1、试卷第 1 页,共 5 页 高考英语汉译英(整句)专题训练 100 题(含答案)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 一、汉译英(整句)1当代艺术运动自 20 世纪末兴起以来,一直受到人们的质疑(since 引导时间状语从句)(汉译英)2那里有不同的展台,艺术家们可以在那里展示他们的技艺,并向参观者传授技艺!(where 引导定语从句)(汉译英)3众所周知,报纸、杂志,电视仍然是公众获取信息的有效媒体。(Itthat)(汉译英)4我们都知道阅读对中学生有积极影响。(aware)(汉译英)5骑自行车,你可以享受在城镇周边旅行的自由。(enjoy)(汉译英)6他无疑仍是球迷心中的偶像,鼓励着年轻人不断
2、拼搏。(no doubt)(汉译英)7如果你怕得罪人,那就没有办法杀伐决断,砥砺前行,没有魄力带好一个团队。(courage)(汉译英)8有人以命燃灯,给了漫漫长夜一点微弱的希望。(light:动词)(汉译英)9生活虐我千百遍,我待生活如初恋。(Despite)(汉译英)10尽管家境贫寒,这个志存高远的女孩从不安于现状,而是不断挑战自我,终于在面试中脱颖而出,获得了接收高等教育的机会。(Despite,access)(汉译英)11人们很少意识到,公众节能环保的意识越强,与每个人息息相关的生活环境就会越好。(Seldom)(汉译英)12这部纪录片刻画了一位饱经风霜的老人及其令人饮佩的爱国情怀。(
3、feature)(汉译英)13奇怪的是,几十年过去了,他对家乡的一草一木却依然记忆犹新。(fresh)(汉译英)14南非有很多野生动物,难怪是动物爱好者的乐园。(shortage)(汉译英)15春节总是让人想到希望与活力,在这样一个辞旧迎新、万家团圆的节日里,我们走亲访友给大家带去美好的祝福。(when)(汉译英)16这本国际学术期刊用了整整一章来介绍他的研究发现。(devote)(汉译英)17用他激励你的主要原因结束。(why 引导定语从句)(汉译英)18一离开学校,温顿就在德国和法国的银行上班。(on/upon doing sth.)(汉译英)19作者暗示,在一定程度上,男女主人公对最后的
4、悲惨结局都负有责任。(indicate,toextent,tragic)(汉译英)试卷第 2 页,共 5 页 20他在大会上振奋人心的演讲赢得了听众的赞赏。(inspire 的非谓语形式作定语)(汉译英)21搬入新家之前,母亲让人把房子重新装修了一番,把地板都换了。(redecorate,replace)(汉译英)22这就是他不把幸福等同于金钱的原因。(identifywith,定语从句)(汉译英)23要记住,你的个人信息一定要保密。(keep in mind,keepprivate)(汉译英)24当我报了这个高级文学之后,我发现它很难。(sign up,find)(汉译英)25选择合适的工作
5、不容易。(It is+adj+to do sth.)(汉译英)26我的朋友建议我加入志愿者俱乐部。(recommend,volunteer)(汉译英)27如果她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办?(what if)(汉译英)28汤姆期待遇见那个新来的交换生。(look forward to,exchange)(汉译英)29正如瑞安所说的话,我们需要的不仅是捐款,而且需要获得新的思路(想法)。(as 引导状语从句)(汉译英)30我认为挖饮用水井是解决供水水源短缺的一个好办法。(v.-ing 做主语)(汉译英)31当被问及究竟是什么使她成为了专业的运动员和尖子生,她将秘密总结为“热情、专注和平衡”。(强调句
6、)(汉译英)32佛罗里达州(Florida)是一个受欢迎的疫苗旅游目的地,因为该州优先为 65 岁及以上的人接种,而且其他限制较少,这吸引了世界各地的游客。(due to)(汉译英)33根据新颁布的条例,学生不允许将手机带进校园。(By no means)(汉译英)34在对抗这场大流行病的战役中,中国将继续秉持开放、透明、负责任的态度同世界卫生组织合作。(attitude)(汉译英)35作为一名 6 岁的加拿大小学生,瑞安很难相信他的老师所说的非洲发展中国家的许多人得不到足够的清洁用水(这一情况)。(过去分词(短语)做定语)(汉译英)36而且为何这水如此脏以致使他们生病了呢?(sothat)(
7、汉译英)37假如你能给我一些关于如何写好中国汉字的建议,我会不胜感激。(appreciate)(汉译英)38当唐山地震发生的时候,仿佛这个世界末日就要来临了。(as if)(汉译英)39即使你输了这场比赛也不要灰心。(even if/though)(汉译英)40中国是一个有着五千年文明史的国家。(含有定语从句)(汉译英)41不管我遇到什么样的困难,我都积极乐观并努力解决问题。(no matter what)(汉译英)试卷第 3 页,共 5 页 42让新任馆长欣慰的是,得益于针对性的举措,原本积灰的展品焕然一新,博物馆也恢复了往日的风采。(restore)(汉译英)43中国在科学领域里取得的巨大
10、的父母都不关心我,这让我想结束我的生命。”(汉译英)58但最后,我没有那样做。为了消磨时间,我总是去海滩(我叫它“大蓝”)。(汉译英)59那个赛季是我职业生涯中最有收获的一个赛季。(汉译英)60在赛季结束时,我觉得自己很有成就感。努力工作总有回报。(汉译英)61虽然我真的很想赢,但我知道能站在这个位置上对我来说是一个巨大的成就。(汉译英)62这次受伤几乎是件好事,因为我向自己证明了我有能力实现我所追求的目标,当试卷第 4 页,共 5 页 然是通过努力工作。(汉译英)63我度过了我职业生涯中最成功的一个赛季。我进入了决赛。(汉译英)64通过练习,我会去健身房,努力增强受伤前的力量。(汉译英)65
13、欣赏自己。(汉译英)81她的要求得到了批准,萨默斯太太继续尝试她认为在她身上最好的东西。(汉译英)82来到化妆镜前,上下打量着镜子里的自己,眼睛盯着鞋子,“如果我的鞋子和我身上完美的衣服搭配,我看起来会更漂亮吗?萨默斯太太心想,向部门的女售货员招手。(汉译英)83萨默斯太太问她今年的时装款式是什么,是否可以试穿一下。(汉译英)试卷第 5 页,共 5 页 84中国春节似乎正在成为一个充满欢乐和爱的全球性庆典活动。(汉译英)85对我来说,准备的过程甚至比年夜饭本身更重要。(汉译英)86但并不是每个人都喜欢这个想法。(部分否定)(汉译英)87当我还是个小男孩的时候,除夕夜的晚餐是我最期待的。(表语从
14、句)(汉译英)88为了庆祝元宵节,我们用气球和海报装饰窗户。(汉译英)89他只是用一只手抓住布拉迪的皮带,一只脚一直放在另一只手的前面。(汉译英)90满腔怒火时,你会想到什么就说什么。(疑问词+-ever)(汉译英)91我对他的行为感到失望,我把这一切都告诉了我最好的朋友。(过去分词做状语)(汉译英)92各国领导人不仅就气候变化达成了共识,还强调了经济全球化,技术进步的重要性。(Not only)(汉译英)93据说被称为中国指环王(Lord of the Ring)的射雕英雄传(Legends of the Condor Heroes)已被译成了英文,这引起了许多英国读者的关注。(which)
15、(汉译英)94慕课(Massive Open Online Courses/MOOC)日益流行,但自律对学生来说是很有必要得。(necessary)(汉译英)95说善意的谎言的一个主要原因是为了让别人感觉好一些。(make+宾语+宾语补足语)(汉译英)96停下来想一想,也许你的朋友想从你这里得到一些坦率的评论,这样他们就可以改进。(so that 引导的状语从句)(汉译英)97所有人都获救了!远处传来微弱的欢呼声。(汉译英)98他们安全地加入了牛群。头脑和智慧的存在可以使人免于危险。(汉译英)99没有尾巴的老虎跑向森林的另一部分。鹿和她的幼鹿离开了老虎洞。(汉译英)100他的尾巴被切断了。豺狼
16、在这次事故中丧生。(汉译英)答案第 1 页,共 34 页 参考答案:1Since it began in the late 20th century,the Contemporary Art Movement has raised questions and doubts.【解析】【详解】考查时态和动词。根据要求,“当代艺术运动自 20 世纪末兴起以来”为 since 引导的时间状语从句,应用一般过去时;“开始”表达为 begin;“20 世纪末”表达为 in the late 20th century;“一直受到人们的质疑”为主句,应用现在完成时;主语“当代艺术运动”表达为 the Cont
17、emporary Art Movement,是第三人称单数,助动词用 has;“受到人们的质疑”可理解为“引起了问题和怀疑”表达为 raise questions and doubts。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为Since it began in the late 20th century,the Contemporary Art Movement has raised questions and doubts.2There were different stands where artists could demonstrate their skills and teach the visi
18、tors!【解析】【详解】考查 there be 句型、时态和定语从句。表示某个地方存在某物或某人,用 there be 句型。different stands 为复数,所以 be 动词用复数形式。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时。“艺术家们可以在那里展示他们的技艺,并向参观者传授技艺”是定语从句,先行词为 stands,在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词 where 引导,从句主语 artists“艺术家们”,谓语动词demonstrate“展示”,用情态动词 could 表示能够,宾语 their skills“他们的技能”,并列谓语动词 teach“教授”,visitor“参观者”,根据句
19、意,表示特指,且用复数。故翻译为 There were different stands where artists could demonstrate their skills and teach the visitors!3It is well-known that newspapers,magazines and TV remain effective media for the general public to get/obtain information.【解析】【分析】【详解】考查时态和固定句式。根据要求和句意,用固定句型 it is well-known that.,众所周知,
20、陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时;that 从句是主系表结构,主语 newspapers,magazines and TV,remain 作系动词,表语 effective media,后接不定式的复合结构 for the 答案第 2 页,共 34 页 general public to get/obtain information,故翻译为:It is well-known that newspapers,magazines and TV remain effective media for the general public to get/obtain information.【点睛】4W
21、e are aware that reading has a positive effect on middle school students.【解析】【详解】考查形容词、宾语从句及短语。根据句意可知,此句描述一般事实,用一般现在时。表示“我们都知道”用 We are aware that,that 引导宾语从句。表示“阅读”用动名词 reading,作主语;表示“有积极的影响”用短语 have a positive effect on。主语是动名词 reading,谓语动词用单三 has;表示“中学生”用 middle school students。故答案为 We are aware t
22、hat reading has a positive effect on middle school students.5With a bicycle,you can certainly enjoy the freedom of travelling around town.Or:You can certainly enjoy the freedom of travelling around town by bicycle.【解析】【详解】考查情态动词和动名词。“骑自行车”可翻译为“With a bicycle”或“by bicycle”,“你可以享受”翻译为“you can certainl
23、y enjoy”,“在城镇周边旅行的自由”翻译为“the freedom of travelling around town”,因此整个句子翻译为“With a bicycle,you can certainly enjoy the freedom of travelling around town.”或“You can certainly enjoy the freedom of travelling around town by bicycle.”。故答案为 With a bicycle,you can certainly enjoy the freedom of travelling a
24、round town.或 You can certainly enjoy the freedom of travelling around town by bicycle.。6There is no doubt that he is still the idol of the fans,encouraging the young to strive/struggle continuously.【解析】【详解】考查同位语从句、短语及时态。根据句意可知,此句描述一般事实,故用一般现在时。表示“无疑”用同位语从句 There is no doubt that;从句主语为 he,表示“仍然”用 sti
25、ll;表示“的偶像”用 the idol of;表示“球迷们”用 the fans;表示“鼓励某人做某事”用 encourage sb.to do sth.,主语 he 与 encourage 是主谓关系,故用现在分词 encouraging;表示“年轻人”用 the young;表示“拼搏”用动词 strive/struggle;表示“不断地”用副词 continuously。故答案答案第 3 页,共 34 页 为 There is no doubt that he is still the idol of the fans,encouraging the young to strive/s
26、truggle continuously.7If you are afraid of offending others,there is no way to make a decision and forge ahead,and there is no courage to lead a team well.【解析】【详解】考查句子结构,条件状语从句。分析可知,本句描述客观规律,用一般现在时。表示条件状语从句“如果你怕得罪人”为 if you are afraid of offending others,动名词短语 offending others 作介词宾语;用 there be 句型表示一
27、部分主句“那就没有办法杀伐决断,砥砺前行”为there is no way to make a decision and forge ahead,并列的动词不定式短语作后置定语;用and 连接主句的另一部分“没有魄力带好一个团队”为 there is no courage to lead a team well,动词不定式作后置定语。句首字母大写,故可翻译为 If you are afraid of offending others,there is no way to make a decision and forge ahead,and there is no courage to lea
28、d a team well.8Someone lit a lamp with his life,giving a faint hope to the long night.【解析】【详解】考查句子结构、动词等。分析句意可知,本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。用主谓宾句型表示“有人以命燃灯”为 someone lit a lamp with his life,介词短语 with his life 作方式状语;可用非谓语动词现在分词短语表示“给了漫漫长夜一点微弱的希望”为 giving a faint hope to the long night,作状语,表结果,现在分词 g
29、iving 和其逻辑主语 someone 之间是主动关系。句首字母大写,故可翻译为 Someone lit a lamp with his life,giving a faint hope to the long night.9Despite life abuses me a thousand times,I treat life as my first love.【解析】【详解】考查介词及短语。根据句意,此句描述一般事实,故用一般现在时。两小句是让步关系,故表示“尽管、即使”用介词 Despite;表示“生活”用名词 life;表示“虐”用动词单三 abuses;表示“千百遍”用 a tho
30、usand times;表示“把看作”用 treat as;表示“初恋”用 first love。故答案为 Despite life abuses me a thousand times,I treat life as my first love.10Despite her poor family(background)/Despite the fact that she was born in(to)a poor family,答案第 4 页,共 34 页 this ambitious girl/this girl who has great ambitions was never sati
31、sfied/content with the present situation/circumstances and/but(instead)challenged herself constantly,and eventually distinguished herself from others/became outstanding/stood out in the interview,obtaining/gaining the access to higher education.【解析】【详解】考查短语、时态、定语从句和名词性从句。介词 despite 后接名词形式。be born in
32、(to)出生在;be satisfied/content with 对满足;distinguish from 辨别;区分;stand out 脱颖而出;in the interview 在采访中;obtain/gain access to 获得的机会;higher education 高等教育。句中解释说明名词 the fact,所以后接同位语从句。从句不缺少成分且句意完整,所以用连接代词 that 引导。句中先行词为 this girl,在定语从句中作主语,所以用关系代词who 引导。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时。根据句意,故翻译为 Despite her poor family(backgr
33、ound)/Despite the fact that she was born in(to)a poor family,this ambitious girl/this girl who has great ambitions was never satisfied/content with the present situation/circumstances and/but(instead)challenged herself constantly,and eventually distinguished herself from others/became outstanding/st
34、ood out in the interview,obtaining/gaining the access to higher education.11People seldom realize that the stronger the publics awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection,the better the living environment closely related to everyone.【解析】【详解】考查副词、短语和动词。表示“很少”应用副词 seldom;表示“意识到”应用动词
35、 realize;表示“公众节能环保的意识”短语为 the publics awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection;表示“生活环境”短语为 the living environment。故翻译为 People seldom realize that the stronger the publics awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection,the better the living environment closely rela
36、ted to everyone。12The documentary featured an old weather-beaten man and his admirable patriotism.【解析】【详解】考查句子结构。这是一个简单句。“这部纪录片”是主语表述为 The documentary,谓语“刻答案第 5 页,共 34 页 画了”用所给提示词 feature,由句意可知用一般过去时,表述为 featured,“一位饱经风霜的老人及其令人饮佩的爱国情怀”是宾语,表述为 an old weather-beaten man and his admirable patriotism。故整
37、句可译为 The documentary featured an old weather-beaten man and his admirable patriotism。13Strangely,after decades,every plant in his hometown is still fresh in his memory.【解析】【详解】考查时态、副词和短语。表示“奇怪的是”用副词 strangely,作状语;表示时间状语“几十年过去了”可以用 after decades;根据句意可知,此处描述现在事实,用一般现在时,表示“他对家乡的一草一木却依然记忆犹新”为 every plan
38、t in his hometown is still fresh in his memory,every plant 作主语,介词短语 in his hometown 作后置定语,be still fresh in ones memories 意为“记忆犹新”,be still fresh 是系表结构。句首字母大写,故可翻译为 Strangely,after decades,every plant in his hometown is still fresh in his memory.14There is no shortage of wild animals in South Africa
39、.No wonder its a paradise for animal lovers.【解析】【详解】考查名词、短语和固定句型。全句讲述现在的情况,用一般现在时态;“南非有很多野生动物”可理解为“南非不缺野生动物”,用 there be 句型和指定词汇 shortage 翻译,“不缺”用短语 no shortage of 表示,“野生动物”用 wild animals 表示,译为 There is no shortage of wild animals in South Africa;“难怪是动物爱好者的乐园”可用固定句型 no wonder.表示,“动物爱好者”用 animal lover
40、s 表示,“乐园”用 paradise 表示,译为 No wonder its a paradise for animal lovers。综上,句全译为:There is no shortage of wild animals in South Africa.No wonder its a paradise for animal lovers.15The Spring Festival always reminds people of hope and vitality.In such a gathering festival of bidding farewell to the old an
41、d ushering in the new,we visit our relatives and friends to bring our best wishes to everyone.【解析】【详解】考查名词、动词短语、时态、时间状语从句和非谓语动词。根据句意可知,全句讲述普遍答案第 6 页,共 34 页 事实,应使用一般现在时态;“春节总是让人想到希望与活力”处理为一个句子,“春节”是主语,用 the Spring Festival 表示,“让想到”是谓语动词,用 remind.of.表示,“希望与活力”是宾语,用 hope and vitality 表示,译为 The Spring F
42、estival always reminds people of hope and vitality;“在这样一个辞旧迎新、万家团圆的节日里,我们走亲访友给大家带去美好的祝福”处理为第二个句子,其中“在这样一个辞旧迎新、万家团圆的节日里”是时间状语,用介词短语 in such a gathering festival of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new 表示,现在分词 gathering 和介词短语 of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new 作定语修饰名
43、词 festival,“我们”是句子主语,用人称代词 we 表示,“走/访”是谓语动词,可用动词 visit 表示,“亲/友”是宾语,用 our relatives and friends 表示,“给大家带去美好的祝福”是目的状语,用不定式 to bring our best wishes to everyone 表示,可译为 In such a gathering festival of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new,we visit our relatives and friends to bring our bes
44、t wishes to everyone。综上,全句译为:The Spring Festival always reminds people of hope and vitality.In such a gathering festival of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new,we visit our relatives and friends to bring our best wishes to everyone.16The international academic journal devoted a whole
45、 chapter to introduce his findings.【解析】【分析】【详解】考查句子结构。这是一个简单句,主语“这本国际学术期刊”表述为 the international academic journal,所给单词 devote 有“将(文章或讲话的某一部分)专用(于)”的含义,用来表述谓语“用了”,根据句意可知时态为一般过去时,因而写为 devoted,宾语“整整一章”表述为 a whole chapter,目的状语“来介绍他的研究发现”用不定式表述为 to introduce his findings。故整句可译为 The international academic
46、journal devoted a whole chapter to introduce his findings。【点睛】17End with the main reasons why he inspires you.【解析】【详解】考查固定短语和定语从句。结合句意表示“用结束”短语为 end with;表示“主要原因”短答案第 7 页,共 34 页 语为 the main reasons,后跟 why 引导定语从句;从句主语为 he;表示“激励”应用 inspire,为一般现在时。故翻译为 End with the main reasons why he inspires you.18On
47、 leaving school,Winton worked in banks in Germany and France.【解析】【详解】考查固定句型和时态。结合句意表示“一就”应用 on/upon doing sth.;表示“离开学校”应用 leave school;主语为 Winton,表示“在德国和法国的银行上班”翻译为 work in banks in Germany and France,此处为一般过去时。故翻译为 On leaving school,Winton worked in banks in Germany and France.19The author indicates
48、 that to some extent the hero and heroine are both responsible for the tragic situation in the end.【解析】【详解】考查宾语从句和动词时态。表示“作者”应用 the author;表示“暗示”应用 indicate,后面需用that 引导宾语从句;表示“在一定程度上”应用 to some extent;表示“男女主人公”应用 the hero and heroine;表示“对都有责任”应用 be both responsible for;表示“悲惨结局”应用the tragic situation
49、;表示“最后”应用 in the end;此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主句谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式;从句主语为并列的名词,be 动词用 are。故翻译成:The author indicates that to some extent the hero and heroine are both responsible for the tragic situation in the end.20His inspiring speech at the conference won the admiration/favour of the audience.【解析】【详解】考查动词时态。表
50、示“他在大会上振奋人心的演讲”应用 his inspiring speech at the conference,inspiring 为现在分词作定语;表示“赢得”应用 win;表示“听众的赞赏”应用 the admiration/favour of the audience;此处陈述过去发生的事情,使用一般过去时。故填 His inspiring speech at the conference won the admiration/favour of the audience.。21Before moving to our new home,my mother had the house