1、User GuideFoundationAmwaay (Chiina) Coo. LLtd.ProccureemenntIPU000_000 J.D. Edwwardds FFounndattionnAuthhor:Userr Guuidee #:Verssionn:Datee Crreatted:Locaatioon:Patrrickk KuuanggIPU00000Julyy 20006Reviisioon HHisttoryyVerssionnDateeAuthhorDesccripptioon00Julyy 20006Patrrickk KuuanggNew Creeateed.J.D
4、Inn off JDD EddwarrdsThiss leessoon iinclludees tthreee sstepps.Stepp 1: You mayy acccesss JJD EEdwaardss EnnterrpriiseOOne QA envviroonmeent thrrouggh tthe folllowwingg Weeb aaddrresss (ffor traainiing purrposse oonlyy):htttp:/ggzqaa5700.acccl.gcrr-inntraanett.mssd:884/jjde/E1MMenuu.maafStepp 2: Th
5、e folllowwingg sccreeen wwilll apppeaar: Typee thhe UUserr IDD asssiggnedd too yoou bby tthe Insstruuctoor Typee yoour passswoord in thee Paasswwordd boox Clicck tthe Siggn IIn bbuttton Stepp 3: A weelcoome scrreenn wiill apppearr.Conggrattulaatioons! You havve ssucccesssfullly siggn iinJDD Eddwarrd
6、s EntterpprisseOnne.2. Channge Yourr PasssworrdThe proocedduree iss deescrribeed bbeloow. Itt inncluudess thhreee sttepss:Stepp 1: Scrooll dowwn tto tthe botttomm off thhe EEnteerprriseeOnee Meenu, seelecct MMy SSysttem Opttionns HHypeerliink.Stepp 2: Folllow scrreenn wiill apppearr, aand theen ccli
7、cck CChannge Passswoord.Stepp 3: Enteer tthe oldd annd nnew useer ppasssworrds as proomptted andd cllickk thhe iccon theen cclicck tthe icoon tto eexitt too thhe mmenuu.Notee: IIt iis rrecoommeendeed tthatt yoou eexitt thhe ssysttem andd siign bacck iin sso yyou cann vaaliddatee thhat thee neew ppas
8、ssworrd iis nnow worrkinng.3. F1 HHelpp AsssisstannceBy pputttingg yoour currsorr inn thhe NNew Passswoord boxx annd ppresssinng tthe F1 keyy, tthe folllowwingg Ittem Hellp sscreeen willl aappeear (yoou ccan do thiis iin mmostt fiieldds tto oobtaain Hellp aassiistaancee).Pleaase notte, as staatedd i
9、nn thhe bbeloow IItemm Heelp, thhe nnew passswoord musst bbe aat lleasst ssix chaaraccterrs iin llenggth.4. Channge thee Diispllay LannguaageThe proocedduree iss deescrribeed bbeloow. Itt inncluudess foour steeps:Stepp 1: Scrooll dowwn tto tthe botttomm off thhe EEnteerprriseeOnee Meenu, seelecct MM
10、y SSysttem Opttionns hhypeerliink.Stepp 2: Folllow scrreenn wiill apppearr, aand theen cclicck UUserr Prrofiile Revvisiion.Stepp 3: Folllow scrreenn wiill apppearr, In tthe lannguaage fieeld, seelecct yyourr prrefeerennce dissplaay llangguagge ffromm thhe ppreddefiine UDCC (UUserr Deefinne CCodee).
11、Blannk - Dommesttic Lannguaage (Enngliish) CS - Chhineese Simmpliifieed CT - Chhineese Traadittionnal Notee: SSomee fiieldds ffor Chiinesse ddataa innputt wiill be onlly aavaiilabble undder thee Chhineese cirrcummstaancee. Stepp 4: Clicck annd aggainn inn thhe UUserr Prrofiile Revvisiion scrreenn. T
12、The neww seelecctedd diispllay lannguaage willl ttakee efffecctivve iin yyourr neext siggn iin, 5. Signn Ouut oof JJD EEdwaardssNeveer uuse thee reed XX inn thhe uuppeer rrighht ccornner! AAlwaays usee thhe wwhitteSiign Outt liink.Whenn yoou aare in JDEE apppliicattionns (i.ee. iinquuiryy, rrepoort
13、scrreenns, etcc.), allwayys uuse thee orr icoons to exiit tto tthe Wellcomme SScreeen aand theen uuse thee whhiteeSiggn OOut linnk.6. Abouut EEnteerprriseeOnee MeenuEnteerprriseeOnee Meenu is thee fiirstt sccreeen tthatt apppeaars on youur ddeskktopp affterr siigniing intto EEnteerprriseeOnee. TThis
14、s Meenu is thee foounddatiion forr alll JJD EEdwaardss apppliicattionns.On tthe lefft, youu caan ssee alll off thhe hhighh-leevell meenuss foor eeachh seectiion, suuch as: CN MManuufaccturringg Maanaggemeent CN AAddrresss Boook CN WWareehouuse Mannageemennt CN FFinaancee CN PPlannninng CN QQA IInspp
15、ecttionn CN FFixeed AAsseets CN AAccoountts PPayaablee CN PProccureemennt CN SSalees OOrdeer MManaagemmenttYou cann cllickk onn thhesee meenuss too seee aaddiitioonall meenuss, rrepoortss, aand intteraactiive apppliccatiionss unnderr thhem. 7. Searrchiing forr InfoormaatioonOne of thee prrimaary pur
16、rposses of an ERPP (EEnteerprrisee Reesouurcee Pllannningg) ssysttem is thee abbiliity to seaarchh foor iinfoormaatioon tthatt haas bbeenn ennterred intto aa daatabbasee. In youur ddailly bbusiinesss yyou willl ssearrch on reccordds tto iidenntiffy ccusttomeer aaddrressses, too loook up vouucheers a
17、ndd innvoiicess, aand to ideentiify battchees ffor posstinng, amoong othher inqquirriess. Theere aree nuumerrouss waays to inqquirre oon aa reecorrd: Naviigatte uusinng tthe EntterpprisseOnne MMenuu Searrch usiing thee Quueryy byy Exxampple linne (QBEE)7.1 Howw too naaviggatee ussingg thhe EEnteerpr
18、riseeOnee MeenuThe EntterpprisseOnne MMenuu wiill alllow youu too goo innto a mmenuu, aappllicaatioon, or repportt. On tthe lefft ssidee off thhe sscreeen youu wiill finnd aa meenu treee. By ssinggle cliickiing on thee innitiial Mennu (follderr), yyou cann acccesss mmoree meenuss annd ootheer oobjee
19、ctss unnderrneaath. BBy ssinggle cliickiing on thee appproopriiatee Meenu (fooldeer), tthosse aaddiitioonall chhoicces apppearr.7.2 Howw too seearcch uusinng aa heeadeer rrecoordOncee yoou cclicck oon tthe EntterpprisseOnne MMenuu annd eenteer aany apppliccatiion, a Worrk WWithh sscreeen apppearrs.
20、A Woork Witth scrreenn, ssuchh ass Addd/MMainntaiin OOP - Woork Witth OOrdeer HHeadderss, uusess a Finnd / Brrowsse sscreeen. OOn aa Fiind / BBrowwse scrreenn, yyou cann cllickk icoon aand ALLL reecorrds stooredd inn thhe ddataabasse wwilll (iin cconnnecttionn wiith thiis aappllicaatioon) apppearr.
21、Notee:Neext 50 reecorrds cann bee diispllayeed bby cclicckinng oon tthe rigght arrrow nexxt tto “Reccordds 11-50”. Whhen thee riightt arrroww diisapppeaars youu knnow alll reecorrds aree diispllayeed. Or yyou cann cllickk onn thhe “Go to endd” IIconn tto ddispplayy alll tthe reccordds iin oone timme
22、. Thee beeloww exxampple hass onnly acccesssed 81 rrecoordss.Notee: Be carrefuul. Iff thhe ddataabasse cconttainns ttoo mucch iinfoormaatioon, thee quueryy wiill takke aa loong timme tto ddispplayy thhe rresuultss. Wheen tthe rigght arrrow andd “GGo tto eend” iccon dissapppearr yoou kknoww alll rrec
23、oordss arre ddispplayyed. You cann naarroow yyourr seearcch bby ppopuulattingg anny oof tthe whiite fieeldss inn thhe hheadder porrtioon oof tthe scrreenn wiith vallid valluess. Forr exxampple, iff yoou eenteer iinfoormaatioon iin tthe Supppliier fieeld andd cllickk thhe icoon, onlly tthosse rrecoor
24、dss inn thhe ddataabasse ffor thaat ssuppplieer wwilll apppeaar. It is impporttantt too reememmberr thhat if youu ennterr innforrmattionn inn moore thaan oone fieeld, thhe ssysttem loooks forr reecorrds in thee daatabbasee thhat mattchees AALL of thee crriteeriaa. SSo, if youu arre pperfformmingg mu
25、ultiiplee seearcchess, iit iis nneceessaary to blaank outt alll ssearrch fieeldss fiirstt beeforre ccondducttingg annothher seaarchh.7.3 Howw too seearcch uusinng tthe Queery by Exaamplle llinee (QQBE)The Queery by Exaamplle llinee (QQBE) iss thhe ssinggle roww thhat apppearrs aabovve tthe tittless
26、off thhe ccoluumnss inn thhe ggridd. Thee puurpoose of thee QBBE iis ffor youu too ennterr sppeciificc vaaluees sso tthatt yoou ccan rettrieeve cerrtaiin ttypees oof rrecoordss frrom thee daatabbasee. Narrrowwingg yoour seaarchh immproovess syysteem eeffiicieencyy byy ellimiinattingg thhe nneedd too
27、 reetriievee alll rrecoordss frrom thee daatabbasee. To queery by exaamplle, simmplyy cllickk inn thhe wwhitte bbox aboove thee deesirred tittle on thee grrid. AA viisuaal aassiist apppearrs. Yoou ccan usee thhe vvisuual asssistt too seelecct aan aapprroprriatte vvaliid vvaluue. Iff yoou aalreeadyy
28、knnow thee vaaluee, aand do nott neeed thee viisuaal aassiist, yoou ccan typpe tthatt vaaluee diirecctlyy innto thee QBBE llinee. Nexxt, cliick thee iiconn. Thee syysteem wwilll reetriievee onnly thoose reccordds tthatt arre eequaal tto tthe vallue or valluess yoou hhavee ennterred intto tthe QBEE l
29、iine. YYou cann ennterr vaaluees ffor mulltipple fieeldss inn thhe QQBE linne. Inn adddittionn, yyou cann usse ccerttainn opperaandss, ssuchh ass thhe ggreaaterr thhan or lesss tthann siignss. If youu arre pperfformmingg muultiiplee seearcchess, bbe ssuree too cllearr ouut tthe preevioous seaarchh c
30、rriteeriaa beeforre eenteerinng iin tthe neww seearcch ccritteriia.8. Difffereent typpes of scrreennsWhenn yoou aare usiing EntterpprisseOnne, youu caan aacceess diffferrentt sccreeens thaat wwilll allloww yoou tto pperfformm diiffeerennt ffuncctioons. EEnteerprriseeOnee coontaainss thhe ffolllowiin
31、g typpes of scrreenns: Findd / Broowsee Searrch / SSeleect Headder Dettaill / Heaaderrlesss DDetaail Fix / IInsppectt Pareent / CChilldIn aaddiitioon, EntterpprisseOnne cconttainns sscreeenss thhat willl aappeear deppenddingg onn thhe eevennt tthatt trrigggerss itt, ssuchh ass: A Meessaage Boxx A Wa
32、arniing Messsagge (SSoftt Errrorr) An EErroor MMesssagee (Harrd EErroor) A Caalenndarr A Caalcuulattor A Viisuaal AAssiist *Youu maay aalsoo cllickk F11 inn moost fieeldss onn annEntterpprisseOnne sscreeen to recceivve ffielld-lleveel hhelpp. Softt ErrrorrSoftt Errrorr Sofft eerroors aree YEELLOOW i
33、in ccoloor. Iff thheree iss ann errrorr wiith a ffielld iin tthe apppliccatiion, thhis warrninng wwilll shhow on thee sccreeen aafteer cclicckinng tthe icoon tto ccreaate thee reecorrd. Thhe pprobblemm fiieldd wiill be in Yellloww annd ttherre wwilll bee a Yellloww Yiieldd siign in thee toop rrighht
34、 ccornner of thee sccreeen. Iff thhis errror apppearrs, corrrecct tthe errror andd cllickk . Thiis iis aa twwo-sstepp prroceess, thhe ssysttem firrst wannts youu too accknoowleedgee thhe eerroor, corrrecctinng iit iif nneceessaary, thhen cliickiing entter agaain. TThe sysstemm wiill alllow iteems to
35、 be enttereed wwithh a warrninng. Red ErrrorHARDD ERRRORR Harrd eerroors aree REED iin ccoloor. TThe proobleem ffielld (s) willl bbe iin RRed andd thheree wiill be a rred stoop ssignn inn thhe ttop rigght corrnerr off thhe sscreeen. IIf tthiss errrorr apppeaars, thhe eerroor MMUSTT bee coorreecteed
36、tto cconttinuue. Youu caan cclicck oon tthe errror repportted to vieew tthe dettaills.Typee off sccreeenAbouut tthe scrreennFindd / Broowsee Typiicallly thee fiirstt sccreeen tthatt yoou aacceess froom tthe EntterpprisseOnneMeenu Typiicallly staartss wiith thee woordss Woork Witth, suuch as Worrk WW
37、ithh Orrderr Heeadeers You cann seearcch ffor infformmatiion usiing thee Quueryy byy Exxampple linne (QBEE) You cannnott addd oor cchannge infformmatiion froom tthiss sccreeen. (Thhe orr icoon ttakees yyou intto aanottherr sccreeen.)Searrch / SSeleect Alloows youu too fiind a vvaluue aand to sellect
38、t itt foor uuse in an apppliccatiion Visuual Asssistt sccreeens andd Usser Deffineed CCodees (UDCCs) aree exxamppless off Seearcch aand Sellectt sccreeens.Headder Dettaill Alloows youu too addd oor cchannge infformmatiion in thee heeadeer ppartt off thhe sscreeen as welll aas tthe griid (or dettaill
39、) ppartt off thhe sscreeen The reaasonn thhat thee sccreeen iis ddiviidedd innto twoo seectiionss iss beecauuse thee fiieldds rrelaate to diffferrentt buusinnesss viiewss (aand ulttimaatelly, diffferrentt taablees).Headderllesss Deetaiil Alloows youu too addd oor cchannge infformmatiion onlly iin tt
40、he griid (or dettaill) ppartt off thhe sscreeen. You cann viiew infformmatiion in thee heeadeer ppartt off thhe sscreeen, buut ssincce tthe fieeldss arre ggrayyed outt, yyou cannnott chhangge tthiss innforrmattionn.Fix / IInsppectt Alloows youu too viiew, addd, andd/orr chhangge iinfoormaatioon.Pare
41、ent / CChilld Showws tthe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen parrentt annd cchilld rrecoordss, ssuchh ass a suppervvisoor aand alll off hiis/hher subborddinaatess.Messsagee Boox Reveealss innforrmattionn abboutt prroceessiing apppliccatiionss orr reeporrts in EntterpprisseOnne.Erroor MMesssagee Reveealss in
42、nforrmattionn abboutt ann apppliicattionn, rrepoort, orr coommaand thaat ddid nott prroceess corrrecctlyy.Caleendaar Reveealss ann onnlinne ccaleendaarCalcculaatorr Reveealss ann onnlinne ccalcculaatorrVisuual Asssistt Reveealss a scrreenn thhat hellps youu coomplletee a parrticculaar ffielld. Foor
43、eexammplee, oon tthe Seaarchh Tyype fieeld, thhe vvisuual asssistts pprovvidees yyou witth aa liist of vallid valluess, ssuchh ass E (emmplooyeee) oor CC (ccusttomeer), thhat youu caan sseleect andd usse bbefoore advvanccingg too thhe nnextt fiieldd.9. Userr Deefinned Coddes andd Caateggoryy Coodess
44、Userr deefinned coddes andd caateggoryy coodess arre uusedd inn EnnterrpriiseOOne to grooup simmilaar ppiecces of infformmatiion andd arre iinsttrummenttal wheen yyou seaarchh foor rrecoordss orr wrritee reeporrts. SSimpply deffineed, theey aare a llistt off vaaluees wwithh deescrripttionns, as demmonsstraatedd inn thhe ffolllowiing scrreenn:The onlly ddifffereencee beetweeen a UUD