1、商务英语口语课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程代码:1101129039课程名称(中/英文):商务英语口语/Business Engl is Speaking 课程类别:专业基础课程学分:2总学时:32理论学时:16实验/实践学时:16适用专业:商务英语适用对象:本科先修课程:英语语音、商务英语听说教学环境:多媒体教室开课学院:外国语学院 二、课程简介1 .课程任务与目的商务英语口语是商务英语专业的一门综合性、实用性都很强的专业基础课程、考试课。通 过各种商务活动的具体情境,商务交际的不同内容和商务活动的不同环节,为学习者提供了多 样的商务英语交际训练场景和英语口语活动形式(对话、讨论和演讲),
2、使学生熟悉常用的商务 语言和用法,掌握商务英语口语交流的基本技能;教师在课堂上可以对商务交流中中西文化和 思维模式等进行比照,寓思想教学于语言教学之中。2 .对接培养的岗位能力本课程对接的岗位能力附属于“毕业要求3、5、7”,对接的指标点为“3.2、5.2、7.1。 岗位能力包括:(1)在职业场合熟练运用英语语言沟通与交流的能力。;(2)具有国际视野和 较强的跨文化沟通能力和团队协作能力;(3)具有较强的思辨、创新及研究能力。三、课程教学目标本课程的教学目标表达在三个方面:毕业要求指标点课程目标3.具备扎实的英语基本功,熟 练掌握“听、说、读、写、译” 等英语技能,能在职业 场合熟练运用英语语
3、言沟通 与交流。指标点3. 2具备扎实的英语口 语表达能力,英语语音语调标 准,掌握在不同场景进行口语 会话,交流,商务谈判及商务 演说等技能和技巧。1.本课程旨在传授商务英语 口语基础知识、对学生进行全 面严格的基本技能训练,同 时,让学生广泛接触商务英语 词汇,了解相关的商务背景知 识、商务会议情况及商务环境 中不可防止的一些基本工作 内容,培养学生在商务场合中 实际运用语言的能力。四、教学课时安排5.具有国际视野和较强的 跨文化沟通能力和团队协作 能力。指标点5. 2具备对文化差异的 理解、适应和沟通等能力,能 自如地运用英语进行跨文化商 务活动。2.通过专业的口语训练,大 幅度地提高学
4、生的日常英语, 尤其是商贸英语的会话能力 及口语技巧。掌握在实际商务 活动中的礼仪,了解不同国家 地区之间的风俗差异和文化 差异,树立正确的人生观价值 观,深化民族自豪感与自信 心,从而的开展商务活动。7.具有较强的思辨、创新及 研究能力。指标点7.1具有思考、理性思 维的能力。3.在教授语言知识的同时, 通过大量的口语练习拓展学 生的国际视野:训练学生表 达个人意见、情感、观点,以 及锻炼学生的思辨能力、和团 队合作能力;同时,本课程也 注重学生对文化差异的敏感 性、宽容性以及处理文化差异 的灵活,加强其跨文化交际能 力,并树立正确的思想观念、 价值观点和道德规范。(一)学时分配主题或 知识
5、点教学内容总学时学时完成课程 教学目标讲课实验实践主题1Applying for a Job22021、2、3主题2New Employee Orientation22021、2、3主题3Job Descriptions22021、2、3主题4eponing22021、2、3主题5At a Conference22021、2、3主题6Business Negotiations22021、2、3主题7Corporate Presentation22021、2、3主题8Product Presentation22021、2、3合计3216016(-)实践教学安排(指含有实验或实践内容的课程)注:序
6、号实验工程名称实验学时实验 类型实验 要求每组人数备注1Applying for a Job2综合性必做42New Employee Orientation2综合性必做43Job Descriptions2综合性必做44eponing2综合性必做25At a Conference2综合性必做66Business Negotiations2综合性必做67Corporate Presentation2综合性必做48Product Presentation2综合性必做41.实验类型:分“演示性”、“验证性”、“综合性”、“设计性”、“创新性”2.实验要求:分“必做”、“选做”3.每组人数:指教学实验
7、工程中在每套仪器设备上同时完本钱实验工程的人数。如2人合用一 台显微镜,那么每组人数为2人:5人合用一台仪器那么每组人数为5。五、难点及教学设计主题 1 Applying for a Job1 .教学内容(l)Lead-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Sample Dialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Spcaking Worksop(6)Supplementary Reading2 .教学To ke a detailed self-introduction to te interviewer
8、To respond to te interviewers questionsTo inquire about te requirements for te job openingTo ask about your expectation for compensation packagelb call back (o query about te interview result3 .教学难点To ke a self introduction during te interviewTo communicate wit te interviewer during te interview4 .教
9、学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Studcnt-ccntcrcd Approac ; Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 2 New Employee Orientation1 .教学内容(l)Lead-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Sample Dialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Speaking Worksop(6)Supplementary Reading2 .教学To kc an introduction to tc e
10、mployees daily routinelb give a tour of tc facilitiesTo introduce to te new employee te company and te colleaguesTo explain te employee benefits, personnel policies, safely measures, relations, etc.3 .教学难点To know tings on te employees first day of te job4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Student-cent
11、ered Approac; Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 3 Job Descriptions1 .教学内容(l)Lead-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Sample Dialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Spcaking Worksop(6)Supplementary Reading2 .教学To describe ones position in a companyTo describe te departmenl one works inlb d
12、escribe jobs and responsibilities3 .教学难点To describe different positions, departments and job titles of a company4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Student-centered Approac: Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 4 eponing1 .教学内容(l)Lcad-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Sample Dialogues(4)Fun
13、clions and Structures(5)Speaking Worksop(6)SuppIementary Reading2 .教学To ster basic business epone tipsTo practice basic eponing skillsTo learn useful expressions in business calls3 .教学难点To stcr basic eponing skills and coinnuinication skills4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Student-centered Approac;
14、 Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 5 At a Conference1 .教学内容(l)Lead-in Activities(2)Uscful Words and Expressions(3)Sarnple Dialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Speaking Worksop(6)Supplemenlary Reading2 .教学lb develop skills in organizing and conducting meetingsTo ask for and give opinions or sugges
15、tions at a meetingTo agree or disagree wit an opinion at a meeting3 .教学难点To give personal opinions at a meeting4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Student-centered Approac ; Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 6 Business Negotiations1 .教学内容(l)Lead-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Sample D
16、ialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Speaking Worksop(6)Supplementary Reading2 .教学To understand business negotiation basicsTo prepare for business negotiationsTo develop negotiation skillsTo be able to intain business rclationsip wit business partners3 .教学难点Tb ster language skills used in negotiati
17、ons4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Studenl-centered Approac; Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 7 Corporate Presentation1 .教学内容(l)Lead-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Samplc Dialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Spcaking Worksop(6)Supplementary Reading2 .教学lb ke a detailed company
18、introduction to te listenersTo talk about te company profileTo be able to answer to te listeners questions3 .教学难点lb stcr and develop presenting skills as a qualified speaker4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Student-centered Approac; Group work; Listening; Role-play主题 8 Product Presentation1 .教学内容(l)
19、Lead-in Activities(2)Useful Words and Expressions(3)Sample Dialogues(4)Functions and Structures(5)Speaking Worksop(6)Supplementary Reading2 .教学To kc a detailed product introduction to tc listenersTo be able to talk about tc feature of a productTo be able to respond to te listeners questions3 .教学难点To
20、 learn skills to promote te product4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)Task-based & Student-centered Approac; Group work; Listening; Role-play实践教学主题1 Applying for a Job1 .实践内容Sitcom sow2 .实践设计(1) Every four students form a group wit tc role of applicants and un resource director(2) Write a script of tis Sitcom sow
21、(3) Give te sow in class实践教学主题 2 New Employee Orientation1 .实践内容Presentation of New Employee Orientation2 .实践设计(1) Every four students form a group and write a script of wat are tey going to present in te Orientation(2) Deliver te presentation实践教学主题3 Job Descriptions1 .实践内容Poster presentation2 .实践设计
22、(1) Every four students form a group and draw a poster of wat are tey going to present to describe teir job(2) Present teir poster in public实践教学主题4 cponing1 .实践内容Sitcom sow2 .实践设计(1) Every two students form a group wit a caller and an responsor(2) Write a script of lis Sitcom sow(3) Give te sow in c
23、lass实践教学主题5 At a Conference1 .实践内容Role-play sow and project proposal writing2 .实践设计(1) Every four students form a group targeting a particular department wit specific project(2) Troug tc conference discussion, a project proposal will be formed实践教学主题 6 Business Negotiations1 .实践内容Role-play sow and co
24、ntract revising2 .实践设计(1) Every six students form a group wit two companies negotiating on (e specific project(2) Troug te business negotiation, a contract will be revised according to bot interest实践教学主题 7 Corporate Presentation1 .实践内容Corporate presentation2 .实践设计(1) Every four students form a group
25、 and write a script of wat arc tcy going to present to build tc ige of tc corporation(2) Deliver te presentation实践教学主题 8 Product Presentation1 .实践内容Product presentation2 .实践设计(1) Every four students form a group and write a script of wat are tey going to present to sow te strengt of te product(2) De
26、liver tc presentation六、学生成绩评定商务英语口语课程是一门专业基础课,课程考核学生在商务活动中的口语交际能力, 基本商务知识的掌握和口语表达的连贯性和逻辑性。考核采用多种形式(闭卷、随堂口试等)、 多个阶段(作业测评、课堂口语活动、期末考核等)等全过程的考核。学生成绩评定样表考核平时成绩期中 考试期末 考试出勃作业课堂表现阶段测验辩论工程小文章其他VVV成绩 比例510580七、教材、参考书目、重要文献以及课程网络资源建议教材:(1)王战平主编.商务英语口语.华中科技大学,2010参考书:(1)康夫特主编.剑桥商务英语口语教程.北京大学,2000.(2)谢春萍、伊睿主编.
27、国际商务英语中级口语.武汉大学,2006.(3)邓长慧主编.商务英语口语(版).武汉大学,2011.(4)石本俊、刘春林主编.国际商务英语口语教程.华南理工大学出版,2007.(5)陆墨珠主编.国际商务英语口语(版).中国对外经济贸易,2002.重要文献:(1)余芳芳.“微课”教学模式下的商务英语口语技能的培养J.农家参 谋,2019(15): 182-183.(1) 彭莉.情景模拟教学法的应用实例一一以商务英语口语教学为例J.课程教育研 %, 2019(10):111-112.课程网络资源:(2) Business Week, Economist, Forbes, New York Tinies, Fortune, Wall Street Journal(3) California nagement Review, arvard Business Review, Business orizons(4) Youtube, Youku and oter Englis movies(5) Skype, Facebook, Englis cafes