1、 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS 硕士学位论文 从跨文化交际角度看 汉英旅游翻译中的文化传递 论文作者 梁熹 指溯帀:熊兵教授 学科专业:英语语言文学 研究方向:翻译理论与实践 华中师范大学外国语学院 2016 年 5 月 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS On Culture Transmission in C-E Tourism Translation From the Perspective of Intercultural Communication A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirem
2、ents For the M.A. Degree in English Language and Literature (On Translation Theory and Practice) By Liang Xi Postgraduate Program School of Foreign Languages Central China Normal University Supervisor: Xiong Bing Academic Title: Professor kx Y S i g n a t u r e : i Approved May, 2016 硕士学位论文 MASTERS
3、THESIS 半中砰紇大学学隹论文原剎牲声用和使用提权说用 原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作 所取得的研宄成果。除文中己经标明引用的 内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在 文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 作 者 签 名 : I 日 期 : 及 私 年 夕 月 TT?日 学隹於文版权使用梭权书 学位论文作者完全了解华中师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:研 究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属华中师范大学。学校有权保留并 向国家有关部门或机构送交
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5、规 定享受相关权益。 同意论文提交后滞后: 半年: 一年: 二年发布。 作者签名:免乏 日 期 :孜 U年 5 月 1*/日 导 师 签 名 : 日期年 r月 v 曰 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS At the completion of writing this thesis, first and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my supervisor, Professor Xiong Bing, who has inspired , encour
6、aged and guided me all through the research work of the present thesis with his insightful instruction, timely help and great patience. Without his support, effective guidance and invaluable suggestions, the paper could not have been completed in the present form. He gave me pertinent instructions i
7、n topic selection and showed great expertise in pointing out my mistakes as well as offering me valuable advice in every stage of my paper writing. I am deeply impressed by his professional responsibility and academic insight for indicating not only major mistakes in principle, but also minor ones,
8、even the slightest grammatical error. I would also want to take this opportunity to thank all those professors who gave wonderful lectures during the period I studied in CCNU for their beneficial inspirations in my study. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my colleagues who gave me th
9、eir help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the paper. Last but not the least, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS 中文摘要 中国是一个具有五千年
10、历史的文明古国,在历史的长河中留下了数不清的古迹 和遗址,这些都成就了我国丰富的旅游资源。根据世界旅游组织的预计,我国将在 2015年前成为全世界第一大入境旅游国。这说明我国已即将实现从旅游资源大国向 世界旅游大国的转变。在这样的形势之下,我们必须做好旅游宣传工作,特别是旅 游翻译工作,向各国旅游者提供高质量的旅游翻译服务,从而进一步提升国家形象。 在旅游翻译工作中,我们应该特别强调的是中华文化的传递,让广大外国游客在欣 赏祖国大好河山的同时,了解中华文化的博大精深和源远流长,从而体现出 中华文 化的独特魅力。 然而目前我国旅游翻译现状不尽人意。无论是从旅游宣传手册,到旅游网站, 再到旅游景区
11、的标识语,翻译错误比比皆是。翻译中不仅没有完美的传递中华文化 的魅力,反而成为了支离破碎,言不达意的典型。这在很大程度上不仅没有宣扬我 国优良文化,反而误导了国外游客对地区旅游资源的理解,不利于中华文化的传播 与发展,不利于外国游客在中国的旅游体验。 有鉴于此,本研宄对汉英旅游翻译中的文化传递问题进行了探讨。研宄首先从 旅游翻译角度入手,浅析旅游翻译的定义与功能,然后从旅游宣传手册、景点名称、 景区标识 语、导游词等方面探讨旅游翻译的特点。接着从跨文化交际角度出发,浅 析文化与语言的关系和国际交往时的文化冲突,并从地理环境、风土人情、饮食、 宗教等方面探讨汉英跨文化交际中的文化差异性及汉英旅游
12、翻译的方法与技巧及 问题的解决方案。本研究对旅游英语汉英翻译具有一定的启迪和借鉴作用。 关键词:文化传递;跨文化交际;汉英旅游翻译 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS ABSTRACT China is a country with a history of 5000 years, in which there are numerous cultural relics and historic sites, which make up its rich tourism resources. WTO (World Tourism Organization) estimated that
13、by the year 2015, China would have become the first tourist destination. All these indicate that China almost realize its goal to transform itself from a country with rich tourism resources to a big tourism country. Under such circumstances, it is of great importance to improve the tourism publicity
14、, especially tourism translation, and provide the tourism translation with good quality. Only in this way can we raise the image of China worldwide. When it comes to the tourism translation, the transmission of culture should be one of the focuses. Understanding the connotation of Chinese culture de
15、finitely will help the overseas tourists experience more They will realize how extensive and profound the Chinese culture is, so that the unique charm of Chinese culture will attract more tourists worldwide. However, the status quo of tourism translation in China is less than ideal. There are quite
16、so many mistakes concerning the translation of tourist handbooks, the tourism websites, as well as the tourist public signs. The inappropriate tourism translation has made the beauty and the greatness of Chinese culture impossible to impress the overseas tourists, which will definitely do harm to th
17、e transmission and development of Chinese culture, as well as the tourism experience for these overseas tourists. In view of this, the present study attempts to make an exploration of the culture transmission in the C-E tourism translation. The study firstly surveys the functions and features of tou
18、rism translation from several aspects, such as tourist promotional texts, scenic spot names, public signs and tour guide presentations. Then it analyses the relationship between culture and language, and cultural conflict in the international exchange. After that the study examines the cultural diff
19、erences in C-E intercultural communications from several aspects, such as geographical condition, custom, dietary culture, and religious belief, as well as the translation methods and techniques as well as the solutions to the problems in C-E tourism translation. It is hoped that the present study m
20、ay throw some useful insight into the C-E tourism translation. Key words: Culture Transmission; Intercultural Communication; C-E Tourism Translation iii 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS CONTENTS Acknowledgements . i Abstract in Chinese . ii Abstract in English . iii 1. Introduction . 1 1.1 Research background
21、. 1 1.2 Significance of the study . 1 1.3 Structure of the thesis . 2 2. Literature Review . 3 3. Tourism Translation . 4 3.1 Types of tourism text . 4 3.2 Key conceptions of tourism translation . 5 3.3 Translation of tourism text . 5 3.3.1 Promotional text . 5 3.3.2 Scenic spot name . 6 3.3.3 Publi
22、c sign . 7 4. Intercultural Communication . 8 4.1 Key conceptions of intercultural communication . 8 4.1.1 Culture and communication . 8 4.1.2 Encoding and decoding in intercultural communication . 8 4.1.3 Culture-related mistakes in intercultural communication . 9 4.1.4 Barriers in intercultural co
23、mmunication . 10 4.1.5 Intercultural awareness . 11 4.2 Cultural differences in intercultural communication . 12 4.2.1 Geographical condition . 12 4.2.2 Custom . 12 4.2.3 Religious belief. . 13 4.2.4 Dietary culture . : . 14 4.2.5 Ethics . 14 4.2.6 Thinking mode . 15 5. Culture Transmission in C-E T
24、ourism Translation . 16 5.1 Significance of culture transmission in C-E tourism translation . 16 5.2 Translation methods and skills of culture transmission intourism translation. 16 5.2.1 Methods of culture transmission in tourism translation . 16 5.2.2 Skills of culture transmission in tourism tran
25、slation . 20 5.3 Other important issues in tourism translation . 24 U . iCqdejSonqia LI. nojsni 湖 .9 92 . SpiOM 9AIJ1SU3S JO 93UBpiOAB 31JX gi . 3upuBjs_rapun pai tio 岡 SUBJ丄 PZ .spcq jo Sunpireii isdojd aw es SIS3HIS.H3ISYW 玢 #千鼢 碩士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS 1. Introduction 1.1 Research background China h
26、as long been known as one of the four ancient countries of great civilizations. It is a country with long history and rich tourism resources. With the implementation of the policy of as an example. It is more frequently used in English culture environment than in Chinese culture environment. In Chin
27、a, people say “Thank you” only when they get help. But in English culture environment, people like teachers would say nJM 德, 1994: 172) Tourism translation coxild be considered as a form of intercultural communication, in which culture transmission is of great importance during the process of transl
28、ation. Some Chinese phrases and sentences in tourism writing are identical to their and English correspondents, so they could be translated literally to keep their original forms, and also convey the culture connotation of source text. Example 7 ST:世界文化与自然遗产 TT: World Cultural and Natural Heritage E
29、xample 8 ST:旅游投资项目的孵化器 TT: An incubator of Tourist Investment Projects Example 9 ST:游客第一信誉至上 TT: Tourists first and credit foremost ExampIelO ST:中国历史博物馆 TT: The National Museum of Chinese History Example 11 ST:鼓楼文化旅游区 TT: Drum Tower Cultural & Sightseeing Area Example 12 ST:创优秀旅游城市,为名城争光。 TT: Build
30、a Top Tourist City of China for the Honor of Our Famous City. Example 13 ST:中国河南 功夫的摇篮 TT: Henan in China the cradle of Chinese martial arts In the above examples, literal translation is adopted to retain the form, meaning and effect of source text so as to better achieve cultural transmission. 5.2.
31、1.4. Literal translation plus annotation Literal translation is also a good way to deal with tourism writing, however, for the culture-loaded words, literal translation alone may not be enough. In this case, it is quite 18 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS necessary to add some annotations so as to bring out th
32、e cultural implication of the original more clearly. Example 14 ST:赤脚医生 TT: barefoot doctor (part-time paramedical workers in rural China) Example 15 ST:铁饭碗 TT: iron rice bowl (a secure job or lifetime employment) In Example 14, the annotation will make overseas tourists understand that “barefoot” m
33、eans the doctor without medical license but work part-time. In Example 15 the annotation helps the overseas readers understand that “iron rice bowl” refers to the job with stability. In this way, culture transmission is to some extent realized. Free translation Free translation refers to the
34、 way of translation that changes the structure and figure of speech of source text while conveying the intended or implied meaning of the original. There may be a lot of differences with regard to meaning, structure, as well as culture connotation of the tourism texts between Chinese and English. Co
35、mpared with literal translation, free translation is more flexible, and may offer understandable translation with better readability. For example: Example 16 ST:天上瑶池人间龙宫 TT: Heaven on Earth In the original, “瑶池 ” and “龙宫 are two special places in Chinese culture. “瑶池 ” refers to the abode of immorta
36、l which is associated with the mythical Western Mother Goddess. While “龙宫 , refers to Dragon Kings palace under the sea. All these two places are mythological and may cause confusion to overseas tourists. So it is liberally put into Heaven on Earth55 which serves as a good example of free translatio
37、n, and which could reduce the barriers of understand due to culture difference to target readers. Free translation can better retain the cultoal and historical elements of the original text. The purpose of C-E tourism translation is to transmit Chinese culture through intercultural communication. Qu
38、ite a number of overseas tourists are fascinated with Chinese culture and history in many tourist sites. Free translation of peoples5 names and events helps overseas tourists better experience the transmission of Chinese culture. Example 17 ST:玉兔 19 硕士学位论文 MASTERS THESIS TT: Moon Rabbit In this example, “玉兔 is liberally translated as “Moon Rabbit” rather than literally translated into “Jade Rabbit”, so that the overseas tourists could associate the rabbit with the moon in the sky. This translation vividly transmits the charm of Chinese culture, and tourists will not h