1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读近义词汇总(2) for instance=for example fast (go without food) (not sure !, donot affect you adversely) forage=feed finding flourishingthriving fragmentbreak up Gap (笔试:gap 缺口 , 裂口 = opening) Generate 产生, 发生 Given = particular gap hence =therefore harsh =drastic hazard=danger haul (拖拉, 拖运
2、)= pull Heightening (提高,升高) = increasing hider = interfere ? (笔试:hide = conceal) highlight /layer=inner ? Hub 中心=center Hydroelectric (adj.水力 发电的 ) highlight/layerinner hider-interfere heighteningincreasing hostgreat number 世纪末19世纪初美国制造业的革新。其中有一题 tailors, butchers and a (host) of trades began to hub
3、center, hollow n.洞, 窟窿, 山谷 adj.空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的, 凹的 adv.彻底vi.形成空洞 vt.挖空, 弄凹 hampermake difficulty heednotice hold propose holdkeep up heightenincrease “indigenous”native (in the context), incorporable = included immediately = closest( 说类人猿是人类最近的进化祖先) In and of themselves (not sure) = alone Incorporable=
4、 Included (Incorporable adj.可结合的, 可包含的 ) indemention Initiate =begin; Instant = moment (adj. N. 片刻,瞬间) Invariably = always initiate =begin; in spite of that : HOWEVER immediately: closest( 说类人猿是人类最近的进化祖先) Indemention Ingemination indemnification In quantityin a large amount of inauspiciousunfavorabl
5、e intimidating 威吓, 胁迫 incidentalminor point incoherently 无条理的 incorporateinclude illusion n.幻想 immense adj.极广大的, 无边的, 非常好的 ingenuity n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性 ingenuity resourcefulness ingenious adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 inhibit hindered inhibit invade move into invaluablehighly useful jeopardy=threaten Judge (判断,评价) = estimate jolting shocking keysignificant landscape=scenery luxuriant=thriving( 答案还有moist) launch = start lackwithout linkedconnected 相关推荐: 托福阅读近义词汇总(1) 托福阅读考试技巧入门篇 托福阅读考试的三边政策 托福阅读做题误区的应对方法 托福阅读考试要熟知考察点 相关字搜索: 托福