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1、赏析版赏析版 2012 年年 5 月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集Contents2012.05.26A South African cartoon: No joke 绝非玩笑.12012.05.26Once in a lifetime 一生一次.22012.05.26Homeric wisdom 荷马式智慧.72012.05.26Bangladeshs toxic politics 毒雾弥漫的孟加拉国政治.92012.05.26The feelings mutual 共同的感觉.112012.05.26Pedalling prosperity 中国经济:一

2、路骑行,繁华似锦.152012.05.26Triassic lark 嬉戏三叠纪.202012.05.26Azerbaijan and Eurovision 阿塞拜疆与欧洲歌唱大赛.222012.05.26Collateral management: Security services 资产抵押业务. 252012.05.26Everybody was kung fu fighting 人人都有功夫.272012.05.19World,here we come 世界,该我们大展拳脚了.292012.05.21Foreigners in China 外国人在中国. 352012.05.19The

3、 big engine that couldnt 力不从心的大引擎.392012.05.19Duelling the duopolies 商用飞机:与垄断二强一较高下.492012.05.19County jails: Worst case 加州郡级监狱糟糕透顶. 512012.05.18JP Morgan & Spain: Confidence game 摩根大通和西班牙痛苦.532012.05.15TRANSLATOR IN THE SPOTLIGHT 聚光灯下的译者.542012.05.12Aviation in China:Soaring ambition 凌云壮志.552012.05

4、.12The euro crisis 希腊很可能退出欧元区.572012.05.12Amarillo Slim 悼一代赌侠.592012.05.12The economy: Unequal pain 美国经济不平等的痛.622012.05.12Something to watch over us 注视着地球的天眼.642012.05.12Graphene shows its colours 石墨烯露出真容.662012.05.12Turning a line 化学元素周期表将出现新的一行.692012.05.12Luxury goods in China: Riding the gilded

5、tiger 中国奢侈品.722012.05.05Postal Service: Waiting for deliverance 美国邮政企盼改革.742012.05.05That day that changed everything 改变一切的日子.752012.05.05Chinese carmakers 中国汽车制造商:初级阶段.792012.05.05A tilted playing field 现任总统在大选中的优势.832012.05.05Private space flight: Star truck 民营航天时代即将来临.872012.05.05Going for growth

6、, but how? 到底如何实现增长?.892012.05.05Paying what you want: Conscience v commerce 当良心遭遇私利932012.05.05Keep on truckin驾剑长飞八亿里,遥看银河九重天.942012.05.05Nuclear-powered crops 经过核改造的农作物.982012.05.26A South African cartoon: No joke 绝非玩笑绝非玩笑【导读】 :一幅南非总统祖玛的肖像画在约翰内斯堡美术馆展出,由于画中祖玛的私处暴露,该画疯传,引发总统支持者的强烈抗议。A South African

7、cartoon引发南非举国关注的一幅引发南非举国关注的一幅讽刺画讽刺画No joke绝非玩笑绝非玩笑A cartoon of President Jacob Zuma has provoked a storm of outrage关于南非总统雅克比关于南非总统雅克比祖玛的一幅祖玛的一幅讽刺画讽刺画引发强烈不满引发强烈不满May 26th 2012 | CAPE TOWN | from the print editionHARDLY anyone would have heard about Brett Murrays satirical portrait of South Africaspre

8、sident, Jacob Zuma, had the ruling African National Congress (ANC) not put out a statement onMay 17th expressing its “outrage” over the “disgusting” depiction of its revered leader anddemanding its immediate removal from the Johannesburg gallery where it was hung and from thewebsite of the only news

9、paper that had noticed it. When both refused, the party promptly applied fora high-court order to force them to do so.南非执政党非洲国民大会(ANC)在 5 月 17 日发表了一份声明称,约翰内斯堡美术馆展出的一幅“恶心”的肖像画丑化了他们备受尊敬的领导人, 对此他们表示“极度愤慨”并要求美术馆马上撤下这幅画。在声明中他们还要求唯一一家报道该事件的报纸把肖像画从网站上立即撤下。要不是这份声明,几乎没人会知道到布雷特穆雷(Brett Murray)所作的关于南非总统雅克比祖玛的这

10、幅讽刺画。当上述要求遭到美术馆及报纸的拒绝之后,非洲国民大会随即向高等法院提出申请,要求法院下令强制执行。This, of course, sent thousands of South Africans rushing to the internet to see what the fuss wasabout. There they found a cartoon of a fully clothed, bespectacled Mr Zuma, virtuallyunrecognisable save for the characteristic bump at the back of h

11、is shaven head, in a heroicLeninesque pose, but with his genitals hanging out of his trousers. Soon every newspaper in the landwas carrying the portrait, entitled “The Spear”. It promptly went viral, even earning its own page onWikipedia.正是这份声明引得成千上万名南非民众争相上网一探究竟。他们看到一幅肖像画,画中人物衣着整齐,戴着一副眼镜,摆出一幅列宁式的英雄

12、站姿,但生殖器却露在了裤子外面。要不是他标志性的后脑勺,几乎认不出来画中人物就是总统祖玛。不久,全国所有的报纸都刊登了这幅名为矛的讽刺画。这幅画很快便传疯了,甚至在维基百科上都出现了专属词条。In his affidavit, Mr Zuma, who has four wives, two ex-wives and some 22 children, argued that thepainting constituted a grave violation of his constitutional right to dignity “as it depicts me with mypriv

13、ate parts showing”. He felt “offended and violated”, as it suggested he was a “philanderer, awomaniseran abuser of power”. It also, he said, tarnished the ANCs image as a liberationmovement.总统祖玛除了两位前任配偶之外,现在有四个妻子,大概 22 个子女。他在书面陈述中称,这幅画严重侵害了他受宪法保护的人格权, “因为在画中我的私处露在了外面”。 他觉得 “被冒犯,而且权利受到侵害”,因为这幅画暗示他是一个

14、“玩弄女性、花心及滥用职权的人”。他还说这幅画玷污了非洲国民大会作为解放运动组织的形象。The work, said Gwede Mantashe, the ANCs secretary-general, was racist, suggesting that “blackpeople were objects and inferior to whites.” Zwelinzima Vavi, leader of the main trade unionfederation, said it could “only be the work of a very sick mind, full o

15、f hatred.” No white leader, theysaid, would ever be portrayed like that. (In fact Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Stephen Harper,Canadas prime minister, haveamong othersbeen depicted naked in abusive cartoons.)南非国民大会总书记格维德曼德谢(Gwede Mantashe)称这幅画带有种族主义色彩,因为它暗示 “黑人只是被嘲笑的对象,而且低白人一等”。总工会常务秘书长瓦维(Zwelinz

16、ima Vavi)称可能“只有神智不清、 脑中充满仇恨的人才能画出这种东西”。 他们说白人领导从来不会被刻画成那种形象。 (实际上,包括比尔克林顿、乔治W布什及加拿大总理史蒂芬哈伯在内的一些白人领导人,他们都有过一丝不挂地出现在侮辱性漫画中的类似遭遇。 )On May 22nd the Zuma painting was all but destroyed with red and black paint by two enragedsupporters of the president. One of South Africas biggest churches, the Nazareth

17、Baptist Church,has called for Mr Murray, a well-known anti-apartheid campaigner, to be stoned to death.5 月 22 日,两名愤怒的总统支持者用红色和黑色油漆几乎毁掉了那幅肖像画。该画的作者穆雷是著名的反种族隔离活动家,南非最大教派之一的拿撒勒浸信会(the Nazareth BaptistChurch)要求石刑处死穆雷。2012.05.26Once in a lifetime 一生一次一生一次导读:英女皇伊丽莎白二世于 1952 年登基,今年满六十周年,本文把这次的庆典和 1977 年的二十

18、五周年庆典以及 2002 年的五十周年庆典加以对比,讨论了这些庆典反映出的英国国民心境转变。Bagehot白芝浩白芝浩Once in a lifetime一生一次一生一次What three royal jubilees reveal about Britain通过三次皇室登基庆典看英国通过三次皇室登基庆典看英国May 26th 2012 | from the print editionBEFORE Queen Elizabeths Silver Jubilee in 1977, the villagers of West Hoathly in Sussex wereplaced under

19、secret observation. A file was drawn up, noting their views on the monarchy, thecountry and the impending celebrations. The royal family was marvellous but these festivities hadbetter not cost too much, said one villager, recorded as “Nurse, female, 50”, explaining: “People arenot in the mood.”在 197

20、7 年英女皇伊丽莎白二世登基二十五周年庆典之前,萨塞克斯地区西霍斯利村的村民当了一回被暗中观察的目标。那次观察结果被总结成了一份文件,其中记录了当时村民对于皇室、英国和即将到来的庆典的看法。文件中一位“50 岁的女护士”指出,皇室棒极了,但是庆典最好不要花费过巨,她对此作了进一步的说明:“大家现在没有庆贺的心情。”West Hoathly was reliably monarchist, the file records, with anti-republican sentiment boosted byrecent American elections (“Fancy having Jimm

21、y Carter,” a villager shuddered). But still its Jubileeenthusiasts sounded a bit bleak. Were due a celebration, said “Male, 53”weve made it to 1977without a nuclear war.据文件记载,当时的西霍斯利村是君主制的忠实拥护者,受到刚过去的美国大选影响,村里反共和制的情绪进一步高涨(“想想让吉米卡特来管理英国会是什么样子”,一位村民边说边打了个冷颤) 。但即使在这样一个亲皇室的村庄里,那些登基庆典热衷分子的话听上去还是有些沮丧。一位“5

22、3 岁男子”说,是时候庆祝一下了,我们终于迎来了 1977 年,核战争至今还没发生。The files were commissioned by Mass Observation, a private social-research project that has studiedthe British since the 1930s. In all, 107 volunteers were recruited to record the Silver Jubilee. Theirdiaries and notes, together with complementary files on t

23、he 2002 Golden Jubilee, now form part of avast archive held at Sussex University. On the eve of Queen Elizabeths Diamond Jubileeto bemarked from June 2nd to 5ththe archives offer a remarkably evocative glimpse of the recent past.这些调查的背后策划者是私人社会研究项目“大众观察”。 该项目从 20 世纪 30 年代起就开始研究英国。在登基庆典二十五周年时一共有 107

24、名志愿者被招募来记录这一盛事。这些人的日记和笔记,加上 2002 年登基五十周年时的文件,完整地记录了当时的盛况,这些文件现保留在萨塞克斯大学庞大的档案库里。6 月 2 日至 5 日将举行伊丽莎白二世登基六十周年庆典。在庆典前夕的今天,这些档案让我们一瞥不久前的过去,唤醒了我们的回忆。The 1977 files describe a country that was tired and riven by industrial conflict. Its people talked offeeling a bit lost, and yetfrom a distance of 35 years

25、they seem enviably grounded in a sharedculture with deep roots. There was striking uniformity to their celebrations. Invited to have fun,people first grumbled then formed committees. It is remembered that at previous royal jubileeschildren were given commemorative mugs, prompting endless rows about

26、paying for them. “TheVicar! He needs grinding up afresh, that one,” fumed a farmers wife in north Wiltshire, on learningthat her Womens Institute branch must buy mugs. “Not that Im criticising him, of course,” sheadded hastily.1977 年的文件描绘了一个被劳资纠纷搞得疲惫不堪、四分五裂的国家。国民们常在谈话中坦言自己感到有点迷茫,即使这样,从 35 年后的今天回头看,当

27、时的国民似乎实实在在地共享着一种根基深厚的文化,着实令人羡慕。他们在各处举办的庆典相似得惊人。受邀玩乐时,英国人首先会抱怨几句,然后组织委员会决定细节。记得在过去的几次登基庆典上,孩子们收到纪念马克杯,由此就这些杯子的资金来源引发了没完没了的争议。北威尔特郡一位农夫的妻子在得知自己所属的妇女协会分会必须购买马克杯时,怒气冲冲地抱怨道:“那个牧师!他真得清醒清醒了注 1。”然后她又匆匆补上一句:“当然,我不是在批评他。”Celebrations in 1977 involved childrens foodsausage rolls and jelly, hot dogs and ice cre

28、amandbeer for the grown-ups. There were violent sporting contests, from tugs-of-war to free-form footballmatches. To conquer reserve, fancy dress was worn, often involving men in womens clothing. Fromthe West Midlands came news of an all-transvestite football game, with the laconic annotation: “alle

29、nded up in the canal.”1977 年的庆典上为孩子提供的食品有香肠卷、果冻、热狗和冰淇淋,而大人们则有啤酒,还有激烈的体育赛事,像是拔河和规则不限的足球赛。为了打破矜持,很多人奇装异服,通常是男扮女装。西米德兰兹郡报道了举办异装癖足球赛的新闻,新闻的脚注简单明了:“所有人最后都掉进沟里了。”London displayed both patriotic zeal (flag-draped pubs in Brick Lane, big street parties in MuswellHill) and hostility (cheerless housing estate

30、s, slogans declaring “Stuff the Jubilee”).伦敦有的地方展示了爱国热情(布里克道的酒吧都挂满了国旗,穆斯维尔山则举行了盛大的街道聚会) ,另一些地方则显露了敌意(闷闷不乐的居民区,写着“让登基庆典见鬼去吧注 2”的标语) 。Scotland was a nation apart. A file reports “total apathy” in Croy. In Glasgow the anniversary wascalled “an English jubilee”. Snobs sneered along with Scots. At Eton C

31、ollege, a wooden Jubileepyramid was smashed by old boys. At Oxford University, examinations were held on Jubilee Day, ina display of indifference.苏格兰的气氛则完全是天差地别。 有一份文件报告说克罗瓦“完全漠不关心”。 在格拉斯哥该庆典被称为“英格兰登基庆典”。 一些自以为是之徒则和苏格兰人一起对庆典嗤之以鼻。 在伊顿公学,几位校友一起砸碎了一个木制的登基庆典金字塔。为了表示对该庆典的冷淡态度,牛津大学在庆典日当天举行考试。The Silver Ju

32、bilee is not really about the monarchy, asserts a file from south Wiltshire: the day isabout “people wanting a bit of fun”. A report from Wimbotsham in Norfolk, close to a royal estate atSandringham, stands out for its focus on the queens 25 years on the throne. Locals held a service onthe village g

33、reen, praying for the monarch in “happy togetherness” under dripping umbrellas beforea tug-of-war, races and tea for 700.一份来自威尔特郡的文件认为二十五周年登基庆典其实和皇室关系不大,“人们是想要借机玩乐一下”。诺福克郡的温勃特山姆邻近皇室在桑德林汉姆的府邸。据文件报告那里的庆祝活动把重心放在了女皇在位 25 年的历史上,和其它地方的庆祝大不一样。当地人在村子草地上举行了礼拜,在滴着水的雨伞下祈祷皇室“快乐团圆”。接下来呢?他们举办了拔河、赛跑和供700 人享用的茶会。By

34、 2002 and the Golden Jubilee, Britain comes across as a busier, lonelier, more cynical place. Theroyal family was “just showbiz”, sniffed a diarist from Sussex. There is angry talk of Princess Dianaand how her 1997 death was mishandled by the queen. There are fewer street parties than in 1977,all ag

35、ree. This is variously blamed on apathy, the authorities (whose job it is to organise events,apparently) and above all on health-and-safety rules. In 1977, in contrast, one Wiltshire villagecheerfully let a “pyromaniac” doctor take Jubilee fireworks home to add extra bangs.到 2002 年五十周年登基庆典时,英国给人的感觉更

36、为繁忙,更为孤独,也更为愤世嫉俗。萨塞克斯的一位日记作者轻蔑地表示皇室“只是演艺行当”罢了。 民间仍然气愤地谈论着已故的戴安娜王妃以及女皇对她 1997 年过世事件的不当处理。所有人都承认街道上的聚会比 1977 年来得少。关于这种情况有各种解释,包括民众的漠不关心、政府当局(说到底,他们是负责组织活动的) ,以及最重要的一点,就是健康安全法规。相比之下,1977 年威尔特郡有一个村子就快乐地让一位“烟火狂热”医生把庆典烟火带回家继续点放庆祝。The 2012 Jubilee finds Britain changed again. Diamond jubilees being rare (t

37、he last was achieved byQueen Victoria in 1897), the queen is firmly at the centre of the celebrations. Local councils havereceived more than 8,000 applications to close roads for street parties, suggesting that 2002spassivity is fading. The country is not returning to 1977 and its home-made fancy-dr

38、ess costumes orCoronation bunting dug out of attics. Todays shops heave with Jubilee cakes, disposabledecorations and flag-emblazoned baubles, letting consumers buy patriotism out of a box.2012 年的登基庆典又一次见证了一个不一样的英国。登基六十周年实属罕见(上一位登基满60 年的是 1897 年的维多利亚女皇) 。因此这次女皇一定是所有庆典活动的焦点。各个地方市政委员会目前已收到超过 8000 份关闭道

39、路,举办街道聚会的申请。这表示 2002 年民众对皇室的冷淡态度正在好转。但英国并没有在回归 1977 年的情形,人们并没有把自制的奇装异服和加冕彩旗从阁楼里挖出来。今时今日的商店装满了登基庆典蛋糕,一次性的装饰品和印着国旗的彩球,消费者想要体现爱国情操可以直接买现成品。After 60 years on the throne, a jubilee about the queen在位在位 60 年年,女皇的盛会,女皇的盛会Visiting Wimbotsham, Bagehot is shown elaborate plans: cake-baking contests, pony rides

40、, a teddybears picnic, a sports day, a pensioners tea. But there will be no tug-of-war (people might hurtthemselves) and the face painters have liability insurance. Still, the festivities will dwarf those seenin 2002, locals say. The monarchy endured a “big lull after Diana”, suggests David Long, th

41、e drivingforce behind Wimbotshams Diamond Jubilee. As the queen grows older, she is “more highlythought of”. Linda Nixon, a Wimbotsham pensioner, credits Prince Williams royal wedding withreviving enthusiasm. Prince William and his brother Prince Harry are “like everyday people”, shesays.在拜访温勃特山姆期间,

42、笔者见证了非常详尽的庆祝计划:烤蛋糕比赛、骑小马、泰迪熊野餐会、运动会、退休老人茶会、不过这次不会有拔河竞赛(可能会有人受伤) ,而绘脸师们现在可都是买了责任保险的。尽管如此,当地人觉得这次的庆祝活动还是会大大超过 2002 年的规模。 该村登基六十周年庆典背后的推手大卫郎认为皇室在“戴安娜之后忍受了民望低迷的漫长时期”。随着女皇年纪增大,人民“越来越尊敬她”。该村另一位退休人士琳达尼克松则认为威廉王子的皇家婚礼重燃了人们对皇室的热情。她觉得威廉王子和他的弟弟哈利王子“就和普通老百姓一样”。In the Mass Observation Silver Jubilee files, critic

43、s grumble about the monarchy costing too muchor entrenching privilege. Supporters say the queen confers global prestige or offers a bulwarkagainst constitutional meddling by politicians. In short, the debate is about the best way to organisesociety. In both Golden and Diamond Jubilee Britain, by con

44、trast, the issue is whether the queendeserves to be respected, and whether the public can relate to her. In short, individualism is all.“大众观察”的二十五周年登基庆典文件记录着当时的批评者们对于皇室大肆开销, 确立牢固的特权这两点甚是不满。而支持者们则认为女皇不仅在全球范围内带来威望,更是防止政客搅乱宪法的一道坚垒。简而言之,这场辩论的核心在于究竟什么才是最好的社会组织方式。相较之下,在五十周年和六十周年的庆典中,争论的中心转移到女皇是否值得人民尊敬,以及普

45、通大众是否能认同她这些问题上。简而言之,个人主义高于一切。Diamond Jubilee Britain seems to be a hybrid. As in 1977, an unhappy nation fancies being cheeredup, and the monarchy fits the bill. As in 2002, a truculent nation demands a monarchy on its own,emotional terms. Is that sustainable? Perhaps not, but it promises to be a fi

46、ne party.六十周年登基庆典下的英国似乎是一个混合体。和 1977 年一样,一个烦恼的国度想要让自己开心起来,而皇室正好给了它一个好理由。和 2002 年一样,一个暴躁的国度需要一个迎合情绪化国民的皇室。这两者是可以兼容的吗?也许不能,但这依然定会是一次美好的狂欢。译者注:1 - 这里的 grind up 实意不明,可能是过去常用的英国俚语,根据上下文暂译为这个意思2 - stuff 在俚语中相当于 F 词,语气上可能有一点差别,没有 F 词那么脏,但也是一种粗口附六十周年登基庆典图片集The finishing touches are applied to a new waxwork

47、figure of the queen produced in honour of herDiamond Jubilee为纪念女皇登基六十年所制的新蜡像的最后修饰Souvenir cups on sale to mark the jubilee商店出售的登基庆典纪念杯Employees of Harrods wait to greet the queen in London伦敦哈洛德百货公司的员工等待向女皇请安Queen Elizabeth passes by a re-enactment of the Mad Hatters Tea Party as she visits Sherborne

48、Abbey in Dorset伊丽莎白女皇拜访多塞特郡的谢尔本教堂时碰到一群人在扮演“疯帽子茶会”注:爱丽丝梦游仙境Members of Priston Jubilee Morris Men dance outside the village pub. The rosette marks the queensSilver Jubilee of 1977普里斯敦登基庆典莫里斯舞男子团的成员在村子酒吧外起舞。他们身上的花饰标志着 1977 年的二十五周年登基庆典In a break from tradition the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stand gua

49、rd at Horse Guards Parade inLondon. This is the first time a non-British, non-military force has taken this role一改以往的传统,这次在伦敦皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场上站岗的是加拿大皇家骑警。这是第一次非英国且非军事性的队伍担任这一职务Andy Warhols picture of Queen Elizabeth is on display at the National Portrait Gallery in London aspart of an exhibition to mark th

50、e Diamond Jubilee安迪沃霍尔的伊丽莎白画陈列在伦敦的国家肖像画馆内,作为该画馆六十周年登基庆典展览的一部份Confetti and flags outside Harrods哈洛德百货公司外面的五彩纸屑和国旗Children greet the queen in Chester which she is visiting as part of her tour of the north-west ofEngland女皇出巡英格兰西北部时途径切斯特,孩子们向女皇请安A flag with the queens portrait made entirely of Lego is p


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