1、上海中级口译教程第上海中级口译教程第1212章章解读解读Unit 12 Interpreting Academic Speeches(C-E)12-1:文学创作 On Literary Writing12-2:文化冲突 On Cultural Clashes12-3:书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphy12-4:社区服务 Community Servicel写作素材:stuffl牛棚马厩:in the cowsheds or stablesl热炕头:heated earthen bed kangl神鬼故事:supernatural talesl轶闻趣事:captivating
2、 anecdotesl塑造典型人物:liven up by archetypal charactersl结构匠心独运:fortified by ingenuous structurel摇摇晃晃的牛车:the bullockcarts bouncing and swaying12-1:文学创作 On Literary WritingVocabulary workVocabulary workl虚构:fictionl亲近感:a sense of intimacyl纪实报告:reportage of a social eventl施展才华:give full play to ones talentl
3、福兮祸所伏,祸兮福所倚 :Fortune breeds misfortune,and misfortune lies hidden in fortune.l朦胧地带:undefined territoryl自言自语:a series of soliloquiesl绘声绘色地讲述:narrate.in a vivid mannerl形形色色的叙事花样:all kinds of narrative stylesl继承与借鉴:inherit and draw uponl从.中汲取了营养:draw upon ingredients of.l佛教经典:Buddhist scripturel宇宙意识:co
4、nsciousness of the universeVocabulary workVocabulary workl布道词:religious tractl坚持信念:uphold beliefl历史传奇:historical legends and romancesl具备.:be imbued withl社会黑暗面:seamy side of the societyl站在人的立场:take a human stance12-1:文学创作 On Literary Writingl我童年辍学,混迹于成人之中,及早地开始阅读社会人生这本大书。我做梦也想不到有朝一日这些东西会成为我的写作素材。lI l
5、eft off my studies in my early school years,was thrown into the world of adults,and I had an early start on reading the great book of society and life.I had never expected,even in my wildest dreams,that one day my writing career would feed on the stuff I heard in those early years.12-1:文学创作 On Liter
6、ary Writingl文学作品无论是起源于梦境还是发端于现实,最后都必须和个人的经验相结合,才有可能变成一部优秀作品。lWhether conceived in dream or in reality,a literary work must be integrated with the experiences of individuals before it becomes a work of distinction.12-1:文学创作 On Literary Writingl每个人心中都有一片地带,正是文学家施展才华的广阔天地。只要是准确地、生动地描写了这个充满矛盾的朦胧地带的作品,也就
7、必然地具备了优秀文学作品的品质。lAn undefined territory exists in the mind and heart of every person.It is in this open-ended territory that a literary writer is rendered freedom to give full play to his talent.As long as his work aptly and vividly describes this nebulous,massively conflicting territory,it is bound
8、 to be imbued with literary excellences.12-1:文学创作 On Literary Writingl我写的还是人多命运与人的情感,人的局限与人的宽容,以及人为追求幸福、坚持自己的信念所做的努力与牺牲。lI wrote of mans fate and emotions,mans limitations and tolerance,as well as mans pursuit of happiness and the efforts and sacrifices he makes to uphold his belief.l研讨会:seminarl文化冲
9、突与融合:clash and fusion of culturesl冷战后期:in post-Cold War eral文明圈:civilization riml视而不见:turn a blind eye tol对抗:form confrontationl信奉儒教和伊斯兰教的国家:Confucian and Islamic countriesl引起摩擦:give rise to friction:12-2 文化冲突 On Cultural ClashesVocabulary workVocabulary workl效仿:emulatel文化认同感:recognition of Asians c
10、ultural identityl盛行:prevailingl顽疾:stubborn illsl泛滥:go overboardl极端个人主义:extreme individualisml性关系混乱:sexual promiscuityl自我约束性:self-disciplinel集体责任感:corporate responsibilityl温厚儒雅:pacificl地球村:global villagel互补:mutual complementarityl和睦共处:live in harmonyl泾渭分明:clear-outl消除许多西方社会的恶疾:offset many Western vic
11、esVocabulary work12-2 文化冲突 On Cultural Clashesl我对全球冲突源于文化冲突这样一种观点深感不安。这种观点反映了人们对西方文明的前途怀有一种与日俱增的困惑感。lI am deeply concerned with the view that global clashes result from clashes between different cultures.This view reflects peoples growing confusion about the future of the Western civilization.12-2 文
12、化冲突 On Cultural Clashesl亚洲的经济成功使这个地区的人民觉悟起来,对自己的才智与创造力有了新的认识,他们开始重新思考西方的社会模式与政治模式是否适用于自己的国家。lThe economic success in Asia has given rise to Asians awakening recognition of their own wisdom and creativity.They have begun to reconsider whether the Western social and political model is applicable favor
13、ably to their own countries.12-2 文化冲突 On Cultural Clashesl东亚的经济成功代表了一种新文化的诞生,代表了一种集东西方传统优点之大成的新价值体系的诞生。lEast Asias economic success represents the emergence of a new culture,a new value system that incorporates the strengths of both Oriental and Western traditions.12-2 文化冲突 On Cultural Clashesl我赞成许多
14、东亚学者的观点,东亚社会的自我约束性、集体责任感以及温厚儒雅的传统可以一直盛行于西方世界的许多顽疾。lI share the same view wit many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization with its self-discipline,corporate responsibility and pacific tradition can offset many stubborn ills prevailing in the West.12-2 文化冲突 On Cultural Clashesl在这个信息时代,世界已缩
15、小为一个地球村,我们彼此之间无须冲突,我们之间的关系是一种友好合作、平等互利、和睦相处的关系。lAt this age of information,the world has shrunk into a global village in which we do not necessarily have to come into clash with each other,and in which our relationship is but one of friendly cooperation,of equality and mutual benefits,and of peacefu
16、l and harmonious coexistence.l中国书法:Chinese calligraphyl宝贵的文化遗产:a highly-valued cultural heritagel山不在高有仙则名,水不在深有龙则灵。Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal,and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon.l甲骨铭文:inscription on bones or tortoise shellsl青铜器:ancient bronze obje
17、cts12-3 书法艺术 The Art of CalligraphyVocabulary workVocabulary workl篆书:seal character l隶书:official scriptl楷书:regular scriptl行书:running scriptl象形字:pictographsl夸张:exaggeratel旅游资源:tourist resourcel铭文石碑:inscribed tabletsl 铭文:inscriptionl悬崖;绝壁;险境:precipicel匾额:horizontal inscribed board l厅堂卷帘对轴:couplets wri
18、tten on the scrolls hung on the pillars of hallsl曲阜孔庙:Qufus Confucius Templel泰山岱庙:Mount Tais Dai Templel高僧:senior monksVocabulary work12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphyl 中国有句古话是这样说的:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”lAn ancient Chinese saying goes that Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal,a
19、nd any river can be holy with the presence a dragon.12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphyl许多汉子属象形文字,人们常可以从字的形状揣知其义。lMany Chinese characters are pictographs;often the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial form of the character.12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphyl汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写
20、形式,例如甲骨铭文,青铜器铭文、篆书、隶书、楷书、行书、草书等书写形式。lDuring their long history of development Chinese characters have evolved and been written into many different artistic styles,including inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and ancient bronze objects,the seal character,official script,regular script,running s
21、cript and cursive script.12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphyl在以石碑闻名的遐迩的桂林七星岩区域内,各个朝代的铭文随处可见。lWherever you go in the Seven-Star Cave of Guilin,widely known for its stelae,you are likely to see a lavish number of inscriptions from various dynasties.12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphyl对于那些有兴趣把书法作为一种艺术形式来研究的人
22、士来说,曲阜孔庙和泰山岱庙是必游之地。lQufus Confucius Temple and Mount Tais Temple are undoubtedly visitors choice for those who are interested in studying calligraphy as an art form.12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphyl中国历史上许多诗人和高僧字浪迹名山时皆撒墨于悬崖峭壁上,他们以此来抒发自己的感情。lHistorically,many poets and seniors monks wrote inscriptions
23、 on precipices to express their feelings when they visited famous mountains.l国际学术研讨会:session of the International Symposiumsl社区保障和社区服务:Social Security and Community Servicel庆贺:high commendationl就业机制:employment mechanisml社会保障事业:social security workl奠定坚实的物质基础:provide a firm material foundationl结构性失业:s
24、tructural unemploymentl国际劳工事务:International labors affairs12-4 社区服务 Community ServiceVocabulary workl国际劳工组织:International Labor Organizationl联合国开发计划署:United Nations Development Programl维护合法权利:protect legal rightsl街道委员会和里弄居民委员会lresidential district and neighborhood committeel民政部:Ministry of Civil Adm
25、iniatrationl推广:popularize:l薄弱环节,不足之处:weak linksl非政府组织:nongovernmental organizationsl起步晚:late initiationl产生积极影响:exert a positive impact onl发展不平衡:Development is by no means balancedVocabulary work12-4 社区服务 Community Servicel中国与国际劳动组织、联合国开发计划署、世界银行、亚洲开发银行等众多国际机构以及许多国家进行了卓有成效的交流与合作,为促进就业、消除贫困和维护劳动者合法权益发
26、挥积极作用。lChina has conducted fruitful exchanges and cooperation with many countries and international organizations,such as the International Labor Organization,United Nations Development Program,World Bank and Asian Development Bank,It has played a positive role in the international community in prom
27、oting employment,eliminating poverty and protecting the legal rights and interests of workers.12-4 社区服务 Community Servicel新建立的市场导向就业机制和社会保障体系,为进一步推动劳动和社会保障事业的发展奠定了良好基础。lThe newly established market-oriented employment mechanism and social security system that have been established across China have
28、laid a good foundation for further promotion of labor and social security undertakings.12-4 社区服务 Community Servicel人口老龄化和农村富余劳动力的增加将进一步加大对社会保障的压力,发展农村社会保障事业任重而道远。lThe aging of the population and the increase of surplus and reduntant labor force in the rural areas put more pressure on social security
29、,and promotion of social security in rural areas will take a long uphill journey.12-4 社区服务 Community Servicel我国社区服务起步较晚,发展还很不平衡。还有许多不足之处和薄弱环节需要克服。lChinas community service has a late start and its development is by no means balanced;therefore,much work need be done to offset the problems and strengthen the weak links.12-4 社区服务 Community Servicel各位专家学者所作的学术报告对促进和改善我们的工作,必将产生积极的影响。lThe presentations given by various scholars and specialists at this conference are sure to exert a positive impact on the furtherance and improvement of our work lying ahead.结束结束