1、20222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材阅读素材 1 120222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材 1 1Weight Loss MythsWeight Loss MythsDieting and weight loss is a subject filled with myths,half-truthsDieting and weight loss is a subject filled with myths,half-truthsand inaccuracies.Here are some of the more commo
2、n fallacies aboutand inaccuracies.Here are some of the more common fallacies aboutlosing weight.losing weight.Myth 1.Being Overweight is Unhealthy:Being overweight mayMyth 1.Being Overweight is Unhealthy:Being overweight maybebe unfashionableunfashionable butbut itsits notnot necessarilynecessarily
3、unhealthy.unhealthy.IndeedIndeed therethere is isevidenceevidence thatthat peoplepeople whowho areare upup toto 1515 poundspounds overweightoverweight actuallyactuallylive longer than those of normal weight.it is only when we becomelive longer than those of normal weight.it is only when we becomeser
4、iouslyseriously overweightoverweight oror obeseobese thatthat ourour healthhealth beginsbegins toto suffer.suffer.Another importantAnother important factor is where we carryfactor is where we carryourour excess weight.excess weight.ForForexample,example,anan obeseobese manman whowho carriescarries h
5、ishis excessexcess weightweight aroundaround hishismiddle is more vulnerable to disease than an obese man whose excessmiddle is more vulnerable to disease than an obese man whose excessweight is distributed more widely.weight is distributed more widely.Myth 2.Losing Weight Means eating Small Portion
6、s:We are allMyth 2.Losing Weight Means eating Small Portions:We are allbrainwashed into thinking that losing weight or dieting means eatingbrainwashed into thinking that losing weight or dieting means eatingtiny portions.But its not true,because some foods contain a lot moretiny portions.But its not
7、 true,because some foods contain a lot morecalories than others.For example,one small pastry can be higher incalories than others.For example,one small pastry can be higher incaloriescalories thanthan a a wholewhole platefulplateful ofof chicken,chicken,potatoespotatoes andand vegetables.vegetables.
8、Losing weight means eating fewer calories than we need.However,byLosing weight means eating fewer calories than we need.However,bychoosing foods which are low in calories(and taking regular exercise)choosing foods which are low in calories(and taking regular exercise)wewe cancan oftenoften lose weig
9、htlose weight WITHOUTWITHOUT eatingeating less.less.InIn fact,fact,sometimessometimes第 2 页we can actually eat MORE.we can actually eat MORE.Myth 3.We can Lose Weight From Specific Parts of Our Body:Myth 3.We can Lose Weight From Specific Parts of Our Body:Nonsense.When we start a weight loss plan,ou
10、r body burns fat fromNonsense.When we start a weight loss plan,our body burns fat fromallall availableavailable fatfat stores,stores,notnot justjust fromfrom particularparticular parts.parts.WeWe cannotcannotcontrol this process.If a diet claims to help you lose weight from yourcontrol this process.
11、If a diet claims to help you lose weight from yourthighs only,dont believe it!thighs only,dont believe it!MythMyth 4.4.SomeSome PeoplePeople AreAre FatFat EvenEven ThoughThough TheyThey EatEat NextNext totoNothing:Nothing:EachEach ofof usus usesuses upup caloriescalories atat a a slightlyslightly di
12、fferentdifferent rate,rate,accordingaccording toto ourour metabolicmetabolic rate.rate.Also,Also,certaincertain foodsfoods areare veryverycalorie-dense.calorie-dense.SoSo eveneven thoughthough wewe eateat likelike a a sparrow,sparrow,wewe cancan stillstillweigh like a hippo!Also,studies suggest that
13、 when we are overweightweigh like a hippo!Also,studies suggest that when we are overweightwewe tendtend toto underestimateunderestimate ourour caloriecalorie intake.intake.UnlessUnless wewe areare inin a aspecificspecific medicalmedical condition,condition,thethe reasonreason wewe becomebecome overw
14、eightoverweight is isbecause we are eating more calories than we use.The unused caloriesbecause we are eating more calories than we use.The unused caloriesare then stored as fat.are then stored as fat.MythMyth 5.5.LateLate NightNight EatingEating LeadsLeads toto WeightWeight Gain:Gain:OurOur bodybod
15、ymetabolises food in the same way,whether its midday or midnight.metabolises food in the same way,whether its midday or midnight.ItsIts notnot WHENWHEN youyou eateat thatthat countscounts-itsits WHATWHAT youryour eat.eat.SoSoalthough eating high-calorie foods like cookies,ice cream and cakesalthough
16、 eating high-calorie foods like cookies,ice cream and cakesinin frontfront ofof thethe TVTV cancan leadlead toto weightweight gain,gain,thisthis is is becausebecause ofof thethehigh-calorie nature of the foods,not because its late in the evening.high-calorie nature of the foods,not because its late in the evening.Myth 6.People are Overweight Because They Dont Exercise:Myth 6.People are Overweight Because They Dont Exercise:第 3 页第 4 页