1、Secttionn I Usse oof EEngllishhDireectiionss: RReadd thhe ffolllowiing texxt CChooose thee beest worrd (s) forr eaach nummberred blaank andd maark A,BB,C or D oon AANSWWER SHEEET 1 (10 poiintss)The outtbreeak of swiine fluu thhat wass fiirstt deetecctedd inn Meexicco wwas decclarred a gglobbal epiid
2、emmic on Junne 111, 20009. It is thee fiirstt woorlddwidde eepiddemiic 11 byy thhe WWorlld HHeallth Orgganiizattionn inn 411 yeearss.The heiightteneed aalerrt 2 aan eemerrgenncy meeetinng wwithh fllu eexpeertss inn Geenevva tthatt asssemmbleed aafteer aa shharpp riise in casses in Ausstraaliaa, aand
3、 rissingg 3 in BBrittainn, JJapaan, Chiile andd ellsewwherre.But thee eppideemicc iss “ 4 ”inn seeverrityy. AAccoordiing to Marrgarret Chaan, thee orrgannizaatioonss diirecctorr geenerral, 55 thhe ooverrwheelmiing majjoriity of pattiennts expperiienccingg onnly milld ssympptomms aand a ffulll reecov
4、veryy, oofteen iin tthe 6 of anyy meediccal treeatmmenttThe outtbreeak camme tto gglobbal 7 in llatee Apprill 20009, whhen Mexxicaan aauthhoriitiees nnoteed aan uunussuallly larrge nummberr off hoospiitallizaatioons andd deeathhs 8 heaalthhy aadullts. Ass muush of Mexxicoo Ciity shuut ddownn att thh
5、e hheigght of a ppaniic, casses beggan to 9 inn Neww Yoork Citty, thhe ssoutthweesteern Staatess annd aarouund thee woorldd .In tthe Uniitedd Sttatees, neww caasess seeemeed tto ffadee 110 warrmerr weeathher arrriveed. Butt inn laate Sepptemmberr 20009, offficcialls rrepoorteed ttherre wwas 111 fllu
6、 aactiivitty iin aalmoost eveery staate andd thhat virrtuaallyy alll tthe 122 tesstedd arre tthe neww swwinee fllu , allso knoown as (A) H11N1 , nnot seaasonnal fluu. IIn tthe U.SS., it hass 113 morre tthann onne mmilllionn peeoplle , annd ccaussed morre tthann 6000 ddeatths andd moore thaan 66,0000
7、 hhosppitaalizzatiionss .Fedeerall heealtth ooffiiciaals 144 TTamiifluu foor cchilldreen ffromm thhe nnatiionaal sstocckpiile andd beegann 15 oordeers froom tthe staatess foor tthe neww swwinee fllu vvacccinee . Thee neew vvacccinee, wwhicch iis ddifffereent froom tthe annnuall fllu vvacccinee, iis
8、16 ahheadd off exxpecctattionns. Morre tthann thhreee miilliion dosses werre tto bbe mmadee avvaillablle iin eearlly OOctooberr 20009, thhouggh mmostt off thhosee 177 ddosees wweree off thhe FFluMMistt naasall spprayy tyype ,whhichh iss noot 18 foor ppreggnannt wwomeen, peooplee ovver 50 or thoose w
9、itth bbreaathiing diffficculttiess , heaart disseasse oor sseveerall ottherr 119 . BBut it wass sttilll poossiiblee too vaacciinatte ppeopple in othher higgh-rriskk grroupps: heaalthh caare worrkerrs, peooplee 220 inffantts aand heaalthhy yyounng ppeopple .1. AA.critticiizeddB.appoointtedC.commmentt
10、edD.desiignaatedd2. AA.procceeddedB.actiivattedC.follloweedD.prommpteed3. AA.digiitsB.numbberssC.amouuntssD.sumss4. AA.modeeratteB.normmalC.unussuallD.extrremee5. AA.withhB.inC.frommD.by6. AA.proggresssB.abseenceeC.pressencceD.favoor7. AA.reallityyB.phennomeenonnC.conccepttD.notiice8. AA.overrB.forC
11、.amonngD.to9. AA.stayy uppB.cropp uppC.filll uppD.coveer uup10.AA.asB.ifC.unleessD.untiil11.AA.exceessiiveB.enorrmouusC.signnifiicanntD.magnnifiicennt12.AA.cateegorriessB.exammpleesC.pattternnsD.samppless13.AA.impaarteedB.immeerseedC.injeecteedD.infeecteed14.AA.releeaseedB.relaayeddC.reliieveedD.rem
12、aaineed15.AA.placcinggB.deliiverringgC.takiingD.giviing16.AA.feassiblleB.avaiilabbleC.reliiablleD.appllicaablee17.AA.prevvaleentB.prinncippleC.innoovattiveeD. innitiial18.AA.pressenttedB.resttriccteddC.recoommeendeedD.intrroduucedd19.AA.probblemmsB.issuuesC.agonniessD.suffferiingss20.AA.invoolveed i
13、inB.cariing forrC.conccernned witthD.warddingg offfSecttionn III Reeadiing CommpreehennsioonPartt ADireectiionss: RReadd thhe ffolllowiing fouur ttextts. Ansswerr thhe qquesstioons bellow eacch ttextt byy chhoossingg A, B, C, D. Maark youur aanswwerss onn ANNSWEER SSHEEE 1. (440 ppoinnts) Textt 1 TT
14、he lonngesst bbulll ruun iin aa ceentuury of artt-maarkeet hhisttoryy enndedd onn a draamattic notte wwithh a salle oof 556 wworkks bby DDamiien Hirrst, Beeauttifuul IInsiide My Heaad FForeeverr, aat SSothhebyys in Lonndonn onn Seepteembeer 115thh 20008. Alll bbut twoo piiecees ssoldd, ffetcchinng m
15、moree thhan 70mm, aa reecorrd ffor a ssalee byy a sinnglee arrtisst. It wass a lasst vvicttoryy. AAs tthe aucctiooneeer ccallled outt biids, inn Neew YYorkk onne oof tthe olddestt baankss onn Waall Strreett, LLehmman Brootheers, fiiledd foor bbankkrupptcyy. TThe worrld artt maarkeet hhad alrreaddy b
16、beenn loosinng mmomeentuum ffor a wwhille aafteer rrisiing bewwildderiinglly ssincce 220033. AAt iits peaak iin 220077 itt waas wwortth ssomee $665 bbilllionn, rreckkonss Cllaree MccAnddreww, ffounnderr off Arrts Ecoonommicss, aa reeseaarchh fiirm douublee thhe ffiguure fivve yyearrs eearllierr. SSi
17、ncce tthenn itt maay hhavee coome dowwn tto $50 billlioon. Butt thhe mmarkket genneraatess innterrestt faar bbeyoond itss siize beccausse iit bbrinngs toggethher greeat weaalthh, eenorrmouus eegoss, ggreeed, passsioon aand conntrooverrsy in a wway mattcheed bby ffew othher inddusttriees. IIn tthe we
18、eeks andd moonthhs tthatt foolloowedd Mrr. HHirsstss saale, sppenddingg off anny ssortt beecamme ddeepply unffashhionnablle. In thee arrt wworlld tthatt meeantt coolleectoors staayedd awway froom ggallleriies andd saalerroomms. Salles of conntemmporraryy arrt ffelll byy twwo-tthirrds, annd iin tthe
19、mosst ooverrheaatedd seectoor, theey wweree doown by neaarlyy 900%inn thhe yyearr too Noovemmberr 20008. Wiithiin wweekks tthe worrlds ttwo bigggesst aaucttionn hoousees. Sotthebbyss annd CChriistiiess, hhad to payy ouut nnearrly $2000m in guaarannteees tto cclieentss whho hhad plaacedd woorkss foor
20、 ssalee wiith theem. TThe currrennt ddownnturrn iin tthe artt maarkeet iis tthe worrst sinnce thee Jaapannesee sttoppped buyyingg immpreessiioniistss att thhe eend of 19889. Thiis ttimee exxpeccts recckonn thhat priicess arre aabouut 440%ddownn onn thheirr peeak on aveeragge, thooughh soome havve bb
21、eenn faar mmoree fllucttuannt. Butt Eddwarrd DDolmman. Chhrisstiees chiief exeecuttivee, ssayss:IIm preettyy coonfiidennt wwerre aat tthe botttomm.” WWhatt maakess thhis sluump diffferrentt frrom thee laast, hee saays, iss thhat theere aree sttilll buuyerrs iin tthe marrkett. AAlmoost eveeryoone who
22、o waas iinteerviieweed ffor thiis sspecciall reeporrt ssaidd thhat thee biiggeest proobleem aat tthe mommentt iss noot aa laack of demmandd buut aa laack of goood wworkk too seell. Thhe tthreee DDs-ddeatth, debbt aand divvorcce-sstilll ddeliiverr woorkss off arrt tto tthe marrkett. BBut anyyonee whh
23、o ddosee noot hhavee too seell is keeepinng aawayy, wwaittingg foor cconffideencee too reeturrn.21. In thee fiirstt paaraggrapph, Dammienn Hiirstts salle wwas refferrred to as “a lasst vvicttoryy” bbecaausee_.A thee arrt mmarkket hadd wiitneesseed aa suucceessiion of vicctorriessB thee auuctiioneeer
24、 finnallly ggot thee twwo ppiecces at thee hiigheest biddsC Beaautiifull Innsidde MMy HHeadd Foorevver wonn ovver alll maasteerpiieceesD it wass suucceessffullly mmadee juust befforee thhe wworlld ffinaanciial criisiss22. By sayyingg “sspenndinng oof aany sorrt bbecaame deeeplyy unnfasshioonabble”(L
25、inne 11-2,Parra,33), thee auuthoor ssugggestts tthatt_A colllecctorrs wweree noo loongeer aactiivelly iinvoolveed iin aart-marrkett auuctiionssB peooplee sttoppped eveery kinnd oof sspenndinng aand staayedd awway froom ggallleriiesC artt coolleectiion as a ffashhionn haad llostt itts aappeeal to a g
26、greaat eexteentD worrks of artt inn geenerral hadd goone outt off faashiion so theey wweree noot wwortth bbuyiing23. Whiich of thee foolloowinng sstattemeentss iss NOOT ttruee?A Salles of conntemmporraryy arrt ffelll drramaaticcallly ffromm 20007 to 20008B Thee arrt mmarkket surrpasssedd maany othhe
27、r inddusttriees iin mmomeentuum.C Thee arrt mmarkket genneraallyy weent dowwnwaard in varriouus wwayss.D Somme aart deaalerrs wweree awwaittingg beetteer cchanncess too coome.24. Thee thhreee Dss meentiioneed iin tthe lasst pparaagraaph aree _.A aucctioon hhousses faavorriteesB coonteempoorarry ttre
28、nndsC facctorrs pprommotiing arttworrk ccircculaatioonD styyless reepreesenntinng iimprresssionnistts25. Thee moost appproppriaate tittle forr thhis texxt ccoulld bbe _.A Fluuctuuatiion of Artt PrriceesB Upp-too-daate Artt AuuctiionssC Artt Maarkeet iin DDecllineeD Shhiftted Inttereest in ArttsTextt
29、 2I waas aaddrresssingg a smaall gattherringg inn a subburbban Virrginnia livvingg rooom-a wwomeenss grroupp thhat hadd innvitted menn too jooin theem. Thrrougghouut tthe eveeninng, onee maan hhad beeen ppartticuularrly tallkattivee, ffreqquenntlyy offferringg iddeass annd aaneccdottes, whhilee hiis
30、 wwifee saat ssileentlly bbesiide himm onn thhe ccoucch. Towwardd thhe eend of thee evveniing, I commmenntedd thhat wommen freequeentlly ccompplaiin tthatt thheirr huusbaandss doontt taalk to theem. Thiis mman quiicklly nnoddded in agrreemmentt. HHe ggesttureed ttowaard hiss wiife andd saaid, “SShes
31、 tthe tallkerr inn ouur ffamiily.” TThe rooom bbursst iin llaugghteer; thee maan llookked puzzzleed aand hurrt. “Itts truue,” he expplaiinedd. “WWhenn I comme hhomee frrom worrk II haave notthinng tto ssay. Iff shhe ddidnnt keeep tthe connverrsattionn gooingg, wwedd sppendd thhe wwholle eevenningg i
32、nn siilennce.”Thiss eppisoode cryystaalliizess thhe iironny tthatt allthooughh Ammeriicann meen ttendd too taalk morre tthann woomenn inn puubliic ssituuatiionss, ttheyy offtenn taalk lesss aat hhomee. AAnd thiis ppattternn iss wrreakkingg haavocc wiith marrriaage.The pattterrn wwas obsservved by po
33、llitiicall sccienntisst AAndrrew Hacckerr inn thhe llatee 19970ss. SSociioloogisst CCathheriine Kohhlerr Riiesssmann reeporrts in herr boook Divvorcce TTalkk thhat mosst oof tthe wommen shee innterrvieewedd butt onnly a ffew of thee meen gaave lacck oof ccommmuniicattionn ass thhe rreasson forr thhe
34、irr diivorrcess. GGiveen tthe currrennt ddivoorcee raate of neaarlyy 500 peerceent, thhat amoountts tto mmilllionns oof ccasees iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees eeverry yyearr- aa viirtuual epiidemmic of faiiledd coonveersaatioon.In mmy oown ressearrch, coompllainnts froom wwomeen aabouut ttheiir hhusbban
35、dds mmostt offtenn foocussed nott onn taangiiblee innequuitiies succh aas hhaviing givven up thee chhancce ffor a ccareeer to acccomppanyy a hussbannd tto hhis, orr dooingg faar mmoree thhan theeir shaare of daiily liffe-ssuppportt woork likke ccleaaninng, coookinng aand socciall arrranngemmentts. I
36、nssteaad, theey ffocuusedd on ccommmuniicattionn yeearss beeforre, thaat mmostt wiivess waant theeir hussbannds to be, fiirstt annd fforeemosst, connverrsattionnal parrtneers, buut ffew hussbannds shaare thiis eexpeectaatioon oof ttheiir wwivees.In sshorrt, thee immagee thhat besst rreprreseentss th
37、he ccurrrentt crrisiis iis tthe steereootyppicaal ccarttoonn sccenee off a mann siittiing at thee brreakkfasst ttablle wwithh a newwspaaperr heeld up in froont of hiss faace, whhilee a womman glaaress att thhe bbackk off itt, wwanttingg too taalk.26. Whaat iis mmostt wiivess mmainn exxpecctattionn o
38、ff thheirr huusbaandss? A Tallkinng tto tthemm B Trrusttingg thhem C Suppporrtinng ttheiir ccareeerssD Shhariing houusewworkk27. Juddginng ffromm thhe cconttextt, tthe phrrasee “wwreaakinng hhavooc” (Liine 3, Parra 22) mmostt prrobaablyy meeanss_. Aggeneerattingg mootivvatiionBexeertiing infflueence
39、eCccaussingg daamaggeDcreeatiing preessuure28. Alll off thhe ffolllowiing aree trrue EXCCEPTT _. Ammen tennd tto ttalkk moore in pubblicc thhan wommen Bnnearrly 50 perrcennt oof rreceent divvorcces aree caauseed bby ffailled connverrsattionnCwwomeen aattaach mucch iimpoortaancee too coommuuniccatiio
40、n bettweeen ccoupplessDaa feemalle ttendds tto bbe mmoree taalkaativve aat hhomee thhan herr sppousse29. Whiich lf thee foolloowinng ccan besst ssummmariize thee maain ideea oof tthiss teext? ATThe morral deccayiing desservves morre rreseearcch bby ssociioloogissts. BMMarrriagge bbreaak-uup sstemms
41、ffromm seex iineqquallitiies. CHHusbbandd annd wwifee haave diffferrentt exxpecctattionns ffromm thheirr maarriiagee. DCConvverssatiionaal ppattternns bbetwweenn maan aand wiffe aare diffferrentt.30. In thee foolloowinng ppartt immmeddiattelyy affterr thhis texxt, thee auuthoor wwilll moost proobabb
42、ly foccus on ATThe morral deccayiing desservves morre rreseearcch bby ssociioloogissts. BMMarrriagge bbreaak-uup sstemms ffromm seex iineqquallitiies. CHHusbbandd annd wwifee haave diffferrentt exxpecctattionns ffromm thheirr maarriiagee. DCConvverssatiionaal ppattternns bbetwweenn maan aand wiffe a
43、are diffferrentt.Textt 3 Ovver thee paast deccadee, mmanyy coompaaniees hhad perrfecctedd thhe aart of creeatiing auttomaaticc beehavviorrs -hhabiits- amoong connsummerss. TThesse hhabiits havve hhelpped commpanniess eaarn billlioons of dolllarrs wwhenn cuustoomerrs ccat snaackss orr wiipe couunteer
44、s almmostt wiithoout thiinkiing, offtenn inn reespoonsee too a carrefuullyy deesiggnedd seet oof ddailly ccuess. “TTherre aare funndammenttal pubblicc heealtth pprobblemms, likke ddirtty hhandds iinstteadd off a soaap hhabiit, thaat rremaain killlerrs oonlyy beecauuse we cannt figguree ouut hhow to
45、chaangee peeoplless haabitts.” Saiid DDr. Currtiss, tthe dirrecttor of thee Hyygieene Cennterr att thhe LLonddon Schhooll off Hyygieene & TTroppicaal MMediicinne. “Wee waanteed tto llearrn ffromm prrivaate inddusttry howw too crreatte nnew behhaviiorss thhat happpenn auutommatiicallly.” TThe commpanniess thhat Dr. Cuurtiis tturnned to Prroctter & GGambble, Coolgaate-Pallmollivee ann