlle foor thhis ttext cou

27、lld bee _.A FFlucttuatiion oof Arrt PrricessB Up-tto-daate AArt AAuctiionsC AArt MMarkeet inn DecclineeD Shiffted Inteerestt in ArtssText 2I wass adddresssing a smmall gathherinng inn a ssuburrban Virgginiaa livving roomm-a wwomenns ggroupp thaat haad innviteed meen too joiin thhem. Throoughoout tth

28、e eeveniing, one man had beenn parrticuularlly taalkattive, freequenntly offeeringg ideeas aand aanecddotess, whhile his wifee satt sillentlly beesidee himm on the coucch. TTowarrd thhe ennd off thee eveeningg, I commmenteed thhat wwomenn freequenntly compplainn thaat thheir husbbandss donnt ttalk t

29、o tthem. Thiis maan quuicklly nooddedd in agreeemennt. HHe geesturred ttowarrd hiis wiife aand ssaid, “Shhes the talkker iin ouur faamilyy.” TThe rroom bursst inn lauughteer; tthe mman llookeed puuzzleed annd huurt. “Its trrue,” he eexplaainedd. “WWhen I coome hhome fromm worrk I havee notthingg to

30、say. If she didnnt kkeep the convversaationn goiing, wedd speend tthe wwholee eveeningg in sileence.”This epissode crysstalllizess thee iroony tthat althhoughh Ameericaan meen teend tto taalk mmore thann wommen iin puublicc sittuatiions, theey offten talkk lesss att homme. AAnd tthis patttern is wwr

31、eakking havooc wiith mmarriiage.The ppatteern wwas oobserrved by ppolitticall sciientiist AAndreew Haackerr in the latee 19770s. Sociiologgist Cathherinne Koohlerr Rieessmaan reeportts inn herr boook Diivorcce Taalk tthat mostt of the womeen shhe inntervvieweed but onlyy a ffew oof thhe meen gavee l

32、acck off commmuniicatiion aas thhe reeasonn forr theeir ddivorrces. Givven tthe ccurreent ddivorrce rrate of nnearlly 500 perrcentt, thhat aamounnts tto miillioons oof caases in tthe UUniteed Sttatess eveery yyear- a vvirtuual eepideemic of ffaileed coonverrsatiion.In myy ownn ressearcch, ccompllain

33、tts frrom wwomenn aboout ttheirr hussbandds moost ooftenn foccusedd nott on tanggiblee ineequitties suchh as haviing ggivenn up the channce ffor aa carreer to aaccommpanyy a hhusbaand tto hiis, oor dooing far moree thaan thheir sharre off daiily llife-suppport workk likke clleaniing, cookking and so

34、ciial aarranngemeents. Inssteadd, thhey ffocussed on coommunnicattion yearrs beeforee, thhat mmost wivees waant ttheirr hussbandds too be, firrst aand fforemmost, connverssatioonal parttnerss, buut feew huusbannds ssharee thiis exxpecttatioon off theeir wwivess.In shhort, thee imaage tthat bestt rep

35、preseents the currrent crissis iis thhe sttereootypiical carttoon scenne off a mman ssittiing aat thhe brreakffast tablle wiith aa newwspapper hheld up iin frront of hhis fface, whiile aa womman gglarees att thee bacck off it, wanntingg to talkk.26. WWhat is mmost wivees mmain expeectattion of tthei

36、rr hussbandds? AA Taalkinng too theem B Trusstingg theem CC Suupporrtingg theeir ccareeersD Sharring housseworrk27. JJudgiing ffrom the conttext, thee phrrase “wreeakinng haavoc” (Linne 3, Parra 2) mosst prrobabbly mmeanss_. AAgenneratting motiivatiionBeexertting inflluencceCcaausinng daamageeDccrea

37、tting presssuree28. AAll oof thhe foollowwing are truee EXCCEPT _. AAmenn tennd too tallk moore iin puublicc thaan woomen BBneaarly 50 pperceent oof reecentt divvorcees arre caausedd by failled cconveersattionCwoomen attaach mmuch impoortannce tto coommunnicattion betwween coupplesDa femaale ttendss

38、 to be mmore talkkativve att homme thhan hher sspousse29. WWhichh lf the folllowinng caan beest ssummaarizee thee maiin iddea oof thhis ttext? AAThee morral ddecayying deseervess morre reesearrch bby soociollogissts. BBMarrriagge brreak-up sstemss froom seex innequaalitiies. CCHussbandd andd wiffe h

39、aave ddiffeerentt exppectaationns frrom ttheirr marrriagge. DDConnverssatioonal pattternss bettweenn mann andd wiffe arre diifferrent.30. IIn thhe foollowwing partt immmediaatelyy aftter tthis textt, thhe auuthorr willl moost pprobaably focuus onn AAThee morral ddecayying deseervess morre reesearrch

40、 bby soociollogissts. BBMarrriagge brreak-up sstemss froom seex innequaalitiies. CCHussbandd andd wiffe haave ddiffeerentt exppectaationns frrom ttheirr marrriagge. DDConnverssatioonal pattternss bettweenn mann andd wiffe arre diifferrent.Text 3 Oveer thhe paast ddecadde, mmany comppaniees haad peer

41、feccted the art of ccreatting autoomatiic beehaviiors -hhabitts- amoong cconsuumerss. Thhese habiits hhave helpped ccompaaniess earrn biillioons oof doollarrs whhen ccustoomerss catt snaacks or wwipe counnterss almmost withhout thinnkingg, offten in rrespoonse to aa carrefullly ddesiggned set of dda

42、ilyy cuees. “Thhere are funddamenntal publlic hhealtth prrobleems, likee dirrty hhandss inssteadd of a sooap hhabitt, thhat rremaiin kiillerrs onnly bbecauuse wwe caant figuure oout hhow tto chhangee peooples haabitss.” SSaid Dr. Curttis, the direectorr of the Hygiiene Centter aat thhe Loondonn Scho

43、ool oof Hyygienne & Troppicall Meddicinne. “WWe waantedd to learrn frrom pprivaate iindusstry how to ccreatte neew beehaviiors thatt happpen autoomatiicallly.” Thhe coompannies thatt Dr. Currtis turnned tto PProctter & Gammble, Collgatee-Pallmoliive aand UUnileever- hadd invvesteed huundreeds oof mi

44、illioons oof doollarrs fiindinng thhe suubtlee cuees inn connsumeers livees thhat ccorpooratiions coulld usse too inttroduuce nnew rroutiines. Iff youu loook haard eenouggh, yyoulll fiind tthat manyy of the prodductss we use everry daay cchewiing gumss, skkin mmoistturizzers, dissinfeectinng wiipes,

45、 airr freeshenners, watter ppuriffierss, heealthh snaacks, teeeth wwhiteenerss, faabricc soffteneers, vitaaminssaree ressultss of manuufactturedd habbits. A ccentuury aago, few peopple rregullarlyy bruushedd theeir tteethh mulltiplle tiimes a daay. TTodayy, beecausse off shrrewd adveertissing and publlic hhealtth caampaiigns, manny Ammericcans habiit allly ggive theiir peearlyy whiites a caavityypreeventting scruub twwice a daay, ooftenn witth Coolgatte, CCrestt or one of tthe ootherr braands. A ffew ddeca


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