1、20222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材阅读素材 979720222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材 9797Chinese Immigrants in the USAChinese Immigrants in the USAChineseChinese AmericansAmericans makemake upup a a tinytiny fractionfraction ofof USUS population,population,andand theirtheir numerousnumerous contribut
2、ionscontributions toto theirtheir adoptedadopted landland areare muchmuchappreciated.appreciated.However,However,it it waswas onceonce commoncommon inin AmericaAmerica toto associateassociateChineseChinese AmericansAmericans withwith restaurantsrestaurants andand laundries.laundries.PeoplePeople did
3、did notnotrealizerealize thatthat thethe ChineseChinese hadhad beenbeen drivendriven intointo thesethese occupationsoccupations bybythe prejudice and discrimination.the prejudice and discrimination.The first Chinese to reach the USA came during the CaliforniaThe first Chinese to reach the USA came d
4、uring the CaliforniaGold Rush of 1849.In that largely unoccupied land,the men staked aGold Rush of 1849.In that largely unoccupied land,the men staked aclaimclaim forfor themselvesthemselves byby placingplacing markersmarkers inin thethe ground.ground.EitherEitherbecause the Chinese were so differen
5、t from the others in speech andbecause the Chinese were so different from the others in speech andappearance,including a long pigtail at the back of their otherwiseappearance,including a long pigtail at the back of their otherwiseshavedshaved heads,heads,oror becausebecause theythey workedworked sos
6、o patientlypatiently thatthat theytheysucceededsucceeded inin turningturning a a seeminglyseemingly worthlessworthless miningmining claimclaim intointo a aprofitableprofitable one,one,theytheybecamebecamethethescapegoatsscapegoatsofoftheirtheir enviousenviouscompetitors.They were harassed in many wa
7、ys,and therefore startedcompetitors.They were harassed in many ways,and therefore startedtoto seekseek outout otherother waysways ofof earningearning a a living.living.SomeSome beganbegan toto dodo thethelaundry for the white miners;others set up small restaurants.Therelaundry for the white miners;o
8、thers set up small restaurants.Therebeing almost no women in California in those days,the Chinese filledbeing almost no women in California in those days,the Chinese filleda real need by doing this womans work.a real need by doing this womans work.In the early 1860s more Chinese were imported as wor
9、k crewsIn the early 1860s more Chinese were imported as work crews第 2 页toto constructconstruct thethe firstfirst transcontinentaltranscontinental railroad.railroad.TheyThey werewere neededneededbecausebecause thethe workwork waswas soso backbreakingbackbreaking andand dangerous,dangerous,andand wasw
10、ascarriedcarried outout inin suchsuch a a remoteremote partpart ofof thethe countrycountry thatthat thethe railroadrailroadcompanycompany couldntcouldnt findfind otherother laborerslaborers forfor thethe job.job.AsAs inin thethe casecase ofoftheirtheir predecessors,predecessors,thesethese ChineseChi
11、nese werewere almostalmost allall malesmales andandencountered a great deal of prejudice and hostility.When times wereencountered a great deal of prejudice and hostility.When times werehard,they were blamed for working for lower wages and taking jobshard,they were blamed for working for lower wages
12、and taking jobsawayaway fromfrom whitewhite men.men.Anti-ChineseAnti-Chinese riotsriots brokebroke out,out,andand ChineseChinesewere barred from using courts and from becoming American citizens.were barred from using courts and from becoming American citizens.ManyMany ChineseChinese returnedreturned
13、 toto theirtheir homeland,homeland,andand theirtheir numbersnumbersdeclined sharply in the early 20th century.However,during WW II,declined sharply in the early 20th century.However,during WW II,when China was an ally of the US,the Chinese Exclusion Act,passedwhen China was an ally of the US,the Chi
14、nese Exclusion Act,passedin 1882,was ended.In 1965,in a general revision of US immigrationin 1882,was ended.In 1965,in a general revision of US immigrationlaws,many more Chinese were permitted to settle.laws,many more Chinese were permitted to settle.From the start,Chinese had lived apart in Chinato
15、wns,whereFrom the start,Chinese had lived apart in Chinatowns,wherethethe residentsresidents organizedorganized unofficialunofficial governmentsgovernments toto makemake communitycommunityrules and to settle disputes.Unable to find jobs on the outside,manyrules and to settle disputes.Unable to find
16、jobs on the outside,manywentwent intointo businessbusiness forfor themselvesthemselves-primarilyprimarily toto serveserve theirtheir ownownneighborhood.neighborhood.ToTo thisthis day,day,certaincertain Chinatowns,Chinatowns,especiallyespecially thosethose ofofSan Francisco and New York,are busy,thri
17、ving communities,whichSan Francisco and New York,are busy,thriving communities,whichhave become great attractions for tourists and those enjoying Chinesehave become great attractions for tourists and those enjoying Chinesefood.Chinese Americans retain many aspects of their ancientfood.Chinese Americans retain many aspects of their ancient第 3 页第 4 页