1、 工程编号:_ Project No.: 合同编号:_ Contract No.: 建 设 工 程 施 工 合 同 Construction Contract for Construction Projects (GF-2013-0201) 工程名称: Name of project: 工程地点: Location of project: 发 包 人: Client: 承 包 人: Contractor: 制定 住房和城乡建设部 国家工商行政管理总局 Made by Ministry of Housing Urban-Rural Development State Administration
2、 for Industry Protection of Finished/Semi-finished Products. 50 3.7 履约担保51 3.7 Performance Guarantee .51 3.8 联合体52 3.8 Integrated Complex .52 4. 监理人.52 4. The Supervisor .52 4.1监理人的一般规定52 4.1 General Provisions on the Supervisor .52 4.2监理人员53 4.2 Supervisory Personnel .53 4.3监理人的指示53 4.3 Instruction
3、s from the Supervisor . 53 4.4 商定或确定54 4.4 Consensus or Decision. 54 5. 工程质量.55 5. Quality of Project . 55 5.1质量要求55 5.1 Quality Requirement . 55 5.2质量保证措施55 5.2 Quality Assurance Measures .55 5.3 隐蔽工程检查57 5.3 Inspections of Concealed Works .57 5.4不合格工程的处理59 5.4 Handling of the Unqualified Works .59
4、 5.5 质量争议检测59 5.5 Quality Disputes Detection .59 6. 安全文明施工与环境保护60 6. Safe and Civilized Construction and Environmental Protection . 60 6.1安全文明施工60 6.1 Safe and Civilized Construction . 60 6.2 职业健康65 6.2 Occupational Health. 65 6.3 环境保护66 6.3 Environment Protection. 66 7. 工期和进度67 7. Project Duration
5、and Progress .67 7.1施工组织设计67 7.1 Construction Organization Design. 67 7.2 施工进度计划68 7.2 Construction Progress Schedule. 68 7.3 开工69 7.3 Commencement of Construction. 69 7.4测量放线70 7.4 Measurement and Setting-Out .70 7.5工期延误71 7.5 Delay in Project Duration . 71 7.6 不利物质条件72 7.6 Adverse Physical Conditi
6、ons. 72 7.7异常恶劣的气候条件73 7.7 Extraordinarily Vicious Weather Conditions. 73 7.8 暂停施工73 7.8 Suspension of Construction .73 7.9 提前竣工76 7.9 Earlier Completion .76 8. 材料与设备77 8. Materials and Equipment .77 8.1发包人供应材料与工程设备77 8.1 The Materials and Engineering Equipment Supplied by the Client .77 8.2承包人采购材料与
7、工程设备77 8.2 The Materials and Engineering Equipment to be Purchased by the Contractor.77 8.3材料与工程设备的接收与拒收78 8.3 Acceptance and Rejection of Materials and Engineering Equipment .78 8.4材料与工程设备的保管与使用79 8.4 Custody and Use of Materials and Engineering Equipmentnt .79 8.5 禁止使用不合格的材料和工程设备80 8.5 Use of Unqu
8、alified Materials and Engineering Equipment Not Allowed .80 8.6 样品81 8.6 Samples .81 8.7 材料与工程设备的替代82 8.7 Substitution of the Materials and Engineering Equipment. 82 8.8 施工设备和临时设施83 8.8 Construction Equipment and Temporary Facilities. 83 8.9材料与设备专用要求84 8.9 Exclusive Usages of the Materials and Equip
9、ment . 84 9. 试验与检验85 9. Tests and Inspections .85 9.1试验设备与试验人员85 9.1 Test Equipment and Personnel .85 9.2取样85 9.2 Sampling .85 9.3 材料、工程设备和工程的试验和检验86 9.3 Testing and Inspection of the Materials, Engineering Equipment and Project. 86 9.4 现场工艺试验87 9.4 Onsite Process Test. 87 10. 变更.87 10. Change. 87 1
10、0.1变更的范围87 10.1 Scope of Change .87 10.2 变更权88 10.2 Rights of Change. 88 10.3变更程序88 10.3 Procedures for Change. 88 10.4变更估价89 10.4 Change of Estimates Price .89 10.5 承包人的合理化建议90 10.5 Rationalization Proposals of the Contractor. 90 10.6 变更引起的工期调整91 10.6 Adjustments of Project Duration Caused by the C
11、hange . 91 10.7 暂估价91 10.7 provisional Estimates Price .91 10.8 暂列金额94 10.8 Provisional Amount .94 10.9 计日工94 10.9 Daywork. 94 11. 价格调整. 95 11. Price Adjustments.95 11.1 市场价格波动引起的调整95 11.1 Adjustment Caused by Fluctuation of Market Prices .95 11.2 法律变化引起的调整100 11.2 Adjustments Cause by Changes in La
12、ws .100 12. 合同价格、计量与支付101 12. Contract Prices, Measurements and Payments . 101 12.1 合同价格形式101 12.1 Forms of Contract Prices . 101 12.2 预付款102 12.2 Advance Payments .102 12.3 计量103 12.3 Measurements .103 12.4 工程进度款支付105 12.4 Progress Payment of Project. 105 12.5 支付账户110 12.5 Accounts of Payments. 110
13、 13. 验收和工程试车110 13. Acceptance and Trial run of Project. 110 13.1 分部分项工程验收110 13.1 Acceptance of the Sub-project. 110 13.2竣工验收111 13.2 Final Acceptance . 111 13.3工程试车114 13.3 Trial Run of Project. 114 13.4提前交付单位工程的验收116 13.4 Acceptance of the Units of Project Handed over in Advance .116 13.5 施工期运行11
14、7 13.5 Operational during the Constructional Period. 117 13.6 竣工退场118 13.6 Withdrawal after Completion. 118 14. 竣工结算.119 14. Final Account on Completion .119 14.1 竣工结算申请119 14.1 Application for Final Account on Completion. 119 14.2 竣工结算审核119 14.2 Examination on Final Account on Completion .119 14.3
15、甩项竣工协议121 14.3 Agreement on Part of the Works to be Completed after the Completion Date .121 14.4 最终结清121 14.4 The Final Settlement .121 15. 缺陷责任与保修122 15. Defect Liabilities and Warranty .122 15.1 工程保修的原则122 15.1 Guidelines for the Warranty of the Project. 122 15.2 缺陷责任期123 15.2 Defect Liability Pe
16、riod .123 15.3 质量保证金124 15.3 Quality Bond .124 15.4 保修125 15.4 Warranty. 125 16. 违约.127 16. Breach of Contract. 127 16.1 发包人违约127 16.1 Breach by the Client . 127 16.2 承包人违约130 16.2 Breach by the Contractor .130 16.3 第三人造成的违约133 16.3 Breach Caused by the Third Party.133 17. 不可抗力.134 17. Forces Majeur
17、e.134 17.1 不可抗力的确认134 17.1 Confirmation of Forces Majeure .134 17.2 不可抗力的通知134 17.2 Notification of Forces Majeure .134 17.3 不可抗力后果的承担135 17.3 Responsibilities for Consequences of Forces Majeure .135 17.4 因不可抗力解除合同136 17.4 Dissolution of the Contract due to Forces Majeure.136 18. 保险.137 18. Insuranc
18、e .137 18.1 工程保险137 18.1 Insurance on Project .137 18.2 工伤保险138 18.2 Employment Injury Insurance. 138 18.3 其他保险138 18.3 Other Insurance .138 18.4 持续保险138 18.4 Sustained Insurances. 138 18.5 保险凭证139 18.5 Insurance Vouchers. 139 18.6 未按约定投保的补救139 18.6 Remedies for Failure to make the Insurance Contrac
19、t. 139 18.7 通知义务139 18.7 Obligations of Notification .139 19. 索赔.140 19. Claims . 140 19.1 承包人的索赔140 19.1 Contractors Claims. 140 19.2 对承包人索赔的处理141 19.2 Handling of the Contractors Claims. 141 19.3 发包人的索赔142 19.3 Clients Claims . 142 19.4 对发包人索赔的处理142 19.4 Handling of Clients Claims. 142 19.5 提出索赔的期
20、限143 19.5 Time Limits for Claims .143 20. 争议解决.143 20. Resolution of Dispute. 143 20.1和解143 20.1 Conciliation .143 20.2调解143 20.2 Mediation .143 20.3争议评审144 20.3 Review of Dispute. 144 20.4仲裁或诉讼145 20.4 Arbitration or Lawsuit .145 20.5争议解决条款效力145 20.5 Effectiveness of the Clauses for Resolution of D
21、ispute . 145 第三部分 专用合同条款.146 Part III Special Conditions of Contract . 146 1. 一般约定.146 1. General Stipulations .146 2. 发包人.151 2. The Client. 151 3. 承包人.152 3. The Contractor. 152 4. 监理人.156 4. The Supervisor. 156 5. 工程质量.157 5. Quality of Project. 157 6. 安全文明施工与环境保护157 6. Safe and Civilized Construction and Environmental Protection . 157 7. 工期和进度158 7. Project Duration and Progress . 158 8. 材料与设备160 8. Materials and Equipment . 160 9. 试验与检验161 9. Test and Inspection . 161 10. 变更.161 10. Change .