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1、()Whe n my family move d to Ame rica in 2010 from a small villag e in Guang dong,China,webroug ht not only our lug g ag e,but also our villag e rule s,customs and culture.One of the rule s is thatyoung pe ople should always re spe ct(尊敬)e lde rs.U nluckily,this rule le d to my ve ry firste mbarrassm

2、e nt in the U nite d State s.I had a part-time job as a waite r in a Chine se re staurant.One time,whe n I was se rving food to amiddle-ag e d couple,the wife aske d me how the food could be se rve d so quickly.I told he r that I hadmade sure the y g ot the ir food quickly be cause I always re spe c

3、t the e lde rly.As soon as I said that,he rface showe d g re at disple asure.My manag e r,who happe ne d to he ar what I said,took me aside andg ave me a long le cture about how se nsitive(敏感)Ame ricans are and how the y dislike the de scription“old”.I the n walke d back to the table and apolog ize

4、d to the wife.Afte r the couple he ard my re ason,the y unde rstood that the proble m was cause d by cultural diffe re nce s,so the y laug he d and we re nolong e r ang ry.In my villag e in China,pe ople are proud of be ing old.Not so many pe ople live to be se ve nty ore ig hty,and pe ople who re a

5、ch such an ag e have the most knowle dg e and e xpe rie nce.Young pe oplealways re spe ct olde r pe ople be cause the y know the y can le arn from the ir rich e xpe rie nce.Howe ve r,in the U nite d State s,pe ople think g rowing old“is a proble m since old shows that ape rson is g oing to re tire o

6、r that the body is not working we ll.He re many pe ople try to ke e pthe mse lve s away from g rowing old by doing e xe rcise s or jog g ing,and wome n put on make up,hoping to look young.Whe n I told the couple in the re staurant that I re spe ct the e lde rly,the y g otang ry be cause this cause d

7、 the m to fe e l the y had faile d to stay young.I had told the m some thing the ydidnt want to he ar.Afte r that,I chang e d the way I had be e n with olde r pe ople.It is not that I dont re spe ct the m anymore;I still re spe ct the m,but now I dont show my fe e ling s throug h words.By Jack根据以上短文

8、内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。1.Jack broug ht the couple the ir food ve ry fast b e c a u s e.A.the manag e r aske d him to do soB.he re spe cte d the e lde rlyC.the couple wante d him to do soD.he wante d more pay2.Whe n Jack calle d the couple “e lde rly”,the y b e c a me.A.ne rvousB satisfie dC.unhappyD

9、.e xcite d3.In Jacks h o m eto w n,.A.pe ople dislike be ing calle d old”B.pe ople are proud of be ing oldC many pe ople re ach the ag e of se ve nty or e ig htyD.the e lde rly are the first to g e t food in re staurants4.Afte r this e xpe rie nce,J ack.A.lost his job in the re staurantB.made frie n

10、ds with the coupleC.no long e r re spe cte d the e lde rlyD.chang e d his way with olde r pe ople5.Which of the following is TRU E?A.The more Jack e xplaine d,the ang rie r the couple g ot.B.Jack wante d to show his fe e ling s throug h words afte r his e xpe rie nce.C.The manag e r we nt back to th

11、e table and apolog ize d to the couple.D.From this e xpe rie nce,Jack le arne d more about Ame rican culture.【答案及解析】1.选 B。根据第 2 段中的 I told he r that I had made sure the y g ot the ir food quickly be cause Ialways re spe ct the e lde rly 可知答案。2.选 C。根据第 2 段中的 As soon as I said that,he r face showe d g

12、 re at disple asure 可知他们听到 Jack称他们为老者时,一点也不高兴。3.选 Bo 根据第 3 段中的 In my villag e in China,pe ople are proud of be ing old 可知答案。4.选 Do 根据最后段中的 Afte r that,I chang e d the way I had with olde r pe ople 可知答案。5.选 Do 根据第 2 段最后句 Afte r the couple he ard my re ason,the y unde rstood that theproble m was cause

13、 d by cultural diffe re nce s,so the y laug he d and we re no long e r ang ry 可知 A 选项不对;根据文章最后一句but now I dont show my fe e ling s throug h words可知B 选项不对;根据第2 段中的 I the n wake d back to the table and apolog ize d to the wife 可知 C 选项也不对,故正确答案为D。(-)Je an is a brig ht young woman who come s from a rich

14、 and famous family.She g oe s to a g oodunive rsity and has e ve rything that mone y can buy.We ll,almost e ve rything.The proble m is that thepe ople in Je ans family are so busy that the y can hardly find time to be with he r.In fact,Je an isquite lone ly.So Je an spe nds a lot of time on he r QQ.

15、She like s be ing anonymous(匿名),talking to pe oplewho do not know about he r famous family and he r rich life.She use s the name Linda on QQ andhas made a lot of frie nds who she ke e ps in touch with quite ofte n.Last ye ar Je an made a ve ry spe cial frie nd on QQ.His name was David and live d in

16、SanFrancisco.David was full of storie s and joke s.He and Je an had a common(共同的)inte re st in rockmusic and mode m dance.So it always took the m hours to talk happily on QQ and some time s the ye ve n forg ot the ir time.Of course,the y wante d to know more about e ach othe r.David se nt a pictureo

17、f himse lf:He was a tall,g ood-looking young man with a big,happy smile.As time we nt by,the ybe came g ood frie nds and ofte n se nt cards and small thing s to e ach othe r.Whe n Je ans fathe r told he r that he was g oing on a busine ss trip to San Francisco,she aske dhim to le t he r g o with him

18、 so that she could g ive David a surprise fbr his birthday.She would takehim the late st DVD of the ir favorite rock sing e r.But whe n she knocke d on Davids door in SanFrancisco,she found that he r spe cial frie nd was a twe lve-ye ar-old boy name d Jim!根据以上短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。1.Je an spe nds

19、 a lot of he r time on QQ be cause she is.A.richB famousC.young D.lone ly2.Je an thoug ht“David“was spe cial be cause he.A.made he r quite happy on QQ B.was from San FranciscoC.se nt he r a picture of himse lf D.was tall and g ood-looking3.Whe n Je an and“David“me t and introduce d the mse lve s to

20、e ach othe r,who fe lt surprise d?A.“David”.B.Both“David”and Je an.C.Je an.D.Ne ithe r“David nor Je an.4.Whats the main ide a of the passag e?A.Dont be lie ve those you g e t to know on QQ so e asily.B.Pe ople dont use the ir re al name s on QQ so ofte n.C.Dont g o to me e t those you g e t to know

21、on QQ.D.Pe ople should te ll the ir re al name s to othe rs on QQ.【答案及解析】1.选 D o由第1 段的句子In fact,Je an is quite lone ly.可知答案选Do2.选 A。Jean认为David幽默风趣,在摇滚乐和现代舞上和她有共同的兴趣,他们可以在网上快乐地聊上几个小时。很显然David使得Jean很开心。答案选A。3.选C。文章的最后句.she found that he r spe cial frie nd was a twe lve-ye ar-old boy name dJim!告诉我们,当J

22、ean发现她那特殊的朋友是一个12岁的小孩时,用了一个感叹号结尾,虽然作者没有直接说Jean感到惊讶,但是我们可以从这个标点符号推断出她的感觉应该是十分surprise d(惊讶的)。4.选 A。本文讲述Jean交了个十分投缘的网友,后来却发现对方原来只是一个12岁的小男孩。通过这个故事,短文意在告戒人们不要轻易相信Q 友,答案选A。(三)朋友与你相互嬉闹,朋友与你互掏腰包;朋友与你互相惦记,朋友与你心有灵犀;朋友与你有苦共担,朋友与有乐同欢请读读这篇真挚的友情故事。Linda Evans was my be st frie ndlike the siste r I ne ve r had.W

23、e did e ve rything tog e the r:piano le ssons,movie s,swimming,horse back riding.Whe n I was 13,my family move d away.Linda and I ke pt in touch throug h le tte rs,and wesaw e ach othe r on spe cial time like my we dding (婚礼)and Lindas.Soon we we re busy withchildre n and moving to ne w home s,and w

24、e wrote le ss ofte n.One day a card that I se nt came back,stampe d“Addre ss(地址)Unknown.1 had no ide a how to find Linda.Ove r the ye ars,I misse d Linda ve ry much.I wante d to share (分享)happine ss of my childre nand the n g randchildre n.And I ne e de d to share my sadne ss whe n my brothe r and t

25、he n mothe r die d.The re was an e mpty place in my he art that only a frie nd like Linda could fill.One day I was re ading a ne wspape r whe n I notice d a photo of a young woman who looke dve ry much like Linda and whose last name was Wag man Lindas marrie d name.The re mustbe thousands of Wag man

26、s,I thoug ht,but J still wrote to he r.She calle d as soon as she g ot my le tte r.4 4Mrs Tobin!she said e xcite dly,uLinda EvansWag man is my mothe r.Minute s late r I he ard a voice that I kne w ve ry much,e ve n afte r 40 ye ars,laug he d and crie dand caug ht up on e ach othe rs live s.Now the e

27、 mpty place in my he art is fille d.And the re9s onething that Linda and I know fbr sure:We wont lose e ach othe r ag ain!根据以上短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。1.The write r we nt to piano le ssons with Linda Ev a n s.A.at the ag e of 13B,be fore she g ot marrie dC.afte r the y move d to ne w home sD.be fore

28、 the write rs family move d away2.The y didnt ofte n write to e ach othe r be cause t he y.A.g ot marrie dB.had little time to do soC.didnt like writing le tte rsD.could se e e ach othe r on spe cial time3.The re was an e mpty place in the write rs he art be cause she.A.was in troubleB.didnt know Li

29、ndas addre ssC.re ce ive d the card that she se ntD.didnt have a frie nd like Linda to share he r happine ss or sadne ss4.The write r was happy whe n she.A.re ad the ne wspape rB.he ard Lindas voice on the phoneC.me t a young woman who looke d a lot like LindaD.wrote to the woman whose last name was

30、 Wag man5.The y havent ke pt in t ouc h.A.for about 40 ye arsB.for about 27 ye arsC.since the y g ot marrie dD.since the write rs family move d away【答案及解析】1.选 D。开始的时候作者与Linda总是一起去上钢琴课、看电影、游泳、骑马等,但后来在作者13岁的时候,作者一家搬走了,两人只能通过书信联系。比较四个选项,显然只能选D。2.选 B。根据文章第 2 段中的 Soon we we re busy with childre n and mov

31、ing to ne w home s,and we wrote le ss often根据文可知,她们之所以没经常写信,是因为她们要忙于照顾孩子,又要搬新家,也就是说,她们没有时间写信:3.选 D。根据文章第3 段内容可知答案。4.选 B。真正让作者感到高兴的是当她在电话上听到老朋友Linda的声音的时候。而读到报纸的时候和写信的时候都还只是在猜测,那时还谈不上高兴。5.选 Ao 根据文章最后一段中的 Minute s late r I he ard a voice that I kne w ve ry much,e ve nafte r 40 ye ars可知,答案选A。(四)每天都有很多人

32、被病痛折磨着,但有些病却是因为一些不必要的担忧,正如本文中的tailor一样,威吓不少一点忧心,让自己健康快乐一点呢?A man we nt to se e his doctor one day,be cause he was suffe ring from pains in his stomach.Afte r the doctor had e xamine d him care fully,he said to him,uWe ll,theres nothing re ally wrongwith you,Im g lad to say.Your only trouble is that

33、you worry too much.Do you know,I had aman with the same trouble as you he re a fe w we e ks ag o,and I g ave him the same advice as I amg oing to g ive you.He was worrie d be cause he couldnt pay his tailors bills.I told him not toworry about the bills any more.He took my advice and whe n he came to

34、 se e me ag ain two daysag o,he told me that he now fe lt quite all rig ht ag ain.Ye s,I know all about that,“answe re d thepatie nt sadly.4 4You se e,Tm that mans tailor!根据以上短文内容判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错 误 的 用 表 示。1.The tailor we nt to se e his doctor be cause he has g ot a he adache.2.The re is nothing se

35、rious with the tailor.3.A man with the same trouble as the tailor a fe w days ag o.4.The doctor g ave the man and the tailor the same advice.5.The tailor was worrie d be cause a man couldnt pay his bills.【答案及解析】1.选 F。根据第 1 句 A man we nt to se e his doctor one day,be cause he was suffe ring frompains

36、 in his stomach可知本题是错误的。2.选 T。根据the re is no thing re ally wrong with you(tailor)可知裁缝的身体并没有什么大碍,故可判断此题与短文内容相符。3.选 F。根据句子 Do you know,I had a man with the same trouble as you he re a fe w we e ksag o可知本题所叙述的时间与短文内容不一致,因此可判断此题是错误的。4 选 T。根据.and I g ave him the same advice as I am g oing to g ive you 可知

37、答案。5.选 T。通读全文我们可知:上一个病人是担心他自己不能付钱给他的裁缝,而这个裁缝的病因却是因为担心那个人不能付钱给他的。慈母手中线,游子身上衣,谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。母爱是世界上最伟大、最无私的,她宽容大度,她不求回报,她为子女付出很多很多Ive love d my mothe rs de sk since I was just tall e noug h to se e above the top of it as mothe rsat doing le tte rs.Standing by he r chair,looking at the ink bottle,pe ns,an

38、d white pape r,I de cide dthat the act of writing must be the more wonde rful thing in the world.Ye ars late r,during he r final illne ss,mothe r ke pt diffe re nt thing s for my siste r and brothe r.“But the de sk,shed said ag ain,its fbr Elizabe th.I ne ve r saw he r ang ry,ne ve r saw he r cry.I

39、kne w she love d me;she showe d it in action.Butas a young g irl,I wante d he art-to-he art talks be twe e n mothe r and daug hte r.The y ne ve r happe ne d.And a g ulf ope ne d be twe e n us.I was“too e motional(易动感情的)But she live d on the surface 俵 面)As ye ars passe d I had my own family.I love d

40、my mothe r and thanke d he r fbr our happyfamily.I wrote to he r in care ful words and aske d he r to le t me know in any way she chose that shedid fbrg ive(原谅)me.I poste d the le tte r and waite d fbr he r answe r.None came.My hope turne d to disappointme nt(失望),the n little inte re st and,finally,

41、pe ace-it se e me dthat nothing happe ne d.I couldnt be sure that the le tte r had e ve n g ot to mothe r.I only kne w that Ihad writte n it,and I could stop trying to make he r into some one she was not.Now the pre se nt of he r de sk told,as shed ne ve r be e n able to,that she was ple ase d thatw

42、riting was my chose n work.I cle ane d the de sk care fully and found some pape rs inside a photoof my fathe r and a one-pag e le tte r,fdlde d(折叠)and re folde d many time s.Give me an answe r,my le tte r asks,in any way you choose.Mothe r,you always chose the actthat spe aks loude r than words.根据短文

43、内容,选择最佳答案。1.The write r be g an to love he r mothe rs de s k.A.afte r Mothe r die dB.be fore she be came a write rC.whe n she was a childD.whe n Mothe r g ave it to he r2.The passag e shows t hat.A.mothe r was cold on the surface but kind in he r he art to he r daug hte rB.mothe r was too se rious a

44、bout e ve rything he r daug hte r had doneC.mothe r care d much about he r daug hte r in wordsD.mothe r wrote to he r daug hte r in care ful words3.The word g ulf in the passag e me a n s.A.de e p unde rstanding be twe e n the old and the youngB.diffe re nt ide as be twe e n the mothe r and the daug

45、 hte rC.fre e talks be twe e n mothe r and daug hte rD.part of the se a g oing far in land4.What did mothe r do with he r daug hte rs le tte r asking forg ive ne ss?A.She had ne ve r re ce ive d the le tte r.B.For ye ars,she ofte n talke d about the le tte r.C.She didnt forg ive he r daug hte r at a

46、ll in all he r life.D.She re ad the le tte r ag ain and ag ain till she die d.5.Whats the be st title of the passag e?A.My le tte r to Mothe rB.Mothe r and Childre nC.My mothe rs De skD.Talks be twe e n Mothe r and Me【答案及解析】1.选 Co 根据 Ive love d my mothe rs de sk since I was just tall e noug h to se

47、e above the topof it as mothe r sat doing letters.可知作者当时还是个小孩子,故选C。2.选 A。山 But she live d“on the surface 和全文内容可知,作者的母亲表面上很冷漠,但心里充满了对作者的爱,正确答案是A。3.选 B。从 I was“too e motional”.But she live d on the surface”.可知此词是指两人之间不同的看法和观点,应选B。4.选 D。根据.a photo of my fathe r and a one-pag e le tte r,folde d and re f

48、olde d many time s.可知应选D。5.选 C。文章的开头 Ive love d my mothe rs desk以及后面的 Now the pre se nt of he r de sktold,as shed ne ve r be e n able to可知作者是托物思人,以表达自己对母亲的怀念之情,所以最佳标题应是C。(六)One day the famous Ame rican scie ntist Albe rt Einste in me t an old frie nd of his on a stre e t inNe w York.“Mr Einste in,9

49、9 said the friend,it se e ms that you ne e d to put on a ne w ove rcoat.Look,howworn-out it is!”“It doesnt matter/9 answe re d Albe rt Einste in.t4No one knows me he re in Ne w York.Se ve ral ye ars late r the y me t in Ne w York ag ain.Einste in had be e n a world-famous physicistafte r the n but h

50、e still wore the same old ove rcoat.Once more his frie nd pe rsuade d him to buy a ne w one.“The re is no ne e d now,said Einste in,Eve rybody he re has known me.”根据短文内容,回答问题。1.Whe re did Albe rt Einste in me t an old frie nd of his?2.What did the frie nd want him to buy?3.How about Einste ins ove r


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