1、20222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材阅读素材 545420222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材 5454Slow Food MovementSlow Food MovementThe International Slow Food Movement was founded in 1986 byThe International Slow Food Movement was founded in 1986 byleftistleftist journalistjournalist CarloCarlo PetriniPetr
2、ini inin a a determineddetermined efforteffort toto wagewageintellectualintellectual warwar onon thethe homogenizationhomogenization ofof foodfood aroundaround thethe world.world.SpurredSpurred byby thethe openingopening ofof ItalysItalys firstfirst McDonaldsMcDonalds inin Rome,Rome,CarloCarlostarte
3、d the organization determined to save regional foods and smallstarted the organization determined to save regional foods and smallproducers from extinction and to revive taste and the senses.producers from extinction and to revive taste and the senses.TheThe backbonebackbone ofof thethe non-profitno
4、n-profit organizationorganization areare groupsgroups ofofpeoplepeople whowho meetmeet informallyinformally toto shareshare andand promotepromote locallocal smallsmallproducers,producers,toto learnlearn aboutabout culinaryculinary traditionstraditions andand cultures,cultures,andand totoarrange tast
5、ings.An important aspect of Slow Food was introducedarrange tastings.An important aspect of Slow Food was introducedtoto identifyidentify andand publicizepublicize endangeredendangered foodsfoods suchsuch asas tunatuna roeroe andandMoselle red peaches,and to encourage people to seek them out,withMos
6、elle red peaches,and to encourage people to seek them out,withthe theory that if the market demands,supply will increase.Anotherthe theory that if the market demands,supply will increase.Anotherimportantimportant componentcomponent ofof SlowSlow FoodFood is is thethe commitmentcommitment toto teacht
7、eachchildren aboutchildren about tastetaste andand food andfood and toto developdevelop theirtheir senses andsenses and theirtheirappreciation of food and the pleasures of the table.appreciation of food and the pleasures of the table.Slow Food Festivals are broad-reaching,not only acknowledgingSlow
8、Food Festivals are broad-reaching,not only acknowledgingand encouraging individual artisans,but also celebrating the role ofand encouraging individual artisans,but also celebrating the role offood throughout every aspect of culture.Workshops where tastes arefood throughout every aspect of culture.Wo
9、rkshops where tastes areexplored in their cultural context are an important component of theexplored in their cultural context are an important component of the第 2 页InternationalInternational SlowSlow FoodFood Movement.Movement.ForFor instance,instance,thethe GermanysGermanysFestivalFestival hadhad
10、3030 differentdifferent ones,ones,eacheach aboutabout anan hourhour andand halfhalf long.long.They sell out quickly too.A speaker at a head table discoursed on theThey sell out quickly too.A speaker at a head table discoursed on thehistoryhistory ofof dishesdishes peoplepeople werewere eating,eating
11、,andand thethe relationshiprelationship ofof food,food,work,work,andand eatingeating toto thethe life andlife and cultureculture ofof thethe GermanGerman province ofprovince ofSchleswig Holstein.Schleswig Holstein.InIn anan attemptattempt toto popularizepopularize thethe SlowSlow FoodFood MovementMo
12、vement inin thetheUnitedUnited States,States,CarloCarlo PetriniPetrini mademade a a 10-day10-day triptrip acrossacross thethe UnitedUnitedStates,ending up as the honorary guest at the Berkeley meeting,slow,States,ending up as the honorary guest at the Berkeley meeting,slow,10-course10-course dinnerd
13、inner celebratingcelebrating simplysimply prepared,prepared,regionalregional products.products.Guests sampled appetizers of ferns,sipped wines and chatted,beforeGuests sampled appetizers of ferns,sipped wines and chatted,beforesitting down to salmon with lime oil,followed by white asparagus insittin
14、g down to salmon with lime oil,followed by white asparagus inherbs.herbs.ThisThis dishdish waswas precededpreceded byby a a dining-roomdining-room demonstrationdemonstration ofofchefchef Jean-PierreJean-Pierre MoulleMoulle showingshowing howhow toto cleanclean thethe fishfish withoutwithoutcutting i
15、t open,a performance cheered by the group,a collection ofcutting it open,a performance cheered by the group,a collection ofover 50 enthusiasts seated at long tables.over 50 enthusiasts seated at long tables.To defend biodiversity we have to defend small producers.TheTo defend biodiversity we have to
16、 defend small producers.TheSlowSlow FoodFood MovementMovement is is differentdifferent fromfrom ecologicalecological movementsmovements andandfromfrom gastronomygastronomy movements.movements.GastronomicalGastronomical movementsmovements dontdontdefenddefend thethe smallsmall producersproducers andand theirtheir products,products,andand ecologicalecologicalmovementsmovements fightfight thethe battles,battles,butbut cantcant cook.cook.SlowSlow FoodFood MovementMovementhas both at the same time.has both at the same time.第 3 页 4 页第