1、从从现现在开始在开始 千万不要千万不要饮饮食日食日本的海本的海鲜鲜或生或生鱼鱼片片Beware Japanese food lovers!From now on,stop eating Japanese foods.Why?See the following slides!上次地震之后上次地震之后损损坏的日本核能坏的日本核能发发电电厂的放射性物厂的放射性物质质开始流入的海开始流入的海洋或者周洋或者周边边。开始。开始发现发现畸形海畸形海鲜鲜及植物。及植物。Strange fish and vegetation started to appear in Japan after a nuclear
2、disaster which caused an explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in the aftermath of the countrys biggest earthquake and devastating tsunami.日本日本变变异的异的鱼类鱼类 Strange fish in JapanFish Caught Near Fukushima Shows Record Radiation Level 2,500 Times Above Safety Standardsby Lidija Grozdanic,01/22/
3、13 周周边边国家已国家已经经停止了与日本的海停止了与日本的海鲜贸鲜贸易。从日本易。从日本进进口的青口的青鱼鱼,贝贝壳,香菇壳,香菇是第一个一定要避开的食品是第一个一定要避开的食品。Neighboring countries had stopped importing sea foods from Japan,especially to avoid Black Carps,Shells,Mushrooms,etc.变变异异的的海海产产受到放射性物受到放射性物质质的食品的食品饮饮食之后食之后1-2年内会年内会诱发诱发食道癌,淋巴食道癌,淋巴癌,白血病等。特癌,白血病等。特别别是是对对幼儿,孕幼儿
4、,孕妇妇会有更大的影响会有更大的影响。1 to 2 years after eating food contaminated by nuclear radiation can develop into cancer,especially for small children and pregnant women.日本的放射性物日本的放射性物质质已已经经向海洋流入,而且受影响的海洋面向海洋流入,而且受影响的海洋面积积越越来越广。来越广。美国的美国的临临海中被海中被发现发现到放射性数到放射性数值值越来越高。越来越高。尽量能不去日本最好不要去。尽量能不去日本最好不要去。Japan nuclear m
5、aterial has leaked out into the ocean that reaches as far as America West-coast.It was reported that the sea water was found to be contaminated in an alarming quantity of the nuclear waste material.If possible,please do not travel to Japan.目前周目前周边边国家把日本的放射性国家把日本的放射性污污染以染以TOP新新闻闻来告知自国来告知自国人,不要人,不要饮饮食
6、日本的食日本的东东西西。日本的海日本的海鲜鲜,菇,菇类类都不要都不要饮饮食食。目前日本的状况比我目前日本的状况比我们们想象的想象的还严还严重重,全日本,全日本领领土的土的70%以上被以上被污污染。它的染。它的严严重超重超过过想象,日本政府怕想象,日本政府怕带带来恐慌他来恐慌他们们会放弃或者会放弃或者谎谎言来告知周言来告知周边边人人。Countries around Japan have put out a top priority news informing the people,not to eat and drink Japanese related sea food,mushroom,
7、etc.Recently in Japan,the condition of contamination is even worse than what we could imagine.To avoid panic,the Japanese Government put out a lie by informing them that everything is under control.日日本本各各个个地地方方开开始始发发现现了了:畸畸形形黄黄瓜瓜变变异异的的菇菇类类Strange MushroomStrange Cucumber can appear everywhere in Jap
8、an.畸畸形形草草莓莓Strange Strawberry畸畸形形西西红红柿柿Strange TomatoEven the relatively minimal amount of radiation that was leaked during the Fukushima Daiichi power plant disaster in 2011 is having a big impact on wild monkeys in the region.A new study has shown that monkeys in the Fukushima,Japan area are suffe
9、ring from blood anomalies linked to nuclear fall-out.(Photo:Wiki CC0-PMS2718)Jul 25,2014 02:13 PM EDT更惊更惊讶讶的是玫瑰花的是玫瑰花中中间间出出现现了畸形草,了畸形草,还还出出现现了畸形百合了畸形百合花,畸形茄子等等花,畸形茄子等等植物以及畸形青蛙植物以及畸形青蛙等等动动物物。这这些些说说明日本国土明日本国土的植物的植物动动物开始物开始产产生畸形了。生畸形了。寿司是日本寿司是日本代表菜肴。代表菜肴。Sushi is Japanese famous dish.有位日本有位日本渔渔夫几天前在网夫几
10、天前在网络电视络电视里忠告日本里忠告日本国民,千万不要吃旋国民,千万不要吃旋转转寿司。他寿司。他说说最近两周最近两周内他抓内他抓获获的海的海鲜鲜里里发现发现了一些畸形了一些畸形鱼类鱼类。这这些些鱼类鱼类廉价来出售廉价来出售给这给这些餐些餐厅厅,日本,日本临临近海近海域里抓域里抓获获的的鱼类鱼类放射性数放射性数值值达到达到380被。被。.Do not anyhow eat Sushi in Japan for these strange fish with high radiation level were sold at cheap prize to the restaurant.A sign
11、 inside a Hong Kong super-market assures shoppers that the sushi for sale is not of Japanese origin.Radiation effect to the Butterfly found in Okinawa.核核辐辐射会引射会引发动发动物基因突物基因突变变已是人所共知的事已是人所共知的事实实,而日本福,而日本福岛岛核核电电站泄漏引站泄漏引发发的的辐辐射危机已射危机已经经开始开始显显露。近日,日本琉球大学的露。近日,日本琉球大学的研究人研究人员发现员发现,爆,爆发发核危机的日本福核危机的日本福岛县岛县蝴
13、研究人,研究人员发现员发现在有大量放射性物在有大量放射性物质质的的地区,蝴蝶翅膀更小,眼睛地区,蝴蝶翅膀更小,眼睛发发育不育不规则规则。6个月后,研究人个月后,研究人员员再再次从上述次从上述10个地方收集蝴蝶,个地方收集蝴蝶,发现发现来自福来自福岛岛的蝴蝶基因突的蝴蝶基因突变变率几率几乎是此前乎是此前2倍。倍。For detailed information,please refer to article in Wikipedia“Radiation effect from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster”Excerpt from“Fukushim
14、a Radiation Leak:5 Things You Should Know”By Tanya Lewis,Staff Writer|August 21,2013 05:05pm ETHow will the radioactive material affect sea life?Ever since the 2011 disaster,scientists have been measuring levels of radioactivity in fish and other sea life.Several species of fish caught off the coast
15、 of Fukushima in 2011 and 2012 had cesium levels that exceeded Japans regulatory limit for seafood,but the overall cesium levels of ocean life have dropped since the fall of 2011,U.S.and Japanese scientists both reported.U.S.scientists say the groundwater leaks could become worse,but warn against dr
16、awing conclusions about the impacts on sea life before peer-reviewed studies are completed.For fish that are harvested 100 miles 160 kilometers out to sea,I doubt itd be a problem,Nicholas Fisher,a marine biologist at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook,N.Y.,told LiveScience for a previous article
17、.But in the region,yes,its possible there could be sufficient contamination of local seafood,so itd be unwise to eat that seafood,Fisher said.多数日本人开始研究移民,但多数日本人开始研究移民,但驻驻日日本的加拿大,澳大利本的加拿大,澳大利亚亚大使大使馆对馆对日日本人的本人的签证签证停止了停止了。New figures reveal the number of Japanese leaving their homeland for a life abroa
18、d has more than tripled in the wake of last 2011 earthquake,tsunami and nuclear accident.As of 5/1/2012,Canadian embassy in Tokyo closed the Visa department and they will accept none of the new application.According to Australian embassy,they will no longer process the visa application from Japanese
19、 citizens in Japan after this May 2013.亲爱亲爱的朋友的朋友们们!为为了了亲亲人、朋友和我人、朋友和我们们同胞的健康同胞的健康请请分享到你的空分享到你的空间间里,大家会感里,大家会感谢谢你的!你的!Please share this message to your relatives and friends.They will really appreciate you very much.搜集图文:网络搜集图文:网络 Pictures from:InternetPPS 编制:阮辉杰,新加坡编制:阮辉杰,新加坡 PPS by:Oei Hui Kiat,SingaporeEnglish caption:Mostly by Oei HK,Thanks for your advice制制成日期:成日期:2014.09.03.周三周三Date completed:Wed.03 Sept.2014背景音乐背景音乐 Music: