1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.赏析版2013年3月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集ContentsQuantum Gas Goes below Absolute Zero12013.003.02 The worksshop hheroess 美国与二二战:车里的的英雄42013.003.02 Speccial rreportt: Emeergingg Afriica 崛起起的非洲72013.3.2Lexxingtoon: Thhe vieew froom Maiine sttreetss
2、132013.003.02 The pennyy dropps 一美美分硬币终将将退出市场162013.003.02 Obseessionns 那些痴痴狂182013.003.02 Cubaas leeaderss: Thee new man 古古巴政坛新星星212013.003.02 A haard pooundinng, thhis 军工工行业遭受重重击252013.003.07 Timeed outt 是时候和和时代说说分手了312013.003.09Net bbenefiits 网络络净收益332013.003.09 Now for tthe reeckoniing 下面面,让咱们来来
3、算算总账吧吧372013.003.09 Fixiing thhe fatt catss 修理肥肥猫482013.003.09 Fligghts oof fanncy 从幻幻想到空中翱翱翔502013.003.13 To aa war footiing 朝鲜鲜半岛正在走走向战争532013.003.16 Siliicon SSpringg breaak 硅谷狂狂欢552013.003.16 Lookking ffor Inndiass Zuckkerberrg 寻找印印度的扎克伯伯格582013.003.16 Russsia affter SStalinn 斯大林离离去后的俄罗罗斯612013.
4、003.16 Highh, widde or handssome?642013.003.16Crediit wattch 信贷贷观察682013-003-16 The econoomy 美国国竞争力报道道 经济712013.003.16 Immiigratiion: OOwn gooal 移移民问题:美美国自摆乌龙龙762013.003.23The AAlibabba pheenomennon 阿里里巴巴现象832013.003.23 Vapee em if yoou gott em 拿到手,吸吸两口872013.003.23 The joy oof staats 玩转转统计学892013.0
5、03.23 Heree comees thee cavaalry 救救兵来也922013.003.30Can IIndia becomme a ggreat powerr? 印度能能成为大国吗吗?942013.003.23 The pricee of ddetachhment 退居二线的的代价972013.003.30Bottooms upp 经济转型型:基本面分分析101Americaas JOOBS Acct Stiill noot worrking105Quantumm Gas Goes beloww Absoolute Zero【导读】根据热热力学原理,绝绝对零度是不不可达到的;但最新
6、研究究结果表明,事事实并非如此此Quaantum Gas GGoes bbelow Absollute ZZero量子子气体的温度度达到绝对零零度以下时间间:20133-01-114 15:17 来源源:环球科学学Ultraacold atomss pavee way for nnegatiive-Keelvin materrials超超冷原子为负负绝对温度材材料铺平了道道路Tempperatuure inn a gaas cann reacch bellow abbsolutte zerro thaanks tto a qquirk of quuantumm physsics.IImage:
7、 PHOTTOCREOO Michhal Beednareek/Thiinkstoock量子物物理的一种反反常现象可以以让某种气体体的温度达到到绝对零度以以下照片来自自PHOTOOCREO Michaal Beddnarekk/ThinnkstocckFromm Natuure maagazinne本文选自自自然杂杂志It mmay soound lless llikelyy thann helll freeezing over, but physiicistss havee creaated aan atoomic ggas wiith a sub-aabsoluute-zeero teem
8、peraature for tthe fiirst ttime. Theirr techhniquee openns thee doorr to ggeneraating negattive-KKelvinn mateerialss and new qquantuum devvices, and it coould eeven hhelp tto sollve a cosmoologiccal myysteryy.这话听起起来比地狱冰冰封了还不靠靠谱,但物理理学家们已经经史无前例地地创造了一种种温度低于绝绝对零度的原原子气体。他他们的方法为为制造负开氏氏温度的材料料和新型量子子仪器打开了了大门
9、,而且且还可能有助助于解决一个个宇宙学的千千古谜团。Lord Kelviin deffined the aabsoluute teemperaature scalee in tthe miid-18000s inn suchh a waay thaat notthing couldd be ccolderr thann absoolute zero. Physsicistts latter reealizeed thaat thee absoolute tempeeraturre of a gass is rrelateed to the aaveragge eneergy oof itss
10、partticless. Abssolutee zeroo corrresponnds too the ttheoreeticall statte in whichh partticless havee no eenergyy at aall, aand hiigher tempeeraturres coorresppond tto higgher aaveragge eneergiess.19世纪中叶叶,开尔文勋勋爵(Lorrd Kellvin)认认为任何物体体的温度都不不可能达到绝绝对零度以下下,并以此定定义了绝对温温标。物理学学家们后来意意识到,某种种气体的绝对对温度与其粒粒子的平均动动
11、能相关。绝绝对零度对应应于粒子完全全没有动能的的理论状态;较高的温度度对应于较高高的平均动能能。Howeever, by thhe 19550s, pphysiccists workiing wiith moore exxotic systeems beegan tto reaalise that this isntt alwaays trrue: TTechniicallyy, youu readd off the temmperatture oof a ssystemm fromm a grraph tthat pplots the pprobabbilitiies off its par
12、tiicles beingg founnd witth cerrtain energgies. Normaally, most partiicles have averaage orr nearr-averrage eenergiies, wwith oonly aa few partiicles zippiing arround at hiigher energgies. In thheory, if tthe siituatiion iss reveersed, withh moree partticless haviing hiigher, rathher thhan loower, e
13、nerggies, the pplot wwould flip over and tthe siign off the tempeeraturre wouuld chhange from a possitivee to aa negaative absollute ttemperraturee, expplainss Ulriich Scchneidder, aa physsicistt at tthe Luudwig Maximmiliann Univeersityy in Muunich, Germmany.然而到了220世纪500年代,一些些研究更不寻寻常的物质系系统的物理学学家开始认识
14、识到这种说法法并非总是正正确的:在具具体操作时,人人们根据某种种曲线读出系系统的温度,这这种曲线描绘绘了该系统中中粒子具有某某些动能的几几率。在正常常情况下,大大多数粒子的的动能为平均均动能或接近近平均动能,只只有少数粒子子以较高动能能运动。德国国慕尼黑市的的路德维希马克西米兰兰大学(Luudwig Maximmiliann Univversitty in Municch, Geermanyy)的物理学学家尤里奇施奈达(UUlrichh Schnneiderr)解释说:从理论上说说,如果这种种状况逆转,即即如果较多粒粒子的动能不不是较低而是是较高,这一一曲线就会翻翻转,这会改改变绝对温度度的符
15、号,由由正绝对温度度变为负绝对对温度。Peeaks aand vaalleyss山顶与山谷谷Schneeider and hhis coolleaggues rreacheed succh subb-absoolute-zero tempeeraturres wiith ann ultrracoldd quanntum ggas maade upp of ppotasssium aatoms. Usinng lassers aand maagnetiic fieelds, they kept the iindiviidual atomss in aa latttice aarranggemen
16、tt. At posittive ttemperraturees, thhe atooms reepel, makinng thee conffiguraation stablle. Thhe teaam theen quiickly adjussted tthe maagnetiic fieelds, causiing thhe atooms too attrract rratherr thann repeel eacch othher. “TThis ssuddennly shhifts the aatoms from theirr mostt stabble, llowestt-ener
17、rgy sttate tto thee highhest ppossibble ennergy statee, beffore tthey ccan reeact,” says Schneeider. “Its likke wallking throuugh a valleey, thhen innstanttly fiindingg yourrself on thhe mouuntainn peakk.”施奈达达和他的同事事们是利用钾钾原子组成的的超冷量子气气体达到这一一绝对零度以以下温度的。利利用激光与磁磁场,他们让让单个原子保保持点阵排列列。在正绝对对温度下原子子相互排斥,这这使该点阵稳
18、稳定。然后研研究小组迅速速调整磁场,让让原子之间由由排斥转为吸吸引。“这便便在原子有所所反应之前突突然把它们从从能量最低的的最稳定状态态转变为可能能达到的最高高能量状态,”施施奈达说。“这这就像你正在在山谷中行走走,但顷刻之之间发现自己己来到了山顶顶。”At posittive ttemperraturees, suuch a reverrsal wwould be unnstablle andd the atomss woulld colllapsee inwaards. But tthe teeam allso addjusteed thee trappping laserr fielld
19、 to make it moore ennergetticallly favvourabble foor thee atomms to stickk in ttheir posittions. Thiss resuult, ddescriibed ttoday in Scciencee, marrks thhe gasss trransittion ffrom jjust aabove absollute zzero tto a ffew biillionnths oof a KKelvinn beloow abssolutee zeroo.这样的逆逆转在正绝对对温度下不稳稳定,会让原原子向内
20、坍塌塌。但该小组组也调整了激激光阱场,让让原子停留在在原处在能量量上更为有利利。今天的科科学杂志是是这样描述的的:这样做的的结果标志着着气体的温度度从刚好在绝绝对零度之上上向绝对零度度之下十亿分之几度度转变。Woolfganng Kettterlee, a pphysiccist aand Noobel llaureaate att the Massaachuseetts IInstittute oof Tecchnoloogy inn Cambbridgee, whoo has previiouslyy demoonstraated nnegatiive abbsolutte temmper
21、attures in a magneetic ssystemm, callls thhe lattest wwork aan “exxperimmentall tourr de fforce”. Exottic hiigh-ennergy statees thaat aree hardd to ggeneraate inn the laborratoryy at ppositiive teemperaaturess becoome sttable at neegativve abssolutee tempperatuures “as thouggh youu can standd a pyyr
22、amidd on iits heead annd nott worrry aboout itt topppling over,” he notess annd so such technniquess can alloww thesse staates tto be studiied inn detaail. “TThis mmay bee a waay to creatte neww formms of matteer in the llaboraatory,” Kettterlee addss.位于剑桥桥的麻省理工工学院(Maassachhusettts Insstitutte of Te
23、chnnologyy in CCambriidge)物物理学家、诺诺贝尔奖金得得主沃尔夫冈冈克特勒(WWolfgaang Keetterlle)曾在一一种磁系统中中证实了负绝绝对温度的存存在,他称这这一最新成果果是一项“实实验杰作”。在在正绝对温度度下很难在实实验室产生的的非寻常高能能态在负绝对对温度下变得得稳定了,“这这就像你可以以把一座金字字塔头朝下放放又不必担心心它会倾覆”,因此这种方法可以让人们得以详细地研究这些状态。“这或许会是在实验室中创造物质新形式的一种方法。”If built, such systems would behave in strange ways, says Ac
24、him Rosch, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cologne in Germany, who proposed the technique used by Schneider and his team. For instance, Rosch and his colleagues have calculated that whereas clouds of atoms would normally be pulled downwards by gravity, if part of the cloud is at a negat
25、ive absolute temperature, some atoms will move upwards, apparently defying gravity.这种实验方法是德国科隆大学(University of Cologne in Germany)的理论物理学家阿齐姆洛什(Achim Rosch)建议施奈达和他的团队使用的;前者认为,一旦这样的系统建成,它们将会有异乎寻常的表现方式。例如,洛什与他的同事们所进行的计算说明,尽管原子云通常会受重力作用向下运动,但如果云的一部份处于负绝对温度下,有些原子就会明显地对抗引力向上运动。Another peculiarity of the s
26、ub-absolute-zero gas is that it mimics dark energy, the mysterious force that pushes the Universe to expand at an ever-faster rate against the inward pull of gravity. Schneider notes that the attractive atoms in the gas produced by the team also want to collapse inwards, but do not because the negat
27、ive absolute temperature stabilises them. “Its interesting that this weird feature pops up in the Universe and also in the lab,” he says. “This may be something that cosmologists should look at more closely.”温度在绝对零度以下的气体的另一个奇异现象是它对“暗能量”的模仿;后者是推动宇宙对抗向心引力,并以日益增加的速率向外膨胀的神秘力量。施奈达强调,在该研究小组制造的气体中,互相吸引的原子也
28、有向内坍塌的倾向,但负绝对温度对其稳定作用使这种情况没有发生。“有趣的是,这一出现在宇宙中的奇异特点也出现在实验室中,”他如是说。“这或许是宇宙学家应该更仔细地研究的现象。”This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on January 3, 2012.本文于2012年1月3日首发,现经自然杂志允许在此重刊。By Zeeya Merali and Nature magazine兹亚米拉里,自然杂志原文地址:htttp:/www.ssci
29、enttificaamericcan.coo . olutee-zeroo#commments转转载声明:本本文来自环球球科学(),转转载请注明出出处http:/ecocnn.org/threaad-1800977-11-1.httml 译者者:悠悠万事事972013.003.02 The worksshop hheroess 美国与二二战:车里的的英雄【导读】同盟国国之所以在二二战中获胜,工工程师功不可可没Amerrica aand thhe seccond wworld war美国国与二战Thhe worrkshopp herooes车间里里的英雄A tribuute too the un
30、sunng worrkers向向二战中的无无名工作者致致敬Mar 2nd 22013 |From the pprint editiionEnggineerrs of Victoory: TThe Prroblemm Solvvers wwho Tuurned the TTide iin thee Secoond Woorld WWar.By Paaul Keennedyy.Randdom Hoouse; 436 ppages; $30.Allenn Lanee; 255. Buyy frommAm,Amazoon.co.uk奠定定胜局的工程程师:扭转二二战局势的灵灵丹妙药。保保罗肯尼迪迪【注1
31、】著著,兰登书屋屋出版。全书书436页,售售价30美元元。英国地区区由艾伦莱莱恩出版社出出版,售价225英镑。AA、Amzaoon.co.uk有售。NEAARLY 770 yeaars affter tthe seecond worldd war and wwith mmost oof thee combbatantts noww deadd, a lleadinng hisstoriaan cann praiise thhe Wehhrmachht. Noot, off courrse, iits evvil raacism but iits miilitarry proowess. On
32、tthe baattleffieldss, wriites PPaul KKenneddy of Yale Univeersityy, Germmanyss solddiers earneed uniiversaal resspect for ttheir “capaacity to reeact sswiftlly andd fierrcely to ann assaault oon anyy fronnt”. HHis suuperlaativess conttinue to fllow. TThe Weehrmaccht poossesssed a fabullous ccapaciit
33、y too recoover aand sttrike back; Germmanyss paraatrooppers wwere uultra- comppetentt; thee Reicch fouught wwith aastounnding tenaccity.第第二次世界大大战已经过去去了将近七十十年,大多数数参战老兵也也已经离开人人世。今时今今日,杰出的的历史学家可可以去赞扬德德国国防军【注注2】了。当当然,不是去去赞扬它那罪罪恶的种族歧歧视,而是去去赞扬它那非非凡的军事实实力。耶鲁大大学的保罗肯尼迪写道道,德国将士士“无论在哪哪一条战线上上都能迅猛地地应对敌军的的突袭”,因因此
34、在战场上上赢得了广泛泛尊重。肯尼尼迪还赞赏道道:德国国防防军具备令人人难以置信的的恢复能力和和反击能力;德军的伞兵兵极为优秀;德意志帝国国的军人打起起仗来出乎意意料地顽强。How then did Germany come to lose the war? The British-born historian strives to avoid reductionism. Unlike others, he says, he does not claim that the Allies victory can be explained solely by brute force or by a
35、wonder weapon or by some magical decrypting system. There were multiple factors. Some have been exaggerated. Bletchley Park was “certainly far less important” than most of the popular literature about the codebreakers suggests. Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harriss determination not to target the enemys oil,
36、transport and electricity grids but to blast cities instead was, he writes, a “weird panacea”.那么,为什么德国还是输掉了这场战争?在阐述这个问题时,肯尼迪这位生于英国的历史学家竭力避免了还原论【注3】。和别人不同,他不认为可以把同盟国的胜利单纯地归功于武力、新型兵器或是什么神奇的解码系统。这场胜利存在诸多因素,而有些因素被人为夸大了。在很多关于解码人员的通俗文学中,布莱切利园【注4】对同盟国在二战中的胜利起到了重要作用,“这显然言过其实了”。肯尼迪写道,阿瑟“轰炸机”哈里斯【注5】当年决定不去攻击敌军
37、的石油线路、运输系统和电网,而是去轰炸各大城市这是一种“兵行诡道的万能战术”。Against this, Mr Kennedy argues, some reasons for the Allies success deserve much greater emphasis. One of them, the stupendous might of Americas military-industrial complex, was recognised at last in Arthur Hermans “Freedoms Forge”, reviewed here last year. Mr
38、 Kennedy celebrates another crucial component: the role of engineers. What they invented, improvised and improved had, by 1943, begun to turn the tide against Germany and Japan.相反,肯尼迪认为,有些因素让同盟国取得了胜利,却远未得到足够的重视。其一就是美国的军事工业复合体所发挥出的惊人威力事隔多年之后,这种威力终于在阿瑟赫尔曼的锻造自由的熔炉一书中得到了认可(去年本报曾经刊载过这部作品的书评)。肯尼迪赞颂了另一个至关重
39、要的胜利因素:那就是工程师们在二战中所扮演的角色。到1943年为止,他们的工作成果已经开始为同盟国扭转战局了,德国和日本的优势不复存在。By then long-range B-24 Liberator bombers protected convoys of merchant ships crossing the Atlantic; Hedgehog grenades destroyed Grand Admiral Karl Dnitzs U-boats; B-17 Flying Fortress bombers flew from airfields in England deep int
40、o Germany and drove the Japanese back in the Pacific; T-34 tanks led the blood-soaked Soviet counter-attack on the Eastern Front; Mustang fighter planes decimated Germanys flying aces.彼时彼刻, B-24“解放者”远程轰炸机保护着横跨大西洋的商船队伍;“刺猬弹”炸毁了德国海军元帅卡尔邓尼兹的 U 型潜艇;B-17“空中堡垒”轰炸机从英格兰的机场起飞,深入德国境内,并在太平洋战区击退了日军;苏军在东方战线发动了浴血
41、反攻,而前方开路的正是一架架 T-34 坦克;德军的制空王牌也被“野马”战斗机尽数歼灭【注6】。Mr Kennedy also rescues the engineers of the US Navy Construction Battalions from relative obscurity. Popularly known as the “Seabees”, these were the units that built the bases, the installations, the assembly points and the roads that carried the All
42、ied fight forward. Their achievements more than justify Mr Kennedys assertion that engineers are essential to military victory. Yet, as he rightly complains, historians of grand campaigns all too often take their work for granted and assume that troops, fleets and air squadrons can be moved long dis
43、tances by the stroke of a pen on a large map.肯尼迪还让美国海军建设营的工程师从幕后走到了台前。这些人被公众称为“海蜂”【注7】,负责建造基地、集合点,并为同盟国军队铺设进军道路。肯尼迪坚称工程师在二战的军事胜利中功不可没,而“海蜂”取得的成就也充分证明了这一点。然而,肯尼迪也抱怨道(这种抱怨合情合理):研究大型战争的历史学家往往不重视工程师的工作,认为只要在作战地图上大笔一挥,海陆空三军就能深入敌方腹地。Seabee statistics are still amazing. In the Pacific alone they built, in
44、the midst of war, 111 major airstrips and 441 piers, tanks for the storage of 100m gallons of fuel, housing for 1.5m men and hospitals for 70,000 patients. The famous photograph of General Douglas MacArthur (pictured) fulfilling his “I shall return” promise to the Philippines was possible only after
45、 skilful Seabees had managed the pontoon bridges and causeway units that brought the army ashorealong with the photographers, of course.今天看来,关于“海蜂”的统计数据仍然令人惊讶。在二战期间,他们仅在太平洋战区就铺设了111条大型飞机跑道、搭建了441个码头、制造了可贮存一亿加仑燃料的油桶、修建了可居住150万人的营房以及可接纳7万名病人的多家医院。上将道格拉斯麦克阿瑟(如图)离开菲律宾群岛时曾经承诺:“我还会回来的”。而如果没有技术高超的“海蜂”来搭筑浮桥
46、、修建堤道的话,美军也就无法登岸了,麦克阿瑟的诺言也将无法实现当然,假如没有“海蜂”,就连拍下这张著名照片的摄影记者都将无法到场。 Mr Kennedys best-known book is “The Rise and Fall of Great Powers” (1987) and his knowledge of earlier conflicts adds depth and colour to his history of the middle years of the war. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, the Duke of Marl
47、borough, Napoleon, William Tecumseh Sherman and others march across the pages as Mr Kennedy compares and contrasts their actions with those of their counterparts in 1943-44. And he is able to cite several instances of British-American-Soviet bickering to sustain the Duke of Wellingtons grumble that having enemies is nothing like as bad as having allies.肯尼迪最为知名的作品当数1987年出版的大国的兴衰。他研究过历史上的军事冲突,这一点也使他笔下的二战中期历史颇具深度、姿彩纷呈。肯尼迪把1943到1944年间的二战将领和历史上的将领放在一起,比较他们的军事行动;读者在字里行间仿佛看到了亚历山大大帝、尤利乌斯凯撒、马尔堡公爵、拿破仑、威廉特库姆塞舍曼这些历史名将当