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1、(伊利诺伊州芝加哥)作为i名艺术家As an artist.我心中的家when I think about home for myself.它与房♥子本身的关系不大it has less to do with the house.更重要的是我居住的地方It has more to do with my neighborhood.在芝加哥南区On the South Side of Chicago.人们常说这里是个充满暴♥力♥的地区where people would normally say this is a violent place,或是说这个地

2、区与美无关or this is a place where beauty doesnt live,我却一直被这种美所围绕Im constantly surrounded by this beauty.问题在于没有人去记录这些美的事物The problem is, aint no camera capturing the beautiful things.我心想:“好And so its like, All right.我能做些什么?What can I make让我们将日常生活中普通人的美展现出来?”that allows us to then be a reflection of the b

3、eauty of everyday people? 用这些空间就可以做到These spaces do that.我的个人经历并不是先拿到了美术学士学位My history was not a history of like, a bachelors of fine arts再拿到美术硕士学位and then a masters of fine arts.我的经历是先拿到了城市规划学历然后工作了一段时间My history was a degree in urban planning and time on the job.我爸是做房♥顶的My dad was a roofer.

4、所以我从小就接触做房♥顶我学会了如何切割So, growing up roofing, youre learning how to cut things,我学会了如何预知哪里会漏水youre learning how to, like, anticipate where water falls.但我解决的那些房♥顶问题-Oh, yeah. -Thats the conversation是我们社区中的一个核心话题因为事实如此thats a visceral conversation in our community cause its real.-不是我们瞎编的一对-

5、We gotta make none of that up. -Yeah.-是互相帮助-Yeah. Yeah. -Helping one another.-是-对那才是关键-Yeah. -Yeah, thats what its all about.咖啡馆回来了它活了The caf 茅 is back. Its alive.-是-是它活了重新开业了-Yeah. -Yeah. Its live. Its back on.不要忘记Dont forget it.(哈洛德鸡棚)(货币兑换咖啡馆)我认为西斯特对这里的影响非常巨大I think Theasters impact here has been

6、 incredible.西斯特拥有远见Theaster comes in with vision,这些房♥屋在他眼中and he takes a look at these buildings,不仅仅是年久失修的建筑and he sees them more than just dilapidated buildings.他能看到它们的第二次生命、第三次生命He sees them with a second life and a third life.我认为那是他给这个社区带来的活力Thats what I think hes brought to this community

7、. Its a vibrancy.(东69街南多彻斯特街)69街和多彻斯特街和我小时候长大的地方很像69th and Dorchester is a lot like the neighborhood that I grew up in,可以说我感觉and I feel like, in some ways,在芝加哥南区做这些事doing this work on the South Side of Chicago has to do with是我在寻找成长过程中对我影响深远的重要东西me looking for richness within the things that made me.

8、我确信他从小在芝加哥西区长大一定很艰难Im sure it was very difficult for him to grow up on the West Side of Chicago 那是一个出于实际原因而被废弃的城区in an area that was, for all practical purposes, abandoned.没有城市资源No city resources.那里毫无希望No light was shining on that place.我是家里九个孩子中最小的Im the ninth child of nine.我有八个姐姐I have eight siste

9、rs.我和姐姐们从小在芝加哥西区长大My sisters and I grew up on the West Side of Chicago.我们很穷但我们不知道自己很穷We didnt have a lot, but we didnt know we didnt have a lot.到了该上中学时我的成绩很好When it was time for middle school, my grades were very good.我搭巴士去北区上学I got bused to the North Side school.在去北区的路上As you went north,会途径黑人区、波多黎各

10、区、墨西哥区the neighborhood would go from black to Puerto Rican and Mexican最后来到蓝领与中产白人区to a kind of working-class and middle-class white.这一路上我能感受到居民区的变化As I moved neighborhood to neighborhood, I could feel the change.我能看到整齐的砖墙和修剪过的草坪I could see the brick tuck-pointing, the grass mowed.我无论何时看到一栋漂亮房&hearts

11、;子都会认为里面住着白人Whenever I saw a nice building, I assumed white people lived in it.我无论何时看到一栋年久失修的房♥子Whenever I saw a busted-up building,都会认为里面住着黑人I assumed black people lived in it.然后开始发生一种现象我上学前What started to happen was Id go to school,一台推土机出现在我家的街区and a bulldozer would be showing up on my bloc

12、k.等我放学回家时那栋房♥子已经不见了Id come home, and the building would be gone.如果那房♥子里有人贩卖♥♥毒品或者是一栋废弃房♥屋If drugs were being sold in the building or the building was abandoned(私人领地禁止入内)我们就把那栋房♥子拆掉好像这样就能解决问题we would erase the building as if that would make the problem go awa

13、y. 我们撤除了建筑物We erased our architecture.大幅度地改变了It drastically changed the built environment 黑人和棕色人种居民区的居住环境 in black and brown neighborhoods.要靠近问题的所在了解需求才能作出改变You gotta be proximate to the problem, to the need, to change it, 我认为这正是西斯特的优秀之处 and I think thats the beauty of Theaster.有他那样的人际关系和曝光度With all

14、 of his relationships, with all of his exposure, 他想住在哪里都可以 he could live anywhere.我认为这很强大I think thats powerful.(芝加哥城际列车)兄弟们Fellas.-Pg.-嗨-Yo, yo. -Hey, hey.-嗨-怎么样老兄?-Hey, man. -Whats happening, man?-你好吗?-很好-How ya feeling? -Good.-你们呢?-很好-How yall been? -Good.这棵树是哪来的?混在一起的吗?Where did this tree come f

15、rom? Was it in the mix? 混在一起的It was in the mix.腐烂的地方可能在内部一直烂到这里You know, the rot could conceivably go up to here. 也许从这到这的木材还不错You might have decent wood from here to here. 但也可以绕开腐烂的局部But you could play around with that rot too. 我们可能可以做个高脚凳We could potentially have a high stool.对酒吧里那种好的Yeah, a bar ty

16、pe stool. Okay.来看一看这些Lets look at these real quick.- 几乎就像文身一样-是对I mean, it almost feels like a tattoo. -Yeah, right, right.- 但密度很大-是Its dense though. -Yeah.农夫们曾经用这种木材做篱笆的支柱很适合用在户外Farmers used to use it for fence posts. Its good outside.感觉不错It feels good.我喜欢I love it.我真的很喜欢I really do love it.在 2014

17、年我接到了 文♥化♥部♥打来的电♥话♥In 2014,1 received a call from the Department of Cultural Affairs.他们对我说They told me城市要砍掉很多树that the city was in the process of having to cut down a lot of trees.他们想让我考虑来做一件艺术品They wanted me to consider making an art project.当他们告诉我具体要砍多少棵树后When th

18、ey explained to me the number of trees that was being torn down,我立刻想:“你们需要的不是艺术品I immediately thought like, You dont need artwork.而是更大的解决方案You need a bigger intervention.你们需要一个能加工九万棵树的木材厂”You need a mill where these 90,000 trees could be processed.也许我的艺术品就是这个木材厂本身And maybe my artistic intervention w

19、ould be to build the mill.(木材厂)(替换)我发现我们的木材厂里发生了三件事What I found in our mill is that three things are happening.第一件是切割树木One thing is that trees are being cut人们学会了如何加工树木and people are learning how to mill trees.这很好Thats great.第二件是我们在制♥作♥产品The second thing is that were creating products.我

20、们在制♥作♥桌子、硬木地板Were making tables, were making hardwood flooring,我们在制♥作♥艺术品and were making art.第三件是木材的副产品Then this third zone is, the by-product of the wood给我们的木窑提供燃料feeds our wood kiln.我们创造了一种闭合循环So, weve created this kind of closed loop用木材加工的副产品between the offshoots of th

21、e milling process提供窑所需的能量或燃料and the energy or the fuel needed in order to fire our kilns,窑再烧制出非常美丽的陶制品which makes really exceptionally beautiful ceramic objects.但我认为木材厂的作用不仅只有这些But I also think that there are these other things like比方它的哲学意义this kind of philosophical arm of the mill“我们该如何让南区的生活变得更加丰富

22、多彩? ”thats like, What can we do to make life on the South Side more rich? 我认为我们把这些木板能做的东西I think that the more we can start to demonstrate展示得越多越好what can be done with these pieces, the better.所以如果我们知道So, if we know that we have我们有400块奥塞奇树木板或800块灰树木板400 pieces of Osage like this, or 800 pieces of ash

23、,我们就可以去想象it then starts to allow us to think about,“一栋全部由灰树木材建造的房♥子是什么样子的?”Okay, what could a house look like thats all ash?我们的财富在于这大量的木材当中The wealth is in the excess of wood that we have是用很低的价格买♥♥来的that were getting very cheap.这很好这些木板很漂亮This is great. These are beautiful boards

24、.此事的意义不在于树木Its not about trees.也不在于废弃的建筑物Its not about abandoned buildings.而在于我们是否有能力、动力和信仰Its do we have the ability, the drive, the faith来将芝加哥变成家园?to make Chicago home?我认为西斯特的作品传达了几个信息I think that there are several messages in Theasters work.他的信息是关于文化的His messages are about culture.是关于非裔美国人社区的His

25、messages are about the African American community.是关于他的成长过程以及他的视角His messages are about how he grew up and what he perceives.我认为他的灵感正是来源于此This is where I think he finds inspiration.随着年龄的增长As I got older,我试图寻找一种途径I was trying to figure out a way阻止我身处的居民区发生我所见到的文化流失to stop the hemorrhaging that I saw

26、happening in my neighborhood. 于是我学习了城市规划And so I studied urban planning.我上过建筑执照课I had taken a buildings permit class.我进修过区域划分课I was learning more about mapping.后来情况变了And at some point, it shifted.人们告诉我and I started being taught黑人和棕色人种是各城市的问题that black and brown people are the challenges of cities.因为

27、他们懒惰、不愿工作And its because theyre lazy and they dont want to work.这种观点与我这个人.And that whole idea was rubbing up against.是完全对立的who I am.我记得之前的感觉And I just remember this feeling that I had of, like,“这个世界对穷♥人♥漠不关心”This world does not care about the poor.亳不关心It just doesnt.于是我开始意识到So, I start

28、ed to realize that.最有见识的城市规划师the most savvy urban planners.都不是居民区的拥护者are not neighborhood advocates.他们不是社会活动家Theyre not social activists.某些城市问题可能有解决方案There could be solutions to some of the challenges of the city, (2006年及以后:从建筑学入手)但必须要有远见but one actually has to have a vision.所以必须有人决定And so someone h

29、as to decide某块土地将用于某项特定用途that land is gonna be used for a particular mission.我那么致力于确保那块土地And Im committed to making sure that that land serves.为需要机会的人服务people who need the opportunity.我已经在南区住了六、七年了I had been living on the South Side already for six or seven years, 我曾驾车路过这栋银行大楼and I had, you know, dr

30、iven past this bank building.(南石岛街)这是一栋非常棒的楼This building was an amazing building,但我从一位朋友那里听说and I found out from a friend这栋银行大楼要被撤除了that the bank was about to be demolished.在1960年代In the 60s,这栋楼this building was testament to曾是南岸光明与财富的证明the brightness and the wealth of South Shore.到了 1970年代中期And in

31、the middle 70s,新移♥民♥潮开始了new migrations started to happen.白人开始搬离城区Thats when white flight occurred.白人从市中心And so you had the white people搬到了郊区moving out of the inner city to the suburbs.随着他们的搬离城市资源也一起离去了As they moved out, the resources moved with them.那栋银行大楼变成了The bank building became a

32、representative of人们将投资从南区挪走的代表the flight of investment away from the South Side.银行之落寞The demise of the bank其实也是我的居民区之落寞was really also a demise of, you know, my neighborhood.我和市长见一次面So, I had a meeting with the mayor,我请求市长不要把那栋楼撤除and I asked the mayor to not tear down the building.我当时身陷困境I was in ov

33、er my head.我不知道我学过的那些城市规划I didnt know how my history of learning urban planning和这栋楼有什么直接关系would directly relate to this building,感觉两者是完全无关的and it felt like those things were worlds apart.于是我发现自己And so I found myself.非常热情enthused.自信满满但十分无知confident and ignorant,当时也许有些and that there was something mayb

34、e necessary必要、正确的元素that was the right set of ingredients来让我在翻新工作上一步步艰难地走下去to keep me plowing forward with the renovation.我知道我想庆祝I knew that I wanted to celebrate那栋楼作为一种抵抗行动得以保存下来the continued existence of the building as a kind of act of resistance. 它像是一种That there would be something fighting agains

35、t对抗持续衰退的力量what felt like constant decay-我们与之对抗的方法that we would just fight that就是坚持让一栋很棒的建筑重现辉煌with the insistence of making a great building great again.于是我们开始画草图、做规划So, we started making sketches and making plans and saying,“第一层将作为展厅并有现场音乐表演The first floor is gonna be an exhibition space with live

36、music, 第二层将作为图书馆and the second floor is gonna have this library.第三次将作为办公区”Third floor is gonna be offices.没人相信此工程能够做成And no one really believed in it.我对人们说出我的看法讲解楼层结构I would tell people my vision, Id walk them through the space,人们说:“好吧这个工程会让你破产的and people would just say, Yeah, this is gonna break yo

37、u.它不值得你花这么多钱和力气”Its just not worth the money and effort.(东68街南石岛街)我在芝加哥出生、长大Im born and raised in Chicago, 几十年来我驾车路过那家银行屡次 so Ive driven past that bank for decades, 这几十年来它一直毫不起眼 and for decades, it was nothing. 只是在不断衰败 It was just crumbling. 当西斯特带我去时And so when Theaster took me over there, 它的样子非常萧条i

38、t was in complete disrepair.我心想:“你到底该如何修复这建筑?And Im like, Now, how in the world are you going to fix this? 这项工程太浩大了”This is a huge undertaking. 但我相信西斯特But I trusted Theaster.琳达来了她邀请我去约翰逊出版社Linda came over, and she invited me to Johnson Publishing, 我们来到了七层楼 to the seventh floor.那里是他们的研究室And it was th

39、eir research library.(黑人演说家及演说辞)约翰逊出版社是我父母创立的Johnson Publishing Company was started by both of my parents, 约翰和尤妮丝约翰逊John and Eunice Johnson.这里是乌木杂♥志♥的诞生地This is where Ebony magazine was born 也是JET杂♥志♥的诞生地 and where Jet magazine was born. 我说:“听着I said, Listen.我们必须搬出这里我有大量的

40、藏书”Weve gotta move out of here, and Ive got this library of books. 具体数字我不知道大概有一万或一万五千本Theres probably, I dont know, 10,000 or 15,000. 她说:“书都可以给你”She said, You can have the books.But those roofing problems that youre solving for和创作上的构思没有区别are no different from trying to figure out compositional thing

41、s.我认为艺术大概就是这样And I think that art is kind of like that.有些似乎很不起眼的小东西Theres something in the idea of the seemingly small对我来说却有成为艺术品的巨大潜力that has, for me, the greatest potential for art.比方有黑色油画颜料So, its like, all right, theres black oil painting.(房♥主兼艺术家西斯特盖茨)有黑色丙烯酸颜料Theres black acrylic.这些我都没有我

42、有柏油I didnt have those. I had tar.(黑人男子)(乌木杂♥志♥)当人们想到秀的艺术家时无论他们是非裔美国人When you think about fantastic artists, whether they are African American 白人或是拉丁裔or white or Latino,西斯特盖茨就在这个圈子里Theaster Gates is in that milieu.(约翰逊出版社首席执行官琳达约翰逊莱斯)他是这个圈子中的佼佼者He is at the very, very peak.我认为西斯特的艺术品不同寻

43、常I would describe Theasters art as unconventional但能引起人们的共鸣、通俗易懂but relatable and accessible.(文化评论家布瑞特朱利斯)他很热衷于将传统视觉艺术圈中不常用的材料He is really interested in repurposing materials that are改造、加工成艺术品maybe not traditionally considered to be a part of the visual arts world.(JET杂♥志♥)(乌木杂♥志

44、♥)他给老旧的物品带来了新的样貌He takes old things and gives them a refreshed look,但他总是会给这些东西赋下,一些历史感我不敢相信And I just couldnt believe it.这套藏书可能是规模最大的The collection is probably one of the most significant关于黑人的藏书之一single collections of black books gathered.这两本杂♥志♥的任务The mission of both publicatio

45、ns都是为了展现非裔美国人作出的成就really was to show African Americans in a successful light.她的这份礼物太及时了Her gift couldnt have been more timely,因为这些书成了这栋建筑中because the books became kind of the heart,最核心的、最重要的局部the main artery of the space.这座图书馆创造了一种黑人的集结令The library created this kind of black calling card.于是我开始考虑关于银行

46、的问题And so I started thinking about the bank, like,这家银行是否可以作为一种半档案馆could the bank be this kind of part archive,半文化热点的建筑?part cultural hot spot?一年后我接到了一个电♥话♥A year later, I got this call from是法兰基纳克鲁斯的遗崛执行人打来的the executor of Frankie Knuckles estate.(致法兰基)法兰基纳克鲁斯创立了芝加哥浩室音乐传统Frankie Knuckle

47、s created the Chicago house music tradition, (王子性感的黑人)它成了传统迪斯科、早期非洲鼓和贝司a kind of launching pad for old-school disco,(合作:法兰基我们的部落)的起跳板early African drum and bass.(莎郎雷德战胜街道)(颠覆旋律格洛丽亚混音版)我们达成了协议,我担任档案馆管♥理♥员♥-We worked out a deal where I would function as the steward of the archive在接下来的十年中for the next decade.人们是否去看这些专辑并不重要It wasnt important that people look at the albums.重要的是浩室音乐能得以继续播放It was important that house music continued to get pumped.我们收藏的另一套藏品Another collection that we managed


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