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1、Agricultural Science&Technology,201 7,1 8(3):534536,552Copynght201 7,Information Institute of HAASAll rights reservedPlanning anddD。esicln otSig htseei ng GardenLandscapeRural TourismMountainous Agriculturala Case Study of RuiminAgricultural Sightseeing EcogardenLiang HONG,Xiaogang CHEN+,Yi LIUColle

2、ge of City Construction,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,ChinaAbstract Agricultural sightseeing project is expanding with sociaI development,yetmost are confined in improvements in originaI gardenswith similar style or patternThe research took Liupanshui City as an example and analyzed moun

3、tainbased ag-ricultural sightseeing in Order to discuss the way to propeI agriculture integrationwith Ieisure tourismprocessingestablish new models for sightseeing ecogardengardens。and benefit economically,socially and ecologicallyKey words Mountain farming;Planning and design;Ruimin agncultural sig

4、htseeingeco-gardenS ightseeing agriculture refers tothe tourism offering a wide variety of activities,includingbuying produce,sightseeing,and restingin rural areas or in the means of agriculturePeople have Iong beenyeaming for nature as national econo-mv develops and urbanization speedsup。to whom ag

5、nculturaI sightseeing e-co-gardens in suburbs cater。featuredby returning to pastoral or expenencmgfarmingIn China,mountains,plateausand hills are widely distributed,neces-sitating mountain farming development;yet agricultural sightseeing gar-dens are far frcm welI promotionPlan-ning and design on ag

6、ricultural sight-seeing gardens is of great significance,economically and ecologicallyConcept of Mountain-bas-ed Agricultural SightseeingGardensMoun协in-based agricultural sight-seeing gardensDerived from sightseeing eco-gardens,agricultural sightseeing gar-dens are a new development modebased on rur

7、al collective IandThey$Corresponding authorEmaiReceived:January 7,201 7are a synthesis recreational agricultureor constructed sightseeing-oriented嘲integrating agriculture and tourism andfeaturing original ecologyApproaching to modern agricul-ture,agricultural sightseeing gardenshave to make improvem

8、ents on agri-culturaI structure by modem agricul-tufaI S&T and achievementsMea-sures can be taken according to con-structions of mountain-oriented agriculturaI comprehensive developingdemonstration zones,modem agricul-tural comprehensive industry developing demonstration zones and circulareconomy in

9、dustnal demonstrationzonesAgricultural sightseeing gar-dens should be constructed specializing in planting,sightseeing and eco-consewation,with the former twodominated,and processing and theIast supplementedA complete indus-try chain or industrial cluster is the ultimate goalin order to support soci

10、aIand economic development and in-crease farmers incomesIn additionto thatIayouts of Iand use and majorfunctions have to be welI plannedcx920060902681 26COrnAccetpted:February 1 9,201 7山地农业观光园规划设计探究以六盘水市瑞民农业生态观光园为例洪亮,陈晓刚+,刘懿(LT_ili师范大学城市建设学院江西南昌330022)摘 要 随着经济社会发展和人们的需求提高,农业观光项目正在迅速蔓延开来,但大多数农业观光园区都是

11、在以前基地条件较好的地区进行改造和建设,无论风格和格局也都趋于雷同。该文以贵州六盘水市为例对其山地农业观光园规划实践进行分析。探讨如何发挥山地特色推进农业与休闲旅游、加工业等产业融合发展,促进生态文明理念的贯彻与实施,实现建设生态观光农业的新模式形成经济效益、社会效益和生态效益协同共赢的局面。关键词 山地农业;规划设计;瑞民农业生态观光园作者简介洪亮(1993一),男,江西人硕士研究生,研究方向:区域与城市规划。通讯作者,陈晓刚(1978一),男,江西丸江人,副教授。江西师范大学城市建设学院,研究方向:风景园林规划与设计Email:cx92006090268126corn。收稿日期2017-0

12、1-07修回日期20170219万方数据至Q!Z-:工口j:旺卫互E_;jZ互互互jjl:j盂:互U叠:Z一 呈兰旦Characteristics of mountainbased ning should attach importance to un- ciple。planting and managementBeagricultural sightseeing gardens ique mountain or water culture Co at- sides,underplanting and treatment ofA mountainbased agriculturaI tract

13、 tourists stony desertification will provide retersightseeing garden is so complicated Focusing on ecology ences for sociaI resource and eco。en。with charactersrather than superpoThe planned agricultural Projects vironment sustainable developmentsition between agricultural productionand landscaping e

14、lementspThe character of regionalismThe selected sites are generallylocated in ruraI urban fringe or transportation iunction。where urban science and technology could be takenadvantage of。with convenient infrastructure and plenty of guestsThe character of function synthesisBesides agricultural produc

15、tion,mountainbased agriculturaI gardensalso serve as resting and playing ar-easas welI as S&T demonstrationgiven new technology and newspecies applied to productionThegardenssupplying tends to be differ-ent upon themes,in a wide variety ofscience popularization,education,ex-periencing,fertilization,

16、picking,andprocessingThe character of uniquenessIt is the character of uniquenessthat makes sure the gardensdevefopment;yet the characteristic agriculture is necessary to integrate Iocal ad-vantages while developing new productsPlanning Idea and DesignPrinciplePlanning ideaMountain-based agricultura

17、lsightseeing gardens are so special asgardens or landscapes,limited in siteselection and specific conditionsItsdesign is so important that exerts influence on operation and profiting,aswell as eco-environment protectionand landscape value improvingAdjusting measures to local conditions to make use o

18、f mountainsFunctional orientation and spatiallayout make it crucial to scientificallyplanning and adjusting measures tolocal conditionsExperiencing firstThe design of resting and experiencing involves not only resting,butalso experiencing fun from farming ac-tivityFocusing on cultureCulturaI feature

19、s and theme planhave to be taken into consideration atsite selectionas welI as eco-environ-ment nea巾y【4】Principle for planning and designReverence for nature and eco-con-servationHarmony between human andnature is the highest pursuit in tradi-tionaI Chinese cultureIn planning anddesign,local ecologi

20、cal carrying ca-pacity should be acknowledged beforeconstruction targeting at reverence fornature and ecoconservationArtificialwork is recommended to be minimizedto reduce destruction on environmentBesidesthe Iandscape styrle has to beCOOrdinated with the surroundings interms of molding,material,and

21、 weightMountainbased trees are priority atchoosing and locaI ancient trees haveto be protectedLandscape unit correlation andspatiaI structure coordinationMountain-based agricultural gar-dens are so speciaI-n terrain and externaI environment, necessitatingcharacters of unit Iandscapes at planninq1t i

22、s known that their spatiaI andunit structures perform poorer in com-parison to the common onesMean-whilethe correlation with neighboringunits has to be analyzed to make surestable function,correlated unit andwell-coordinated spatiaI structureThe principle of traditional cultureprotectionNaturaI and

23、humanity landscapesare key elements of mountain-basedagricultural sightseeing gardensNatural landscape serves as a basis for hu-man Iandscapewhile the latter subIimesHence。we should fully exploitlocal culture,historically,agriculturally,ethnicallyin Iifesty-le and diet,in orderto integrate naturaI a

24、nd human Iandscapes and allow tourists to experi-ence local customs and culturet霹The principle of sustainable developmentDuring construction,work has tobe done In COOrdinating relationship a-mong company,village,our nation andecoenvironment to advance sustainability between growth mode and prinPlann

25、ing and PracticingResources always serve as a ba-sis for any projects,and full recognitionof sightseeing agricultural resources,thereforeis key before Projects planningdevelopment and management咧Liupanshui city is located in the Yun-nanGuizhou Plateau slopes,with spe-cial resources to be discoveredT

26、he unique terrain and fragile ecosystemmake development pattern differentcompared with flal areasRuimin agri-culturaI garden takes advantages of lo-cal resources and is engaged in transformation in order to create a charac-teristic sightseeing eco-garden provided agricultural production guaranteedIn

27、troduction of the projectThe garden is situated in DayongtownLiuzhi speciaI district,under theadministration of Liupanshui cityLiupanshu_s IOcated in the southern partOf Wumeng mountain rangethe cen-traI part of YunnanGuizhou PlateauIn other wordsit is in the 1adderliketransition slopes frOm Eastern

28、 YunnanPIateau to Zhonqshan districtandfrOm northeastern plateau of Guizhouto Guangxi hillsKnown Iocally as“theCooI City”it is warm in winter andCOOl in summersuited to kiwifruit torowThe elevation above sea leveIranges frOm 1 200 to 1 400 mIt isdominated by mountainous areas andfarmlandsThe center

29、is distributedwith extensive farmlands,while karstareas in suburbsThe village road runsthrough the base center and streamsflow through the axisIt is located innorthern monsoon subtropicswith annuaI mean temperature at 1 42 oC andannuaI mean precipitation of 1 4764mmSummer is not hot and winter notco

30、ldFrost-free period lasts IongerThe climate js so favored by animalsand propels development of animaIhusbandry and sightseeing eco-agri-cultureGarden orientation analysisGarden development ls associated with IocaI resourcesmarket infor-mation and policy supportThe onen-万方数据鱼兰竺-:i:巨盈王蓄互口工Zjl:j蓄蓄互三jEl

31、L;互互互j盂圈 兰里!ZtatIOn anaIysis shOws Iar口escale propen口garden aro、th conditions and naturaI resourcespIanting iS feaSibIe depending On un- Planning On fUnCtion division The deSign of landScape Iayoutique ag ricuIturaI resources in karst ar- HighIy-e竹icient tnee pIantng zOne The design Of Iandscapes ai

32、ms tOeas1n generaI,we have what 0thers n is IOcated in the centraI part 0f integrate cultivated Iiving beings wthdO nOt have,whiIe eIaboratinq it if Oth MaronQ district,wl廿1 an area of O41 3 naturaI environment, bV conside rinqers ownMeanwhe,agricuItural sight- km2 SuppIyIng hIgh-quaIity green Verti

33、cal and horizontaI changes,andseeinq and reStina,and science Dr0- pIants,the zOne Is OrIented tO be a seasOnaI chanae efFectS On pIantsmotion shOuId be attended at con seedIing base specializing in produc-V,hafs mOre,there are speciaI sightstructng key Scenic spots fOr better tiOn,management and dev

34、eIOpment。 seeIna Iandscapes and faci|ities apartcOOrdinating with the setting nearby suppOrted by science and technOlOgV from naturaI Iandscapes, water andand improving Liupanshuis rOIe In a- in Order tO enhanCe econOmic and s0 farming landsAnd artificiaI imprOveancuIturaI tOunsmIn cOncIusiOn。the ci

35、aI benefIts as much as pOssibIe whi|e mentS are made with ecO-cOnserva-aardens industrV serves a triDIe func adaDtina t0 10cal envirOnment tiOn。 shapInq scanered IaVOut: Vettion as tree plan“n口siahtseelna and Ecoconserva瞳;on in mountaInous these improvements Droceed on aecOconSen,atiOn in 0rder tO a

36、dvance a悯s smascaIe tO keeD karst characterscircuIar econOmicaI demOnstratiOn It is an ecOcOnservatiOn zOne, The designed landscapes and lOcaI eI-Dark featured bv pr0Cessed industry where treatment and conservat()n ements(forests,peaks and farmIands)and ecOconservation and suppOned measures have bee

37、n taken with prO interact as bOth cOntextI)y characte r|stic pIanting and IeiSure tectIOn dominant in ausion t0 karst The design Of routes and themessiahtseein口 areasBesides,naturaI ecO-cOnsen,a Sen,ice fOcuses vary In terms OfThe overalaVout tion area is under Drotection and man visual sense,taste,

38、and perception up-The garden has a totaI area 0f agement in case of further destruc“0n On theme and supporting facities51 86 km2The OveraIayOut shouId These e秆Orts are t0 make sure sus COncerning廿1emes incIude sightseebe formuIated scientificay according tainabIe gnovvth Of ec0-envinDnment, ing,expe

39、riencing and science promO-t0 functional zOne 0ptimum,cOrreIatiOn pIanting industand sightseeing In tiOnIn generaI,the rOutes and nodesamong the zones,and aggIOmeration addition to that,seasOnaI changes can are desIgned acC0rding tO recreatiOneconOmiCsAs per functiOns,It can be be taken intO cOnside

40、ratIOn as a part Of and sightseeing expe rIence FOr ex-cIassified int0 farming Iands,sightsee the cOntet and rare animaIs 0r plants ample,knOwIedge On crop 0r pIantingina Iands,ec0-cOnservatiOn Iands,fa- have t0 be weII cultjvated fOr sustain- might be served fOr gnoups fOr the pur-ciIitV Iands and

41、0ther Iands,whiIe the abitv 0f naturaI resOurces pose of leamingplanned structure is featured by 0ne Agricunu怕I怆c陀atiOnal zone AggIomeration deVelopment strat-garden and tw0 djstriCtsSpecifcaIly, It is availabIe fOr ag rcuIturaI egythe 0ne garden refers t0 Ruimin agrI_cuIturaI sightseeing ec0。ga喇en,

42、andtw0 districts incIuding ManDng districtand Changzhai district Ulte rIOrIy,Marona distnct is pIanned as “Oneheartt、0 sub-districts and fivezoneS”, nameIy。 a cOmprehenSiVemanagement center,tarm|ng productiOn and ec0一consen,atiOn sub-dis-t rIctSand a restlnq and reCreatiOnalzone, a Qicai Huashan Ian

43、dscapezOne,a cate r_ng and ba巾ecue zone,acontainer zOneand a water and Iand-scaDe pond zOneAs for Changzhaid;strict,it is generaIized as“0ne heart,three SubdiStriCts and three zoneS”,nameIy, a comprehenslve manage。ment center,a fanlling productiOn sub-districta ruraI restaurant and beautIfuIru忸I Sub

44、diStnctand an ec0conse卜vatiOn sub-distrct,and a IOtus park,anUrSina hOme Care ZOne and a ponazOne1n cOncIusiOn,the garden spe-ciaIizes in pnDduction,sightseeing andec0-conserVation, gIVIng suppOrts t0industrlaI restructuring,0ptmizing s0。cial and ecOnOmIc deveIOpment andsIghtseelng management Or ser

45、、,lcIng,as weII as a tou rIst iointBesides,chiIdrens pIayground,Iawn, and landscape pIan“ng are estabIished fOrrecreatiOnCharacteristic barbecue zoneHuman时s mOst fundamentaI陀-lationShip IS what we eatThe zOne iSIOCated in the CentraI part,with COnve-nient transpOrt and abundant guestsTOurists have a

46、ccess tO 10caI cuisine0r lOcaI fIavOr snack。as weaS lOcaIdjet cuIture and custOmsSpeCmc designVertIcaI des;gnThe venlcaI desian seems muChmO呛SUitabIe for bener Iinkage between cOnStruCtiOn cOntentS and ex-ternaI elementS SUCh aS COnSiStenCVbetween reIaxatiOn landscaDes andsIghtseeing1t is inner Ieve

47、f Optimiza-tion,connecting rOad,water suppIy,and drainage, IayIng fOundatiOn fOrc00rdinateCI,highlye什icient and sustalnable deveIOpment 0f the garden asa wh0IeBeSIdeS。the verticaI plan isfo盯nuIated based on geographicaIIn the garden,high p riority is giVentO IOcal characteristic industry,with indust

48、ry chain e)(tended for aggIomera-tiOn effectMutuaI C00DeratiOn iS encouraged among projects to integrateindustrv wIth tOurismFOr ec0nse卜Vation,rOad diVergence and industrycIassIficatiOn cOnt rbute tO scatteredIayOut with muItipIe nOdesOn the Other hand,natural water and mOuntain,together with artfic

49、iay pIanted areasmake it different with un)an views。whiIe suppOrting facitIes shOuId beconstructedIn conclusiOn,garden in-dustries have tO cOmbine with beautfulcountryside for aggIomeration andbener utizatlOn 0f transpOrt,marketand reSOurCesConcIusionsIn China,sightseeing agricuItureIs an emergIng lndust


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