1、21年项目管理师考试真题6篇21年项目管理师考试真题6篇 第1篇 当要求一个员工离开项目时,项目经理在执行实施什么权力a. 合法权(正式的)b. 强制权(处罚性的)c. 专家权d. 象征权正确答案:B Using the cumulative cost curve in the special window, height B representsA.actual cost to dateB.total budgeted costs for the projectC.planned cost for monthD.cost varianceE.earned value正确答案:BB 你决定要在
2、公司中组建一个PMP考试的学习小组,邀请公司内部其他的项目经理一起参加,以次帮助大家更好地准备这次考试。由于公司总经理已经决定奖励每个通过考试的人5000美元,所以每个人都有了很强的动力要通过考试。那么,在组织这个学习小组的过程中你要采用什么类型的沟通方式呢?( )A水平型B垂直型C正式型D外部型正确答案:A 质量控制通常由-执行A、 质保人员B、 项目团队C、 操作人员D、 项目管理正确答案:C 177 Which may be employed to shorten a schedule without changing the scope of the task?A. Fast trac
3、king.B. CrashingC. Releasing resources earlier from tasks which were scheduled with a late start.D. Alter to task priorities.E. A or B正确答案:A 173 Five people are involved on a project that requires significant communication between all project participants. How many lines of communication exist on th
4、is project?A. 5B. 6C. 8D. 10E. 9正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试真题6篇 第2篇 183 The lowest dollar amount at stake is associated with the following phase of the project: A. conceptualB. executionC. cut-overD. post project evaluationE. A and D only正确答案:A 如果项目队员符合以下哪一条例,则成功完成一个多学科项目的机会会增大?( )A以问题为导向的B对总经理的需要很敏感C聚焦于个别的项目活
5、动D聚焦于客户的要求正确答案:A 针对固定价合同,付款的风险是:A、 承包商的实际成本B、 承包商的成本加固定费用C、 在承包商的投标中未公开的应急费用D、 根据风险评估预测所作的预测成本并用于处理风险正确答案:C 187 Standard of purchased material:A. Simplifies inventory controlB. reduces the risk of obsolescenceC. reduces cost of purchasing and storageD. All of the above.E. A and C only正确答案:E 你在负责管理一个
6、视频游戏的项目。上个月客户已经签署项目需求说明和范围说明。但是现在她提出了一项范围变更要求。她希望把这个游戏做成一种电视和电脑上都能玩的互动游戏。这种范围变更至少会表现在哪 一个方面?A、修改工作分解结构已经确定的项目范围B、导致所有项目基线的变更C、需要对成本 时间 质量以及其他目标进行调整D、得到一个经验教训正确答案:A 25 In which of the following scope management processes is the scope management plan prepared? A. InitiationB. Scope planningC. Scope De
7、finitionD. Scope change controlE. Scope verification正确答案:B21年项目管理师考试真题6篇 第3篇 75 Creation of project objectives:A. allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.B. is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against whic
8、h performance can be judged. C. is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.D. all of the above.E. A and B only正确答案:E 你们公司是一个鸡肉加工厂,最近产品发生了几个与健康有关的问题。这些独立的事件发生在不同的地方,但发生的同时的3周内。公司过去没有产品安全性的问题,并认为检查系统没有问题。但是,最近引进了一个新的处理系统。你是该系统的项目经理,现在派你领导一个团队来调查这一事件并做必要的改变。为分析这一新过程,你和你的团队决定用以下哪项技
9、术?( )A系统流程图B实验设计C帕雷托图分析D控制图正确答案:D 13 The project team form. of organization confers both advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages of the project form. include:A. Conflict in authority between project manager and functional managersB. Dual allegiance on part of team members C. Complex prioritizati
10、on of resourcesD. Loss of developed procedures on project dissolutionE. All of the above正确答案:E 让一个公司接受并使用项目管理模式来进行管理的可能性取决于项目的及 ( )A竞争及经济价值B行业类型及人力要求C规模及特性D质量要求及人力要求正确答案:C 125 Which of the following depreciation methods provides for accelerated depreciation of an asset: A. Double declining balance.B
11、. Straight line.C. Exponential depreciationD. Double sum of the years digitsE. Double increasing balance正确答案:A 当需要减少20%关键路径时间时,你可以采取下列的行动,但-除外?( )A增加资源B加速时间进度C消除浮动时间D并行安排活动正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试真题6篇 第4篇 在固定价格合同中以下哪一条是正确的?a. 卖方同意在估算合同总量内尽最大努力履行合同b. 卖方同意在确定的合同价格上提供服务或供应c. 除非买方提高金额,若超出合同额卖方不负责履行超出部分d. 买方承担较大
12、风险正确答案:Bb 见合同管理,合同类型对风险数量 章节。注意:你将发现此问题同成本混到一起。 你将发现风险、采购合同、成本的问题被分散到这3 部分的测验中。 Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:A Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structureB Manage high risk repetitive workC Pro
13、vide clients with multiple points of contactD Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activitiesE All of the above正确答案:A 以下各项关于规避风险的陈述哪些是不正确的?A、 关心消除引起风险的元素B、 包括决定不对风险过高的项目进行投标C、 风险倘若发生,就接受后果D、 当客户最有优势降低风险时,将风险遗留给客户正确答案:C 38 Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:A. The
14、 team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project managerB. The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the teamC. Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goalsD. Employee
15、s will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team membersE. None of the above正确答案:C 有效的项目整合通常需要强调A、 项目团队成员个人能力B、 及时更新项目计划C、 对主要交接点进行有效沟通D、 高层管理控制正确答案:C The following individuals are responsible for determining the content of the Com
16、munications Management Plan.A Project SponsorB Task Manager(s)C Director of CommunicationsD Project Manager正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试真题6篇 第5篇 在高科技公司中的RD经理最常使用( )权力作为激励措施A专家B奖励C参照D认同E以上都不是正确答案:A 下列哪一项可被看作是生产一种产品的直接成本( )A生产此零件的材料成本B生产此零件的人工费C生产此零件的房屋房租D管理人员费用EA及B正确正确答案:E 17 All of the following statements about
17、 acceptance sampling are true except:A. Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspection is high and the resulting loss of passing nonconforming units is not great.B. Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required.C. Acceptance sampling plans ar
18、e never effective at rejecting nonconforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious.D. Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots; they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of given quality.E. Acceptance sampling
19、 plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custom-made products正确答案:C 10 The project manager must be concerned with building a closely knit team. During the project kickoff meeting, the project manager can get a good start at team building by providing the team with: A. Proposed sala
20、ry increases if the project is successfulB. Bonuses for early completion dateC. A promise of future assignmentsD. Well-defined project objectivesE. Linear responsibility charts正确答案:D 项目经理常使用什么工具以识别与项目有关的各种费用( )A材料清单B甘特图C箭线网络图D工作分解结构正确答案:D 项目档案是( )A项目产品的说明文件B从此项目中获取的经验和教训C一整套编入索引的项目记录D仅保留公司最重要和最复杂的项目
21、正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试真题6篇 第6篇 你负责的项目已经进行了18个月了,某天,公司的CEO给你发了一封电子邮件,要你向所有的确定的内部和外部的干系人报告项目当前的情况。报告的饿时间定在了下周一。你预计可能会有50多人出席。报告准备工作的第一步应该是( )A明确报告的听众B确定目标C确定报告的总体形式D设计一个报告战略正确答案:B 通过将剩余项目预算与最新的实际值相加计算EAC的方法,当以下哪一项成立时经常被使用?( )A当前的偏差被认为是非典型的B因为条件有变,原先的估计假设再也不可靠了C当前的偏差被视做以后偏差的典型代表D原先的估计假设被认为有根本性错误正确答案:C 160 Th
22、e major difference between project and line management is that the project manager may not have any control over which basic management function?A. Decision-makingB. StaffingC. RewardingD. Tracking/monitoringE. Reviewing正确答案:B The major difference between PERT and CPM networks is:A.PERT requires thr
23、ee time estimates whereas CPM requires one time estimate.B.PERT is used for construction projects whereas CPM is used for R D.C.PERT addresses only time whereas CPM also includes cost and resource availability.D.PERT requires computer solutions whereas CPM is a manual technique.E.PERT is measured in
24、 days whereas CPM uses weeks or months.正确答案:AA 114 Financial compensation is the primary motivational tool for which of the following management theories of programs.A. Zero-defects program.B. theory X management.C. theory Y management.D. Quality control circles.E. A and C正确答案:B 未分配的预算属于下列哪一个内容?A、管理储备金B、业绩衡量基准线C、客户和发起人管理总帐目表D、一般管理和行政费用正确答案:B