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1、中以徵 h要於二二二二二中号*1芸 S 本 曲 Kte据(新高考】2022届高三一轮单元训练卷选修二 Unit 1-Unit 2 (B)本卷须知1 .假设题前,先招自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答震卡上.并将准 考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡卜.的指定位巴.2 .选择您的作答:杞题选出苕案后.用2B铅堡杷答飕K上对应梃|的答案 标弓泳微.写忤试虺卷、草福物和存馥K上的非答的M:域均无效.3 . II选择题的作答:用签字箱直接答在答题K上对应的答题区域内写在 试蛙卷、草相纸和谷超巨上的非答尊区域均无效,4 .考试站束后,诗格本试IS格和答题卡一并上交。第一卷选择题第一冈部 听力(共两节,总分值30

2、分)路分二的部阅试理解共两节,就分价50分)第节供IS小题;杞题2.5分.总分位37.5分)例读以下短文.从每电所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D:中.选出最正确选项.A(2021 山东名校联考 jWc look ahead co Londons art and exhibition openings and select the inusc-scc shows.Double scienceIts a big month for the Science Museum, with a new gallery and an exhibition opening. The Science City ga

3、llery tells the story of London between 1550 aixi 1800 when major scicntifk breakthroughs were happening across the chy - from Newtons laws of physics to the birth of miervseopex allowing us to sec the tiny crcalure* (ha( live “mong us. If(h;n isn,( enough, theres uIm.) an exhibilinn un how art anl

4、uricnce have wurletl elwely (ogedwr over the centunes and ctwKinue(o do so today.ScieiKe Cily 1550 1800: The lunbury Galleiy at the Science Museum. Opens 12 Sqxcmbcr - 13 Ociobcr. free.The Art of Innovation: From Enlightenment to Dark Matter at the Science Museum. 25 Scpccfnbcr - 26 January, free bu

5、t ticketed.Arc you worried yet?We all sutler from anxiety. ArtiMs look into (his through artworks that bring to light their own anxieties or how people living with anxicly manage. The exhibition also covers what anxiety would look like if it could be visualised in light or sound - something we imagi

6、iK to be impossible.On Edge: Living in an Age of Anxiety at Science Gallery. 19 Scpccnibcr 19 January, free.Climbing the wallsNo artisl has made a bigger career out of placing M:ulplunc of human figures 川I over the place. ?nlony Gormley, the artist behind the Angel of the North and sculptures slarxl

7、ing all over London, takei over ihe Royal Acadenn1 of Aib with a blockbusUng(Sj动 时的) exhibition. This i$ ihe hot art lickei in town.Antony Gomilcy a( Royal Academy of Aiu. 21 October 3 December. 18 22.1. Wha( is 0n 4iow in (he Science City gallery?A. Some of the greater physiciMs.B. The stories of i

8、he London dcvelopmcm.C. The prcdiciion of the future sckncc.D. Some of the great achievements in history.2. Which exhibition allows visitors to get a feeling in a new way?A. The An of lnnovation.B. On Edge.C. Royal Academy of Arts.D. ScieiKe City 1550 1800.3. When can visitors mjc thc? four exhibiti

9、oiu aJiogclhcr?A. In January. B. In September.C. In Ociobcr. D. In December.【答案】13 DBC【解析】本文是篇鹿用文。文章介纽了伦敦艺术展的局部活动内容和开放时间1 .细节理解SL 根据 Double science 忖fC中的The Science City gallcr), tells the story of London between 1550 and 180() when major scientific breakthroughs were happening across the city./可知,屣

10、出的是历史上出大的科学突破.应选D,2 .细节理解国, 根据 Arc you worried ycsy glow was gradually replaced by an overwhelming &etue of fruMraiioo. The first journal said, *Onr literature teacher didnt teach us anything today. Perhaps her next lecture will be better.* Heartbroken, i re3d journal after jouriw!. each expressing

11、a similar theme. Didnt teach them anything? I sketched (be entire philosophical fraincwoft of thought and laid the historical txKkgrouixi for all the works well study in class. I complained. How can they say 1 didnt teach them anything? DctcrmiiKd to clear myself. I dug out all my reference books, a

12、dding background material to my next lecture, researching into the sociological setting and even the psychological state of (he author. After the second class. ! eagerly opened the journals, expecting cnthusiustic reviews at last. Again. 1 was cnisbcd by their cotKinuing comments thm I was going too

13、 slowly without giving meaningful details.More (klcnnined than ever, I dived into sounxs of crilKism, deciding (o devote more lime(o (he texts by providing summaries of all the interpretations I could And of each work. This nuienaJ uould give my siudems ample information for drawing their own conclu

14、sions about ibe works meaning. Our teacher scents confused about the real meaning of the works/ (he journals said. One minute she gives oik interpretation; the next minute she gives an as possible. Americans wanted to intefpfvl and expenence. The Chinese wanted lo maMer and nienurise.4. How did ibe

15、writer feel behne xhe began Iwr leaching in China?A. Wotricd.B. Confidcni.C. Disappointed.D. Confused.5. What might be the reason why the writer was shocked when the monitor shouted -SUnd up, ?A. The students intended to scare (heir new foreign teacher.B The Mudents refused to stand up before (bcir

16、new tkveign tcachcr.C. The writer was a liulc shy and fek embarnixsed when he entered the classroom.D. The wriier didnt km)w mudi atxHK Ihe Chinese classnMim and (ha( was kXally unexpecied.6. What docs the writer mean by saying Dctcmniwd to clear myself in Para. 4?A. She wanted io belter underhand t

17、he siudentsqiiestion.B. She wanted to prove her ability in leaching ihe course.C. She was a liulc bit angry with the students.D. She was vcr, disappointed with henidf.7. Which of the following might the writer agree with?A. Chinese and Western ideas about education arc slightly diflcrcnt.B A tCiiche

18、rs job is to make Mudcnls think and have their own opinions.C. Inching is in pnvxSe accurate infonnaUnn dirvclly atxl clearly.D. BiHh Americans aiul (Iw Chinese tend l draw conclusions by Ihemselves.【答案】4-7 BDBB【解析】本文足篇记叙文.文章以轻松幽默的笔调讲述了 .我.第次来中国教 书的“不幸.经历.生动形软地展现了中国与西方在教西内容、思维方式上的巨大差异.4. 推理利断虺.根据第 段

19、中的1 had no worry at all about my ability co plane in iny Htudenis enihuiasm for the literature of my mother uxigue.”可知,作 名 点都不担忧白己 的能力,相信白己能婚止学生对其母语文学充满热因此作齐在来中国教学之前心 中充满了自信,应选B.5. 推理判断虺.根据第二段中的 *1 wax gaily shocked when Ihe mcmitor .4iiu(ed , Stand up, and the entire class rose is I entered the roo

20、m, and I was somewhat contused and anxious alxxK how io gel litem (o sil down again* 可知.我真的很震惊的原因是独 不r解中国的教方文化,应选D.6. 词义第也题根据上文中的- How can they say I didn,t (each them anything?可知, 学生认为老知没有教什么有用的东西作假设产生广挫败感.下文“1 dug mil all my reference books, adding background matcruil to my next kciure. researchin

21、g into the xiiciulogical selling and even (he p*rbolog心I stale of Ihe author,* 说引作者为下一时.误所 做的轴心准的.闪此可以倩影出画线局制的意思是-我决心纪自己的能力证明给学士 看”,应选B.7. 推理判断密.根捆最后一中的 7 ihoughi a tcadicfs job was to raise intercsiing queaioits and provide enough background m that siudems could draw iheir own endusions可知.作者认为老师的工作

22、是让学生处书并发表自己的看法.应选B.CMore and more parents aiv willing io seixi iheir children abrcxid io study. If everything goes well, by helping them(o enter into world-fanuus uni、crsii沁工 parents are helping their children no only(o have the best of education as they expect but also(o uixfcniiand and appreciate

23、foreign cultures. Betbre sending)xwr children abroad, there arc many factors (IM 4f) worth considering.Studying abroad is as expensive as you think. In fact, prices arc not chc moM important fuctor in choosing schools especially if you have the chance to send)xxir children in a relatively snwll univ

24、eniily bill of good qualhy. You will find that it is a worthy invesuneni (投资)of your money io send your children(o study abroad.Are you ready to see your only child leave for another country? Before (he (rip it is necessary llul you have ibe corrvcl guidance (o prepare ytxir children (o have a sinoc

25、xh (rip. In addition lo studying, your childivn in foreign land can karn new language and new culture. They will alM) karn(o live on iheir own and to develop the self-confidence, uhkh is good for the fomiing of (heir character.If you have already decided to send your children abroad, then (hey need

26、the help to find the most suitable schools and courses. The children arc Mill in growing Mages. What is important is that (he school should be able to provide not only the proper studying counics but i( should also Uikc into account (he environment und help stixfcnlx high teeC. are easier to attiuci

27、 foreign siudcntsD. arc noc as famous as big ones10. Kow docs studying abroad help to train the childrens character?A. By communkating with foreigners.B. By learning about new languages.C. By Idling children live independendy.D. By Idling childmi experience a new culture.11. For parenu. the key to h

28、elping children choov a nuKt suitable school is toA. karn everything about the scltoolB. let children follow your willC. see whether the school can provide good educationD. find out (he childrens real needs【答案】8-IICIKD【解析】本文提示家长们在送於子到国外学习前,要考虑几个方面的因素.8 .细节理解E5 根掂第一段的parrms arc helping their children

29、 not only to have (be best ofeducauon as they expeef可知,很妥京氏送孩子到国外学习城大的期望他让孩子 获得姑好的教行.9 .推理判断圆,根据第二段的第二句 Mnuxprkcsurcnouhcmsaimponamfac(or in choosing schools especially if you have the chance to send your children in a relatively small university but of good quality.*可知,如果送孩子到,所HIM寸较小但是收量很高的 学校.价格缺乏

30、越大的14,这就暗示相时较小的学校收费不是很高.)0.细节理解题!根据第三段的“They will also Icam to live on their own und to develop the sdf-confkfcncc. which is good for the forming of their character/ 可 fiL 让孩子 在国外学习可以让他们学会独立生活,培养自信,这对他们性格的形成有好处.II.推弗判断 .根据末段的两句 Ui Mom of all. remember that the parents aim is not to Gikl the be sclio

31、ol but help tlwir children find the most suitable school. Your needs are im always what yxxir children need/可知.做家长的足要帮助藻子选择酸适宜的学校.而不 是找妣好的学校,家长所甯要的不一定找是孩子需要的.这就说明在选择学校时,要关 注孩子的需要.DEnglish is a very interesting language. 1( has bonrowed words from many ocher languages. Immigrants(R) coming into (Ik U

32、nited Slates have contributed many words to the language, which have kept their original pronunciation, toolic and kowtow* were taken tioin (Ik Chinese language, kamikaze, from the Japanese, “shampoo, from India. blitz* from German. Mamigo* and “Los Angeles* from Spanish and so on.Many students have

33、 studied English for ycare. as many as eight. However, some students still have difTicuky in speaking fluent English. Some know many words but arc unable to dhsem them when native speakers use them. In our oral English classes we will focus on speaking and listening to native English speakers. For t

34、his reason, because we arc (rying to truin your ears (o hear English and your mouths to speak intelligible (物理解的 English, we will have a rule that ONLY ENGLISH will be spoken in our English classes. Anyone speaking Chinese in class will be required to pay a fine in order to cncmiragc the speaking am

35、i understanding of Hnglish. IfteiKrhers encer a cktxsrxxmi ami discover that anwne is speakins Chinese, (hey will inquire everyone in llur room (o pay tlw tine. It is everyonetjs job co enforce ihe EnghshOnly rule. It i* for your benefit. It K because we warn to accustom(使习惯 F your cars to hearing E

36、nglish.Other subjecu may be learned solely ftxxn books but dw only way co learn a foreign language is to SPEAK IT! S(i*dcnts arc often iKrvous about speaking in cla at first but we hope to make the classes fun. so you will forget your nervousness and learn(o speak out. Enjoy your classes.12. The fir

37、et puragniph is mainly about.A. the difficulty of learning English.B how intcrcMing and vanous English ixC. differeni words in different languagesD. the iinimgranu* contributions to America13. The underlined word “discern, in Para 2 can be replaced by.A. undersUiMl B. noticeC. hear D. speak14. In th

38、e authors opinion, the only way to learn a language well is to.A. listen to i( oi the radio B. learn it from booksC. play games with it D. speak it often15. The ankle is probably aimed at.A. Japanese students B. Gemwn sludcntsC. Chinese siudenix D. Indian Mudenix【答案】12-15 BADC【解析】本文是一篇科教类同读.英语是一门非常不

39、趣的语言.它借用了很多其他 语齐的词汇.很多学生学英语多年仍不便流利地说英ifi其实学好一门外语的唯一方法 就是“大胆地说”.12 .段落大小题.从第一段的前两句English a very inieresting language. h has boirowcd words from many other languages7可知 B 项正倚.13 .词义?根据细级单词所在的句子可知:有些人认识很多单词.但是当他 的和当地人交谈时.不能明白佗们的愈思.14 .细节理解题.根据文5W.G 段”.tlw only way to karn a foreign language is co SPEA

40、K FT?*可知D项正确.15 .推理判断电-通过第二段中的Anyone speaking Chinese in chw. will be required to pay a fine in order to ciKOurage the speaking and understanding of English. 可知任何人 在课上说汉诲就会被要求罚款由此推断出学英语的是中国学生.他们稍不注总就会把 母语说出来.第二节 七选五(共5小国;每超2.5分,总分值125分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选中选出能埴入空白处的取正确选耳L选项中有两项 为多余选项.PolitciKss is the practical application of good manners, the goal of which is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable. Its u flexible management of words led io dw loss of simple mkuiI rules some might uke for granted and ihai are particularly po*xrduJ.18 . people become less and less attent


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