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1、普通高等教育交通类推荐教材交通运输专业英语陈焕江徐双应编著机 械 工 业 出 版 社书中内容以公路运输为主线,选编了有关汽车构造、交通环境、交通安全、运输车辆和运输管理等方面的课文共 篇。为便于自学,对每篇课文中的语法难点和长、难句作了较详细注释,并附有词汇表。本书可用做高等院校交通运输(汽车运用工程)专业及相关专业“专业英语”课程的教材或教学参考书,也可供具有一定英语基础的工程技术人员和管理人员自学参考。图书在版编目()数据交通运输专业英语 陈焕江,徐双应编著北京:机械工业出版社,普通高等教育交通类推荐教材 交 陈徐 交通运输业英语高等学校教材 中国版本图书馆 数据核字()第 号机械工业出版

2、社(北京市百万庄大街 号邮政编码 )责任编辑:杨民强版式设计:霍永明责任校对:杨民强封面设计:责任印制:印刷厂印刷 新华书店北京发行所发行年月第版 第次印刷 印张 千字册定价:元凡购本书,如有缺页、倒页、脱页,由本社发行部调换本社购书热线电话()、封面无防伪标均为盗版前前前前前前前前前前前前前前前前言言言言言言言言言言言言言言言言本书以教材的体例和要求编写,可用做高等院校交通运输(汽车运用工程)专业及相关专业“专业英语”课程的教材或教学参考书,供学完高等院校公共英语教学大纲基本内容的高年级学生使用,也可供具有一定英语基础的工程技术人员和管理人员自学参考。书中共包括课文 篇,其主要特点如下:绝大

3、部分课文选自国外交通运输领域的英语科技资料,语言规范。课文内容以公路运输为主线,涵盖汽车构造、交通环境、交通安全、运输车辆和运输管理,与汽车运用工程专业及相关专业拓宽后“专业英语”课程 学时的教学需求相适应。课文难度与公共英语相衔接,且由浅入深。侧重于:扩大专业词汇量;熟悉科技英语文献常用句型、篇章结构、表达方法;提高分析长、难句和阅读专业文献的能力。对每课中的语法难点和长、难句均作了较详细的注释,并附有词汇表,便于自学。本书由长安大学陈焕江、徐双应编著。在编写过程中,参阅了国内外有关书籍和杂志;得到了长安大学汽车学院有关老师的关心和帮助;研究生文德利、邱泽辑承担了初稿的校对工作。作者在此一并

4、表示感谢。恳请读者对本书选材及书中存在的错误及不当之处提出批评和修改建议,以便本书再版修订时参考。前言 ()()()(),()()主要参考文献 Unit One Structure of Automobile Lesson 1 Fundamentals of Automobile Todays average car contains more than 15,000 separate,individual parts that must work together.These parts can be grouped into four major categories:engine,bod

5、y,chassis and electrical equipment(Fig.1.1).Fig.1.1 Layout of a modern automobile 1 Engine The engine acts as the power unit.The internal combustion engine is most common:this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder.There are two types of engine:gasoline(also called a s

6、park-ignition engine)and diesel(also called a compression-ignition engine).Both engines are called heat engines;the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission 1.2 Body An automobile bo

7、dy is a sheet metal shell with windows,doors,a hood,and a trunk deck built into it.It provides a protective covering for the engine,passengers,and 2 cargo.The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable.The body styling provides an attractive,colorful,modern appearance for the vehicle.3

8、 Chassis The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating parts of a vehicle.The chassis includes the transmission,suspension,steering,and brake systems(Fig.1.2).Fig.1.2 Chassis of a car 1-differential 2-rear-axle housing 3-frame 4-steering wheel 5-engine 6-transmission 7-dri

9、ve shaft 8-suspension 3.1 Transmission The transmission system comprises clutch,gearbox,propellor shaft,rear axle and differential and the driven road wheels.Clutch The clutch or torque converter has the task of disconnecting and connecting the engines power from and to the driving wheels of the veh

10、icle 2.This action may be manual or automatic.Gearbox The main purpose of the gearbox is to provide a selection of gear ratios between the engine and driving wheels,so that the vehicle can operate satisfactorily under all driving conditions 3.Gear selection may be done manually by the driver or auto

11、matically by a hydraulic control system.Propellor Shaft The function of the propellor(drive)shaft is to transmit the drive from the gearbox to the input shaft of the rear axle and differential assembly.Flexible joints 3 allow the rear axle and wheels to move up and down without affecting operation.R

12、ear Axle and Differential The rear axle and differential unit transmits the engines rotational power through 90o from propshaft to axle shaft to road wheels 4.A further function is to allow each driven wheel to turn at a different speed;essential when cornering because the outer wheel must turn furt

13、her than the inside wheel.A third function is to introduce another gear ratio for torque multiplication.3.2 Suspension The axles and wheels are isolated from the chassis by a suspension system.The basic job of the suspension system is to absorb the shocks caused by irregular road surfaces that would

14、 otherwise be transmitted to the vehicle and its occupants,thus helping to keep the vehicle on a controlled and level course,regardless of road conditions 5.3.3 Steering The steering system,under the control of the driver at the steering wheel,provides the means by which the front wheels are directi

15、onally turned.The steering system may be power assisted to reduce the effort required to turn the steering wheel and make the vehicle easier to manoeuvre.3.4 Brakes The braking system on a vehicle has three main functions.It must be able to reduce the speed of the vehicle,when necessary;it must be a

16、ble to stop the car in as short a distance as possible;it must be able to hold the vehicle stationary.The braking action is achieved as a result of the friction developed by forcing a stationary surface(the brake lining)into contact with a rotating surface(the drum or disc).Each wheel has a brake as

17、sembly,of either the drum type or the disc type,hydraulically operated when the driver applies the foot brake pedal 6.4 Electrical Equipment and Instrumentation The electrical system supplies electricity for the ignition,horn,lights,heater,and starter.The electricity level is maintained by a chargin

18、g circuit.This circuit consists of a battery,and an alternator(or generator).The battery stores electricity.The alternator changes the engines mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery.4 The motor vehicle incorporates a number of electrical devices that are used for:Battery

19、charging alternator and regulator.Engine purposes starting and ignition.Safety and convenience lighting,horn,wipers,washers etc.Driver information instrumentation and warning lamps.Of these devices instrumentation is,perhaps,most influenced by the advance of microelectronics.The basic electromechani

20、cal systems of:Speedometer for indicating vehicle speed.Engine oil pressure warning lamp or gauge to show operating limits.Engine coolant temperature warning lamp or gauge to show operating limits.Battery charging warning lamp or gauge to indicate satisfactory/unsatisfactory action.Fuel tank content

21、 gauge to show amount of fuel in the fuel tank.are giving way to computerized vehicle management information centres 7.New Words category ktig?ri n.种类,类型 chassis si n.底盘 cylinder silid?n.气缸,柱体 ignition igni?n n.点燃,点火 compression k?mpre?n n.压缩 transmission trnzmi?n n.传动系 hood hud n.罩 trunk deck n.行李舱

22、盖 cargo ka:g?u n.货物 assembly?sembli n.总成,装配 suspension s?spen?n n.悬架 clutch klt n.离合器 propellor pr?pel?n.螺旋桨,推进器 propellor shaft 传动轴 differential dif?ren?l n.差速器 hydraulic haidr?:lik a.水力的,液力的,液压的 5 flexible fleks?bl a.易弯的,灵活的 flexible joint 万向节 torque t?:k n.转矩,扭矩 torque convertor 变矩器 multiplicatio

23、n mltiplikei?n n.增加,放大 absorb?bs?:b vt.吸收,缓冲 shock?k n.冲击 occupant?kjup?nt n.占有者,乘员 steering sti?ri n.转向,操纵 steering wheel 转向盘 manoeuvre m?nu:v?n.;v.机动,动作,操纵 stationary stein?ri a.不动的,静止的 lining laini n.衬里,衬片 drum drm n.鼓,圆筒 disc disk n.圆盘 charge ta:d?v.充电 alternator?:lt?neit?n.交流发电机 incorporate ink

24、?:p?reit v.结合,包括 regulator regjuleit?n.调节器 horn h?:n n.喇叭 wiper waip?n.擦拭之物,刮水器 washer w?n.洗涤器 speedometer spid?mit?n.速度计,里程计 coolant ku:l?nt n.冷却剂 computerise k?mpju:t?raiz vt.计算机化 Notes to the Text 1 Both engines are called connected to the transmission.两种发动机均被称为热机,由燃烧的燃油产生热,引起气缸内气体的压力升高,并输出动力使联接到

25、传动系的轴旋转。句中:which 所引导的从句为修饰 heat 的定语从句;过去分词短语 connected to 作定语,修饰 a shaft。2 The clutch or torque converter of the vehicle.离合器或变矩器具有接合和切断发动机与汽车驱动轮间动力的作用。6 3 The main purpose of under all driving conditions.变速器或变矩器的主要作用是在发动机与驱动轮间具有一个齿轮比的选择,以便车辆可以在各种运行工况下满意地工作。句中:betweenand 意为“在与之间”;so that 意为“为了”、“以便”,

26、引导结果状语从句。4 The rear axle and differential unit to road wheels.后轴和差速器装置把发动机的旋转动力,经在传动轴与后轴间转向 90o后传递给车轮。句中:from to 意为“从到”;transmitto意为“把传递到”。5 The basic job of the suspension system regardless of road conditions.悬架系统的基本作用是吸收由不规则路面引起的振动,从而有助于把车辆保持在一个受控的水平方向上,否则振动将传至车辆和车辆上的乘员。句中:that 引导的从句为与现在事实相反的虚拟的条件

27、句,作 the shocks 的分隔定语;现在分词短语 thus helping表示结果;keep ones course 意为“保持的方向”。6 Each wheel has a brake assembly the foot brake pedal.每个车轮具有一个鼓式或盘式制动总成,当驾驶员踩下脚制动踏板时,靠液力产生制动。句中:连词 eitheror意为“或者或者”;过去分词短语 operated when 作 a brake assembly 的分隔定语。7 The basic electromechanical systems of to computerized vehicle

28、management information centre.该长句的主语为 the basic electromechanical systems,谓语(系词)为 are;介词 of 后有多个并列的宾语;give way to 意为“让位于”。Lesson 2 Internal Combustion Engine(Part I)1 Principle of Operation The engine is a self-contained power unit which converts the heat energy of fuel into mechanical energy for mo

29、ving the vehicle.Because fuel is burned within,the engine is known as an internal combustion(IC)engine.In the IC engine,an air-fuel mixture is introduced into a closed cylinder where it is compressed and then ignited.The burning of the fuel(combustion)causes a rapid rise in cylinder pressure which i

30、s converted to useful mechanical energy by the piston and crank-shaft.The fuel may be ignited either by a spark or by compression giving rise to classifications of spark-ignition(SI)and compression-ignition(CI)engines1.An sectional engine view of a typical spark ignition petrol engine is shown in Fi

31、g.2.1,detailing the major components.The four strokes of such an engine are shown in Fig.2.2.At the beginning of the induction stroke(Fig.2.2a),the inlet valve opens and the piston travels down the cylinder from top dead centre(TDC)to bottom dead centre(BDC).The partial vacuum created by the moving

32、piston causes the air-fuel mixture to rush in from the inlet manifold and through the open valve,into the cylinder.The correct air-fuel mixture is provided by the carburetor.When the piston reaches the end of its stroke the inlet valve closes,sealing the top end of the cylinder as both valves are cl

33、osed.In Fig.2.2b the piston is moving up the cylinder,compressing the air-fuel mixture between the piston and cylinder head to a very small volume the compression stroke.Just before TDC an electrical spark,generated across the electrodes of the spark plug,ignites the air-fuel mixture.For good perfor

34、mance the timing of the spark must be closely controlled.As the mixture burns,the hot gas expands causing a rapid and extreme rise in cylinder pressure,to such an extent that the piston is forced down the cylinder and the connecting rod gives the crankshaft a powerful turning effort2.This is the com

35、bustion stroke,also called the power stroke,shown in Fig.2.2c.Once the mixture has been burned it must be removed from the cylinder as quickly as possible3.In the exhaust stroke(Fig.2.2d)the rising piston pushes the hot gases and combustion products out of the cylinder through the open exhaust valve

36、 and exhaust system into the earths atmosphere.8 Fig.2.1 Sectional view of a six-cylinder engine 1-carburetor 2-cylinder wall 3-connecting rod 4-air cleaner 5-rocker arm 6-valve spring 7-pushrod 8-valve 9-piston 10-distributor 11-valve lifter 12-camshaft 13-oil filter 14-crankshaft 15-oil pump a)b)c

37、)d)Fig.2.2 Four-stroke cycle principle of operation a)Induction stroke b)Compression stroke c)Combustion stroke d)Exhaust stroke 9 This sequence of events is repeated continually,with power delivered to the crankshaft on only one of the four strokesthe combustion stroke 4.Crankshaft rotation continu

38、es through the other strokes due to the kinetic energy of the heavy flywheel which is connected to the crankshaft.Note that the crankshaft rotates through two full revolutions for each four-stroke cycle and a spark occurs only once in the cylinder5.In a multicylinder engine,power strokes of each cyl

39、inder are staggered so that power is delivered almost continuously to the crankshaft for a smooth operation.2 Mixture Supply System Fuel stored in a large tank,is fed via a pump to the carburetor.The carburetor(Fig.2.3)mixes the liquid petrol with filtered air on its way to the cylinders and in the

40、Fig.2.3 Basic fuel supply system process turns it into a vapor.The inlet manifold(Fig.2.4)directs the mixture to the cylinders.The ratio of air to fuel in the mixture delivered to the cylinder is controlled by the size and shape of the carburetor bore and venturi,and the size of the fuel metering je

41、ts.The standard manual control for the amount of air and fuel mixture delivered to the engine is the throttle valve,which is controlled by the drivers depression of the accelerator pedal.The throttle valve is simply a round disc,mounted on a thin pivot shaft so shat it can be tilted at different ang

42、les under the control of the accelerator pedal6.In the vertical position the throttle valve offers virtually no restriction and the full volume of air and fuel passes to the cylinders to produce 10 maximum engine power.As the throttle valve moves towards the horizontal position the airflow is restri

43、cted(throttled)and engine power and speed is reduced accordingly.In normal operation the air-fuel ratio(by mass)varies,typically,in the range12:1 to 17:1.Fig.2.4 Mixture supply principles New Words Self-contained 独立的 compress k?mpres vt.压缩 piston pist?n n.活塞 crankshaft krka:ft n.曲轴 carburetor ka:bju

44、ret?n.化油器 connecting rod 连杆 rocker r?k?n.摇臂 rocker arm 摇臂 pushrod pur?d n.推杆 distributor distribjut?n.分配器,配电盘 camshaft kma:ft n.凸轮轴 valve lifter 阀门挺杆 oil filter 机油滤清器 oil pump 机油泵 top dead centre 上止点 bottom dead centre 下止点 manifold mnif?uld n.歧管,支管,导管 11 inlet inlet n.进气,入口 inlet valve 进气阀 induction

45、 indk?n n.引入,诱导,感应,进气 exhaust igz?:st v.;n.排出;排气(口),废气 exhaust valve 排气阀 stagger stg?v.交错 bore b?:n.孔 venturi ventu:ri n.缩喉管 jet d?et n.喷嘴 throttle r?tl n.节流阀 depression dipre?n n.降低,下降,衰减 pivot piv?t n.枢轴,支点 tilt tilt v.倾斜,翻转 Notes to the Text 1 The fuel may be ignited and compression-ignition engi

46、nes.燃油可以由火花或者通过压缩点燃,从而分为火花点燃式和压燃式两种类型的发动机。句中:连词 eitheror 意为“或者或者”;现在分词短语 giving rise to 作状语,表示结果。2 As the mixture burnsa powerful turning effort.随着混合气燃烧,热空气膨胀,气缸压力急剧上升,以致活塞被迫向气缸下方运动,使连杆对曲轴作用一个强大的回转力。句中:as 所引导的从句为时间状语从句;现在分词短语 causing作状语,表示结果;to such an extent that 意为“结果”、“甚至于”。3 once the mixture as

47、quickly as possible.一旦混合气被燃烧,它必须尽可能快地从气缸内排出。句中:once 意为“一旦”、“一经”,连接时间状语从句;removefrom意为“从中排出”。4 This sequence of event the combustion stroke.该冲程顺序连续循环,动力只在四个冲程之一的燃烧行程传递给曲轴。句中:with power delivered to 为过去分词复合结构,表示伴随情况;the combustion stroke 为同位语。5 Note that only once in the cylinder.12 注意到曲轴在一个四冲程循环中转过两整

48、圈,一个火花只在一个行程中出现在气缸内。该句为祈使句。6 The throttle valve is of the accelerator pedal.节流阀是一个安装在细枢轴上的简单的圆盘,所以在加速踏板控制下,能够以不同角度倾斜。Lesson 3 Internal Combustion Engine(part)3 Ignition Systems The basic ignition system of the SI petrol engine is shown in Fig.3.1.The battery provides a low voltage(12V)source of dire

49、ct current.When the ignition switch is turned on and the contact breaker points are closed(Fig.3.2a)current flows through the primary winding of the ignition coil.This current flow creates a magnetic field in the primary coil.When the contact breaker points open,interrupting the flow of current(Fig.

50、3.2b)a rapid voltage change is produced across the primary winding and a high voltage(15,00020,000V)is induced across the secondary winding.This secondary voltage is high enough to jump the gap of a spark plug,creating a spark between the electrodes with sufficient energy and direction to ignite the


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