1、练习A4腰挑战遭吐槽:衡量尤物的终极标准?The A4 waist challenge - Chinas latest body image trend - is facing heavy criticism worldwide on social media where many aim to show that beauty is not paper-thin.A4腰作为中国最新审美标准走向,如今正面临着来自全球社交媒体的严厉批判,许多 人认为美并不是骨瘦如纸。The waif-obsessed craze, which challenges people to hide their wa
2、ists behind a vertical piece of A4 paper (21 centimeters wide), has prompted disdain not only among Chinese, but also from comrades in South America, Europe and the US.随着A4腰开始成为一种风行一时的时尚,很多人开始挑战A4腰,即将自己的腰隐藏 在纵向A4纸(21厘米宽)后,这引来了不仅仅中国同胞,还包括南美,欧洲以及美国朋友 们的一阵吐槽。Dont hide behind a piece of paper, you are b
3、eautiful! an Instagram user in Germany posted.不要躲在纸后面,你本来就很美! 一名德国Instagram用户发布的贴文中说道。Your body is sacred. Youre exactly the way you supposed to be/ an Instagram user posted in Brazil.你的身体是神圣的,做自己就好。一名巴西Instagram用户写道。Instead of paper, some held up their university diplomas, while others complimented
4、 their messages by holding up a middle finger.一些人举着大学毕业证来代替A4纸测腰围,然而另一些人竖中指挡住自己的腰部来讽 刺这种时尚。The A4 waist challenge first picked up momentum with endorsements from - go figure - Chinese celebrities, such as actresses Yuan Shanshan and Wang Likun.A4腰挑战首先掀起狂潮源于如演员袁姗姗和王丽坤这样的中国名人的宣传。Soon, other groups and
5、 organizations jumped on the bandwagon.很快,其他团体和组织也开始纷纷赶起时髦。Firefighters in Zhashui County, Shaanxi Province, posted their own A4 waist photos to show off their muscles with messages such as union is strength.陕西省柞水县的消防员们张贴他们的A4腰照片来炫耀自己的肌肉,照片上附有着团结 就是力量的文字。Chinese were quick to criticize the trend for being an unrealistic standard of beauty.中国人很快就批评了这一趋势,认为这是一种不切实际的美。Using a piece of paper to measure your beauty reminds of like foot binding in feudal times, Sina Weibo user Hannibal Bimao said.用一张纸来衡量美丽,让人想起了封建时代的缠足,新浪微博用户Hannibal Bimao 写道。