1、梦魔绝镇前情提要Previously onFrom.-你有没有想过艾比是对的You ever wonder if Abby was right?如果这一切只是一场梦呢What if its all just a dream?你和谁一起来的?Who did you come here with?我母亲她人很好My mother. She was nice.你在画什么What are you drawing?我见过的东西Things Ive seen.当你看到它们的时候把它们画出来最好了Its good to draw them when you see them这样即使你忘记了图片也会记住so
2、even if you forget, pictures remember.当克里斯托弗看到那个符号♥之后一切都变了When Christopher started seeing that symbol, things changed. 他变了每个人都死了He changed. Everyone died.我见过这个Ive seen this.嗯你是说幻觉里吗Yeah, like in a vision or something?不是在隧♥道♥的墙上No, on the walls in the tunnels.什么隧♥道♥
3、What tunnels?你听到广播里的声音了You heard the voice on the radio.这意味着有人能看到我们That means that there are people out there who can see us.难道你觉得这是件好事吗And what part of you thinks that thats a good sign?你那破塔已经让人们燃起了希望?You already got peoples hopes up with your goddamn tower- 所以我们更有理由All the more reason that we-把嘴闭上
4、我相信你能帮上忙Im sure you do,但这不是你想离开的原因所以but thats not why you wanna leave. So.这里没有我的位置Theres no place for me here.没人想让我在这里他们说得对我不应该No one even wants me here, and theyre right, I shouldnt- 至少这事儿我能做This is something I can do.出去和从这里逃跑Theres a difference between going out there是有区别的and running away from her
5、e.离开的话那会感觉很好很存易Leaving? Thatd feel good. Itd be easy.但是我们现在不能再选容易的事儿做了We dont get to do easy anymore.我不能再干坐在那教堂里了I cant just sit in that church anymore.我没有什么可做的我无处可去Theres nothing for me to do. Nowhere for me to go.很好Okay. Good.这才是切实需要解决的事Now were talking about problems we can fix.就在那里Down there.我就是
6、那里面看到了那个符号♥Thats where I saw your symbol,而且and its.也是我第一次看到那些孩子的他方also the first time I saw the children.那些夜晚出没的怪物And those, uh, those things that come out at night, 他们也在这底下吗theyre down there, too?对-好Yeah. -All right.这一定代表了什么不可能This has to mean something. It cant-不可能只是巧合It cant be a coinciden
7、ce.为什么Why?你了解混沌理论吗How much do you know about chaos theory?一只蝴蝶在怀俄明州扇动物膀A butterfly-a butterfly flaps its wings in Wyoming.就在一个月后引发了日本海啸A month later theres a tsunami in Japan,表面上看似乎完全无关and on the surface the two events appear entirely unrelated 但其实他们之间有着一系列错综复杂的联♥系♥but in reality there
8、 is an intricate set of connections-杰德你到底在说什么Jade, what the fuck are you talking about?这并不是意外我们只需Its not an accident. We just-我们还需要更多信息来确定他们之间的联&hcarts;系&hcarts;We need more information to see how theyre connected.我才不要再回去呢Well, Im not gonna go back in there.可不是Yeah, no shit.疯了才会想要进去I mean, youd have
9、 to be crazy-草他妈的Motherfucker.什么What?维克多也看到了吗Did Victor see it?你说维克多和你一起在这里You told me Victor was down there with you.他也看到墙上的符号♥了吗Did he see the symbol on the walls?当然了就是他指给我看的Of course. He was the one that pointed it out.当然了我问了他我直截了当的问他Of course. I asked him. I asked him, point blank.他说好要把一切
10、关于那符号♥的事He promised to tell me everything he knew全都告诉我可是不知为何about that symbol, yet somehow,他却避漏了这件事he manages to leave out.在咱们俩一切看过的这一系列You know, in the entire Venn diagram of crazy that疯狂的韦恩图中that you and I have seen,有着一个重叠之处theres one single point of overlap.嗨Hi.伊森在家吗Uh, is Ethan home?在在的进来
11、吧Um, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Come on in.我就在外面等吧Ill- Ill wait out here.好吧Okay.伊森维克多来了Ethan! Victors here!那个我一直没来得及感谢你You know, I never got to thank you那晚在群居屋做的一切for everything that you did that night at Colony House. 是你带我离开你救了我一命I mean, getting me out of there. You saved my life.嗨Hi. -Hi.我两分钟就好Kay. 1*11 be
12、 ready in two minutes.好Okay.我们要去餐厅帮刘太太Were going to help Mrs. Liu at the diner.我绐你带了些东西I brought you something.你不进来吗Are you gonna come in?还是你出来吧No, you have to come outside.为什么Why?因为你得穿上试试Because you have to try it on.快来Come.马上天气就要变冷r你需要一件外套Its getting cold and youll need a coat soon.这件是我以前的衣服This u
13、sed to be mine.试试看合不合身Can you see if it fits?嗯Yeah.给我给你画r这个Here. I drew this for you.我不想要Uh, I dont want this.为什么-因为Why? -Because, 失去的东西才要画出来 pictures are for things that are gone.但要是我出事了呢But what if something happens to me?你忘记了很多东西You forget a lot of stuff.我不想要你也把我给忘了I wouldnt want you to forget me
14、.我说了别说这种话I said, dont talk like that.要是你不要找的画那我也不要你的外套Well, if you dont keep it, I dont want the coat. 准备好了吗我们得出发了Kay, you ready? We gotta go.一起来吗Wanna come?好吧Okay.走吧Come on.外套不错Nice jacket1射l射Thanks.你不该在床上歇着吗Are you sure you shouldnt be in bed?没事啊我好得很I mean, no, Tm fine.虽然短时间内做不了俯卧撑了You know, Im no
15、t gonna be doing any push-ups anytime soon, 但我感觉很好真的but I feel great. Seriously.克里斯蒂绐你做过检查吗Did Kristi check you out?做了她比你还要惊讶呢Yeah, yeah, and shes more surprised than you.那戴尔呢And what about Dale?唐娜把她锁进屋里了Donnas locked him up in his room.老爸没事的Dad, everythings fine.你笑什公What are you smiling about?我有好消息
16、I have some news.科里说你找我Corey said you were looking for me?没错稍等下Oh, yeah, Ill, uh. Uh, one sec. Yeah.待会儿告诉你吧Ill tell you later.好吧多休息下Okay. Get some rest.老爸我真的没事All right, Dad. Look, Dad, Im good,你去吧but go ahead.你简直是疯了Are you out of your fucking mind? 我今天已经受够了博伊德I really dont need this today, Boyd. 你想
17、象不到我有多头疼I have a headache like you would not believe. 我又没叫你让她住这儿Im not asking you to let her stay here. 就拜托帮帮我吧Look, just throw me a bone. 给她点儿事做随便什么事都衍Give her something to do. Anything. I dont care. 她只想派上用场She just wants to feel useful. 行吧我尽量安俳-谢谢Okay. Ill do what I can. -Thank you.但比起莎拉闹得无聊我们还有更大
18、的麻烦But we have bigger problems right now than Sara being bored. 一屋子的人紧张不安I got a house full of people on their last nerve, 一个疯子被锁在房♥间 a madman locked in the bedroom, 昨晚埃尔金差点在睡梦中被淹死 and last night Elgin almost drowned in his sleep. 什么他怎么了What? He what?请进Come in.我听说了你昨晚的遭遇I heard about what hap
19、pened last night. 你怎么样What are you doing?我在一个衣橱里找到了这些I found these in one of the closets. 可以帮我放松Helps me relax. 跟我讲讲吧 Wanna tell me about it? 你的那个需梦This nightmare ofyours.我昨天I was, uh.坐在浴缸里I was sitting in the bathtub,在我的梦里in my dream,有东西将我死死按在水中and something pushed me under the water.然后可能是有人把我摇醒了Th
20、en I guess someone shook me awake,我就开始往外吐水and I started spitting up water and, uh.这怎么可能Hows that even possible?你没告诉别人You didnt tell anybody about anything that happened 诊所发生的事肥 at the clinic, did you?我有些好消息Well, I got some good news.他们从那怪物体内掏出些东西We, uh, pulled something out of that thing.或许能帮到我们some
21、thing that might help us.你觉得这就像毒药一样吗So you think its like a poison?或许是Well, it could be.唯一的问题是我们得想想The only problem is we gotta figure out how to get this 怎公将它弄进怪物体内inside another one of those things面不造成人员伤亡without getting ourselves killed.你有枪对肥You have a gun, right?是啊Yeah.那就做些银子弹So make some silver
22、 bullets.是你胡编的吧No, youre making that up.我没有朱莉告诉他那是真的Im not. Julie, tell him its real.什公是真的Whats real?互联网The Internet.没错是真的Oh. Yeah, yeah, thats a thing.早说了Told you.来拿卜东西吧You come carry.你去吧Youre up.这外套你要一直穿着吗Are you just gonna wear that thing all day?我熹欢I like it.闻着都发霉rIt smells musty.放在这里You put her
23、e.这是什公Whats this?你是在哪儿Where did you.你在哪儿拿到的Where did you get that?在外套的口袋里It was in the pocket怎公了吗Whats wrong?你要勇敢I need you to be brave.你在这儿啊他在这儿呢There you are! Hes in here!我们得谈谈-我要走了Listen, we gotta talk. -I have to go.那可不行绐我过来-嘿你做什么呢Huh? Nah. Come here. - Hey, whatre you doing?我们说好了不记得了吗Hey! -We m
24、ade a deal, remember?我给你弹奏那首歌♥你就告诉我那个符号♥的事I play you the song, you tell me about the symbol.嘿别动他Hey! Leave him alone.符号在hearts;的事我都告诉你了I told you about the symbol.你确定没有一点儿遗漏吗Yeah, you sure you told me everything?你就没告诉我你在地道的墙上You didnt tell me you saw it on the wall也见到那符号♥ 了down
25、in those tunnels!嘿别激动-什么隧♥道♥Hey! Relax! Relax! - What tunnel?维克多我们只想和你谈谈Victor, we just want to talk to you.不我得走了No, I have to go. -Hey!妈到底怎么了 -绐我一个理由Mom, whats going on? -Give me one reason-待在这儿亲爱的-听到了吗Stay here, honey. - Right? One reason你为什么不告诉我杰德why you wouldnt mention- -Jade!你在地道的
26、墙上that you saw this symbol on也看到了那些符号♥the wall down in those tunnels!告诉我为什么-这不重要Just give me one! -Its not important.这很重要给我停下嘿杰德住手Yes it is! Goddammit, stop! -Hey, Jade! Stop it!住手快住手-不不行Stop it! Stop it! -No, no!我不要再像没头苍蝇一样了看着我I am done fucking around! You, hey, look at me!你不能挑挑拣拣的话只说一半You d
27、ont get to pick and choose what you tell us!所有你知道的Everything- Everything you know,你见过的都很重要everything youve seen, it all matters,那或许能帮助我们回家because that may be how we go home.你不想回家吗Dont you want that? Huh?你难道不想回家吗Wouldnt you like to go home?这里就是我的家This is my home.你什么毛病啊What is wrong with you?你怎么就是连十分钟
28、都Is it just physically impossible for you消停不卜来呢非要当个混♥蛋♥not to be an asshole for longer than 10 minutes?好极了你又来吼我了Great, youre yelling at me again.滚开吧-这才没多久Fuck off. -That didnt take very long.维克多Victor!莎拉Sara, uh,能占用你几分钟吗we were wondering if we could talk to you for a minute.做什么About wh
29、at?我们只是想弄清楚一些事情Were just trying to get our head around a few things.这位是兰德尔他是从This is Randall. He came on-我知道他是谁I know who he is.你们想知道什么What do you wanna know?你和你哥哥一起来的You came with your brother.你们原本是要去哪儿Where were you going?回波士顿To keep our fucking mouths shut.如果我告诉你无人机能及时What if I told you that dron
30、e might get you home 送你回家绐你侄子过生日呢 in time for your nephews birthday?这样的实验已经进行了很长很长的时间了Experiments have been going on like this for a long, long time. 这台收音机彻底坏了 This radios pretty trashed.好吧收音机不是问题Well, the radios not the problem.我能搞定收音机I can handle the radio.你就没想过这里的一些人可能And it never occurred to you
31、 that some of the people here 有参与其中吗 might be in on it?不然你还怎么让实验保持正轨呢How else do you keep the experiment on track?你真的做到了You really did it.你杀了一个怪物You killed one of them.我们该怎么处理尸体What do we do with the body?这是我们了解他们的机会This is our chance to learn about them.我们可以把它们解剖了看看里面是什么样子We can open them up, see w
32、hat they look like on the inside. 操-快停下Fuck! -Just stop!该死的东西好了别说了Fuckin piece of shit! -Okay, stop it!快停下-克里斯蒂嘿快停下Stop! Hey! -Kristi, hey, hey! Stop!你真觉得给他们注射那种东西You really think injecting them能杀掠他们吗with that stuff s gonna kill them?说实话我也不知道Honestly, I got no fucking idea.Back to Boston.你们是从哪儿来的Whe
33、re were you coming from?问这干什么Why does it matter?怎么回事Whats going on?我们只是想弄清楚Were just trying to figure out 来这的人们是不是有什么规律可言 if theres any pattern to how people end up here. 想要你帮个忙We just want your help.宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania.我本来住在新希望但是后来I was living in New Hope, but it-it wasnt- 内森把我带回家了Nathan came to brin
34、g me back home.这么说你们挺亲密的So you guys were close?他是我最好的朋友He was my best friend.谷仓那天That day at the barn- 不我不想谈那天的事No, I dont want to talk about that.莎拉Sara.我知道你没想伤害伊森I know you didnt want to hurt Ethan. 我知道I know that.这地方害你变成这样这不公平但是And what this place did to you, it isnt fair, but please 你哥还活着吗Is you
35、r brother still alive?你说什么What?这只是个简单的问题Its a simple fucking question.别这样Ease up.你们搞什么呢The hell is going on?这也太方便了Its convenient.什么意思Excuse me?我们正要开始问她问题You just show up here out of nowhere the moment 你就突然出现了we start asking fucking questions.你特么说什公呢What the fuck are you talking about?没什么Nothing.博伊德说
36、你想帮忙做些事Boyd says youre looking for ways to be helpful. 我给你拿了一堆需要转补的衣服你会缝东西吧I got a bunch of clothes that need stitching. You sew? 会-那就好Yeah. -Great.给你可以先从这堆缝起Here you go. You can start with that.你们俩赶紧特么的出去You two, get the fuck out.你谁啊Who are you, huh?你觉得自己是个大人物是吗You think youre some kinda big shot?有
37、权Got a little power?有影响力Little pull? Huh?你喜欢这种感觉是吧You like that, right?你知道自己是什么吗You know what you are?你特么就是个收费站操作员Youre a fucking toll booth operator.我让你马上离开Youre gonna want to leave right now.好了没事哈All right, everythings fine.没事Everythings okay.我们现在就走走吧Were gonna go right now. Lets go.你没事吧You okay?他
38、们为什么谈起内森Why were they talking about Nathan?为什么他们认为他还活着Why do they think hes alive?你刚才是要干嘛What was that?什么干嘛What was what?你想把事情弄清楚You wanna figure this thing out还是想讨好每个人or you wanna be everyones friend?我看见你问她内森的事时Look, I saw the look on her face她脸上的表情了when you asked her about Nathan.她一无所知She doesnt k
39、now anything.唐娜也许知道Well, Donna might.不我们不能No, thats exactly what we cannot-我们不能假设每一件事We cannot go around assuming every little thing.听着Okay, look.我们需要观察We need to watch.什么What?是你说的Its what you said about people 人们在晚上才会显露原形 keeping their shades drawn at night. 那些从树林里走出来的东西These things that come from
40、the forest, 我们需要看看 we need to see what they do 没人盯着他们时会如何表现 when they dont know theyre being watched. 怎久做And how do we do that?你问到大巴上白天正常过You go back to the bus, go about your day. 等快到晚上时你偷偷溜出去When it gets closer to dark, you sneak out, 我们在房♥车那碰头找们在里面过一晚 you meet me at the RV. Well stay the n
41、ight out there, 也许就能看到他们不想让人见到的东西 maybe see some things they dont want us to see. 爸Dad!嘿你这怎么样Hey, hows it going in here?挺好我们正准备收拾呢Good, were just getting ready to clean up. 你妈呢Wheres your mom? 她说要去群居屋 She said she was going to Colony House. 维克多和杰德在这来着杰德就开始朝他嚷嚷Victor and Jade were in here, and Jade s
42、tarted yelling at him, 所以我想妈肯定是去看他了so I think Mom just went to go check on him. 你没事吧Are you okay?嗯过来我想跟你说句话Yeah, come here. I wanna talk to you for a second. 怎么了-我今晚不回家了Whats up? -Im not gonna be home tonight. 我有个想法Ive got an idea,也许能带我们离开这something that can get us outta here.我需要点时间弄清楚I just need so
43、me time to figure it out,但我不会有事的but Im gonna be fine.我有个护符我会躲在里面I got a talisman, Im gonna be inside.躲在哪个里面Inside where?我今晚决定留在房♥车里Im gonna stay the night in the RV.我告诉你是为了不让你担心Im telling you this so you wont worry.你见到你妈时告诉她我没事When you see your mom, you tell her Im all right.好吗Okay?你一定要小心啊Ple
44、ase be careful.一向如此Always.吉姆能聊聊吗Jim. Can I have a word?如果是为之前的事你是个白♥痴♥吗Look, if this is about before- -You some kind of moron?什么What?你是有什么大病吗What is wrong with you?我只是想知道答案跟所有人一样Im just looking for answers, same as everybody else.通过嘲弄莎位得到答案吗By taunting Sara?别这样Come on.你问她哥是否还活着You aske
45、d if her brother was still alive.听着我木来想跟你说这件事来着Look, 1 tried to talk to you about this.我天Oh, Jesus Christ.这就是你所谓的无线电里的声音吗Is this about that fucking voice on the radio?你的语气为什么就好像Why do you say it like its strange我说的是奇怪的事还不想放手that I dont wanna just let it go?别告诉我你让兰德尔也信你了Dont even tell me you put this shit in Randalls head.听着-不是你特么该听着Listen- -No, you fucking listen.那个家伙就是个