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1、“你在温蒂家做什么?“What were you doing at Wendy*s house?1小露拉惊讶地问asked Little Lula, astonished.彼得和洛塔把整个故事告诉了他们布鲁叔叔不再生气So, Peter and Lotta told them the whole story, and Uncle Blue stopped being cross因为孩子们替温蒂做了一件好事because the children had done a nice thing for Wendy.如果你分得清左右If you can tell left from right/(森林

2、的孩子们)他次日早上说道俄就带你去旋转木马he said the next morning, Til take you to the merry-go-round.彼得和洛塔现在分得清左右了”Peter and Lotta were sure about their left and right now.1(缅因州煤烟屋)(缅因州斯普鲁斯黑德)走进煤烟屋会给人一种与走进其他房♥屋完全不同的感受The feeling of walking in the Soot House was unlike any other house.这个空间有一种平静的气氛Theres, like, a

3、 calmness to the space.非常宁静It*s very serene.墙壁的纹理The texture of the walls.木材的颜色很微妙The color of the wood. Its very subtle.只有身临其境才能真正体会To be there is really the only way to really experience it properly.(纽♥约♥时♥报♥时尚杂♥志♥设计总监汤姆 德拉万)侧墙按几千年前的日本风格打造The siding was do

4、ne as it was in Japan thousands of years ago.贴墙面板按美洲殖民时期的风格打造The shingles were done as they were done in colonial America.有很多层次令人越来越感兴趣There were so many layers to it. It just got more and more interesting.我感觉安东尼对此有他自己的见解And I feci like Anthony had his vision for that.有强烈的个人风格感觉像他本人Perfect. It was l

5、ike it felt exactly right.我们是一个清晨在普罗维登斯的这家咖啡馆里认识的We met in the morning super early at this coffee shop in Providence.我还记得他在我们前面排队的画面I remember, I can, like, picture him standing in line in front of us.我们都看到了彼此可以说是一见钟情And so I think we both saw each other and had an instant connection.太疯狂了Ifs crazy.我

6、之前从未对任何人有过这种感觉Which I had never had with anybody before.我从未第一次见到某人I had never just seen somebody out of the blue就立刻对那个人产生了好感and felt so instantly connected to them.他之后去工作了那天晚上我又见到了他接下来的事大家都知道了He went to work, and I saw him that evening, and the rest is history.我们都觉得彼此是对的人We both were just very much

7、like, Youre. Youre. Youre it.-是冷的是-And its cold. -Yeah. Yeah.当朱莉出现时我心想:“就是她了”When Julie came along; I would say, Ah, thats the one.我感到了一种平静与抚慰因为他找到了I felt a sense of peace and comfort that he had found someone 最适合自己的人that was the best possible match for him.当时我住在缅因州的一个小木屋里At that time, I was living

8、in this tiny little cabin in Maine.我们知道我们不能都住在那里We knew we both couldnt live there.我觉得我们想住在别的地方尤其是我们即将要组建家庭了I think we just wanted to be somewhere else, especially as we start a family. 我们去看过很多地And so we looked at a lot of properties.我们已经看过其他几个地方都不行We*ve already checked out a couple other places, an

9、d they*re just not gonna work.我们驾车行驶在这条路上车道非常完美So, were driving up this road; and the driveway is, like, perfect.弯道的弧度刚刚好还有漂亮的石墙Its got the right curve, and its got this nice stone wall.我和朱莉互相看着对方说:“对就是它了”Julie and I are looking at each other, like, Oh, yeah, this is it. 我们都惊呆了I think we were awestr

10、uck.她说:我们买♥♥下来吧She was like, Lets do it.”我没有真正建房♥子的经验I didnt have any real experience at actually building houses.朱莉非常信任我的能力Julie put a lot of, uh, trust in my abilities.(木柴炉舒适的椅子) 最后用了四年时间才建好It ended up taking, like, over four years to get this all together.这不是一项小工程It was no sm

11、all feat.煤烟屋是由一个老旧的小木屋改造的The Soot House started as an old two-by-four barn.它原木是一个简陋的小屋It was an existing, kind of stick-built structure 被用来当做花♥国♥储物棚 that they used as a garden shed.我们考虑可以把它撤除或是保存下来So, were like, ”We could tear this down or save it.(之前的位置)(新工作室位置)我们不想让它留在之前的位置And so, we

12、 didnrt want it where it was.于是决定把它吊起来挪到现在这个位置And we decided that we wanted to pick it up and move it and nestle it over here.我们的目标是把所有与房♥子不协调的东西And so our goal was to kind of pull back all of the stuff 全部撤除that felt like it didnt belong然后把房♥子安置在一块土地上and set this house onto a piece of

13、property给人一种它一直就建在这里的感觉where it felt like it has been here forever.不去破坏这片土地真正的美对我们来说非常重要It was just really important for us to not disrupt the true beauty of this land.安东尼从房♥子的边缘捡起了 39平方厘米的苔葬Anthony literally picked up six-inch squares of moss off the ledge,把苔葬放到其他地方去生长他什么都没有破坏lifted them up,

14、 brought them somewhere else to grow, without disrupting anything.他对待一切都非常小心翼翼He has such a light touch on things.对他来说这是他默默追逐艺术的方式For him, its just this quiet waywith which he goes about pursuing his artistry.他把这年久失修的木屋改建成了一个美丽的建筑He took this old dilapidated barn and just created a beautiful structu

15、re,无论是室内还是室外both outside and inside.我们让房♥子的西南方向面对一小片空地We positioned the house to have a slight southwest exposure.这座房♥子的重点是后院能够看到峡谷中的风景So, this house is all about the view in the back into this ravine.就像日本的花♥园♥Just like in Japanese gardens.但是那里有一个71厘米的落差坡度较陡But theres a p

16、retty steep 28-inch grade change.我们开始考虑房♥屋的形态该如何利用这个空间We started thinking about form and how were gonna use up that space.最后我们决定把这个落差包括在房♥屋内部And so we decided to use that grade change inside the building.把厨房♥设计在了那里Drop the kitchen in that spot.在主体空间地板下设置了储物空间Do some storage unde

17、r the platform of the main space.这屋子不大只有一层半It*s not a big building. Its only a story and a half.所以我们设计了一个阁楼这让我们在美学设计方面有了更多自♥由♥So, we do a loft, which allowed for a lot more freedom of aesthetics.我们知道房♥子的大局部结构上都要用到灰泥We knew that we were gonna want plaster for the majority of the

18、place.石膏灰泥里含有不纯的石英所以呈灰色Gypsum plaster has this impurity of quartz in it, so it has this gray,这就令室内空间显得有深度that then allows a depth to be created.我在学校里学到人们看到的第一样东西是最重要的I learned in school that whatever your eye sees first becomes incredibly important. 那样东西会奠定这个空间的气氛与基调And thats what sets the mood, set

19、s that tone for the space.所以我才使用开口结合的烧杉板来做侧墙So, thats how I got the burn-board siding thats open joint.屋顶上的侧墙也一样Same siding as on the roof.我认为细节决定了整体For me, the details are what make up the whole.如果不去考虑建房♥使用的材料If youre not thinking about the materials that youre putting into the house, 那将错失整个

20、建筑的灵魂then youre missing out on the whole life of the building.这里有几个我在美学方面追求的特点Theres some key features here aesthetically that I was shooting for, 比方使用大量的松木using lots of pine.能看出明显的光泽像抹了油一样You can really see oil and a shine to it.使用了很多混凝土楼梯是混凝土做的Did a lot of concrete work. We did concrete stairs.水槽是

21、混凝土浇铸的We cast the sinks in concrete.室内有很多小细节比方使用了铜The little touches inside, the use of copper,楼梯的扶手the railing that goes on the stairway,曾用来摘苹果的旧梯子the old ladder that was used to take apples off of a tree.仿佛这些东西组成了一首交响曲Its like a symphony of how things come together.我们希望生活在这样的环境里来帮助我们理解生活就是一件艺术品We

22、wanted to have this backdropfor understanding your life as a piece of art.家和身边的一切都是艺术品And your house as a piece of art and the things you surround yourself with.我们用了很多时间才收集到所有我们喜爱的物件It took us a long time to collect all the things that we love.我们非常希望能与其他人提供And we really wanted to be able to share th

23、at with other people.这个屋子的能源利用率对我们来说很重要The efficiency of this building was important for us,我们可以使用少量资源便可以取暖to be able to stay warm and to use a small amount of resources to heat it. 我将煤烟屋设计成可以充分利用木材取暖的房♥屋I designed the Soot House to be optimized for wood heat.我们有一个利用对流原理运作的木柴炉And so we have a

24、 woodstove that works on convection.空气沿着地板流动The air passes along the floor然后沉入厨房♥里冰冷的水槽中and then it sinks into the cold sink of the kitchen.木柴炉就在那里Thats where the woodstove is.木柴炉再把这些冷空气加热The woodstove then heats up all that cold air.冷空气上升来到阁楼的地板处That cold air rises; hits the loft floor,穿过地板的

25、底部充满整个空间passes cross the bottom of the floor, fills the space,然后空气继续上升到阁楼的空间里then air rises into the vaulted space.关键在于后侧的山墙Key here is that at the back gable,阁楼的地板上有一个格栅和整个地板一样长the floor of the loft has a grate that runs across the whole length of it.所以地板之间有缝隙So, there*s space in between the floorb

26、oards,然后冷空气再下沉so the air then is pulled down.空气继续这种被动的对流循环And then the air just continues in this passive convection loop, 一个温柔、缓慢的热源便可以让对流形成a gentle, slow heat that allows the convection to happen.给房♥子取暖一年大约要用1.8立方米的木柴I use about a half a cord a year to heat the house.全年的温度都可以保持在20多摄氏度Keeps

27、it in the 70s, no problem, all year round.整个冬季Like, all winter.即使是最冷的天气也一样Can be the coldest day.楼上和楼下的温度相差摄氏1度之内The upstairs stays within two degrees of downstairs.我认为安东尼与众不同I think Anthony is pretty unusual.他非常有耐心He has a real patience.他把一切都考虑得很周全Hes very thoughtful about everything.我认为那是他对这座房&hea

28、rts;子喜爱的一局部And I think that was part of his thing with this house.他说:我要造一座房♥子Hes like, Im gonna build a house, 每一个决定都要经过深思熟虑and Fm gonna make every single decision very thoughtfully这样我们便可以按想要的方式来生活”so we can live the way that we wanna live/他打算给自己建一座最好的房♥子He was gonna make the best hous

29、e for him同时又尊重当时的环境that was respectful of its time and place.看着这座房♥子人们会想:是You look at it, and you can see, 0h, yes,看起来像是受到了日本的影响”that looks like its influenced by something Japanese.或是认为“看起来很像美国殖民时期的风格”Or you can look at it and be like, That looks pretty much American colonial. 两者的风格没有太大区别其背后

30、的价值观也没有The aesthetic is not that different, nor the values that underlie the aesthetic. 我感觉对他们而言那座房♥子就是他们家庭的一局部I feel like that house for them is part of their family.我们在建房♥子时我已经怀上了迪奥戈When we built this house; we were pregnant with Diogo.我当时怀着九个月的身孕往浴缸里砌混凝土I was nine months pregnant an

31、d putting the concrete in the bathtub, 我想:如果我们需要这个浴缸那我一定要把它做完”being like, nIf we need this bathtub, Im gonna finish it.当时房♥子还没有完全建好但我要在这里生宝宝The house was not totally finished, but I was gonna have my baby here谁都无法阻拦我and nobody was gonna get in my way.于是我们快速将这里打造成了家园And so we very quickly made

32、 this house into a home.我们知道要有孩子了所以压力倍增We knew we were having a kid, so it was, like, the pressure was on.我必须把这个地方建完I had to get this place done.我们做了很多工作但是做得很快We did a lot, but we did it all pretty quick.如果有一样东西能够揭示If one thing brings to light我们生活中的物品含有多少有害物质the toxicity of the things that we use in

33、 our lives,那就是世人皆知的物品清单its universal that pregnant women are presented with a list of things 上面都是孕妇不该接触的东西that they should not come in contact with.我觉得很多人都会第一次发现And I think for a lot of people, thats the first time that theyre like, “原来这个不能碰这些产品不能接触”Oh, this isnt okay. These products are not okay.我认

34、为如果所有人都在怀孕时去建房♥子And I think if everybody built a house while they were pregnant, 那很多房♥子里的有害物质都会比现在要少得多then I think a lot of the homes would be a lot less toxic than they are. 人们对很多建材也会多去思考一些And a lot of the materials would be thought about a lot more.我认为是这个原因造就了我现在做东西的方式And so, I think

35、 that is why I make things the way that I do now.我开办了一个服装品牌全部采用植物染料I started a clothing line that is all plant-dyed.只用有机布料I use only organic fabrics.在我们生活的世界中这些应该是理所应当的In the world that we live in now, those should be a given.服装就应该用这种方式生产This is the way clothing should be made.如果我不用这种方法And if Tm not

36、 gonna do it this way, 那它就不会改变时尚与纺织业的步调 then its not gonna change the pace of fashion and textiles.我们是来做出改变的要用不同的方式制♥造♥东西 Were here to change things. Were here to make things different. 就像我们一起建造煤烟屋一样Just like when we built the Soot House together, 我觉得朱莉对于她服装品牌的专注也抱有同样的理念I think Julies

37、focus within her clothing line is a product with that same idea: 即为人们提供对环境没有伤害to provide clothing that is environmentally sustainable, 使用古老工艺、天然原材料制♥作♥的服装with age-old techniques made of natural materials.(鲁迪裘德)你能教我吗?Can you teach me that one?-让它发光吧不“在月光下”-Oh, let it shine. -No, in the

38、moonlight.这里的生活比拟艰苦因为气候不好Living around here, its not a forgiving climate.这里的春季基本上就是冬季Spring is basically the winter here.在缅因州一年四季是很紧张的A year in Maine is a really intense thing.度过冬季就可以享受美好的夏季And to get through the winter, you get the reward of this amazing summer. 如果无法度过冬季就享受不到了But if you dont make i

39、t through the winter, youre not gonna get that.这个怎么What about this.想要的东西必须靠努力来创造You gotta make it what you want it to be.不去努力争取的话人只会堕落下去Without your energy put into it, youll just kind of fade away.我觉得来自缅因州的人都很顽强他们的理念是I think there is a hardiness to people who come from Maine,where youre like,“我必须体验

40、所有的艰难困苦才能享受美好的生活”“I gotta feel it all, and Ive gotta feel the hard stuff to get to the good stuff. 也许这就是缅因人的心态Maybe its the Mainer perspective of like,“我们成功了虽然很艰难但是我们很享受努力的过程”We did it, and it was hard, but we had so much fun doing it.准备好了吗?-Ready? -Mm-hmm.我们必须开辟自己的道路Kinda have to forge your own pat

41、h.找到通往世界的道路Figure out a way to get yourself out to the world.就我而言我在缅因州时感觉自己最有创造力But, for me, I feel my most creative when Im in Maine.住在缅因州我们凝聚在了一起感觉像一家人Being in Maine is the place for us to just all come together and feel like a family.缅因州就是这样的地方是我们的家Thats kind of the place, you know. This is it.很自

42、然地便融入其中因为这里非常宁静Its just like you kind of slip right into it because its so peaceful.我们并非被困于此Its not like were stuck here.我们选择住在这里We chose to be here.我们喜爰这里这是我们深知的And we love it, and so we really- you know, were conscious of that.我和安东尼谈过很屡次今后有了宝宝会怎么样Anthony and I had talked a lotabout what it was gon

43、na be like to have babies以及我们要在哪里抚养宝宝and where we were gonna have babies.我们希望养育宝宝对我们两人都是一次特殊的体验We wanted it to be special for both of us.两个男孩都是在洗手间出生的Both the boys were born in the bathroom.那是房♥子里最温暖、最小的房♥间Its the coziest, smallest of the rooms in the house.我一直知道自己想在家里生孩子I always knew

44、that I wanted to have my kids at home.我就是在家里出生的那房♥子是我爸爸造的I was born at home in the house that my dad built.迪奥戈出生时已经是预产期之后的第15天Diogo ended up being born on the 15th day past his due date.分娩过程很长、很艰难I had a really long labor with him, and it was really hard.一共用了三天时间It took three days from the st

45、art to the end of it.安东尼接住了他Anthony caught him.我抬起头看了一会儿I look up just for a moment.我有一种感觉And I just have this feeling like,“我们住在这里这是我们的家庭”Were here. This is our family/1这是我们的小窝This is our little cave.我们在自己建造的房♥子里成为了父母We stepped into parenting in a space that we had made.这种体验非常不同、非常奇妙It was a

46、 totally different and amazing experience走进洗手间便会想起“我们的孩子是在这里出生的“to be able to walk into our bathroom, be like, nOur boys were born here. 走进楼上的卧室And to walk upstairs to our bedroom心里知道这里是我们作为一家人度过的头几个夜晚and know that we spent our first nights as a family here.这座房♥子现在有了灵魂因为它诞生了新生命The house has a

47、 soul now because its given life.它承载了所有这些体验Its housed all of these experiences.我觉得只要走进这里就能感觉到I think you can feel it when you walk in here这么短的时间里发生了这么多事that all of these things have happened in this really short amount of time. 这里不会感觉到寒冷不会感觉到没有人居住It doesnt feel cold in here. It doesn*t feel. un-live

48、d in.这是个非常美好的体验It was just a beautiful, beautiful experience.是这种体验让这座房♥子That alone made this family compound.变成了我们的家what it is.这些时光是我生命中最快乐的日子Happiest days of my life at these times.至于未来Whats coming in the future is我们人口很多房♥子很小we*re a lot of bodies in a very small house,所以我们决定建个更大的家so we have decided that we want to build a


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