1、1、T h e worl d i s g oi ng th roug h th e b i g g e st wa ve of m e rg e rs a nd a c qui si ti ons e ver wi tne sse d.T h e proc e ss swe e ps f rom h y pe ra c ti ve A m e ri c a to E urope a nd re a ch e s th e e m e rg i ng c ountri e s wi th unsurpa sse d m i g h t.M a ny i n th e se c ountri e
2、sa re l ook i ng a t th i s proc e ss a nd worry i ng:W on t th e wa ve of b usi ne ss c onc e ntra ti on turn i nto a n unc ontrol l a b l e a nti-c om pe ti ti ve f orc e?”世界正在经历一场前所未有的巨大的并购浪潮。这个浪潮从异常活跃的美国席卷到欧洲,并以不可比拟的威力影响到正在崛起的国家。这些国家的许多人面对这个浪潮开始忧虑:“企业合并的浪潮会不会变成一股不可控制的反竞争的力量?”2、T h e re s no que
3、sti on th a t th e b i g a re g e tti ng b i g g e r a nd m ore powe rf ul.M ul ti na ti ona l c orpora ti ons a c c ounte d f or l e ss th a n 2 0%of i nte rna ti ona l tra d e i n 1 98 2.T od a y th e f i g ure i s m ore th a n 2 5%a nd g rowi ng ra pi d l y.I nte rna ti ona l a f f i l ia te s a
4、c c ount f or a f a st-g rowi ng se g m e nt of prod uc ti on i n e c onom i e s th a t ope n upa nd we l c om e f ore i g n i nve stm e nt.I n A rg e nti na,f or i nsta nc e,a f te r th e re f orms of th e e a rl y 1 9 9 0 s,m ul ti na ti ona l s we nt f rom 4 3%to a l m ost 7 0%of th e i nd ustri
5、a l prod uc ti on of th e 2 0 0 l a rg e st f i rm s.T h i s ph e nom e non h a s c re a te d se ri ous conc e rns ove r th e rol e of sm a l l e r e c onom i c f i rm s,of na ti ona l b usi ne ssm e n a nd ove r th e ul ti m a te sta b i l i ty of th e worl d e c onom y.无疑,大企业正在变得更大、更强。跨国公司在1 9 8 2
6、 年只占有国际贸易不到2 0%的份额。而现在,这个数字上升到2 5%强,并且还在迅速上升。在那些对外开放并鼓励外资的国家的经济中国际分公司在国民生产中成为一个快速增长的部门。比如,在阿根廷,经过9 0 年代初的改革之后,跨国公司在2 0 0 家大型企业的工业生产中从4 3%增加到几乎7 0%。这个现象造成了人们对小型企业和民族资本的作用以及世界经济的最终稳定的严重忧虑。3、I b e l i e ve th a t th e m ost i m porta nt f orc e s b e h i nd th e m a ssi ve M&A wa ve a re th esa m e th
7、a t und e rl i e th e g l ob a l i z a ti on proc e ss:f a l l i ng tra nsporta ti on a nd c om m uni c a ti on c osts,l owe r tra d e a nd i nve stm e nt b a rri e rs a nd e nl a rg e d m a rk e ts th a tre qui re e nl a rg e d ope ra ti ons c a pa b l e of m e e ti ng c ustom e rs d e m a nd s.A l
8、 l th e se are b e ne f i c i a l,not d e tri m e nta l,to c onsum e rs.A s prod uc ti vi ty g rows,th e worI d s we a l th i nc re a se s.我认为,推动这股巨大的并购浪潮的最主要的力量,也是推动全球化进程的力量,包括H趋下降的运输与通讯费用,较低的贸易与投资壁垒,以及市场的扩大和为满足市场需求而进行的扩大生产。所有这些对消费者来说都有益而无害的。随着生产力的提高,世界的财富也在增长4、E xa m pl e s of b e ne f i ts or c o
9、sts of th e c urre nt c onc e ntra ti on wa ve a re sc a nty.Y e t i t i s h a rd to i m a g i ne th a t th e m e rg e r of a f e w oi l f i rm s tod a y c oul d re-c rea te th e sa m e th re a ts to c om pe ti ti on th a t we re f e a re d ne a rl y a c e ntury a g o i n the U S,wh e n th e S ta nd
10、 a rd O i l trust wa s b rok e n up.T h e m e rg e rs of te l e c om c om pa ni e s,suc h a s W or 1 d C o m,h a r d l y s e e m t o b r i n g h i g h e r p r i c e s f o r c o n s u m e r s o r ar e d u c t i o n i n t h e p a c e o f t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s.O n t h e c o n t r a r y,t h
11、e p r i c e o f c o mm u n i c a t i o n s i s c o m i n g d o w n f a s t.I n c a r s,t o o,c o n c e n t r a t i o n i s i n c r e a s i n g -w i t n e s s D a i m l e r a n d C h r y s l e r,R e n a u l t a n d N i s s a n -b u t i t d o e s n o t a p p e a r t h at c o n s u m e r s a r e b e i
12、n g h u r t.目前证明这股合并浪潮是带来利还是弊的实例并不多。但是很难想像当今的几个石油公司的合并是否会重新造成约100年前美国标准石油公司对竞争造成的同样的威胁,那时由于人们对该公司的这种担心而导致了它最终的解散。像世界通讯这样的通讯公司合并似乎没有给消费者带来更高的价格,或者降低技术进步的速度。相反,通信的价格在迅速下降。在汽车行业,合并也同样在增加比如戴姆勒与克莱斯勒,雷诺与尼桑的合并但消费者看起来并未受到伤害。5、Y e t t h e f a c t r e m a i n s t h a t t h e m e r g e r m o v e m e n t m u s
13、t b e w a t c h e d.A f e w w e e k s ag o,A l a n G r e e n s p a n w a r n e d a g a i n s t t h e m e g a m e r g e r s i n t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y.W h oi s g o i n g t o s u p e r v i s e,r e g u l a t e a n d o p e r a t e a s l e n d e r o f l a s t r e s o r t w i t h t h eg i g a
14、 n t i c b a n k s t h a t a r e b e i n g c r e a t e d?W o n t m u l t i n a t i o n a l s s h i f t p r o d u c t i o nf r o m o n e p l a c e t o a n o t h e r w h e n a n a t i o n g e t s t o o s t r i c t a b o u t i n f r i n g e m e n t s t of a i r c o m p e t i t i o n?A n d s h o u l d o
15、 n e c o u n t r y t a k e u p o n i t s e l f t h e r o l e o f “d e f e n di n g c o m p e t i t i o n“o n i s s u e s t h a t a f f e c t m a n y o t h e r n a t i o n s,a s i n t h e U S v s.Mi c r o s o f t c a s e?但是合并运动必须受到严密监视这个事实仍然存在。就在几星期以前,格林斯潘对银行业的巨大合并发出了警告。如果合并后如此巨大的银行出现,谁来充当最终的借贷者,发挥监督
16、、规范和运作的作用呢?当个国家对破坏公平竞争的行为的处理过于严厉时,跨国公司会不会把它们的生产从一地转到另一地呢?在那些将会影响许多其他国家的事情中,如美国政府与微软公司的诉讼案,一个国家是否应该担负起“保护竞争”的责任呢?6.Of the intrinsic differences that separate Amarican from English the chiefhave their roots in the obvious disparity between the environment andtraditions of the American people since the
17、 seventeenth century and those ofthe English.【解析】本句正常语序为:The chief of the intrinsic differences that separate Amaricanfrom English have their roots in the obvious disparity between the environmentand traditionsof the American people and those of the English since theseventeenth century.Hthat separat
18、e Amarican from English*做定语从句,“since the seventeenthcentury,为时间状语,这两处译成单句,使译文通顺,易于理解。【译文】美语之所以区别语英语是由本质上的差异决定的,而主要差异的根源在于两个不同的社会环境和不同的文化传统。自17世纪以来,美国人和英国人在这两个方面的差异是很明显的。7.Sometimes you can tell who is going to win a big office like President orGovernor by watching how many other politicians come run
19、ning to jump on hisbandwagon and get credit for supporting him.要点:本句的翻译要在了解美国文化的基础之上,作翻译。bandwagon(马戏团等吹打过市的)乐队的彩车,(常指得势一方的)宣传车。竞选公职的美国人为了争取选票,常雇佣一个乐队在马车上演奏,马车上贴满了标语,鼓励人们投他的票。一些见风使舵的政客,估计哪个候选人可能取胜,就登上谁的马车,来表示拥护这位候选人,以求将来会得到重用。jump on his bandwagon意思指“支持有获胜把握的候选人”,而不能直译为“跳上马车”。by watching.supporting
20、him 作主句 you can tell who is going to win a big office的方式方法状语从句。like President or Governor 修饰 a big office。译文:有时,只要看看有多少政客急急忙忙表态站在某位候选人一边,想以支持他换取好处,你就可以知道谁会当选像总统或州长那样的重要官职了。8.And never before has it been so undeniable that mutually beneficialinternational institutions of cooperation-with the United N
21、ations foremostamong them-are a vital global necessity.参考答案:要点:has it beens是倒装结构。never引导的状语放在句首,句子主谓必须倒装。it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。该句翻译比较复杂,应在理解原文的基础上按中文习惯翻译。译文:过去从来没有这样肯定过,以联合国为首的各国互利的国际合作机构是全球不可缺少的一个必要因素。9.If I accidentally had my attention drawn to the fact that some other boyknew less than myself,
22、I concluded,not that I knew much,but that he,for somereason or other,knew little.参考答案:要点:drawn to the fact that some other boy knew less than myself 作 myattention 的宾语补足语。had.attention drawn to the fact that注意到某个事实。主句“I concluded,not that I knew much,but that he,for some reason orother,knew little.”中
23、的 not that.but that.的 that 相当于 because,即:notthat.but that./月当于 It is not because.but because.o译文:如果我偶然注意到别的孩子比我知道的少,我断定那不是因为我知道得多,而是由于某种其他的原因他不怎么懂罢了。10.Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisementany more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings
24、and more serious faults.参考答案:要点:本句中比较级not(nobody中的否定成分)any more than”并不是比较概念,而是用于比喻。翻译时,可译为“如 一样”之类表示比喻的词语。同时要注意,用作比喻的比较级用于否定句时,than后面的从句不用否定式,但译成汉语时要用否定词。习惯匕先翻译than后面的否定意思,再翻译前面的否定意思!译文:有头脑的人谁也不会指望求职者会说出自己的缺点和严重过失,同样他也不指望招聘广告里说的话都是真话!11.In light of all the concerns associated with this new well of
25、geneticinformation,supporters of the research stress the benefits of the newdrafts,such as improved screening for diseases,personally tailored medicationand a better scientific understanding of the human body,should not beoverlooked.参考答案:要点:the benefits.overlooked 是stress 的宾语从句。从句的主语是the benefitsof
26、the new drafts,谓语动词是 should not be overlookedo such asbody 是状语,用来说明new drafts,它插在主语和谓语之间,造成了句子分割,翻译时可将其置于句尾。译文:鉴于基因新知引起的种种困扰,这项研究的支持者强调,不应忽视基因草图给人类带来的好处:某些疾病的发生可以得到更有效地预防,病人可以得到更适合个人的治疗方法,人们对人体有了更科学的了解。12.No one can be a great thinker who does not realize that as a thinker it ishis first duty to fol
27、low his intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead.参考答案:要点:该句中主句主语No one的定语从句比较长(从who 一直到句尾),因此被句子的复合谓语(系表结构can be a great thinker)分隔开。翻译时宜改变原句结构,重新组合。另外,还可将定语从句转译为条件状语。译文:作为一个思想家,首要的责任就是按照自己理性思考去得出不管是什么样的结论,如果意识不到这点,他就不可能成为伟大的思想家。13.The difficulties that would have to be encountered by any one w
28、hoattempted to explore the Moon-assuming that it was possible to gothere-would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in theendeavour to reach the summit of Mount Everest.参考答案:要点:该句的主干结构是The difficulties.would be incomparably greater thanthose.o两个破折号之间的部分是插入语,修饰who引导的定语从句。those指代di
29、fficultieso 不定式短语to reach修饰the endeavour。译文:对于任何试图探索月球(假定到月球是可能的)的人来说,他们要遇到的困难之大,绝非攀登珠穆朗玛峰遇到的困难可以比拟的。14.But even he was unable to discover how long the gorilla lives,or how orwhy it dies,nor was he able to define the exact social patterns of the familygroups,or indicate the final extent of their int
30、elligence.参考答案:要点:本句前半句中or how or why it dies位于表示否定意义的unable后,相当于 and he was unable to discover how it dies and he was unable to discover whyit dies,翻译时将这里的o r译为“以及”,更合乎汉语习惯。后半句中nor后面的o r不宜译为“或者”,而应将or indicate译为“也未能说明。nor was he为倒装结构。译文:可是连他也未能弄清楚大猩猩能活多久、怎样死亡以及死亡的原因是什么,他也不能肯定其家族群居的确切方式,也未能说明它们智力的最高
31、程度。15.I have never been able to find in any mans book or any mans talkanything convincing enough to stand up for a moment against my deep-seatedsense of fatality governing this man-inhabited world.参考答案:要点:in any mans book or any mans talk 是结构,要提前翻译。convincingenough to stand up for a moment against m
32、y deep-seated sense of fatalitygoverning this man-inhabited world 修饰 anything。for a moment 是“目前,眼下”的意思。stand up against是“面对反驳”的意思。译文:我从来没能在任何人的著作里或谈话中找到足以令人信服的证据,来反驳我有关主宰人类社会的、根深蒂固的宿命论。16.Actually we know of no type of astronomical body in which theconditions can be favorable to life except planets
33、like our own revolving round asun.参考答案:要点:这是一个复合句。in which引导定语从句,修饰astronomical body 介词except引起的短语作状语。在介词短语like our own后面省略了 planets。revolving引导的现在分词短语作定语,修饰our own(planet)。翻译时根据汉语习惯,将状语提前译出。译文:事实上,除了像地球这样围绕太阳旋转的行星以外,我们并不知道其他天体形式的存在,以及在这些天体上是否有对生命适宜的条件。17.It is of interest to note that the US consum
34、es more than one-half of theworlds supply of energy,the continent of Asia only 1/20.参考答案:要点:that引导的句子是note的宾语从句。该宾语从句由两个子句构成,一个是theUS consumes more than one-half of the world*s supply of energy,另一个是thecontinent of Asia only 1/20。后一个子句是省略句,补全为(and)the continent ofAsia(consumes)only 1/20(of the worlds
35、 supply of energy).翻译时应把省去的部分补全。of interest 相当于 interesting。译文:值得注意的是,美国的能源消费量占世界的一半以上,而亚洲大陆能源消费只有世界消费量的1/20,18.Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights ofgreat men of gennius as because of more ordinary things like improvedtechniques and tools.参考答案:要点:本句中 not so much through
36、the insights of great men of gennius as连接状语,意思是“与其说不如说they say可以放在句首,放在句首是主谓结构,放在此处是插入语,造成句子的,翻译时按主谓结构译出。译文:他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等更为普遍的东西。19.Along with them goes social mobility,ambition to rise in the urbanworld,a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenthc
37、entury.参考答案:要点:这是一个完全倒装句,主语是 social mobility,ambition to rise in the urbanworld.a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenthcentury,谓语动词是 goeso ambition to rise in the urban world 是对 social mobility的进一步说明。a main factor 在意思上相当于 which is a main factor in bringing downthe birth
38、s in Europe in the nineteenth century,修饰 ambition to rise in the urbanworldo译文:伴随他们而来的是社会的流动性,人们强烈地希望在城市里发展,这 是19世纪使欧洲出生率下降的主要因素。20.This is the world out of which grows the hope,for the first time inhistory,of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom fromfear.参考答案:要点:该句中的定语从句 out
39、of which grows the hope,for the first time inhistory,of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom fromfear 为全部倒装。主语 the hope of a society 因其定语 where there will be freedomfrom want and freedom from fear过长,所以置于动词grows之后。由于定语从句outof which grows the hope,for the first time in history,o
40、f a society 与主句关系密切,所以采用融合法将 This is the world out of which grows the hope,for the first timein history,of a society译成一个单句。where引导的定语从句太长,可用后置法译成一个单句。译文:这是历史上首次出现的一个给人以希望的世界。在这个世界上有希望诞生个没有贫困、没有恐惧的社会。21.Such an outcome,if it happens,could cause a political controversy;or itcould lead to more power be
41、ing transferred to the EU in the worst possiblecircumstances,namely when the Union is deeply unpopular.参考答案:要点:这是一个复合句,条件从句很短,所以置于主谓之间,造成句子,翻译时应将从句提到句首。namely when the Union is deeply unpopular”是个状语从句,用来解释“the worst possible circumstances%译文:这种情况一旦发生,就可能引起政治上的争吵;即使在最糟糕的情况下即在欧盟很不得人心的情况下,也可能使更多的权利转移到自
42、己手中。22.Not only may agencies select for genetic traits,some fear parents maystart to as well in what might be considered the most extreme application ofgenetic inform at ion-designing children.参考答案:要点:该句主干结构是not only.but also,因为用了 as well,but aslo省略了。这句话倒装是因为not only放在句首。翻译时应正装。译文:人们担心不仅各类机构会因为基因特征的
43、不同而对人挑肥拣瘦,就连作父母的都有可能利用基因来设计婴儿这可以说时把基因知识应用到了极端!22.It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of hissojourn on earth than a stone thrown to a river leaves on the surface of the water.要点:本句的知识点与第14期节目的知识点一样,都是“no more.than或not any more.than”结构。注意:than后面的从句在形式上是肯定的,
44、而在意义上是否定的(一定要牢记!)。表面上表示不同等的比较,实际上是等同关系。译文:也许他的生命一旦结束,他的生将不会在世界上留下什么痕迹,就像投入水中的石子不会在水面上留下什么痕迹一样。23.W om en who feel abandoned and deprived when their husbands wont listen to or report dailynews may be happy to discover their husbands trying to adapt once they understand the place ofsmall talk in women
45、*s relationship.要点:本句的主句是 W omen may be happy to discover their husbands trying to adapto who 引导的是非限定性定语从句,修饰women。when引导的是时间状语从句。once引导的也是状语从句,修饰trying。trying to adapt是现在分词短语,作宾补。译文:那些因丈夫不倾听或谈论每天发生的事情而感到被遗弃、感到失去生活乐趣的女性会高兴的发现,她们的丈夫一旦知道了不起眼的聊天在与女性关系中的地位之后,会努力地改变自己以适应妻子的需要!24.Many in society expect lo
46、nger sentences for most offences,while the experts tel 1 usthat,generally speaking,custodial sentences,except in special circumstances,do more harm thangood and that short sentences probably do 1 ess harm than long sentences.要点:这是一个主从复合句。while在这里不是表示时间,意思是“而。te ll的直接宾语是两个由that弓I导的从句:that custodial s
47、entences do more harm than good 和 that short sentences probably doless harm than long sentences sleeves-up是说 卷起袖子,pencils-out是 说“拿出铅笔”这些指开会时各人的姿态,表示在紧张工作。译文:这些委员会是由代表不同利益的集团和知识阶层的人组成的。这些人脱下上衣,卷起袖子,拿出铅笔,自愿参加起会议和委员会的审议工作。2 8.The arrival of millions of unassimilated immigrants is requiring America to a
48、bandon theold notion of a melting pot and turn itself instead into a gorgeous mosaic“in which distinctiveethnic groups s ti11 manage to make a whole.参考答案:要点:本句是长句而非难句,因为句子中没有任何复杂结构。句子的句架是The arrival of millions ofunassimilated immigrants is requiring America to.and turn itself instead into.0 which 弓
49、|导定语从句修饰先行词a gorgeous mosaic”。译文:数百万未被同化的移民的到来要求美国放弃熔炉的旧观念,并把自己转化成一件努力将不同的种族融合在一起的“璀璨的镶嵌艺术品”。2 9.Perhaps selection for the caring professions,especially medicine,could be made less bygood grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy.参考答案:要点:难点有三个:是selection fo r,二是
50、对medicine的理解,三是对less和more的理解。selectionfo r表示的是“为.选择。medicine的基本意思是“医药;医学”,但这里结合前面的caringprofessions来理解,应 为“医疗职业”。这里的less和more都是状语,修饰各自后面的介词by短语。more前面省去了 could be made。翻译该句基本上可以按照原文的顺序译,但翻译less和more应该意译,不要直译。译文:也许在选择关照他人的职业,尤其是医疗职业的人选时,可以不必要求化学成绩很好,而更多的考虑诸如灵敏性和同情心。3 0.The medical waste that has foul