1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.赏析版2012年7月经济学人文章(双语对照)汇集2012.06.16The etiquette of bribery:贿亦有道12012.06.30A sweet idea62012.007.02Storiies frrom ellsewheere 来自自他方的故事事92012.007.07The HHiggs bosonn 希格斯玻玻色子112012.007.07Histoory iss neveer jusst hisstory 历史没那么么简单1520
2、12.007.07A 20-year lessoon 20年年一课172012.007.07Inchiing toowardss inteegratiion 朝着着一体化缓慢慢爬行192012.007.07Volksswagenn 德国大众众 征服全世世界212012.007.07Tuninng outt 渐行渐远远的短波收音音机272012.007.07Sexy conteemporaary anntiquiities 性感的当代代文物282012.007.10A gliimpse of moodern Chinaa 一窥现代代中国302012.007.14Stealling ssteel
3、德国偷金属属的窃贼322012.007.14Choicce nott channce要自主主选择不要听听天由命342012.007.14The AAmericcan ecconomyy Comeeback kid 美美国经济东山山再起372012.007.14Quanttitatiive eaasing: QE, or noot QE? 要不要量量化宽松?412012.007.18Thorvvaldseen Musseum 哥哥本哈根托瓦瓦尔森博物馆馆482012.007.19New ffilm: The Dark Knighht Risses 黑黑暗骑士崛起起552012.007.21The
4、 llong ffight 漫长的战斗斗572012.007.21Rogerr Paynne 罗杰佩恩602012.007.24Floodds in Beijiing 北京京大水632012.007.27How tto remmemberr Koxiinga 如如何纪念国姓姓爷652012 007 28Alasttair BBurnett 阿拉斯泰泰尔伯内特682012.007.28Teenaage prregnanncy少女怀怀孕 | 且且不谈幼稚之之事702012.007.28Milittary ttechnoology军军事科技722012.007.28Alivee and well 欣
5、欣向荣762012.006.16The eetiqueette oof briibery:贿亦有道【导读】:正如如标题所言,见见不得人的贿贿赂也有其自自身的一套准准则。本文将将为你解密全全球各地不同同文化群体、不不同国家中的的贿赂潜规则则。The etiquuette of brriberyy贿亦有道Hoow to greasse a ppalm行贿贿指南Corrruptiion haas itss own elaboorate etiquuette贿贿赂也有它自自身一套复杂杂的准则Deec 19tth 20006 | ffrom tthe prrint eeditioonGIVEE peop
6、ple poower aand diiscrettion, and wwhetheer theey aree grannd vizziers or boorder guardds, soome wiill usse theeir poositioon to enricch theemselvves. TThe prroblemm can be biig enoough tto holld bacck a ccountrrys ddeveloopmentt. Onee studdy hass showwn thaat briibes aaccounnt forr 8% oof thee tota
7、al cosst of runniing a businness iin Ugaanda. Anothher foound tthat ccorrupption boostted thhe priice off hosppital suppllies iin Bueenos AAires by 155%. Paaul Woolfowiitz, tthe heead off the Worldd Bankk, is devotting sspeciaal effforts durinng hiss pressidenccy theere too a drrive aagainsst corrru
8、ptiion.一旦旦掌权并且拥拥有裁量自由由,不管是伊伊斯兰的大维维齐尔,还是是戍边士兵,一一些人就会利利用职务之便便谋取私利。这这个问题可能能严重到足以以阻碍一个国国家的发展。一一项研究显示示,在乌干达达从商行贿花花费占到总费费用的8%。另另一项研究表表明,腐败将将布宜诺斯艾艾利斯的医疗疗设备的费用推推高了15%。现任世界界银行行长保保罗沃尔福威茨茨(Paull Wolffowitzz)正竭力打打击腐败。FFor moost peeople in thhe worrld, tthoughh, thee worrry is not tthat ccorrupption may sslow dd
9、own ttheir counttrys GDP ggrowthh. It is thhat thheir ddaily livess are pervaaded bby enddless hasslles, bbig annd smaall. AAnd foor alll the evideence tthat ssome cculturres suuffer endemmic coorrupttion wwhile otherrs aree relaativelly cleean, aattituudes ttowardds corrruptiion, aand evven thhe la
10、nnguagee desccribinng briibery, is rremarkkably simillar arround the wworld.不过对于世世界上大多数数人来说,他他们担心的不不是腐败问题题可能会拉低低国家GDPP的增速,而而是自己日常常生活中会碰碰到的大大小小小各种不便便。有证据表表明,相对其其他的一些文文化群体来说说,困扰某些些文化群体的的腐败问题更更为普遍;但但全球各地对对待腐败的态态度甚至用来来形容贿赂的的语言都极其其相似。Inn a teestameent too mostt peopples basicc deceency, bribee-takeers an
11、nd briibe-paayers have develloped an ellaboraate thheatree of ddissimmulatiion. TThis iis nott justt to aavoid detecction. Evenn in ccountrries wwhere corruuptionn is sso commmon aas to be unnremarrkablee and unproosecuttableand eeven wwhen tthe trransacction happeens faar froom snooopingg eyessa br
12、iibe iss almoost allways dresssed upp as ssome oother kind of exxchangge. Thhough most of thhe worrld iss plaggued bby corrruptiion, eeven sseriall offeenderss try to coonceall it.受受贿者与行贿贿者已经形成成了一套复杂杂的掩饰方法法,这也证明明了大多数人人都为人正派派这一事实。这这不仅仅是为为了避免事情情暴露。即便便是在那些腐腐败横行的国国家,以至于于腐败已经稀稀松平常、不不会遭到起诉诉,就算是贿贿赂远离监管管者的视
13、线,人人们在行贿的的时候几乎都都会假装在进进行另外一种种交易。尽管管全球大部分分地区饱受腐腐败困扰,但但那些经常行行贿的人仍然然试图掩饰这这一行为。OOne maanifesstatioon of this is liinguisstic. Surprrisinggly feew peoople ssay: “You aare gooing tto havve to pay mme if you wwant tto gett thatt donee.” Insttead, they use aa widee variiety oof eupphemissms. OOne tyype iss q
14、uassi-offficiall termminoloogy. TThe fiirst bbribe paid by yoour coorresppondennt, inn Ukraaine iin 19998, weent too two policcemen so thhey woould llet hiim boaard a trainn leavving tthe coountryy. On the ttrain into Ukraiine, tthe cuustomss offiicer hhad abbscondded wiith a form that is neeeded ag
15、ainn lateer to leavee the counttry. TThe poolicemmen att the statiion kiindly explaained that theree was a shttraf, a “fine” thatt coulld be paid insteead off prodducingg the documment. The ppoliceemen llet hiim offf withh the minimmum shhtraf of 500 hryvvnia ($25).Anothher teerm wiidely used at boo
16、rder crosssings is “expedditingg fee”. Forr a euuphemiism itt is ssurpriisinglly acccuratee: payying iit willl keeep youur baggs, annd perrhaps your contrrabandd, froom beiing duumped onto a flooor annd siffted tthrouggh at a leiisurelly pacce. (AA relaated tterm, used in Inndia, is “speedd moneey”:
17、 payying iit cann get essenntial businness ppermitts isssued cconsidderablly fasster.)这些掩饰行行为的表现之之一便是行贿贿语言。奇怪怪的是,很少少有人会有说说:“要想搞定那那件事,你得得给我送钱!”相反,他们们使用各种各各样委婉的说说法。一种是是准官方的术术语。笔者第第一次行贿是是在19988年的乌克兰兰,当时把钱钱送给了两个个警察,这样样笔者便能登登上离开乌克克兰的火车。而而在开往乌克克兰的火车上上,海关官员员还窃取了一个个表格,日后后离开这个国国家的时候还还用得上它。而而车站的警察察会很友善地地解释,如果
18、果拿不出文档,就就需要支付一一笔名为shhtraf(罚罚款)的费用用。警察只收收了最低的550格里夫尼尼亚(约255美元)就让让笔者脱身了了。另外一种种在通关时较较为广泛的说说法是“快速通行费费”。作为一种种委婉语,这这种说法相当当准确:支付付这笔费用,你你不用上缴自己己的包裹,甚甚至还可以拿拿回你偷运的的东西。否则则,你的包裹裹就会被扔到到地上并受到到严密检查,而而检查的时间间肯定是他们们说了算。(在在印度使用的的一个相关术术语叫做“提速费”:支付这笔笔费用以后要要获得那些必必要的从商许许可就会快得得多)。Paaul Leewis, an annalystt withh the Econoo
19、mist Intellligennce Unnit (aa sistter coompanyy to TThe Ecconomiist), descrribes the qquasi-businness tterminnologyy typiicallyy usedd for bribeery inn the post-commuunist privaatisattions of eaasternn Euroope. AA mosttly usselesss but well-conneected insidder att the compaany iss hireed as a “consu
20、ultantt”. Thee conssultannt is paid a larrge offficiaal “fee”, nomminallly forr his indusstry eexperttise, on thhe undderstaandingg thatt he wwill ccut inn the minisster aand otther ddecisiion-maakers.保罗刘易斯(PPaul LLewis)是是经济学人智智库(thee Econnomistt Inteelligeence UUnit,本本刊的姊妹公公司)的一名名分析师,他他描述了一套套主要用于东东
21、欧后共产主主义时代私有有化行贿受贿贿活动中的准准商业术语。实实际上起不到到什么作用但但是在行贿目目标公司内人人脉很广的内内线往往被聘聘为“顾问”。该顾问会会得到很大一一笔名为技术术咨询费的正正式“费用”,前提条件件是他能与部部长及其他决决策者分享利利润。A seccond ttype oof eupphemissm dreesses up a dodgyy paymment aas a ffrienddly faavour done by thhe briibe-paayer. Theree is pplentyy of ccreatiive sccope. Nigerrian ppolice
22、emen aare knnown tto askk for “a litttle ssomethhing ffor thhe weeekend”. A NNorth Africcan teerm iss “un peetit ccadeauu”, a llittlee giftt. Mexxican trafffic poolice will suggeest thhat yoou buyy themm a reefrescco, a soft drinkk, as will Angollan annd Mozzambiccan peetty oofficiials, who ccall ii
23、t a ggazosoo in PPortugguese. A buusinesssman in Irraq toold Reeuterss thatt althhough corruuptionn therre is quitee overrt, offficiaals sttill iinsistt on bbeing givenn a “good coffeee”.Doubble meeaningg can help soothhe thee awkwwardneess off bribbe-payying. Bakshheesh, origginallly a PPersiaan wo
24、rrd noww founnd in many counttries of thhe Midddle EEast, can mmean “tip”, “alms” and “bribee”. Swaahili-speakkers ccan taake addvantaage off anotther aambiguuous tterm. In Keenya aa machhine-ggun-wiieldinng guaard suuggestted too a teerrifiied Caanadiaan aidd workker: “Perhaaps yoou wouuld liike to
25、o disccuss tthis oover ttea?” The youngg Canaadian was rrelievved: tthe diifficuulty ccould be reesolveed witth somme chaai, whhich mmeans both “tea” and “bribee”.另外一种委委婉的说法就就是行贿者把把贿款称为朋朋友之间的赠赠礼以掩人耳耳目。而在这这方面,出现现了很多创新新。比较有名名的是尼日利利亚的警察,他他们会因为“周末需要些些钱花”而向你索贿贿。在北非,这这叫做“un peetit ccadeauu”,意思是“一份小礼物物”。而墨
26、西哥哥的交警则会会让你给他买买一杯名为“refreesco”的软饮料,安安哥拉及莫桑桑比克的那些些小官员也会会这么说,只只不过他们提提到的软饮料料叫“gazosso”(葡萄牙语语的叫法)罢罢了。一位在在伊拉克经商商的商人告诉诉路透社的记记者,尽管该该国的贿赂现现象相当公开开,官员们仍仍然坚持说他他们只需要对对方给自己买买一杯“好咖啡”而已。一语语双关有助于于缓和行贿过过程中的尴尬尬气氛。Baaksheeesh原来只只是一个波斯斯词语,现在在许多中东国国家都有这种种说法,这个个词有 “小费”、“救济金”、“贿赂”的意思。说说斯瓦希里语语的人则可以以利用另外一一个双关词。在在肯尼亚,手手持机枪的士
27、士兵会对吓坏坏了的加拿大大救援人员这这么说:我们们是不是应该该去喝杯茶,谈谈谈这个问题题?听到这些些,这名年轻轻的加拿大人人就松了一口口气:原来问问题可以通过过chai来来解决。而cchai就是是“茶”或者“贿款”的意思。Brrown eenveloopes棕色色信封Aloong wiith thhe obsscuranntist languuage, bribee-takiing cuulturee arouund thhe worrld offten iinvolvves thhe avooidancce of physiicallyy handding tthe mooney ffrom
28、 oone peerson to annotherr. Onee obviious rreasonn is tto avooid deetectiion, wwhich is whhy briibes aare knnown aas “envellopes” in ccountrries ffrom CChina to Grreece. But avoiddance of a direcct hannd-oveer is commoon eveen wheere thhere iis no chancce of detecction. Therre willl alwways bbe somm
29、e offficialls whoo willl takee moneey rigght frrom a bribee-payeers hhands, but most seem to prrefer to fiind soome waay to hide the mmoney from view. A brribe tto a bborderr guarrd mayy be ffoldedd intoo a paassporrt. A sweettener to a trafffic coop is oftenn placced inn the tickeet-boook thaat is
30、handeed to the ddriverr. Parrag Khhanna, who is wrritingg a boook abbout ccountrries oon thee edgee of tthe riich woorld tthat aare trrying to geet ricch theemselvves, ddescriibes aa bribbe-takker hee spottted iin Geoorgia who hhe wass suree was a roookie. Why? The sscrawnny youung sooldierr, forrgo
31、ingg any subtlletiess, merrely rrubbedd his fingeers toogetheer in an agge-oldd gestture.除除了有意隐晦晦的语言之外外,全球各地地的贿赂现象象中,行贿者者常常会避免免直接将钱送送到受贿者手手中。很明显显,这是为了了避免被发现现。从中国到到希腊,行贿贿的钱都被称称为“信封”。即便肯定定不会被发现现,行贿者也也会尽量避免免这么做。不不过,总会有有一些官员会会直接接受行行贿者送来的的钱,但大多多数受贿者似似乎都更愿意意想一些办法法来掩饰。向向边境士兵行行贿的钱可能能会被夹在护护照里面。如如果是交警的的话,司机往往
32、往需要把钱钱放在递过来来的罚单本中。帕帕拉格卡纳(Paarag KKhannaa)正在写一一本书,书的的内容是关于于那些即将进进入发达国家家行列同时也也在努力实现现这个目标的的国家。他描描写了自己在在格鲁吉亚看看到的一个索索贿者,作者者确定这是个个新手。为什什么这么说?因为这位消消瘦的年轻士士兵毫不掩饰饰,只是非常常老套地搓动动自己的手指指头。Jouurnaliists aare ann obviious ttargett for bribee-seekkers. They oftenn findd themmselvees tryying tto gett pastt boreed, poo
33、orly paid guardds andd offiicialss to ssee soomeonee or ssomethhing mmore iimporttant. Moreoover, they are ooften foreiignerssand aaroundd the worldd whitte facces, fforeiggn passsportts, fooreignn car numbeer plaates aand a few oother distiinguisshing featuures aare liike bllood iin thee wateer for
34、r thosse seeeking a payy-off.对于那些索索贿者来说,记记者是个很明明显的目标。记记者们经常碰碰到这种情况况:要见到一一些重要人物物或者报道一一些更为重要要的事实的时时候,要通过过那些烦人的的、收入不多多的卫兵那一一关就很困难难。而且,记记者往往还是是外国人;在在全球各地都都一样,白种种人、外国护护照、外国车车牌照及另外外一些明显的的特征对于索索贿者来说就就像水中的血血一样容易辨辨认。A jjournaalist for aa Westtern nnewspaaper iin Mosscow wwas ruunningg latee for an immportaan
35、t meeetingg at tthe Krremlinn for whichh he hhad waaited a lonng whiile. OOn hiss way he waas stoopped by thhe traaffic policce forr somee reall or iinventted innfracttion. In a hurryy, thee repoorter negottiatedd a moodest bribeebut ffound he haad notthing smalller thhan a 1,0000 roubble ($30) nnot
36、e iin hiss walllet. IInspirred byy despperatiion, hhe agrreed tto payy 1,0000 rouubles in exxchangge forr a riide too the Kremllin inn the policce carr, witth sirrens bblarinng, too makee suree he wwould be onn timee. Thee poliicemann trieed to hold out ffor 1,500 rroublees, buut thee steeely neerve
37、d journnalistt got his rride ffor hiis offfer prrice.西西方某报纸驻驻莫斯科的记记者正在赶去去参加一个在在克里姆林宫宫举行的重要要会议,他马马上就要迟到到了,而为了了这个参加会会议他已经等等了好长时间间。在路上他他被交警拦住住了,可能是是因为他真的的违章了,或或者是交警故故意刁难他。匆匆忙之中,记记者与交警达达成了协议,结结果发现他钱钱包里面没有有比10000卢布(约330美元)面面值更小的钞钞票了。急中中生智,他同同意付给交警警1000卢卢布,不过他他让交警鸣着着警笛开车一一路送他到会会议现场,这这样他就可以以确保准时赶赶到。这位交交警曾要
38、价11500卢布布,不过记者者却坚持只给给1000卢卢布,最后他他们达成了协协议。Inaapproppriatee giftts不该接受受的礼物Joournallists can bbe on the rreceivving eend off bribbes, ttoo, tto enssure ffavourrable coverrage. A forrmer AAfricaa corrresponndent for TThe Ecconomiist saays thhat inn Nigeeria, one oof thee worllds mmost ccorruppt couuntri
39、ees, joournallists are ggiven hundrreds oof dolllars in brrown eenveloopes “for eexpensses” simpply too atteend prress cconferrencess. An oceann awayy, Armmstronng Willliamss, an Ameriican ccolumnnist aand teelevission hhost, was ppaid $240,0000 byy the Deparrtmentt of EEducattion tto commment “regu
40、llarly” on “No Chhild LLeft BBehindd”, an educaation-reforrm billl. Hee claiimed tthat hhe wass not a “journnalistt” but a “commeentatoor”, butt concceded that the ddeal hhad beeen illl-juddged. Simillarly, Magggie Gaallaghher, aanotheer connservaative colummnist, was paid to prromotee the Bush admi
41、nnistraations “healtthy maarriagge” proggrammee. Wheen chaallengged, sshe assked, “Did II viollate jjournaalistiic ethhics bby nott discclosinng thhe conntractt? I dontt knoww. Youu telll me.”记者也可能能是受贿方,行行贿方希望他他们作出有偏偏向性的报道道。一位曾为为本刊工作的的驻非洲记者者说,在尼日日利亚这个全全球腐败最严严重国家,记记者会收到装装在棕色信封封里面的数百百美金,而且且这些钱只是是他们参加记
42、记者招待会的的“开销”。而在大洋洋彼岸的美国国,阿姆斯壮壮威廉斯(AArmstrrong WWilliaams)是一一位专栏作家家,同时也是是电视节目主主持人。教育育部向其支付付了24万美美元,让他“定期”评论一个孩子也不能落下这项教育改革法案。他声称自己并不是“记者”,而是一个“评论员”;但是他自己也承认,他与教育部达成的那项协议有欠考虑。玛吉加拉格尔(Maggie Gallagher)是一位保守主义专栏作家,为了让她支持布什政府的“健康婚姻”计划,有人同样也给她送了好处费。当她因为这个问题受到质疑时,她答道:“我没有公开这份合同,但是这违反记者职业道德吗?我不知道,你倒是说说看这究竟违不违
43、反职业道德”The Economist lays down clear rules for its journalists. An envelope stuffed with cash, much less a $240,000 contract, would be inappropriate. Any gift, says the policy, must be consumable in a single day. So a bottle of wine is acceptable, a case of wine is not.本刊为自己的记者制定了明确的准则。接受装有现金的信封属于不当行
44、为,更不用说与行贿方达成24万美元的协议了。本刊的记者行为准则规定:接受的任何礼物必须能够在一天之内消费完毕。因此,一瓶酒是可以接受的,而一箱酒就不行了。Rich Westerners may not think of their societies as plagued by corruption. But the definition of bribery clearly differs from person to person. A New Yorker might pity the third-world businessman who must pay bribes just to
45、 keep his shop open. But the same New Yorker would not think twice about slipping the matre d $50 to sneak into a nice restaurant without a reservation. Poor people the world over are most infuriated by the casual corruption of the elites rather than by the underpaid, “tip”-seeking soldier or functi
46、onary.富有的西方民众可能觉得他们的社会受到腐败的影响没有那么严重。但是,不同的人对于贿赂的定义也有很大差别。一个纽约市市民看到第三世界的商人必须行贿才能保证自己的商店正常营业时,他可能会同情。但就是他自己,他并不认为在未预定的情况下为了进入一家高级饭店而偷偷塞给领班50美元算是行贿。和那些索要“小费”、收入微薄的士兵及政府的底层工作人员相比,并不缺钱的精英阶层腐败让世界各地的穷人最为恼火。Indeed, in the worlds richest economy, what many see as simple bribery is an integral part of lawmaki
47、ng. In Washington, DC, it is accepted that a lobbyists generous campaign contribution to a crucial congressman may help to steer some spending to the lobbyists client.事实上,在美国这个全球最富裕的经济体中,许多人认为立法必不可少的一个组成部分就是行贿。在华盛顿特区,如果一位关键的国会议员可能帮助制定一些政策将政府支出导向说客的客户的话,那么说客向这位议员提供大量竞选资金是可以接受的。But proving corruption requires proving the intent to exchange one favour for another. Brent Wilkes, named as a co-conspirator in the bribery case of a Californian congressman, told the New York Times about a lesson he was taught early in his lobbying career: a cheque must never be handed over at the same time