1、好了,把你的袋放进去Okay, put your bag in.你也坐上小推车里Into the cart you go.好了Okay.你好Hello.我六岁的时候,我坐在一架的土上When I was six years old and was driving in this taxi 前往亚特兰大的中心我看到那些玻璃外墙的高楼大厦to the center of Atlanta, I saw these glass skyscrapers我心想:“哗,我想建造这些大厦and I thought, Wow, you know, I wanna make this.这些巨型、闪亮的玻璃大厦在我
2、心中留下了深刻的印象These big, shiny glass towers. They made a big impression on me.建筑的种子就在那个时候种下来And thats actually when the seed was planted.现在我已经是个成人,而且从事建筑Now that Im an adult and practicing architecture, 但兴建高楼大厦跟我想做的正正相反making skyscrapers is very much the opposite of what Im trying to do.建筑学应该要以人为本,而我想启发
3、人Architecture should serve people, and I wanna inspire people以不同的方式去建设环境to think about the built environment in a different way.而那就是我的动力来源That kind of gets me up in the morning.(阿姆斯特丹:三代同宅)超创意新居(阿姆斯特丹北)作为一个建筑师,我总会尝试看看As an architect, I always try to see工程当中有没有什么我们可以做if theres something we can do in
4、the project itself让人们在利用空间方面作出更深刻的贡献which can contribute in a more profound way to the people who use the space. (大厦情意结、理想城市)我很幸运能够参与I am very fortunate to have, like,还有为什么你们想这样做?And, Why would you wanna do this?我想是因为做这件事很不一样,对吗?I think because it*s different, right? To do this.所以这样的反响让我们所有人都很难受So t
5、hat was really hard on us, on all of us.当然我们很清楚Of course, we had the notion that我们希望能够尽快过这样的生活we would be in this situation as soon as possible, we hoped.但建成这个工程花了大概三年时间But then, the building of this project took, like, two years.古斯设计和建房♥子,而我来照顾孩子Gus would do the designing and the house. And
6、I was taking care of the children. 其实起初我们只有一个孩子Well, actually, first we had one child,然后过程中我又怀了另一个and then I just got another one in between.所以我一切都是自己做So I did everything by myself.过程中,有时候我觉得自己像个单亲妈妈Sometimes I felt like a single mom during the process.我当时其实有全职工作所以要兼顾两边是有点困难I was working full-time a
7、ctually, so it was a bit of a struggle.但我们决定了去马为我们未来的生活投资But we decided to go for it, to make this investment in our future life.(2017年3月23日:最后一块石头卡莉丝和艾美尔云奥宾)-这景观很不错吧? 没错,好正-What a view here, right? - Yeah, its so cool.十年后,我们就会在想,哗Its like in 10 years well be thinking, wow.但那起重机以前在这里吧?But the crane
8、used to be here, right?以前是再近一点,是在这里It was a little further up this way, it was here.那么我们其实不是在这里相识 而是在远一点的地方?So we actually didnt meet here but a little bit further back?是那里,没错There actually, yeah.我会怎样形容欣婷呢?How would I describe Jantien?美丽、聪明、心胸广阔Beautiful, intelligent, bighearted.社会意识很强,一个很好的妈妈Very s
9、ocially aware. A wonderful mother.还有没错,我一生中最爱And, yeah, the love of my life.我是个工会干事Im a union official,而我代表荷兰所有的社工and I represent all social workers in the Netherlands.社会上不平等的事越来越多这是很大的问题Inequality in the society is growing and growing. It*s a very big problem.我尝试赋权予人,让他们填补当中的空白I try to empower peop
10、le and fill the gap,而古斯作为一个建筑师,也在做相同的事and Gus is doing kind of the same things as an architect.我在NDSM船厂的派对上认识欣婷I met Jantien at a party at the NDSM shipyard.我们基本上是在巨型起重机下相识We pretty much bumped into each other underneath the big crane.我当时要回家,然后他却拿着喇叭在走I was just going home, and then he walked with s
11、peakers.但那喇叭真的很重而我作为真正的荷兰人,当时骑着单车But it was really heavy, and I was with my bike, as a real Dutch.我问:可以帮你搬这个喇叭吗?”And I said, Can I help you with lifting this speaker?他说:好啊这样太好了,它He said JYeah, yeah, that would be so nice. It has to-“然后他我要把喇叭送到别的地方我们之后就开始聊天And so he- I had to bring it somewhere. And
12、then we started talking.然后他说:“对你应该留在派对上别回家”And then he said, Yeah, you should stay in the party and dont go home. 然后我决定留下来And so I decided to stay.我第一次去古斯的家他的桌上有珍雅各的书The first time I was at Guss house, he had Jane Jacobs at his table.然后我心想“我才刚刚读完珍雅各的作品呢,太好了”And I was like, uWow I just read Jane Jaco
13、bs also. It*s nice.他说:对,我很喜欢这本书”He said, Yeah, Tm really into it.珍雅各说的很多都是关于街头生活、多样性Jane Jacobs is a lot about street life, diversity.而我们都认为有一个可生活的城市是很重要的And we both feel like its very important to have a livable city.我们就是那时候开始跟彼此有这么深的连系So that was where we connected with each other so much.我们二人之间很流
14、动的过程Its a very fluid process between the two of us, I guess,令这个房♥子成真and how the- how the home came into being.我们请汉基和艾莉参与一连串的工作坊We asked Henk and Elly to participate in a series of workshops.我们到了古斯的办公室We visited Gus* office然后他说所有人可以绘画出他们的梦想and he said everyone can sketch out their dream,他们想要什么
15、,还有什么对他们重要what they want and whats important to them.然后古斯大概就把那一切妥协起来And then Gus worked all that into a kind of compromise.例如,我自己喜欢烹饪For example; for me, I love cooking,所以大厨房♥对我来说很重要so a big kitchen was really important to me.但客厅不用那么大But then the living room didnt have to be so big.其实我喜欢客厅可以亲
16、密一点 让你在里面感到平安和舒服Actually, I like a living room to be cozy, like, you feel safe and comfortable.嗨,卡莉丝,你好吗?Hey, Carice. How are you?对我来说,最重要的是房♥子里光线充足The important thing for me was that there was a lot of light in the house. 我不喜欢暗的房♥子I dont like a dark house.在这三代同宅里In this three-generati
17、on house,我们要解决这种矛盾的环境we had to resolve these kind of, like, two contradictory contexts.两个家庭都想在某程度上靠近彼此Both households want some form of, like, proximity to each other.但他们也想要私隐But they also want privacy.所以我们不想制♥造♥就说是一个大的家族大宅 So, we didnt want to create, letrs say, like, one big family h
18、ouse. 卡莉丝,你想带苹果回学校吗?Carice, do you want to take an apple to school?好好的-Yes. - Okay.如果我早上给我的孩子做三文治If Im making the sandwiches for my kids in the morning,我外父在同一个地方,同一个时间its okay to not have my father-in-law also making his sandwiches 做三文治就是不可能at the same time, in the same place.所以,这房♥子其实是So, th
19、e building actually is basic-就是两个公♥寓♥叠在一起its just two apartments on top of each other,然后它们前后都共用同一个出入口and they share entrances on the front and the back.如果你把两个家叠在一起And then if youre stacking two homes on top of each other, 在建屋的计划中就要解决楼梯的问题youre gonna have to resolve a staircase in the h
20、ousing plan.基本上有两件事你可以做Theres basically two things you can do.你可以把楼梯塞到房♥子的角落So you can kinda shove the stairs in a corner of the building假装它并不存在and pretend theyre not there,又或是你可以让它成为这房♥子的中心or you can give them, like, this very central role in the building, 让它成为雕塑般的元素and have it be a v
21、ery sculptural element.我们称它为剪刀式楼梯We call it a scissor staircase.有两条楼梯到每一层You have two staircases landing on every floor.这是我们的楼梯Here we have our staircase,它由我们的厨房♥开始 上去就是我们的客厅which starts in our kitchen and goes up to our living room.在后面,你看到我外父外母的闭密型楼梯In the back, you see the closed funnel of
22、the staircase of my parents-in-law, 而那是由地下开始,上到这一层which starts at the ground floor and goes up to this landing,然后之后再上去下一层and then subsequently goes up to the next landing.这楼梯让我们可以And this leads to the opportunity让这房♥子能够改装成不同的结构where the home is actually able to undergo different configuration
23、s.随着时间过去家庭的结构也会改变,对吧?As time progresses, households change composition, right?所以,现在我们有孩子,而孩子也会长大So, right now we have kids, and the kids are gonna grow old.某个时候,他们也会离家At a certain moment theyre gonna leave the home.而这个房♥子的概念是能够适应And the idea is that the home is able to accommodate空间需要的改变the c
24、hanging spatial requirements as well.特别是这一层On this floor, in particular,我们有两条楼梯并排来到这一层we have two stairs lining up and connecting to this floor slab.所以当有机会的话,把这道墙推后一点So then the opportunity arises to push back this wall a little bit, 而这一局部的楼层也会成为我们家的一局部and then this portion of the floor plan becomes
25、 part of our home.只是透过移♥动♥非主力墙Simply by moving light-walled partitions,就可以在房♥子里建立不同的结构you can create different configurations in the building.特别是现在楼价上升Especially now with rising housing prices,其实我的孩子要找地方住将会很困难its gonna be very difficult for my kids to find a place to live, actua
26、lly.所以现在我们也在想So now, we*re also thinking about how, you know,这两个空间能够怎样变成两个独♥立♥的公♥寓♥ these two areas could also even become like two separate apartments.古斯设计房♥子时也有考虑到The way Gus has taken aging他们变老和无障碍设计 我认为是值得仿效的and accessibility into account in this house, I think
27、 is exemplary.因为这里的房♥子是垂直兴建的所以这绝对是一个问题Because houses are built vertically here, this is absolutely becoming an issue.因为我们在设计多世代住♥宅♥时Because we*re designing a multigenerational home,汉基和艾莉公♥寓♥的楼层都很平坦没有任何门槛Henk and Ellys apartment has very level floors. It doesnt have
28、 any thresholds.它用了很多趟门,阔得可以让轮椅出入It has sliding doors that are a lot wider for wheelchair access.房♥子也准备好在将来加建扶手The home has a lot of preparations for handrailings.其中一个最重要的局部很明显是升降机And one of the most important aspects is obviously the elevator它每一层都会停which stops on every single floor.能够在一个特定的地
29、方老去Being able to grow really old in a specific place在你身边的是这群可信任的人在这个情况下也是家人and having this trusted shell of people you know; family in this case, around you, 这代表it means that, you know,当你的能力随着年纪增加而减少你也需要更多的照顾as you grow less able-bodied and you need a bit more care,他们能够协助你,帮你处理一些小事情theyre gonna be a
30、ble to step in and help you out with small things.嗨,亲爱的Hi, sweethearts.嗨Hi.你们在这里真好Its nice that youre here.你今天开心吗?Did you have a good day?开心Yeah.因为当你年纪渐长的时候不要只呆在家中是很重要的Because when youre older, its important to not just stay in your house.你要找事情去做You need to do things.我们都常参与古斯和欣婷的社交生活And were incredi
31、bly involved with Gus and Jantien and in their social lives.我们会一起去校园和学校We go along to the schoolyard and school,又会去游水堂we go to swim lessons还有单车旅行and on cycling trips.我们有时候会跟他们散步We go on walks with them.他拿了你的鼻子Hes got your nose.我绝对认为如果这一切运作得好And I definitely think that when it all works,这样的生活会让你更健康it
32、ll keep you healthier longer,不管是心理上和身体上也是mentally and physically.妈咪和爹D她在哪里?Where are Mommy and Daddy?他们在楼下Theyre downstairs.就楼下而已?方寸-Are they just downstairs? - Yeah.我们设计建筑物的时候The way we design buildings is我们总会注意它们会被放置到什么环境we always look at the context theyre placed in.因为我们有这个近乎完美的南北座向And given the
33、almost near-perfect north-south orientation,这个特定的环境让房♥子有很多二元性this specific context had a lot of duality in it.北边外墙对住一条很繁忙的街道有很多噪音On the north, there was a very busy street. A lot of sound production.北面同样也很冷,所以热损失很严重Its also very cold in the northern facade so you have a lot of heat loss.所以我们做
34、了那么小的窗户Thats why we made these very small window openings好让房♥子可以保持温暖而且减少噪音进入屋里to keep the warmth in and keep the sound out.日间的时候,它看起来毫无生气During the day, it looks very unwelcoming.但晚上的时候它却成了其中一个最美的外墙But in the evening, its one of the most beautiful facades因为外墙本身融入了黑暗当中because the facade itself
35、 disappears into the dark,你只看到窗户亮起而形成的马赛克and all you see is this mosaic of lit windows.当你回到屋里看看另一边 那是非常开扬的And then when you get into the house and see the back, its unbelievably open. 是完全相反Its total opposite.太阳一年间的角度会改变The sun changes its angle during the year.在冬天的时候,它的角度很浅而夏天的时候却很陡In the winter its
36、 very shallow, whereas in the summer its very steep.所以我们决定将整个南面的墙面用上玻璃So, we decided to make the entire southern facade completely glass所以在冬天的月份太阳能照进屋里晒热地板so that in the winter months; the sun can come in and heat up the floor slabs基本上就能为房♥子加热而又不用付暖气费and basically heat the building without a
37、heating bill.在夏天的时候如果你这样做,房♥子就会变成了煽炉In the summer, however; if you do that, its gonna turn into an oven.好了,谁是第一个上吊床?来吧Okay! Who will be first on the hammock? Come!所以我们加装了露台Thats why we added the balconies.有空间给我吗? 有-Is there room for me? - Yes.妈咪,你坐在我脚上-对不起-Mommy, you are sitting on my foot. -
38、 Oh, sorry.露台不只是增加了客厅的空间The balconies not only add extra space to the living room,它们也阻挡了夏天陡斜的太阳but they stop the very steep sun in the summer.它就好像遮篷一样其实是很简单的设计解决方法Ifs like an awning. Its a very simple design solution; actually.经济方面的限制,主要都是我们家的问题The economic constraints were very much on our househol
39、ds side.我们没有几百万美元来建屋We didnt have millions of dollars to build a home.所以这房♥子的建造方式这方面我们是颇激进的So we had to be quite radical in how the home was built.重点就是尽量制♥造♥更多空间It was really about creating as much space as possible而不是花钱到例如说是,非常特别的葡萄牙瓷砖and not investing in, let*s say, super spec
40、ial Portuguese tiles.一切都是现成的Everything is, like, very off-the-shelf.这全都是工业物料保存了它们原来的模样Its all industrial materials kept the way they are.他以颇不同的方法来歌♥诵工艺Hes celebrating craft in quite a different way.他让煤渣砖外露出来Hes left the cinder block exposed因为他喜欢它们展示出制♥造&hearts渚的痕迹because he likes the t
41、races that this shows of the hands of the makers.当你看着煤渣砖When you look at the cinder block,你能够看得出有人用手拿着它把它放到砂浆上面you can see that someone actually had it in their hands, placed it in the mortar, 然后别人再用沙浆接缝and then someone else came along and did the mortar seams.如果一切都只是抹上去感觉会是十分不一样Its a very different
42、 feeling when its just all plastered off.它就会变得毫无特色从多方面来看,某程度上失去了人性It becomes very anonymous, and it kind of loses the human aspect in many ways. 建筑物是一个说故事的物件The building is an object which tells a story.这房♥子美丽之处就是它有强硬的骨干What is beautiful about the house is that it has hard bones.那些墙壁、地板都是石和混凝
43、土所造的The walls, the floors, thats all stone and concrete.(BETA联合创办人,基连根堡)但房♥子又充满温柔的元素,例如衣柜But its filled in with soft elements like the wardrobes或是大趟门or the big sliding doors.我不是建筑师Im not an architect,我通常不是在意这些东西好不好看I often dont look at whether something looks good or if it all fits together.而
44、古斯自己对美学也有自己的想法And Gus has his own ideas about aesthetics.我们同意用水泥墙We went along with the cement walls而天花并不是灰泥所造的and the fact that the ceilings arent plastered.房♥子显出工业风格十分符合它的外观和概念Thats the industrial look of the house, and it fits with the look and the concept. 我们也都同意We went along with it.他很高兴
45、我们也同意Hes really happy that we did.我们该到外面喝吗? 好-Shall we drink it outside? - Yeah.太阳似乎在云层间冒出来The sun seems to be breaking through.没错,绝对是Yeah, definitely.一些我只可以事后说的东西就是Something I can only say in hindsight is that我以为这工程失败的最大风险what I thought would be the biggest risk of the project failing,就是我们无法建成这房&he
46、arts;子would be that we wouldnt be able to realize the house.而我大概忘了过程中其实有很多东西都有风险And what I kind of forgot in the process was that theres a lot more at stake, 很明显如果你跟你的家人一同建屋obviously, if you*re building a home with your family members.你有可能破坏一些You can break something which is, of course,比建筑工程更珍贵的东西mu
47、ch more dear than just a building project.想要建设得完美和美观Its always a struggle that you want to make it perfect and beautiful, 但又有预算上的限制所以你要做决定取舍but then you also have the budget. So you have to make decisions.汉基很想要个车房♥Henk was really keen on getting a garage.我有很多不是很多,但我有几架车I had a lot. well, not
48、a lot, but a few cars, 而且我会搭电单车and I ride motorcycles.很多由社区推动的工程而工程也以社区本身为本a lot of community-driven projects with a strong social character in them.(屋主及建筑师,奥古斯云奥宾)这对我的事业来说是非常重要的And thats very important for my own professional career,还有对这个房♥子怎样开始也很重要and also for how this home came into being.我们在阿姆斯特丹的三代同宅里Were in