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1、高考英语阅读笔记大全(3)阅读40分高分研究(很长 但大家研究一下肯定有好处)二选一,50%概率求解的方法:“反义项,解在其中”“形似项,解在其中”“近义项,解在其中”实战出真知,技巧是从大量试题中总结出来的,要想真正掌握技巧,那就要去实战中去。请大家继续阅读本书,当您读完本书后,再重读本篇,体会一下是否对此有更深入的理解?是否有新的感觉?十三、万无一失的答题方法*从正面解题,抓住文章的中心思想,掌握文章的脉络结构,明查文章的细枝末节。*从反面验证解的合理性,及命题的合理性,避开陷阱,排除隐患。*不但要知道哪一个是解,解对在那里,而且还要知道其余三个非解选项(即干扰项)错在什么地方。如果您能够

2、做到以上三个方面,(注意此三者并无因定顺序,尤其是在答题遇到不顺利的情况下),那您才真正达到高手做题的那种与世无争、独孤求败的境界。这与其说是方法,不如说是境界,没有非凡的阅读能力,只能是纸上谈兵。如果您现在没有此能力,不要着急,那就请您将它看作是您今后奋斗的目标,催人奋进的动力。第三部分阅读之盘龙云海篇-阅读潜在命题点的挖掘第一节阅读理解基本理论三、如何在文章中做记号善于阅读的人往往在文章的某些句子或词语下面划线,表示重要,以便以后查找方便。实践证明,这种方法在考试中是非常有效的。因为通过标出重点,你的阅读更活跃,思维更积极,注意力集中,减 少 大 脑“走私”。文章较长(450词左右),考生


4、性的特点。5)常常结构复杂(命题者有意安排所致)。例1An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalfof students career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom forbroader reasons of radical educational reform.Very few writers on the subject haveexplored this distinctio

5、n-indeed,contradiction-which goes to the heart ofwhat is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.(可读性:33 难度:12级)是说明句,交代背景“计算机走进课堂的支持者有两派,这两派之间的界限是无形的。”是主旨句,说明主题两派之间的这种差异说明“计算机走进课堂的运动”本质上是错误的。例2Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams.Perhaps itis huma

6、nkind s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idealof forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.But to be fascinated is also,sometimes,to be blind.Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good.(可读性:5 8.5难度:8.7级)引出话题“巨型水坝”。解释修水坝的原因。转折。是主旨句“一些巨型水坝弊大于

7、利。”例3Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the sameage.For these children to develop to their full adult potential,their educationmust be adapted to those differences.(可读性:45 难度:10.9 级)引出话题“超常儿童”。是主旨句“为了充分发展超常儿童的潜力,对他们的教育必须适应他们的特点”。例4Money spent on advertising is

8、money spent as well as any I know of.It serves directlyto assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,thereby establishinga firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitiveprices.By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards ofli

9、ving.By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labour,andis therefore an effective way to fight unemployment.It lowers the costs of manyservices:without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much,the price of your television licence would need to be double

10、d,and travel by bus ortube would cost 20 per cent more.And perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a guarantee of reasonablevalue in the products and services you buy.Apart from the fact that twenty-sevenacts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote

11、a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.He might foolsome people for a little while through misleading advertising.He will not do so forlong,for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior articlemore than once.If you see an srticle consistently adve

12、rtised,it is the surest proofI know that the article does what is claimed for it claimed for it,and that itrepresents good value.Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other forceI can think of.There is one more point feel I ought to touch on.R ecently I heard a wel

13、l-knowntelevision personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuadesrather than informs.He was drawing excessively fine distinctions.O f courseadvertising seeks to persuade.If its message were confined merely to information-and that in itself would bedifficult if not impossible

14、 to achieve,for even a detail such as the choice of thecolour of a shirt is subtly persuasive-advertising would be so boring that no onewould pay any attention.But perhaps that is what the well-known televisionpersonality wants.(360 words 可读性:49.8 难度:11.5 级)文章话题是广告。这篇文章主旨句显然不在第一段,而是在第三段。该段是前两段的内容的总结

15、:广告是带来前所未有的物质上的好处的力量。后两段(4、5段)话题为与他人争辩广告的劝说作用,认为广告就是要劝另人购买。2.段落主题句(TO PIC SENTENCE)除了标出篇章的主旨句外,标出各段的主题句同样重要。每一段都有一个段的中心句,也有人叫它段落大意句、段中心思想句等等。主题句是考试重点,很多题目都是围绕着段中心设计的。确定主题句不仅有利于确定文章主旨,还有利读懂细节题,因此主题句的确定是阅读的关键。主题句的特点:1)通常是第一句话,偶尔是最后一句,段中少见。2)是观点(不是描写/说明、不是事实)。可能是作者的观点,也可能是他人的观点。3)该观点可能是作者提倡的,也可能是作者认为其他

16、人的观点是错误的/偏激的等等。4)作者的观点只能有一个。主题句只能有一个,其他的内容都起说明/论证作用。5)具有归纳性、概括性、抽象性等特点。例1And yet,the myth of controlling the waters persists.This week,in the heart ofcivilized Europe,Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troopsin their contention over a dam on the Danube.The huge complex wi11

17、probably haveal 1 the usual problems of big dams.But Slovakia is bidding for independence fromthe Czechs,and now needs a dam to prove itself.(可读性:68.6 难度:7.8 级)Q:W hat is the myth concerning giant dams?A They bring in more fertile soil.They help defend the country.C They strengthen international tie

18、s.D They have universal control of the waters.解析:主题句为“控制该河段水域的神话依然继续着。”下面的句子是两个个体例子说明主题句。所以D“他们有对河流水域的完全控制权”正确。例2Y ou can begin to think of yourself as truly intelligent on the basis of how you chooseto feel in the face of trying circumstances.The life struggles are pretty much thesame for each of u

19、s.Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any socialcontext has similar difficulties.Disagreements,conflicts and compromises are a partof what it means to be human.Similarly,money,growing old,sickness,deaths,naturaldisasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtuall

20、y all humanbeings.But some people are able to make it,to avoid immobilizing depression andunhappiness despite such occurrences,whi1e others collapse or have an N.B.D.Thosewho recognize problems as a human condition and don,t measure happiness by an absenceof problems are the most intelligent kind of

21、 humans we know;also,the most rare.(可读性:5 1.4难度:IL 1 级)1.In the paragraph,the author tells us thatA difficulties are part of everyoneJ s life.depression and unhappiness are unavoidable in life.C everybody should learn to avoid trying circumstances.D good feelings can contribute to eventual academic

22、excellence.2.According to the passage,what kind of people are rare?A Those who don,t emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness.Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.C Those who measure happiness by an absence of problems but seldom suffer from

23、N.B.D.S.D Those who are able to secure happiness though having to struggle against tryingcircumstances.分析:为主题句“知道如何面对逆境才是真正的聪明人。”支持主题句:说“对于所有人来说困难和矛盾是人生的不可避免的一部分”。但有些人成功地避免了不幸,而有些人却精神崩溃。重申主题句。“那些认识到困难是人生必然存在的事物,不以有无困难来衡量愉快与否,是最聪明的人,也是很罕见的人。”答案:L A 2.3.题干与选项中的关键词仔细读考题,从考题中找出关键词,目的是确定考的是什么,考文章中的哪一段、哪一

24、句。常见的关键词包括题干中重要的普通名词或专有名词,形容词、副词的最高级,四个选项中相同、相近词或者相关内容。在这些关键词的指引下寻找对应的句子或段落。有的时候关键词可以是各种词类,非常隐蔽,需要非常细心才能找到。例1“I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we 11 know in vast detailhow cancer cells arise,“says microbiologist R obert W einberg,an expert on cancer.“B u t,”he cautions,usome peo

25、ple have the idea that once one understands the causes,the cure will rapidly follow.Consider Pasteur.He discovered the causes of many kindsof infections,but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available.“(可读性:5 7.3难度:9.6)Q:The example of Pasteur in the passage is used toA predict that the

26、secret of cancer will be disclosed in a decade,indicate that the prospects for curing cancer are bright.C prove that cancer will be cured in fifty to sixty years.D warn that there is still a long way to go before cancer can be conquered.(实考试题)解析:Pasteur是关键词,在文章中先找到Pasteur很容易,这样就确定了所考的段落。由于篇幅所限,本文没有引

27、证所有的段落(请参看1994年全国统考试题Passage。纵读全文,大家会进一步体会到这种方法的好处的。正确理解提到Pasteur的相关句子便可知道:治愈癌症还要等很多年。所以答案是D。例2Cars account for half the oil consumed in the U.S.,about half the urban pollutionand one fourth the greenhouse gases.They take a similar toll of resources in otherindustrial nations and in the cities of th

28、e developing world.As vehicle use continuesto increase in the coming decade,the U.S.and other countries will have to deal withthese issues or else face unacceptable economic,health-related and political costs.It is unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or that othernations

29、will accept a large and growing U.S.contribution to global climatic change.(可读性:47.4 7难度:12级)Q:From the passage we know that the increased use of cars willA consume half of the oil produced in the world.have serious consequences for the well-being of all nations.C widen the gap between the developed

30、 and developing countries.D impose an intolerable economic burden on residents of large cities.解析:关键词是 increased use of cars,并且和中 vehicle use continues to increase相呼应,确定考点在此句。“美国和其他国家将不得不做出选择,或者处理这些问题,或者面临不堪设想的经济、健康以及政治后果。”可见答案为。四、正确选项和错误选项的特点在本书中,正确的选项称为解,错误的选项称为干扰项。了解这两种选项的特点就是要了解命题者的思路。命题者都是英语水平相


32、是文章哪里难就考哪。特别是中国学生不易理解之处就可能成为考点。常考的包括长难句的理解、逻辑推测能力以及段落或文章的中心思想等。考点确定之后,就是写解和设置干扰项。两者的特点如下:1.正确选项的特点设置正确选项(解)的一个常用方法就是同义替换或释义(paraphrase),即把文中语言改头换面,运用与原文不同的结构、不同的词汇,来表达相同或类似的意思。常见的形式有:1)正确选项大量使用原文的同义词或同义结构例 1Useful as half-sleeping might be,it s only been found in birds and such water mammalsas dolph

33、ins,whales,and seals.Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allowsa sleeping animal to surface occasionally to avoid drowning.(可读性:5 6.8 难度:10.1)Q:W hile sleeping,some water mammals tend to keep half awake in order toA alert themselves to the approaching enemy.emerge from water now and then to

34、breathe.C be sensitive to the ever-changing environment.D avoid being swept away by rapid currents.(实考试题)解析:解是的改写,原文和答案词汇比较如下:答案中的词汇实际上是文中词汇的英语释义。答案是。例2W e live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs)ispervasive:an aspirin to quiet a headache,some wine to be sociable,

35、coffee to getgoing in the morning,a cigarette for the nerves.W hen do these socially acceptableand apparently constructive uses of a substance become misuses?First of all,mostsubstances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intenseperceptual distortions.R epeated use of

36、a substance can also lead to physicaladdiction or substance dependence.Dependence is marked first by an increasedtolerance,with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect,and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance isdiscontinued.(可读性:42

37、.4 难度:12 级)Q:Physical dependence on certain substances results fromA uncontrolled consumption of them over long periods of time,exclusive use of them for social purposes.C quantitative application of them to the treatment of diseases.D careless employment of them for unpleasant symptoms.(实考试题)解析:解是的

38、改写,原文和答案词汇与结构比较如下:解中词汇比文中词汇难而且长。答案是A。例3There is,as R obert R ubin,the treasury secretary,says,a disjunction”betweenthe mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picturereflected by the statistics.(可读性:37.8 难度:12 级)Q:The official statistics on productivity growthA exclud

39、e the usual rebound in a business cycle,fall short of businessmen s anticipation.C meet the expectation of business people.D fail to reflect the true of economy.解析:原文和答案词汇与结构比较如下:答案词汇比文中词汇简单,主要考查对原文词汇是否真正理解了。答案是。2)正确选项频繁使用原文的反义词加上反义结构来表达与原文相同的意思,如:He is old.He is no longer young.句子结构一个是肯定形式,一个是否定形式,

40、考查考生对这两种结构的理解。例Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constantage,but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turnsout to be of high IQ.At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds;attwelve months he con speak simple w

41、ords and understand simple commands;at eighteenmonths he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words.At three he knows about 1,000words which he can put into sentences,and at four his language differs from thatof his parents in style rather than grammar.(可读性:73.2 难度:8.0 级)Q:If a child starts to speak l

42、ater than others,he willA have a high IQ.be less intelligent.C be insensitive to verbal signals.D not necessarily be backward.(实考试题)解析:解是后半句双重否定的改写,原文和答案词汇比较如下:答案是D3)正确选项是原文的总体或局部总体和局部(或称一般和特殊)的关系主要表现为:一般是特殊的总和,特殊为一般的属性。这种题型考查类比推理能力。例There are two basic ways to see growth:one as a product,the other

43、as a process.People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or product thatcan easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a promotion,the studentwhose grades improve,the foreigner who learns a new language-all these areexamples of people who have measurable results to

44、show for their efforts.(可读性:5 1.9难度:IL 6级)Q:A person is generally believed to achieve personal growth whenA he has given up his smoking habit,he has made great efforts in his work.C he is keen on learning anything new.D he has tried to determine where he is on his journey.(实考试题)解析:题干中generally是关键词,与

45、中generally相对。:“人们通常认为个人的成长是外在的成果或产物,是容易辨别和衡量的”,正确答案必须符合“外在”、“易辨别和衡量”这两个一般特征。A“当一个人戒了烟,烟戒了是一种易辨别的、外在的“成果”,与“升职”等相似,属于特殊的情况。故A正确。4)正确选项常常是原文长难句的简单化解释难句是所有考试必考的内容。难句之所以难有三方面的原因:A)句子结构复杂;表达抽象;C)词难。所以很多题目都围绕着难句做文章,通常使用简单的结构或词汇对难句做浅显、具体的解释。例1W hether the eyes are“the windows of the soul“is debatable,that

46、they are intenselyimportant in interpersonal communication is a fact.During the first two months ofa baby s life,the stimulus that produces a smile.Significantly,a real human facewith eyes covered will not motivate a smile,nor will the sight of only one eye whenthe face is presented in profile.This

47、attraction to eyes as opposed to the nose ormouth continues as the baby matures.In one study,when American four-year-olds wereasked to draw people,75 percent of them drew people with eyes.In Japan,however,where babies are carried on their mother?s back,infants do not acquire as muchattachment to eye

48、s as they do in other cultures.As a result,Japanese adults makelittle use of the face either to encode or decode meaning.In fact,Argyle revealsthat the“proper place to focus one s gaze during a conversation in Japan is onthe neck of one,s conversation partner.n(可读性:5 8.1 难度:10.6 级)Q:Babies will not

49、be stimulated to smile by a personA whose front view is fully perceived,whose face is covered with a mask.C whose face is seen from the side.D whose face is free of any covering.解析:本题考查对的理解。特别是presented in profile。profile这里的词义是“侧面像,所以Cwhose face is seen from the side”从侧面看去”正确。例2But my own worry toda

50、y is less that of the overwhelming problem of elemental literacythan it is of the slightly more luxurious problem of the decline in the skill evenof the middle-class reader,of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of silence,those luxuries of domesticity and time and concentration,that surround t


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