1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.赏析版2013年1月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集Contents2012.12.22 The girl at the Grand Palais 在巴黎大宫邂逅的女孩12012.112.22 In tthe naame off the Name 上帝的称谓谓之争92012.112.22 The Senkaaku orr Diaooyu Isslandss 尖阁/钓钓鱼岛列岛152013.001.05Ameriicas Europpean mmomentt
2、美国的欧欧洲时刻232013.001.05Six GGood BBooks 六本好书2013年年1/2月版版262013.001.05 Clonney poonies 克隆赛马292013.001.05Stoneeless riverrs 没有石石头的河流312013.001.05 The bottoom linne 底线352013.001.05Europpes ddirty secreet 欧洲环环境污染背后后372013.001.05 The mixedd forttunes of a fuel 各国如何看看待燃煤422012.001.10 Whicch is the bbest mmo
3、nth? 最佳月份份系列452013.001.12 Greaat exppectattions 改革之路漫漫漫532013.001.12 Modeern faamiliees 摩登家家庭562013.001.12Joe BBiden is noot thee answwer 拜登登的无能为力力592013.001.12 In ssearchh of hhappinness 追追寻幸福632013.001.16 Gun contrrol 枪支支管制(最新新进展)642013.001.19 Fareewell, Tim Geithhner 再再见,蒂莫西西盖特纳662013.001.19 Glob
4、bal trrade 从从港口看全球球贸易变迁692013.001.19 Faceebook: Searrch mee 搜搜我722013.001.19 Gun contrrol: TThe baattle beginns 枪支管管制:战斗打打响742013.001.26 Chilld traaffickking|AA crueel traade 拐卖卖儿童| 残残忍的交易762013.001.26The ffirst Angloo-Afghhan waar第一次英英阿战争782013.001.26Hero for aa day 卡梅伦英雄雄气短822013.001.26Lookiing be
5、etter 美国经济看看上去有所好好转852012.112.22 The girl at thhe Graand Paalais 在巴黎大宫宫邂逅的女孩孩Le Grannd Meaaulness美丽的约定定【注1】Thhe girrl at the GGrand Palaiis在巴黎大大宫邂逅的女女孩【注2】Thhe adoolesceent obbsessiion thhat innspireed an influuentiaal yett negllectedd Frennch cllassicc一段青春期期的苦恋,促促成了一部颇颇具影响却又又被人忽视的的法国文学经经典Dec 22nd 2
6、012 | froom thee prinnt ediitionSSAL PAARADISSE, heero off Jackk Keroouacs “On thhe Roaad”, carrries only one bbook oon hiss threee-yeaar traavels acrosss Ameerica. On aa Greyyhoundd bus to Stt Louiis he produuces aa secoond-haand coopy off “Le Grrand MMeaulnnes”, stoolen ffrom aa Holllywoodd stalll
7、. Enntrancced byy the Arizoona laandscaape, hhe deccides not tto reaad it afterr all.萨尔帕拉戴斯是是杰克凯鲁亚克在在路上一书书的主角。他他花了三年时时间穿越美国,其其间只带了一一本书。在开开往圣路易斯斯的“灰狗”大巴上,他他掏出一本从从好莱坞某个个摊上顺来的的二手书:美美丽的约定。但但亚利桑那州州的美景让他他沉醉,于是是他最终决定定把书抛到一一旁。Succh is the ffortunne of Alainn-Fourrniers stoory, oone off Frannces mosst poppul
8、ar novells, inn the Engliish-sppeakinng worrld. MMuch lloved yet llittlee readd, forr almoost a centuury thhis sttrangee, earrnest and iinconssolablle novvel haas hauunted the ffringees of fictiion. HHenry Milleer vennerateed itss heroo; F. Scottt Fitzzgeralld borrrowedd its titlee for “The GGreat G
9、atsbby” (andd somee crittics tthink Fournniers maiin chaaracteers weere moodels for NNick CCarrawway, FFitzgeeralds narrratorr, andd his lovellorn ppal). John Fowlees claaimed it innformeed eveerythiing hee wrotte. “I knoow it has mmany ffaultss,” he ssighedd, as if trrying to shhake tthe obbsessiio
10、n, “yet iit hass haunnted mme alll my llife.”这便是美美丽的约定(法法文原名了了不起的摩尔尔纳)在英英语人群中的的命运写照。阿阿兰-福涅尔尔的这部作品品是法国最流流行的小说之之一,但在英英语文学中却却始终不入主主流:近百年年来,这本诡诡异严肃、哀哀婉至极的小小说虽然大受受推崇,却没没有多少读者者。亨利米勒对小说说主人公敬重重有加。弗司各特菲茨杰拉德德在了不起起的盖茨比中中也借用了它它的书名(还还有评论家认认为,盖茨茨比中的叙叙述者尼克卡洛威和他他那位相思成成疾的朋友,正正是以约定定的主要人人物为模板)。约约翰福尔斯则声声称,自己的的每部作品都都有约定
11、的的影子:“我知道它有有很多缺点,但但它是我终生生挥之不去的的东西”;说到这里里,他长叹一一声,似乎想想要摆脱这种种痴迷。Deespitee its famouus advvocatees, “Le Grrand MMeaulnnes”100 yearss old in 20013is a masteerpiecce in perill. Thee streeam off pilggrims who vvisit Fournniers chiildhoood homme, neear Boourgess, is startting tto thiin. Thhese ddays rreader
12、rs in Britaain annd Ameerica oftenn chooose deenser, moree overrtly pphilossophiccal Frrench authoors. AA decaade aggo, onne Briitish fan, Tobiaas Hilll, nooted tthat tthe boook suurviveed thrrough “a barrely aaudiblle sysstem oof Chiinese whisppers”.2013年年是约定的的百年华诞。尽尽管不乏名家家推崇,但这这本著作的地地位却岌岌可可危。在布尔尔日
13、市附近的的福涅尔儿时时故居,慕名名前来的人日日渐稀少。英英美读者现在在往往会选择择更加深奥、哲哲学味更明显显的法国作家家。十年前,英英国书迷托拜拜厄斯希尔就注意意到,约定定之所以尚尚未没落,是是靠“几近不可闻闻、可信度很很差的传言”。Why aare maany Ennglishh-speaaking readeers unnfamilliar wwith aa bookk adorred byy somee of ttheir most respeected writeers? AAnd whhat acccountts forr the curioous grrip thhat thhis
14、 siimply writtten annd nosstalgiic talle of adoleescentt romaance hholds over its mmost bbesottted faans? SSome llove tthe pooetry of itts lannguagee, othhers tthe innterloockingg mystteriess of iits pllot. MMany aare enntrancced byy the elegiiac saadnesss thatt risees froom thee prosse, ass one cri
15、tiic remmarkedd, “like mist over the hheath”. Butt its appeaal parrtly llies iin thee romaantic life and eearly deathh of iits auuthor, and the sstory of thhe womman whho insspiredd him.为何在英语语人群中,众众多读者对一一本备受文坛坛巨匠推崇的的作品却知之之甚少?而一一篇朴实怀旧旧的青春爱情情故事,又如如何会对铁杆杆书迷有着不不可思议的魔魔力?有人喜喜欢的是它富富有诗意的语语言,其他人人则喜欢它故故事情节中环环
16、环相扣的神神秘。小说平平实的字里行行间散发着哀哀婉凄越,令令许多人为之之心醉;用一一位评论家的的话来说,“宛如那荒原原上的雾霭”。然而,它它的魅力有一一部分是源自自作者的浪漫漫人生和英年年早逝,还有有一位女子的的故事:是她她给了作者创创作的灵感。A brief encounter短暂的邂逅The life of Henri Fournier (pictured), now better known by his pen name, spun round a single, sunny afternoon in 1905, described in Robert Gibsons valuable
17、 biography “The End of Youth”. Leaving an art exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, when he was 18, he spotted a young woman walking with an older lady. Captivated, he followed them across the river to the door of a Left Bank apartment, afterwards returning to the building whenever his studies wo
18、uld allow. Too timid to knock, he paced the streets outside. Ten days later he saw the girl againwalking unaccompanied to massand approached her. Wary but flattered, she agreed to stroll with him by the Seine.照片中的便是小说作者亨利福涅尔,而现在人们往往更熟悉他的笔名。他的一生都围绕着1905年一个阳光明媚的下午展开。这一幕在罗伯特吉布森的重要传记青春的终点中有过描述:当时,18岁的福涅
19、尔刚在巴黎大宫参观完一个艺术展,与一年长妇女同行的少女步入了他的眼帘。福涅尔对少女一见倾心,于是尾随二人过河,来到左岸的一所公寓门前。此后,只要学业容许,他就会来到这座楼前。由于没有勇气敲门,他只好在屋外的街道徘徊。十天之后,他终于再次见到了那位少女:这次,她是独自一人去做弥撒。见到上前搭讪的福涅尔,少女有些警惕,但也为他的殷勤芳心暗喜,便同意和他一起沿着塞纳河畔散步。He told her he was a writer (or that he would be one day), the son of a country schoolmaster, now studying in Pari
20、s. She told him her name was Yvonne de Quivrecourt, and that she was staying in the city with relatives, but leaving the next day. At her request they separated at the Pont des Invalides. Waiting where she left him, Fournier saw her look back twice. Years later he was still decoding this gesture: “W
21、as it because, silently, from a distance, she wanted to reinforce her order that I should not follow her? Or was it to let me see her face one more time?”福涅尔告诉姑娘,他是作家(也或者说的是,他会成为作家),正在巴黎学习,父亲是一所乡村学校的校长。少女则告诉福涅尔,她叫伊芳娜葵瑞珂特,在巴黎亲戚家做客,明天就要走了。按照她的要求,二人在荣军大桥道别。流连在原地的福涅尔发现,少女曾两次回眸。其中的意味让他数年之后仍在揣测:“她是想从远处无声地
22、重申自己的命令,要我不要尾随?还是想让我再看看她的容颜?”Fournier clung to the memory long after it should have faded into his adolescence. He waited at the steps of the Grand Palais on the anniversary of his first glimpse of her (knowing, in rational moments, that she would not be there). He returned frequently to the apartme
23、nt, hoping to spot her at a window. The word “She”, its first letter meaningfully capitalised, peppered his letters.这次邂逅本该在青春期的记忆中渐渐淡去,但福涅尔却久久不能忘怀。二人第一次见面的周年纪念日,他来到巴黎大宫的台阶上苦苦等待(虽说在理性占上风的时候,他也明白伊芳娜不会出现)。他时常回到那所公寓门前,期待着她出现在窗口。“她”这个词频繁出现在福涅尔的信中,大写的首字母意味深长。Other frustrations in his life helped this chil
24、dish attachment foment into something powerful. He twice failed his university entrance exam, which kept him at school long after his peers had left. Mandatory military service prevented a third failure, but brought another two years of gloom. In 1909 he returned to Paris and moved in with his paren
25、ts, plagued by “the feeling that youth is over and you havent done what you ought”.生活的其他失意,将幼稚的爱慕催化为浓烈的情感。福涅尔两次高考落榜,眼看同学纷纷毕业,自己却成了大龄留级生。义务兵役让他免受第三次挫折,却又带来两年抑郁的从军生涯。1909年,他回到巴黎与父母同住。“青春已逝、一事无成的感觉”让他饱受煎熬。Attempts to contact Yvonne brought Fournier further disappointment. In July 1907 he had finally ca
26、lled at the apartment buildingto be told by the concierge that she had married the previous winter. Two years later, still disconsolate, he hired a private investigator. He learned her address, and that she had a child.福涅尔也试图联系伊芳娜,但结果却让他更加失望。1907年7月,当他终于登门拜访那所公寓时,却被门房告知伊芳娜已于去年冬天出嫁。两年后,依旧郁郁寡欢的他雇了一名私家
27、侦探。他拿到了伊芳娜的住址,也得知她已为人母。These discoveries distressed Fournier. Five years after the encounter he still labelled his fixation a “sickness”; occasionally his melancholy brought on bouts of real fever. But it also suited his nature to love at a distance. The memorable months he spent perfecting his Engl
28、ish in Chiswick, in west Londonwhere the young anglophile delighted in tea, jam and the landmarks made famous by his beloved Dickenswere marred only by the unsettling worldliness of British girls, who “get too friendly too soon”.这些消息令福涅尔苦闷不已。在与伊芳娜相识五年之后,他仍将自己的迷恋称为一种“病”。有时,他也真的抑郁成疾,并因此数度发烧。不过,这也符合他倾慕
29、却不愿亲近的天性。年轻的福涅尔喜欢英国,并曾在伦敦西郊的奇斯威克进修英语,那几个月是他难忘的日子:那里有他喜欢的香茶、果酱,还有因偶像狄更斯出名的历史建筑。唯一的缺憾是英国女孩的世故让他不安:她们“太容易对人亲近了”。What is more, with Yvonne as his muse Fourniers literary career gathered startling speed. His first published poems, all addressed or dedicated to the absent girl, earned him a job as a gossi
30、py literary columnist for the Paris-Journal, which allowed him to befriend (and irritate) Andr Gide, Paul Claudel and other popular French writers. He founded an eccentric rugby club with the novelist Charles Pguy and Gaston Gallimard, a publisher. He briefly taught French to the young T.S. Eliot. I
31、n 1912 Fournier entered high society, becoming personal secretary and speechwriter to Claude Casimir-Prier, son of a former French president.而且,有了伊芳娜这位缪斯女神,福涅尔在文学事业上的进展也快得惊人。他最初发表的诗歌全是致献给从未在诗中出现的女孩。因为这些作品,他成了巴黎日报文学漫谈的专栏作家,并同安德烈吉德、保罗克劳德尔等法国当红作家成了朋友(也令这些人着恼)。他还会同小说家查理斯裴盖和出版商加斯顿伽利玛德,组建了一个特立独行的橄榄球俱乐部。此外
32、,他还教过托马斯艾略特一阵子法语。1912年,福涅尔进入上流社会,为法国前总统之子克劳德卡西米尔-佩里埃担任私人秘书,并为他起草演讲稿。Love affairs arrived, eventually. He had a lengthy, tumultuous relationship with a milliner. An affair with a neighbour began when she dropped a note from her window onto the pavement in front of him. (It ended after her husband, se
33、nsing infidelity but uncertain of the culprit, vowed to murder his rival.)桃花运也终于来了。他与一位女帽商的恋情磕磕碰碰,持续了很长时间。有次,在他门前的人行道上,一个女邻居将字条从窗口抛到他的面前;从此二人有了私情。(女邻居的丈夫察觉妻子的不忠,却弄不清第三者是谁。在他发誓干掉情敌之后,这段私情也就此结束。)Fantasy and reality幻想与现实But none of these paramours could compare to Yvonne, whom Fournier had come to beli
34、eve only the grandest gestures might win. By the end of 1912 he was carrying around a letter to the woman who had haunted him for seven years. “You left me only one way to rejoin you and communicate with you and that was to win literary fame,” it read. “A long novel which Im finishing, a novel which
35、 is centred all around youyou whom I hardly knewis coming out this winter.”然而这些情人都无法与伊芳娜相比。福涅尔最终相信,只有用最盛大的示爱方式,才可能赢得她的芳心。1912年年底之前,他总是随身带着一封信,那是写给七年以来让他魂牵梦绕的女子。信中这样写道:“你让我别无选择,只能用一种方式与你与重逢谈心,那就是在文学界成名。我的一部小说即将杀青,今冬便会付梓。整部小说都围绕着你展开,那个我无缘相知的你。”In truth Fourniers literary ambitions were not born outsid
36、e the Grand Palaishowever fierce that singular thunderboltbut forged years earlier in his fathers schoolhouse, where he and his sister would dog-ear the books bought as prizes for the best students. Still, “Le Grand Meaulnes”, which was published the following autumn, has Yvonne firmly at its heart.
37、事实上,福涅尔的文学抱负并非源自巴黎大宫外的那次邂逅,无论当时他触电的感觉有多强烈。早在多年之前,当他和妹妹在父亲的校舍中,一遍又一遍翻看奖励优等生的图书时,他就已经立下志向。尽管如此,在1913年秋出版的约定中,伊芳娜依旧是无可争议的灵魂人物。In the novel, 17-year-old Augustin Meaulnes is sent to board at a country school. There he befriends Franois Seurelthe bookish son of the local schoolmaster and the novels narra
38、torand earns the admiration of his schoolmates, who bestow on him the title le grand. Months later Meaulnes stumbles upon a tumbledown chateau where a bizarre wedding party has assembled, its guests in lavish historical costume. There he encounters a beautiful young woman, but afterwards he finds it
39、 impossible to locate the strange estate, and the mysterious girl. Before his search comes to an end, a bungled suicide will leave one character disfigured; a brief affair in Paris will lead a young woman to the streets.书中,17岁的奥古斯丁摩尔纳被送到一所乡村学校寄读。在那里,他和书卷气十足的弗朗索瓦苏瑞尔成了朋友(后者是校长的儿子,也是故事的叙述者)。同学们把摩尔纳当作偶像
40、,给了他一个“了不起”的称号。几个月后,他无意间闯入了一座破败的庄园,目睹了一场奇特的婚礼和身着华丽古装的客人,并邂逅了一位美丽的少女。然而在此之后,他却无法找到这座奇怪的庄园和那位神秘的少女。在他的寻梦之旅落幕之前,一个书中角色因为自杀未遂而惨遭毁容,而一名年轻女子因为一夕偷欢而沦落风尘。The story mixes fantasy and reality. Fourniers childhood home among the moors and marshes of north-central France, to which he felt a morbid attachment al
41、most equal to his longing for Yvonne, provides a nostalgic setting. The book features events and observations first chronicled in letters; a few passages quote directly from his correspondence. But its imagined elements, such as a circus troupe that vanishes overnight, recall the novels of Britains
42、renowned adventure writersKipling, Stevenson, Wells and Defoe. An early chapter cites “Robinson Crusoe”.这是一个现实与幻想交织的故事。怀旧的背景源自作者儿时的故乡,它位于法国中北部,四周是荒原和沼泽;福涅尔思乡成疾,其程度与对伊芳娜的相思之苦几乎不相上下。书中的一些经历和评述最初见于福涅尔的书信,几段文字甚至是原文照搬。不过,作品的幻想元素颇有英国冒险小说名家的风范,比如一夜之间凭空消失的马戏团,就会让人想起吉卜林、史蒂文森、威尔斯和笛福等人的作品。小说开头有一章引用了鲁滨逊漂流记。Draw
43、ing the real and fantastical together is the meeting between Meaulnes and the elusive heroine, also called Yvonne. It is a faithful re-enactment of the encounter of 1905 that Fournier had recorded in his notebook. The novel sways between celebrating and condemning the obsessive and destructive searc
44、h that follows; but Fournier was at least able to give his characters a concluding reunionpart wish-fulfilment, part tragedythat his own story still lacked.小说中神秘的女主角也叫“伊芳娜”。将真实与虚幻拼接起来的,正是她与摩尔纳的相识。这一幕忠实地再现了1905年的那次邂逅(福涅尔早已将之载入笔记之中)。书中,摩尔纳此后一直苦苦追寻,但其间却铸成大错;对此,小说有时赞其不懈,有时怒其不争。不过,书中的角色至少能有一个团圆的结局,虽说有些悲情
45、,也算为作者圆了一个梦。但在现实中,梦依旧是梦。By 1913 he had reason to rid himself of his preoccupation, one way or another. In May he began an affair with Simone Casimir-Prier, a well-known actress and the wife of his employer. (Their relationship started in secret the night Fournier returned excitedly from the now-famo
46、us near-riot at the premiere of Stravinskys “The Rite of Spring”.) The letter he had drafted for Yvonne, still unsent, was intended to provoke a denouement. “I beseech you to take quite seriously these dreadful words,” he wrote. “I have no desire to live far from wherever you may be.”1913年之前,福涅尔有种种理
47、由让自己摆脱相思之苦。五月,斯特拉文斯基的芭蕾舞剧春之祭首次公演(这场公演险些演变成了一场暴乱,因此闻名至今)。观剧归来的福涅尔非常兴奋。那天晚上,他与自己老板的妻子、著名演员西蒙妮卡西米尔-佩里埃有了私情。从此,二人开始了一段不伦之恋。为了激起伊芳娜的谴责,福尔纳给她写了一封信,不过从未寄出。信中这样写道:“请你务必明白,这些丑闻绝非戏言。无论你身在何方,我都不愿和你天涯相隔。”As unlikely as it must have seemed to Fournier, it was mutual acquaintances, not tear-stained missives, that
48、 eventually connected them. Encouraged by her sisterwho had heard, through friends, of Fourniers infatuationYvonne herself arranged a meeting in Rochefort, on Frances west coast, in July 1913. The girl from the Grand Palais remembered many small details of their previous conversation. She admitted she had thought of it often.不过,最终让二人重逢的并非满是泪痕的书信,而是他们共同的熟人(虽说福涅尔肯定觉得这不可思议)。伊芳娜的姐姐从朋友口中