1、麻醉的气道管理麻醉的气道管理Topics for DiscussionAirway Maintenance ObjectivesAirway A&P ReviewCauses of Respiratory Difficulty&DistressAssessing Respiratory FunctionMethods of Airway ManagementMethods of Ventilatory ManagementCommon Out-of-Hospital Equipment UtilizedAdvanced Methods of Airway Mgmt&VentilationsRi
2、sks to the ParamedicObjectives of Airway Management&VentilationPrimary Objective:Ensure optimal ventilationDeliver oxygen to the bloodEliminate carbon dioxide(C02)from the bodyDefinitionsWhat is Airway Management?How does it differ from spontaneous,manual or assisted Ventilations?Objectives of Airwa
3、y Management&VentilationWhy is this so important?Brain death occurs rapidly;Other tissue followsEMS providers can reduce additional injury/diseaseEMS providers often neglect BLS airway&ventilation skillsAirway Anatomy ReviewAnatomy of the Upper AirwayAnatomy of the Lower AirwayLung Capacities/Volume
4、sPediatric Airway DifferencesAnatomy of the Upper AirwayFunctions:Warm,Filter,HumidifyNasopharynxformed by union of facial bonesnasal floor towards ear not eyelined with mucous membranes and ciliatissues are delicate and vascularAnatomy of the Upper AirwayOropharynxTeethTongueLg muscle attached at m
5、andible and hyoid bonesMost common airway obstructionPalateRoof of mouthSeparates oro-&nasopharynxAnterior=hard palate;Posterior=soft palateAnatomy of the Upper AirwayOropharynxAdenoidslymph tissue-filters bacteriacommonly infectedEpiglottisPrevents aspirationDirects air vs.otherVallecula“pocket”for
6、med by the base of tongue&epiglottisAnatomy of the Upper AirwayAnatomy of the Upper AirwaySinusescavities formed by cranial bonesact as tributaries for fluid to&from eustachian tubes&tear ductstrap bacteria,commonly infectedAnatomy of the Upper AirwayLarynxattached to hyoid bonehyoid:horseshoe shaped bone(cartilage)hyoid supports tracheathyroid cartilagefirst tracheal cartilage-shield shapedcartilage anterior but smooth muscle posterior“Adams Apple”Glottic opening directly behind