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1、你应该回家了博迪麦迪森需要你You should go home, Bodie. Madison needs you.那是咱们的宝宝Thats our baby.你加倍装载的货物You doubled the cargo.你没注意把安全绳绑牢You didnt care the straps werent secure.而你走开了没跟任何人说And you walked away without telling anyone.我知道杰拉米做了什么他带来了什么东西I know what Jeremy is doing, what hes bringing up here.-酒精不违法-贩卖&he

2、arts;♥羟考酮是非法的-Alcohol is not illegal. - Dealing Oxy is.不好意思我不能这么做我有未婚夫Im sorry, I cant be doing this, I have a fiance.这是德文的电♥话♥请留言Youve reached Devon. Please leave a message.艾玛Emma?你要走了吗Are you leaving?我以为我们可以I thought we could.一起吃饭聊聊天grab some dinner, you know, to talk.乔巴我订婚了记得

3、吗Chopper, Tm engaged, remember?艾玛别这样Emma, come on.你不觉得咱们彼此之间Dont you think that theres something here.有点什么吗with us?这是个错误乔巴This was a mistake, Chopper.对不起Im sorry.我真高兴咱们今天来了Im so glad we*re doing this.在这儿就餐是我梦寐以求的事情Someones running contraband up to the communities.我们都知道那个人是谁And we both know who it is

4、.就像我们都知道Just like we both know被车撞是释放了什么样的信息the kind of message a hit like this was supposed to send.这些人找上你了伍德These people are out for your blood, Wood.如果你告诉我你知道的情况我可以保护你But if you tell me what you know, I can protect you.这是我的病人警官This is my patient, constable.他需要去温尼伯得到紧急救治He needs urgent medical care

5、 in Winnipeg我不能允许你将他置于危险境地and I won*t let you put him in jeopardy.所以你要是不打算逮捕他就别挡我的路So, if youre not gonna arrest him, get the hell out of my way. 伍德先生的转移手续Mr. Woods transfer forms.没什么事吧Everything okay in here?没事Yeah.你怎么想的搞这一出Why the hell would you pull this?因为我想被车撞呗Yeah, *cause getting hit by a car

6、was my idea.太有趣了So much fun.你知道我的意思这就是一个意外我好好走在路上打算买♥♥个三明治I was just walking to get a sub结果某个混♥蛋♥突然转向撞了我and then some asshole swerved out and hit me.-我没事-这事很严重杰拉米Im fine. - This is serious, Jeremy.你现在成了我医疗飞机上的伤者Youre in my goddamn plane being medevacd.你惹上什么事了到底是什么For real

7、?克里斯托Crys.你小题大做了但愿那些黑黄箱子中的东西I sure hope whatever!s in those black and yellow boxes值得你这么卖♥♥命is worth it.你找我You looking for me?没有我正准备回家Nah, just about to head home.祝你顺利布拉德Have a good one, Brad.短♥信♥都不发f直接来电♥话♥谁要死了A call instead of a text. Whos dying?没人要死No one.

8、那个I mean.如果我知道某个人if I knew something about someone做了一些警方或许应该知道的事情that the police should maybe know.去吧Do it.相信你的直觉莱克西我阻挠过你一次Trust your gut, Lex. I talked you out of it once before.我不该那么做的I shouldnt have.谢谢Thank you.你能行的莱克西You got this, Lex.所以出什么问题了So, uh, what seems to be the problem?听说你的车有些损坏Heard y

9、ou had some damage.你这辆车符合一桩肇事逃逸的And your vehicle matches the description of a truck车辆描述involved in a hit-and-run.这里吗我几周前撞了一头鹿What, this? I hit a deer about a couple of weeks ago.一米八三的鹿吗还在主路和伯奇路的拐角Huh. A six-foot-tall deer at the corner of Main and Birch?我们有理由相信这头鹿是一个毒贩We have reason to believe that

10、this deer is a drug trafficker.而撞他的人可能也是Maybe whoever hit him is too.因此我有正当理由搜查你的车辆This gives me probable cause to take a look inside your truck. 好吧好吧是这样Oh, okay, okay, okay. Look.我喝了一瓶啤酒就一瓶I had a beer, alright. Just one.那家伙突然冲出来的The guy came out of nowhere.我担心别人发现我喝酒了所以开车回家了I was worried I was gon

11、na smell like alcohol so I drove home. 我知道这种行为不对但是And I know it was wrong, but.我慌了I panicked.听我说这Hey, listen. Its.我不知道什么毒品警官I dont know anything about any drugs, officer.你因为肇事逃逸被捕了Youre under arrest for a hit-and-run.别呀行吧Come on. Okay. Ugh.亲爱的-再睡一觉-Hey, babe. - One more sleep.你几点的航♥班♥W

12、hat time is your flight?我最后几小时和别人换班了好去接你I traded my last couple of hours to come pick you up.坏消息德文Bad news; Dev.我明天回不去了Im not gonna make it home tomorrow.但是艾玛你这周休息啊But Emma, its your week off.我知道I know, um.可是周末有求生训练its survival training this weekend.强制性的Itfs mandatory.真是的亲爱的Damn, babe.我会补偿你的Ell make

13、 it up to you.你工作太辛苦了这样吧Youve been working so hard. Til tell you what.我要给你定汤普森最好的酒店Im gonna book you the best hotel in Thompson 好好享受这周仅剩的几天 for the rest of the week.好好宠爱一下你自己做做水疗Go pamper yourself. Have a spa day.德文你不必这么做的Dev, you dont have to do that.别这么说我想宠爱一下我未来的妻子Come on, let me spoil my future

14、wife. 我得去查房♥ 了I gotta hustle for rounds.到时候发你酒店信息ril send you the hotel deets.爱你Love you.从飞机失事中生还的几率是95.7%Your chances of surviving a plane crash are 95.7 %. 相信我我深有体会Trust me, I should know.但之后你们在野外的生还几率But your chances of surviving in the wilderness 还不到25%after that crash are less than 25 %.

15、你们将分为几个小队You guys are gonna get broken up into teams从森林的不同处出发and set out in different points in the woods 每队都有一组坐标with a set of coordinates.每人都有一些防水布绳索You guys are each gonna get some tarp, a rope, 一个斧子一张地图一个指南针an axe, a map and a compass.手♥机♥没收Cellphones, we cannot have免得给你们走捷径的机会any

16、of you guys tempted to take the easy way out.你们的任务是在夜间扎营Now, your assignment is to make camp for the night 在明天下午之前and then travel to the rendezvous point赶到汇合点by tomorrow afternoon.能不能快点开始Could we hurry this up already?怎么等不及在森林里当无头苍蝇吗Whats the matter, you cant wait to get lost这么快就想起飞啊trying to leave

17、the airstrip?我知道你们这些学员喜欢出风头I know you cadets like to thump your chest,但野外求生真没那么难诺瓦克but it*s not exactly rocket science, Nowak.可不比调酒Not like bartending.你的口气比你的钱包还大Why dont you put your money where your mouth is? 赌一百块我第一个到汇合点I betcha 100 bucks I get to the coordinates first.两百块怎么样-二百五吧-How about make

18、it two? - Two-fifty.五百Five hundred.钱包拿出来吧博迪Better get your wallet out, Chodie.这你很熟练吧You know how to do that, right?毕竟你一遇到事就得用它Thats how you solve all your problems.你再说一遍-好了淡定-Say again? - Alright, take it easy,演苍蝇王呢Lord of the Flies.负责分组的人是我I get to make up the teams.这下有趣了So, thisll be fun.在丛林里一起待上四

19、十八小时Just 48 hours alone together in the woods.还没人跟我讲话Not talking.我们可以抄近路We can cut across,先发制人在博迪之前赶到汇合点get a head start and beat Bodie to the rendezvous.话说你们俩到底怎么回事Whats the deal with you guys anyways?你为什么那么讨厌他Why do you hate him so much?他就是个养尊处优的自私鬼Hes a spoiled, self-centred prick.他是个自信友好的人He*s a

20、 confident, friendly guy.是吗也可能就是Is he? Or is he just a rich kid一个被父母捧上天的富家子whose parents think the sun shines out of his asshole?你知道爹妈用钱给你铺路You know how easy it is to be a pilot成为一名飞行员有多容易吗when mommy and daddy can buy your hours?如果是为了赌注这五百块我可以给Look, if this is about the bet, Ill pay the 500 bucks.好好

21、考虑一下兄弟Make up your mind, man.你是把我当朋友还是只把我当同事Are we friends or am I just someone you work with?这是你的想法吗做朋友Is that what you want? To be friends?不是No.你生火还真有一套啊You know your way around a fire.我父亲那一支祖祖辈辈都是守火人I come from a long line of Fire Keepers on my dads side.他是梅蒂族人He was Metis.具有原住民和欧洲血统的土著开玩笑的Joking

22、.我爸确实是梅蒂族的但我奶奶家有柴火灶Dad was Metis but my Kookum has a wood stove.北屋那边最近怎么样How are things up in North House?护士站挺安生的吧Pretty quiet at the nurses station?从来就没安生过I mean, its never quiet.但起码不像在圣迈克医院那样吧But its not like when you worked at St. Mikes?不用和帮派 枪♥支♥暴♥力♥打交道Youre not deali

23、ng with gangs, or gun violence,或者瘾君子or. overdoses.确实我值班时反正没有No. Not on my shifts.社区为了不让毒品进来The community did a lot of work to make sure下了不少功夫可难免有漏网之鱼no drugs were coming up here, but things slip in.这里是不是经常有熊出没Hey, um, are there that many bears out here?你这周不是休假吗Weren*t you supposed to have this week

24、off?我不能回家I cant go home.我和乔巴睡了I slept with Chopper.我费这么大劲生了这么久的火I cant believe you let me build this whole fire-你居然不早告诉我我感觉很糟克里斯-before you told me that. -1 feel terrible, Crys.我真是太坏了我背着未婚夫出轨Okay, Tm a terrible person! I cheated on my fiance.行了淡定Hol-eh. Calm down.你不是坏人Youre not a terrible person.可我该

25、怎么办But what do I do?如果告诉他他一定伤心死了If I tell him, it will break his heart.克里斯托他永远也不会原谅我的Crys, hes never gonna forgive me.你不能守着秘密迈入婚姻艾玛You cant go into something like this with secrets, Emma. 行不通的It never works.那么乔巴So. Chopper.挺好的是吧Pretty cool, huh?气温下降冷气凝结在防水布上Temperature drops, moisture condenses onto

26、 the tarp, 水滴从洞里流下铛铛天然巴黎水water drips into the hole and voila, Perrier.不错Cool.帅气在心灵手巧面前不值一提对吧Better handy than handsome, right?两者兼得最好Or both.海莉是这样Listen, Hayley.我知道你和博迪之间I know that things between you and Bodie.我现在喜欢上了一个人Its just, Im kind of into someone now.什么天哪不是Oh, what? Oh, God, no.那个幸运儿是谁Whos th

27、e lucky girl?我喜欢上了艾玛I have a thing for Emma.艾玛订了婚的艾玛Emma? Like, engaged Emma?她不想嫁给他She doesn*t want to marry him.她亲口对我说的She told me this herself.听起来够乱的That sounds. messy.我二十一岁的时候就结婚了You know, I got married when I was 21.我以为大家都这样I thought that thafs what people did.而且这能让我父母开心And it made my parents ha

28、ppy.因为他们希望我开心because they wanted me to be happy.婚姻美满的工程师像我爸那样Happily married engineer, just like my Dad.你很想念做工程师吗Do you miss being an engineer?远不如我会对开飞机的想念Not the way Id miss flying.我有时会因为不够想念前妻感到内疚Sometimes I feel bad that I dont miss my ex more either.我想我们都是I guess we all want to在寻找当初飞行时的感受find so

29、mething that feels like flying, huh?老兄现在太早了别那么蠢Come on, man, its too early. This is dumb.应该等天亮一些再行动We should just wait until theres more light.趁现在还能走一定要领先他们We gotta get ahead while we can.老兄我才不要和你在大半夜瞎走Dude, Tm not tripping around in the dark with you.迷路都已经是最好的情况了Best case scenario, we only get lost

30、.你这是在拖时间Youre just stalling so好让你的朋友诺瓦克比我们先到坐标your bestie Nowak beats us to the coordinates.你开玩笑呢吧Are you kidding me right now?你要是扯我后腿就别跟着了You don*t have to come if youre gonna slow me down. 该死Shit!我们找了一个小时才找到你们It took us an hour to find you guys.如果不及时把腿拿出来If we dont get it out,压♥迫♥会造成

31、永久性的神经损伤 the pressure could cause permanent nerve damage. 甚至可能截肢Or he could lose a leg.这是个老物件了我爷爷家有一个类似的This things ancient. My Mooshum had one like this.和他一样又老又硬Old and stubborn just like him.我们需要把弹簧按开We need to depress the springs.你能踩着这吗Can you step on this?好Sure.特里斯坦你站另一边Tristan, the other side.你

32、很享受吧Youre enjoying this, arent you?没有Nope.-这样应该能固定住-应该-That should hold it. - Should?快好了博迪Almost there, Bodie.Ive been wanting to eat here forever.我们一直没有机会庆祝Well, we never really had a chance to celebrate.肚子里的小蝌蚪吗The tadpole?这次我希望把事情办好麦迪森I wanna do things right this time, Mads.到处摆满干姜水You know, ginge

33、r ale all around,葡萄酒送到桌前you know, bring the bottle to the table,冰镇一整套流程on ice, the whole shebang.会无与伦比的Its gonna be amazing.我们需要先对您的信♥用♥卡♥进行预授权Well need a deposit on your credit card first.你什么意思我们还没开始点菜呢What do you mean? We havent even ordered yet.我们坐都没坐下We havent even sat down.

34、如果您现在付款结账And, if you pay for your meal now,我们就可以提供座位这是餐厅的规定we can seat you. Its restaurant policy.你是说真的么Are you serious?!去你的规定Screw your policy!老天他们就是觉得所有东西都是免费的God, they just expect everything for free, dont they?博迪两位不了-Bodie, for two! - No.你要干什么Uh, what are you doing?稍等发生了什么我们为什么走Wait, what just h

35、appened? Why are you leaving?他们不愿意原住民就餐They wont serve Indigenous people.他们没说他们不让不是么They didnt say they wouldnt serve them, did they?准备好了吗我数一二三Okay, alright, ready? On three.One, two, three.现在怎么办他的腿还在夹子里Now what? Traps still in there.我们得把它掰开Were gonna have to pull it open.就跟创可贴一样对吧Like a Band-aid, r

36、ight?我数一二三准备On my count. On three. Ready?One. Two.Three.就跟创可贴一样Just like a Band-aid.接着把他的腿包起来Here, we need to wrap it.在错过今天下午的集♥合♥前No one will be looking for us没人会来找我们until we miss the rendezvous this afternoon.那离现在还有好几个小时Yeah, thats hours from now.博迪的腿等不了那么久Bodies leg cant wait that l

37、ong.他没法走路我们怎么把他弄出去He cant walk. How are we gonna get him out of here?听着我们得找两根Okay, listen, we need two.结实的长树枝long, sturdy branches.现在就去找快点Now. Quickly.你还好吗Hey. You okay?不太清楚为什么他现在要把上衣脱了Not really sure why he needs to be shirtless right now 但好吧but, you know.这根不错This ones good.我刚被一只该死的黄蜂蚩了Ugh, I just

38、got stung by a freaking wasp!每年这个时候它们都很讨厌Yeah, theyre real assholes this time of year.这根不错Thats a good one.行了Thatll do.还需要你们的上衣Need your shirts too.-还有多远-大约八百米-How much further? - About half a mile.这样不行停下把他放下来This is not working. Stop. Put him down.去他的直接背着他快多了Screw this, it*d be faster to just carry

39、 him.抱歉博迪诺瓦克别-Sorry, Bodie, - Nowak. No.诺瓦克天我讨厌你Nowak. God; I hate you.把警报闪起来威瑟有个伤者Flash it up, Wheezer. Got a patient.再前面一点博迪快到了Just a little further, Bodie. Almost there.过来把他放下Over here, set him down.当心诺瓦克小心他的腿Careful, Nowak, watch his leg.我去飞机上拿急救箱Ill get the first aid kit from the plane.你欠我五百块博迪

40、You owe me 500 bucks, Scrotie.看来是我先到的Looks like I got here first.我倒觉得是同时到的Looks like a tie to me.博迪踩到一个捕熊器受了很严重的外伤Bodie stepped in a bear trap; hes got a nasty flesh wound.我们需要把他送去医院We need to get him to a hospital.得把裤腿卷起来We need to get this elevated.放轻松Easy. Ooh.艾玛你的手指肿得很厉害Emma, your finger is real

41、ly swollen.你的戒指阻碍了血液循环Your rings cutting off circulation.没关系的我只是需要一个冰袋No, no, its fine. I just need an icepack.不冰袋没用的No, an icepack wonrt cut it.得减轻压力We need to relieve the pressure.或许这里面有什么Maybe theres something in here.不不行No. No way.这是我的订婚戒指德文会杀了我的This is my engagement ring. Devon would kill me.要是

42、现在不做些什么的话Well, youre not gonna have a finger to wear it on 你就不会有手指去戴上它了if we dont do something now.抱歉Im sorry.我去找些冰袋ril go find some cold packs.要缝针打抗生素和破伤风疫苗Stitches, antibiotics, tetanus shot.一天内不要站立And at least 24 hours off your feet.你忘了吗♥啡♥这伤疼死人了You forgot morphine. This thing kills

43、.我保证在缝合之前Ell make sure you get some of the good stuff会给你来点好东西before we stitch you back up.关于前几天和杰拉米的事About the other day with Jeremy.谢谢Thank you.收到温尼伯纪念医院的回复了I heard back from Winnipeg Memorial.没有出血的迹象Theres no indication of a bleed.所以他们明天会把他转回这里So, theyre gonna transfer him back up here tomorrow 继续

44、康复to continue with his recovery.-行克里斯托-Okay. - Crystal.我喜欢你I like you.我喜欢和你待在一起I like being with you.但如果有什么我需要顾虑的事But if theres anything that Id have to worry about.不No, hey.他是我过去的一部分仅此而已Hes part of my past. Thats all.你才是现在最重要的好吗This is what matters now. Okay?谢谢你让我搭便车Thanks for letting me hitch a ri

45、de.你能去杰拉米家帮他拿些东西Its nice of you to go to Jeremys place for him,真是太好了grab some of his things.我会四处看看Yeah. Til have a look around,确保一切正常make sure everythings as it should be.我很高兴在轮班开始前Im just glad I got to have a shower洗了个澡before my shift started.不过本来今天早上过后还可以小睡一会的Could have used a nap too; though, aft

46、er this morning.下面有东西Hey, theres something down there.看上去像是某种信♥号♥♥Looks like, uh, some kind of signal.往右倾斜看一下You want to bank right to check it out?调度中心这里是九二二号♥Dispatch, this is 922, 我们在北纬59.5260度 we spotted an SOS at 59.5260 degrees north, 西经 94.6269 度发现了一个求救信♥号&h

47、earts;♥94.6269 degrees west.九二二号♥这里是调度中心922, this is dispatch, 继续前往北屋carry on to North House.我们会通知该地区的当局前去查看Well alert authorities in the area to check it out.有人在发信♥号♥♥让我们帮忙Someones signalling for our help.告诉他们我们收到了Tell them we copy.-这趟医疗转运什么情况病人在吸氧-Whats the schedevac? - Um, patient on oxygen, 要去汤普森看牙医做根管治疗going to Tho


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