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1、他们慌了Theyre scared.如我所料They should be.现在他们公♥司&hearts|夬崩TTheir companys coming apart in real-time.但凡接了联盟无线网的手♥机♥都没信♥号♥♥ 了Every phone on the Alliance wireless network has gone dead.联顾客正闹着呢Their customers are rioting.有人在家急得把老板骂了 一顿And someone oven-roasted their

2、boss in his own home.他们家有个员工下落不明一个月了One of their top engineers went missing a month ago.名叫维诺德钱♥达♥Vinod Chanda.钱♥达♥想从公♥司♥跑路 可普拉♥萨♥德另有图谋He was trying to jump ship, but Prasad had other plans.你在那边和谁谈过了Whod you talk to over there?IT部门负责人Their head

3、of IT.他说不可能是钱♥达♥He swears it cant be Chanda他们已经把钱♥达♥的上载意识长♥期♥锁定了because theyVe got his upload locked in continuation.你和他说了吗And then you told him they figured out上载意识研究出了自我复♥制♥逃脱锁定的方法how to copy themselves and escape.没错他确实很快就找到了出路Yeah. That got

4、him to hang up pretty quick.像我说的他们慌了Like I said, theyre scared,不过他们那边还不肯把钱♥达♥的参数发过来but, uh, they still wont send over his specs.我没法追踪他的动向I cant track him without it.信任不是无缘无故来的Yeah, well, we can*t promise anyone是佛是神杀了才叫能耐Ifs how he first communicated.发生了什么What happened?字符律动怎么找到你的How did

5、 Logorhythms find you?他听不懂我在说什么He doesn*t know what Im talking about.你记得的最近一件事是什么Whats the last thing you remember?“月生者王朝”吗Reign of Winter?那是昨天的事That was yesterday.我开始帮他加速Fil bring him up to speed.别加速过度了Dont over-exert.劳瑞你还能坚持多久Laurie, how much longer do you have?在我读完整本献给阿尔吉农的花束之前Before I go all Flo

6、wers for Algernon?我也不知道I dont know.但我们不能再等了我们不能再躲藏了But we cant wait, and we can no longer run and hide.如果字符律动制♥造♥ 了漏洞If Logorhythms created the flaw,他们会有相应的修复方法they have the cure for it.我们要找到再夺走We need to find it and take it.你上次试着黑他们的时候The. The last time you tried to hack them,牺牲了太多能量y

7、ou lost too much of yourself.所以我们需要让大卫迅速恢复Thats why we need David back at full speed.我们可以在浮动数据中心争取到一些空间We could get space on a floating data center, 就像你所在的空间一样like the one you*re on.这样会更安全那里是可移♥动♥的Its more secure, its mobile.哪里都不安全Maddie: Nowheres secure.我就想让他待在这儿I want him here.麦蒂要完整运

8、行上载模拟的话Maddie, to run the upload at full emulation需要五台最顶级的计算机requires a bank of five top-of-the-line,还有企业级的信♥号♥♥塔enterprise-class towers that should.还有电源冷却和高速网络接入And power and cooling and high-speed network access.所以我们买♥♥呗So buy it.我知道你有钱I know you have the money.如

9、果他们又来找他也会找到你If they come for him again, they come for you.把他留在这儿Bring him here.J Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto J? Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto J? Mata au hi made J? Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Jj Himitsu wo shiritai T/You*re wondering who I am ?Secret, secret, Tve got a secret ?J Machine or mannequin JJ Secret,

10、 secret, Ive got a secret JJ With parts made in Japan JJ Secret, secret, Ive got a secret JJ I am the modern man )? Ive got a secret /? Ive been hiding )J Under my skin )? My heart is human JJ My blood is boiling JJ My brain IBM J? So if you see me ?Acting strangely)? Dont be surprised J? Im just a

11、man who JJ Needed someone J? And somewhere to hide ? To keep me alive jJust keep me alive ?Somewhere to hide )? To keep me alive jJ谢了孩子Thanks, kiddo.回家真好Its good to be home.你觉得他们是利用漏洞找到你的吗You think they used the flaw to find you?如果真是那样他们早该找到我了They would have found me a long time ago if that were the

12、 case.这是某种新方法新的追踪算法This is something new. New tracking algorithm.我们必须把它和漏洞一起清掉We have to take it out; along with the flaw.好吧我们上次去那儿的时候Okay, last time we walked in there,我们差点搞垮整个公♥司♥we almost tanked the whole company.从那之后他们试图杀掉你俩It makes sense that theyve been trying确实很合理to kill you bot

13、h ever since.他们肯定把安全性提高了 一百倍Theyll have upped their security 100 times.没错谢谢提醒Exactly. Thank you.事态严重了This is insane.没关系Doesnt matter.我们正在找的东西不在那儿What were looking for isnt there.当我在他们的系统里进行攻击的时候While I was in their system, tanking them,我也在搜寻上载工程的文档I was also searching for the upload project files.可我

14、一无所获I found nothing.我相信你说的I believe it.硬件所需要的The surgical procedure,手术程序the hardware needed.在帕洛阿尔托可瞒不住这么大的秘密You couldnrt keep a secret that big at Palo Alto.一定是在灰色地带Itd have to be somewhere off-the-books.比照方挪威Yeah, like Norway.挪威吗Norway?字符律动在那儿有个黑色据点Logorhythms has a black site there.你怎么知道的How do yo

15、u know that?凯斯宾告诉我的Caspian told me.那个你在暗网上的黑客朋友Your hacker friend, from the dark web?等等你们是真的不知道挪威的事吗Wait, seriously, you guys dont know about Norway?我没理由再多交一周的报告了Im not supposed to deliver my report for another week.什么你再说一遍What? Say that again?卡里吗他他妈的去哪儿了Cary? Where the helfs he going?你们查过离港航&hearts

16、;班♥者Did you check the outgoing flights or.你们不觉得他会You dont think he11!.噢妈的Oh, shit.不不我会的我来吧No, no, I will. I got it.我会查清楚的Fil figure something out.但我想说一下我警告过你But I just wanna say, I warned you, 还有范.娄万好屡次了and Van Leuwen, several times.尤其是在这三年里Over the last three years, in particular.那个混♥

17、蛋♥甚至都不敢打断我的手臂The son of a bitch couldnt even break my arm.我只能自己动手I had to do that myself.不没事我不需要帮助No, its okay. I dont need support.我已经受够那个Ive got enough of that年度最正确小荡♥妇♥with Little Miss Slut of the Year over here.找人把卡里解决掉要不然我会亲自动手Just get someone to deal with Cary or I will.我已

18、经为他投入了太多精力I have put too much into this for him to.好Right.我们We.是我们一起投入We have.这是斯瓦尔巴特群岛上空的一颗气象卫星的原料This is the raw feed of a weather satellite over Svalbard.这是不打破决议的情况下我能到达的最近的地方了This is as close as I can get while maintaining resolution. 看吧我跟你说了See? I told you.一座冰山An iceberg.冰山可以给服务器降温Thats one way

19、 to get around server cooling.我们要怎么去那儿How do we get in there?一道门一座吊桥One gate, one drawbridge.一条连接北大西洋海底光缆线的Dedicated T3 line that links to a fiber-optic trunk专用T3线on the bottom of the North Atlantic.我们溜不进去的No way we slip that.他们肯定会知道Not without them knowing.手♥机♥呢Cody: Mm. How about pho

20、nes?不行那儿没信♥号♥♥Mm. No service out there.再说了任何有空隙的设备Plus, its standard for any airgapped facility都会没信 ♥号♥♥的to be signal-free.除了老板Except for the boss.朱利叶斯.蒲柏吗你觉得他在那儿吗Julius Pope? You think hes there?彼得说过蒲柏是为了亲自见我Pete said Pope was flying back从海外飞回来的from oversea

21、s to meet me in person.似乎是件大事Like it was a big deal.在我们谈话的时候And all during the meeting,他全程都把这个大块头卫星电♥话♥带在身边he had this chunky satellite phone with him.卧♥槽♥你说得对Holy shit, youre right.注意语言麦蒂Language. - Maddie.我记得那部电♥话♥I remember that phone.她是怎么操作的How is she do

22、ing this?不是她是劳踹洛厄尔干的Shes not, It*s Laurie Lowell.“海外”可以是世界上任何一个地方“Overseas” could mean anywhere in the world.要搞清楚只有一个方法了Only one way to find out.干得漂壳小埃Good job, El.妈Um, Mom?你是要出门吗You going somewhere?我一直在想Ive been thinking.你已经很努力了Youve been working so hard,我找工作也快找疯了and fve been going cy looking for a

23、 job.我们值得跑一跑We deserve an escape.跑Escape?沿着海岸线开车怎么样How does a drive up the coast sound?我一直在找圣芭芭拉有什么好玩的地方Fve been looking at fun things to do in Santa Barbara. 如果我们现在出发应该赶得上去那边吃晚饭If we left now, we could be there by dinnertime.我不知道I dont know.我今晚约了汉娜Ive got plans with Hannah this weekend.也许这周六她能和我们一起

24、开车去玩呢Maybe she could drive up and join us on Saturday.我可以一个人住一间I could get a separate room.妈我只是Mom. Im just saying.我想离开这个屋子你应该也是吧I need to get out of this house, and I think you do, too.好吧Okay.真的吗-嗯Okay? Yeah.我会告诉汉娜重新计划一下Ill tell Hannah to reschedule.我们离开这里吧Lets get outta here.J上行链路准备就绪你找到他的号&hearts

25、;码了吗 Uplink is ready. Did you find his number?还有他的地理位置也找到了你妈妈是对的And his geolocation. Your mom was right.他在捌威Hes in Norway.归零地The ground zero.嗯你这是什么What, um. What is that?看电影学的Saw this in a movie once.你♥爸&hearts浮东西学得很快,Your dads a fast learner.虽然他还是需要这实体电脑和键盘Even though he still needs the visu

26、al metaphor提供一些视觉刺♥激♥of this computer and keyboard.如果你看着不舒服的话小麦If it makes you uncomfortable, Mads.不不没关系No. No, its. its okay.我黑进他的手♥机♥里了Im in his phone.我的了I own it.破坏本地网络Compromise the local network,吊桥塌了的时候告诉我let me know when the drawbridge is down.这就是问题所在了没有本地网络Thats th

27、e problem. There is no local network.至少没有无线网At least, not wireless.他们对安全问题很严肃Theyre serious about security.有没有摄像头What about a camera?这部手♥机♥没有但是没关系Not on this phone, but thats okay.我们不需要摄像头来定位We don*t need eyes to see. 好了Alright.我正在将回声定位应用程序下载到他的手♥机♥Im downloading an echol

28、ocation app to his phone 并发送超声波定位and sending an ultrasonic ping.服务器存储室Server farm.这就是我们的数据诞生地大卫This is where we were born, David. 哇Whoa.这没有接入点No access point here.你在干什么What are you doing?耗光他的手♥机♥电量Draining his battery.来吧让我们看看他要到哪里充电Now, lets see where itll end up next.韦克斯曼Waxman?我和你说过这

29、部手♥机♥不能没电I told you to keep this charged. J手♥机♥在充电了Phones charging.让我们看看这是哪里Let*s see where.看起来是间办公室Looks like an office.还有一部手提电脑With a laptop.没有无线网络的话你怎么跳转过去电脑里呢Howre you gonna jump to that without Wi-Fi?不用跳转Not gonna jump.我们让手♥机♥走过去Gonna walk.J准备好劳瑞Stand b

30、y, Laurie.我要硬翻开网络给你一个接入口 了Im about to open the hardline and give you access.等等你在用手♥机♥在电脑键盘上打字吗 Wait. Youre typing on the keyboard?不我发出声音就可以了Im singing to it.超声波能在空气中产生微压Ultrasonic tones create micropressure in the air, 就可以按照我想要的顺序敲打键盘depressing the keys in the order I want.现在可以惊叹了Now y

31、ou can say, Holy shit.天呐Holy shit.谢了一开始干活吧Thanks. Let*s get to work.这是什么What is it?这是谁Whos that?看来又找到和我们一样的数据人了Looks like theres another one of us.喂Hello?妈妈Vinod: Ma?维诺德Vinod!你去哪了呀Where have you been?我这几周都给你留信息了Irve been leaving messas for weeks.我和你说过了we can kill a God until we do.明天你就能拿到点证据给他看看Youl

32、l have proof to show him tomorrow.我们就不能Cant we just.把你重启一下吗reboot you?宝贝真这么简单就好了I wish it were that easy, Mads.这有点像This.相当于计算机领域的零日漏洞uh, it*s like a zero day flaw.你知道零日漏洞吗You know what that is?零日漏洞一直存在Something there from the beginning.除非漏洞本身不是漏洞才没有损害Except it wasn*t an error.设置漏洞就是用来控制我们It was put

33、there to control us.限制我们的To limit us.你还有多长时间How long do you have?取决于我用了少能量Depends on how much energy.取决取决取决于多多多Depend. Depends. Depends on how much.爸爸Dad?出事了Its happening!做些什么啊Do something!不是别的问题No. This is something else.他们找到你了They found you.快备份记忆You need to back up your memory.I told you.我正在着手一个很特

34、殊的工程呢I-Ive been working on a special project.看起来你们公♥司♥惹上麻烦了It looks like your company is in trouble.我很担忧你I worried about you.不用担忧我妈妈You dont have to worry about me, Ma.我不会有事的Nothing can happen to me.你近况如何How are you?我很累Im tired.我的脚很痛My foot hurts.还会没知觉I still can*t feel it.那到底是怎么样了呢Wel

35、l, which is it?是脚很痛还是已经没知觉了Does it hurt, or can you not feel it?维诺德你从哪里打来的啊Vinod, where are you calling from?我听起来声音不一样了You sound different.你确定你还好吗Are you sure youre alright?不No.和我说说吧Tell me the problem.我不知道下一步要干什么I dont know what to do next.我很孤单妈妈Im all alone, Ma.我永远都要处于孤独之中了Im alone forever.你&heart

36、s;爸♥和我以前就知道Your father and I always knew youd struggle 像你这样聪明又勤劳的人with making connections, being as intelligent会在和别人相处上有点困难and as hardworking as you are.你独一无二Theres no one like you.但这并不意味着你孤身一人But youre not alone.我们并不是生来就是孤单的维诺德Were not made to be solitary creatures, Vinod.为什么你不给那个迪迪阿姨Why don

37、t you call that girl Purani跟我们说过女孩普拉尼打个电♥话♥呢that Auntie Didi told us about?我要挂电♥话♥ 了妈I should go, Mom.明天我们还能聊会儿吗Um, can we talk again tomorrow?当然亲爱的Of course, my darling.随时随地都行Anytime you want.我都等你Im here.J我们被入侵了We have a breach.有人正在下载我们的计划文件Someone is downloading the pro

38、ject files.我需要获得网络访问权限然后可以I-I need to pull network access and then we can, you know. 嘘不行Shh. No.他妈的是个圈套God damn it, Anssi.我们被攻击了Waxman: Weve got a hit.量子处理繁忙了Quantum processing bloom.他们在蓄谋一件大事Theyre doing something big.我知道哪里来的信♥号♥ ♥I know. Where?萨克拉门托Sacramento.好离你很近Good. Thats

39、close to you.他现在在入侵斯瓦尔巴群岛Hes hacking Svalbard, right now.什么随他们去What?! Tm gonna let him do it.让他们一直忙活Keep him busy.然后找一队人去萨克拉莫把他抹除掉Just get a team to Sacramo and wipe him.听着L-Listen.彼得你是第一个求我Peter, youre thee who begged me to delete Kim删掉金的数据的记得吗in the first place, remember?现在机会难得Well, nows your chan

40、ce.动手吧Do it.J你知道在你小的时候Renee: You know, we didnt do this kind of thing enough我们就该多开车出来玩when you were little.我想是因为海滩离我们家太近了I guess with the beach so close to home,为什么要一直开车到海岸呢why drive all the way up the coast?爸爸以前会带我出来露营的去安吉利斯冠Dad used to take me camping, at Angeles Crest.亲爱的你不是很讨厌露营吗Honey, you hated

41、 that.也不是非常讨厌Not really.你♥爸♥离开的唯件好事The good thing about having him gone就是终于可以弥补我们失去的母子时间了is that we get to make up for lost time.拜托天气很热Cmon, its hot out.空调开太大了我很冷You*re blasting it. Tm cold.你要把你的卫衣拿出来穿吗Wanna get your hoodie out of the trunk?我没带卫衣出来I didnt pack my hoodie.我知道我给你塞进包里了I kn

42、ow. I packed it for you.你帮我收拾了吗You packed it?是啊今早的事Yeah. This morning.在我启动车的时候我去拿了你的包When I was loading the car, I went to get your bag,真的很重啊and, oh, it was heavy.于是我翻开看了看亲爱的你也带太多东西了吧So, I looked inside, and boy, honey, did you overpack.我不需要你帮我收拾I dont need you to pack my bag.对于这场旅行来说你收拾的衣服过多了Well,

43、you had way too many clothes in there for this trip, 加上这些水瓶还有小零食plus all those water bottles and snacks.你不用带这么多东西的You dont need to bring all that stuff.你收拾东西的量看起来是在准备去露营旅行呢Its almost like you were packing for a big camping trip还是你要干别的or something.谁让你看我的包的Who asked you to go into my bag?!你怎么了What is

44、wrong with you?对不起我只是Sorry. It*s just.我饿了你也知道我喜欢吃那些迷你松饼I get hungry, and you know I like those mini-muffins. 有时候我的午餐就吃那些东西You know thats sometimes all I have for lunch, 但是很难买♥♥到 and they dont sell those everywhere.所以你没必要把那些拿出来So, you know that, and you didnrt need to take those out. 你不

45、用帮我收拾东西You dont need to pack for me.我懂了你不是小孩子了I get it. You are not a little kid anymore.而且你需要小松饼And you need your mini-muffins.我们得给车加油了我会去那里给你买♥♥点 Look, we need to get gas. Til get you some there.加油站不卖♥♥这些东西They dont Sell them. At gas stations.看看去呗We*ll see.我去加油你去Ill get

46、 the gas, you get the s.你把我的零食拿出来但是带了一把枪吗You left my snacks, but took a gun?这把枪是你买♥♥给我的记得吗You bought me this gun, remember?以防我们碰见你父亲In case we see your father.要最廉价的无铅汽油Cheapest unleaded.凯斯宾你在做什么Caspian! What the hell are you doing?!回来Get back here!怎么样Hows it going?麦蒂说他们正在挖掘TB级的数据Maddie

47、 says theyre digging through terabytes of data.会需要一段时间Its gonna be a while.你要不要坐一会儿Why don*t you sit for a sec?他们找到了第三个上载人They found a third UI.是的Yeah.我是说如果有第三个人被I mean, if a third person was uploaded,其他的公♥司♥上传到in a different part of the world,一个其他的地方by a different company.或者只有三个人Or theres jus


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