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1、达顿女士早上好Morning, Mrs. Dutton.早上好梅布尔Morning, Mabel.尽快赶过来了Hmm. Cant get here soon enough.没有电报No cable?今天没有Not today.如果有了我就让史蒂芬送来If one comes, Ill send Steven with it.至少让你免了坐马车的麻烦At least spare you the carriage ride.那我等的就不是-张不会来的电报了Then Ill be waiting for a man而是一个不会来的人who never comes instead of a cable

2、.马车让我尽快打消希望The carriage allows me to remove hope early, 好让我继续我的日子so I can get on with my day.好Okay.来吧Come on.生活变成了一系列忧伤的例行公事Elsa: Life had become a series of melancholy routines.就像是被击败的雄鹿Like a defeated stag that had retreated deep退却到了林中舔舐伤口into the forest to tend its wounds.我们家族在疗伤的乏味迷失了自己Our famil

3、y had lost itself in the tedium of healing.她不再以观察年轻人相爱为乐The hobby of watching young love had been robbed from her, 杰克选择在晚上Jack choosing to spend his evenings在阵地巡逻选择用复仇代替激♥情:♥patrolling headquarters, choosing revenge over passion.我叫了医生我杀了强♥奸♥我的修女and I killed the nun who ra

4、ped me.现在他们要来杀了我Now theyre gonna come and kill me.我打了他们I beat em.掐他们刺了另一个choked one and stabbed the other.这是他们干的They did this?我说他们罪有应得Id say they had it coming你和我回家You come home with me我给你父亲传信Ill send word to your father.也许我们应该去加拿大Maybe we should go to Canada.不去加拿大No Canada.加拿大更糟糕Canadas worse.我们先找到

5、你父亲然后找一个地方First we find your father, then we find a place. 我们的足迹呢What about our tracks?什么足迹What tracks?真了不起Its incredible.这房♥子是你的This yours?属于银行It belongs to the bank.斯特拉福德寡妇卷铺盖向东去了Strafford widow packed up. Headed east.那个牧场边界靠近黄石That ranch borders the Yellowstone.延伸到山脉里面Goes into the mountai

6、ns?比黄石的山地还多More mountain land than the Yellowstone.我对采矿不了解I dont know much about mines, 但是如果我要开矿 but if I was building one. 就会开在这Id build it there.川田溪水从两个峡谷流出来Spring creeks through both canyons.看到这没有See here?河源Headwaters, here.另一处在这里Another one here.流入黄石河Feed down into the Yellowstone.南边就是公园-是And to

7、 the south is the Park. - Aye. 她就这么荒着And she abandoned it.走开了Walked away.现在是银行的了我敢肯定Its the banks now, too, Im sure.牧场主用土地做抵押All these ranchers leveraged their land 来买&h earts ;&h earts;牛 to build up their herds.现在想要靠牛挣钱只有偷rOnly way to make money off cows now is steal em. 多给我找些这种地方任何能赶走的人Get me more

8、 of these. Anyone you can run off. 我们把这个达顿扼死Well choke this Dutton out.你想要多大的地方How much land do you want?我全都要I want it all.我要整个山谷I want the whole valley.你在哪填柴火Where do you feed the wood?烧煤气It runs on gas.哪来的煤气Gas from where?通入屋子里的管道Its piped into the house.你住哪班纳Where do you live, Banner?我住在山里的宅地Ive

9、a homestead up north in the mountains.土坯原木房♥Log and sod?是-没有在城市里住过Aye. - Never lived in a city.从来没有Never.在乡下你得在周围环境中存活In the country, you survive your surroundings,或者身死垂成or try to, anyway.这考验人抛弃文明之后的筹措能力Its the most a man can muster when he abandons civilization.城市在于主宰一个人的身边环境Cities are the m

10、astery ones surroundings.必要物资成为舒适的享受Necessities become comforts.在荒野能否获取用水In the wild, the availability of water决定了你能否活过这一天dictates whether you survived the day.在城市In the city.那种最珍贵的资源That most precious of resources.成为了题外话becomes an afterthought.你不用再住土坯房♥ 了No more log and sod for you.这是你的了Its

11、yours.你现在也是主宰了Now youre a master, too.卖♥♥掉了母牛就没办法扩大牛群了Hard to build a herd when you sell all the heifers.我们不是要扩大我们是要缩减We aint building it. Were shrinking it.大家都在离开Everybodys getting out.没想到我会看到这一天Never thought Id see the day.听说你的几个帮工跑去好莱坞Heard some of your hands went off to Hollywood和斯

12、特拉福德家的孩子们去默片里面演牛仔了with them Strafford boys to play cowboy in the silent pictures.你也是这么打算的That your plan, too?随便他们怎么扮演牛仔They can play cowboy all they want.我还是玩真把式Ill stick to doing it for real.畜群继续这样卖♥♥卜去You keep selling off your herd你就没有做牛仔的本钱了you aint gonna have nothin to cowboy with.

13、带去兑换处她会给你钱Take that to the cashier, shell pay you out.发生什么了What happened?医生说他需要阳光Doctor says he needs sunlight.看看你有多生气Look how angry you are.布鲁斯特变卖♥♥ 了资产Brewsters sold out.斯特拉福德走了我父母走了Straffords are gone. My parents gone.我当然生气Youre goddamn right Im angry.我们赢不了We cant win.没有领袖No leader.

14、没有领袖就赢不了Cant win without a leader.我可以领导他们I can lead em.他们不会追随你They wont follow you.现在还不会Not yet.这必须要好好安排This must be done right.不然我们就会失去一切Or we lose everything.你老了You got old.我一直都是这样孩子Ive been old, son.看样子我得学着左手开枪了Guess Im gonna have to learn how to shoot left-handed.混账把我伤得不轻Fuckers got me pretty go

15、od, huh?我们会报复回来的Were gonna get them back.他很难接受Hes taking it pretty hard.对他造成的损失最大Its cost him more than anyone.看紧他Keep him close.别让他进城Dont let him go to town anymore.你开始雇牲畜官了吗Did you start hiring livestock agents?警长开始考察了Sheriff has started interviewing.不得你来做No. You gotta do it.你得看着他们的眼睛You gotta loo

16、k em in the eye.不要相信那些讨人喜欢的Dont trust the charming ones.讨人喜欢的都是他的人Charming ones work for him.如果他聪明的话就会找人撵腰If hes smart, hes got somebody to back him.有钱的主Someone with money.你为什么这么想Why do you think that?因为如果我在他的境遇Cause thats what Id do,我就会这么做if I was in his spot.我想不到I find it hard to believe that anyo

17、ne真会有人支持那个禽兽would support that monster.得是禽兽才会支持这是肯定的Itd take another monster, thats for sure.牧场主搬走Whos the one man in this state得利的人是谁benefits if the ranchers move out?不会经历萧条的行业是哪一个Whats the one business that doesnt have recessions?淘金业Gold.你明天可以吃固体食物了You can start on solid foods tomorrow.燕麦米Oatmeal.

18、 Rice面食Bland.让你的牛仔帮你走走路Have some of your cowboys help you walk.你得活动活动了You need to start moving我下周再来看你Ill check on you next week.牛仔不能看到我这个样户Cowboys dont get to see me like this.我来帮你Ill help you.只能你来了因为他们要走了Youre gonna have to cause theyre leaving.你体重减了不少我打赌我能搬得动你Youve lost enough weight, I bet I can

19、carry you myself.只有走着睡了Guess well find out你答应好的不是这样This isnt what you promised.你失去的我也失去过You havent lost anything that I havenrt lost.我现在也是孤儿了Im an orphan too, now.我们只有彼此而你连这个都不给我And all we have is each other and I dont even have that. 我们婚期一改再改Our wedding day came and went with no mention of it. 我们不不

20、说话We dont.We dont speak.你都不碰我You don t even touch me.我和你一样有理由恨那个人Ive got just as much right to hate the man as you do, 但是我没有but I dont.因为仇恨占据你的整颗心Because hate takes your whole heart,每一部分every bit of it.就没有空间用来爱了It leaves no room for love.我选择不去恨他I choose not to hate him,所以我的心中有你的位置so theres room in m

21、y heart for you.如果你不能为我做同样的事情就送我回镇里If you wont do the same for me, then take me to town.送我回家杰克Send me home, Jack.看看这个监狱的规模Look at the size of this prison.这就是我的所在杰克Thats what Im in, Jack.不你不在No, youre not.这是监狱Its a prison.你把这个地方变成了监狱You have made this place a prison.这不是监狱这不是Its not a prison. Its not.

22、这是家你的家Its home. Its your home.我是你丈夫I am your husband.还不是你还算不上Not yet, you arent 我们不需要婚戒来结婚We dont need a wedding to get married.我们不需要教堂We dont need a church.我们现在就在上帝面前Were standing in front of God right now.我杰克达顿接受你I, Jack Dutton, take you, 丽兹斯特拉福德作为我合法婚配的妻子Liz Strafford, to be my lawfully wedded wi

23、fe. 相伴相守To have and to hold, 不论疾病健康in sickness and in health, 富有贫穷for richer and for poorer.是福是祸For better or worse,至死不渝so long as we both shall live-我们才做了一半Were only half done.你得说你的那部分You gotta say it back.阳光感觉不错Sun feels good.来点米饭怎么样How does some rice sound?不怎么样Sounds like shit.冰盒里面没有牛排吗Dont we ha

24、ve a steak in the ice box?医生说Mm, mm, mm. Doctor said-如果九发子弹杀不死我牛排应该也害不死我If nine bullets dont kill me, I doubt a steak will.我去煮鸡Ill boil a chicken.配米饭With rice.他说了米饭你就得吃米饭He said rice, youre having rice.鸡肉配米饭Chicken and rice.任何人都不会把它当最后一餐的Thats nobodys last meal.没错Exactly.你打算留字条吗Did you plan on leavi

25、ng a note?在梳妆台上Its on the dresser.上面怎么说What does it say?说这段旅程很危险Says that this trip is too dangerous.信封里的钱足够你订票去伦敦Envelope has money so you can book passage back to London.等到安全了我会叫人接你Says Ill send for you when its safe.说了很多话Says a lot.没有叫人接我这一说斯宾塞There is no sending for me, Spencer.我们要么在一起要么分开We hav

26、e a life together or we live our lives apart.你能做到吗Can you do that?你能过没有我的生活吗Can you live your life without me?你只能选择我一次You only get to choose me once.不会有第二次机会The choice will not be offered again.收拾东西Get your things.你发电报了吗Did you send a wire?告诉他们你要回家了Telling them youre coming home.这里不能给美国发电报Cant send

27、a wire to the States from here.船上可以Ships can.他们有能发电波的无线电They have radios that can send signals 范围一千英里或者更远a thousand miles or more.我在轮船上参观过驾驶室I toured the helm on our passage船长给我展示了The Captain showed me how they send messages 怎么通过船际通讯发信息给伦敦from ship to ship until they reach London, 从伦敦就可以发给美国任何一个地方Fr

28、om London, they can wire anywhere in the States.毛里塔尼亚v&h earts;你需要许可才能登船先生You need permission to board this ship, sir.不好意思Apologies.船票可以在哈德森的联合城♥堡♥办公室Passage may be booked at the Union Castle office on Hudson- 我不需要船票I dont need passage.我需要个人情Ive sent for the doctor.为什么What for?为你For yo

29、u.我可不打算伺候你们两个艾玛Ill not spoon feed and bathe two, Emma.你还有个孩子他需要你You have a child, he needs you.他是个男人He is a man.还有了女人Who has a woman.他不需要我He has no need for me.儿子不需要母亲了是不是Sons outgrow their mothers, now, do they?你连母亲都不是Become a mother before you lecture me却来教我为人父母的道理about sons and what they do.无数年的生

30、活经验让我的家族Elsa: A billion years of life led to my family standing 在蒙大拿山岗上立足in the mountains of Montana.只有四个达顿家的人And only four Duttons remained on this earth 能够活到下一个世代to survive another generation.我们要灭绝rWe were going extinct.等我们到了港口不要分开When we get to port, stay close.我经历过蒙巴萨没事的I came through Mombasa, i

31、t was fine.你当时和一群人在一起还有司机等着You came with a group and your drivers waiting.我们什么都没有We have neither.跟紧了Stay close.I need a favor.我的家人在美国遭遇了不幸My family in the United States has suffered a tragedy.我必须回家尽快I must return home. With haste.我今天出发我需要传个信Im leaving today and I need to send word.你能用无线电给我发个信息吗Could

32、 you use the radio and send a message for me?我可以转达信息I can send that message,我们需要收信人的姓名来发电报Well need the recipients name and where to send the cable. 写在这里先生Write it here, sir.还有信息And the message.谢谢你-不客气先生Thank you. - My pleasure, sir.你为什么在笑Why are you smiling?我对自己特别满意Im extraordinarily pleased with m

33、yself.你也应该笑You should be smiling too.这趟旅程我证明了自己的足智多谋Im proving quite resourceful on this journey而我们还没出发and we havent even left yet.说不好我明天有什么新招No telling how Ill save the day next.是啊说不好Yeah. No telling对不起Oh, Im sorry.我的欢悦打扰到你的阴沉了吗Is my jovial nature infringing upon your sullenness?你不会一整个旅程都这样吧Youre n

34、ot going to do this the entire trip, are you?都怎么样-说话Do what? - Talk我紧张了就说话I talk when Im nervous.如果你也加入我就能少说一半If youd speak as well you could cut my talking by half,但是不成你忙着不高兴but no, youre too busy sulking,这让我怀疑一切which makes me doubt everything,让我更紧张which makes me more nervous,意味着我得加倍我的说话来补偿which me

35、ans I must double my talking to compensate.说实话我很意外这让你感到困扰Frankly, Im shocked it bothers you.多数男人觉得这很亲近Most men find it quite endearing.我靠一张嘴赢得了不少青睐我向你保证Ive blabbered my way into many a courtship, let me assure you. 我信I have no doubt.就是这了Spencer: This is it.这是什么Alex: This is what?我们的船Spencer Our ship

36、.这是什么Alex: What is it?拖船Spencer: Tugboat.斯宾塞我觉得这船Spencer, I dont think those are supposed出不了港to leave the harbor.这条就要出港This ones leaving the harbor.我应该要求许可吗Im supposed to ask permission?女孩和你一起的Girl with you?和我一起的Girls with me.住宿舱很小拖船在海上会很颠簸Quarters are small, and the seas can be rough on a tug. 我比看上

37、去要坚强Im tougher than I look. 我以前也常这么说I used to say that.别看我现在老了我比看起来更强壮Now, Im an old man and Im looking tougher than I am. 好吧上船吧All right. So, come aboard, 可以把你们装备放在下面You can stow your gear below.把缆绳从护柱上解开Free the lines from the bollards.解开钩子上的绳子卷起来Untie the ropes from those hooks, then roll it up 燃

38、火堆放在甲板上and store it on deck.我们出发了Alex: And were off.没有安全简报No safety brief, no- 也不用举杯向海神敬酒 typically, a toast to the Gods of the sea. 会很顺利的This is the easiest itll be.好吗Okay?我只要你小心点别掉海里去Just be careful, I dont need you bouncing off into the bay. 我们要坐这小船到哪How far does this boat take us?苏伊士运河Suez Canal

39、.然后再找艘大船目的地不限From there we find a ship going anywhere.威尼斯墨西拿巴塞罗那都行Venice, Messina, Barcelona, 然后呢-有什么坐什么只要是往西的Then what? - Whatever takes us west.恐怕你的假日结束了Your vacations over, Im afraid.但冒险才刚刚开始But the adventure is just beginning.妈的 shit 当心烫Lucca: Its hot.谢谢Thank you.我去去就来Ill be right back.这船到底要干吗Sp

40、encer What the hell is it doing?幽灵船Its a ghost.幽灵船锅炉突然爆♥炸♥A ghost ship. Boilers blew in the spring, 船员弃船而去但船没沉不不and crew abandoned ship, but she didnt sink. No, no. 她不会搁浅And she wont run aground.会随着水道洋流飘下去The current in this channel holds her.伺机而动等着撞上哪位Now, she lists back and forth hun

41、ting captains粗心大意的船长who dont pay attention.他们疯了吧Are they mad?是艘弃船Its abandoned.没人在开Spencer: No ones piloting the ship.就这么飘着Its just floating?就这么飘着Just floating.有艘叫其布里娜号♥的幽灵船Lucca: There was this ghost ship called the Zebrina.是一艘拖煤的英国货船British cargo ship hauling coal她漂得比你们这些She ran aground in

42、France来参战的军用船还快after floating past all of you fellas 然后在法国搁浅coming to join the war.我所在的医疗船好儿周来都在避让她My hospital ship ran from her for weeks.但这个嫉♥子♥一路追着我们真的I swear that empty bitch, she was chasing us. 但我遇到最奇怪的事But the strangest thing I ever saw 还是在印尼海岸附近was off the coast of Indonesia.是个

43、双人小渔船Little dinghies, two-man fishing skiffs, 就漂在离海岸300英里的海面上Just floating, three hundred miles off shore.海鸥为在上面密密麻麻The seagulls swarmed em like hornets, 以里面的人为食picking at the men inside.肯定有And there must have been沿路散落着上千只救生艇也许更多a thousand of them small dinghies, maybe more. 开一周都能看到I passed em for a

44、 week.我猜一定是大浪Must have been a big swell把它们吹散到海里that pushed em all out to sea.我不知道I dont know.这是个谜Its a mystery.大海就是这样The seas like that.狡猾得Cunning.跟狐狸一样Like a fox.想尽办法蒙蔽你双眼Always looking for ways to trick you.现在谁想站第一班岗Now, who wants first watch?站岗时一般都做啥What do you do on watch?掌舵女士Pilot the boat, maa

45、m.现在谁在掌舵Whors piloting the boat now?狐狸The fox.看来第一班岗归我了Looks like Ive got first watch.我跟你一起Im coming with you.没什么难的这是舵盘Theres not much to it. This is the wheel.下面的舷绳连着舵Tiller rope connect it to the rudder.转动方向盘舵就跟着动了Turn the wheel, you turn the rudder.指南针Compass.现在我们的航线是东北偏北15度Now, our course is fif

46、teen degrees north-northeast. 方向盘已经调好了The wheel is locked on that heading.如果需要调整就这样If you need to adjust, you do it right here.我们离岸多远How far off the coast are we?20英里Twenty miles.只要让岸上的海盗看不到我们就行Just far enough the pirates cant see us from shore. 这里是油门Now, heres the throttle.快转弯要快慢转弯要慢You gotta go fast to turn fast, go slow to turn slow.好吧Right?但一般不用打转弯除非眼前有东西But you shouldnt turn unless theres something in front of you, 应该也不会出现任何东西and there shouldnt be anything in front of you.无线电能用吗Radio work?时好时坏It works when it works.呼救频道是多少Whats the distress channel?158.6Hundred fifty-eight poin


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