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1、 爱之记忆:大象的重聚爱之记忆:大象的重聚 当两头受虐过的大象当两头受虐过的大象23年后重聚的时候,年后重聚的时候,他们欢欣的吼声响彻整个保护区。他们欢欣的吼声响彻整个保护区。 1. 进入霍恩沃尔德大象保护区你先要通过进入霍恩沃尔德大象保护区你先要通过一扇巨大的门,那是环绕着保护区四周厚厚一扇巨大的门,那是环绕着保护区四周厚厚的带电网围栏的一部分。这是能把恐龙关在的带电网围栏的一部分。这是能把恐龙关在侏罗纪公园里的那种围栏。侏罗纪公园里的那种围栏。第1页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 2. Inside, small birds flit in the grass, and there

2、s an unusual stillness for a place thats home to the worlds largest land animals.第2页/共56页 2.小鸟在保护区的草场上轻快地飞过,小鸟在保护区的草场上轻快地飞过,作为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里作为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里有着不同寻常的宁静。有着不同寻常的宁静。 第3页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 3. The sanctuary was started in 1995 by Carol Buckley and Scott Blaise. The two former elephant tr

3、ainers had seen enough abuse and neglect at circuses and zoos to inspire them to create a sanctuary where elephants could live out their lives. The sanctuary would offer what Buckley considers the three necessities for a happy elephant: freedom from dominance, room to wander and lots of other elepha

4、nts. 第4页/共56页3. 保护区是由卡罗尔保护区是由卡罗尔芭克雷和斯科芭克雷和斯科特特布雷斯于布雷斯于1995年创建的。这两位前年创建的。这两位前驯象员在马戏团和动物园见过太多大象驯象员在马戏团和动物园见过太多大象所遭受的虐待和忽视,于是决心为大象所遭受的虐待和忽视,于是决心为大象建一座可以颐养天年的憩息所。保护区建一座可以颐养天年的憩息所。保护区将为大象提供芭克雷认为能让大象过得将为大象提供芭克雷认为能让大象过得快乐的三个基本条件:不被主宰的自由、快乐的三个基本条件:不被主宰的自由、随心所欲漫步的空间和很多同伴。随心所欲漫步的空间和很多同伴。第5页/共56页Unit 2: Text A

5、 4. At the sanctuary, the 19 African and Asian elephants in residence are allowed to exist as they would in the wild. “We created a system where dominance does not exist at all,” says Buckley. “We give them the option to say no.”第6页/共56页 4. 在保护区内,在保护区内,19头非洲象和亚洲头非洲象和亚洲象可以像在野外那样生活。象可以像在野外那样生活。“我们建我们建

6、立了一套根本不会存在支配的制度,立了一套根本不会存在支配的制度,”芭克雷说,芭克雷说,“我们给它们说不的权我们给它们说不的权利。利。” 第7页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 5. Our photographer saw this firsthand. Buckley and Blaise would not bring us to the elephants, nor would they scatter hay in order to draw them out. Instead they gave the elephants the option to come to us. L

7、uckily, two elephants, Shirley and Bunny, eventually did appear. And in a sweetly loving gesture, they even held trunks. 第8页/共56页 5. 我们的摄影师亲历了这一切。芭克雷我们的摄影师亲历了这一切。芭克雷和布雷斯不会把我们带到大象面前,也和布雷斯不会把我们带到大象面前,也不会撒干草引它们出来。而是让大象自不会撒干草引它们出来。而是让大象自己决定是否要靠近我们。幸运的是,有己决定是否要靠近我们。幸运的是,有两头大象,雪莉和伯尼,终于出现了。两头大象,雪莉和伯尼,终于出现了

8、。它们甚至以甜蜜地互相它们甚至以甜蜜地互相“挽着挽着”鼻子的鼻子的姿势出现。姿势出现。第9页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 6. Yes, Buckley confirms, just as weve read in National Geographic and seen on the Discovery Channel, elephants show great sympathy toward one another. Because the elephants she works with have suffered neglect and abuse, Buckley sees

9、 this sympathy demonstrated in some unforgettable scenes, including this remarkable story.第10页/共56页6. 芭克雷证实说,正如我们在芭克雷证实说,正如我们在国家地理国家地理杂志和探索频道看到的那样,大象彼此杂志和探索频道看到的那样,大象彼此之间十分友善。因为芭克雷接触的大象之间十分友善。因为芭克雷接触的大象都遭受过忽视和虐待,她目睹了大象之都遭受过忽视和虐待,她目睹了大象之间同病相怜的情感,这些情景令她难忘,间同病相怜的情感,这些情景令她难忘,其中还包括下面这个不同寻常的故事。其中还包括下面这个不同

10、寻常的故事。第11页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 7. A circus refugee, Jenny had often been tied up for 23 hours a day or put into small train cars travelling from one city to the next. After suffering a leg injury, she was dumped at a dog-and-cat shelter, which was ill-equipped to care for an elephant, let alone a sic

11、k one. An animal rights activist contacted Buckley, who brought Jenny to Hohenwald.第12页/共56页 7. 在马戏团时,詹妮常常一天被拴上在马戏团时,詹妮常常一天被拴上23个钟头,或者被塞进一节小车厢个钟头,或者被塞进一节小车厢里从一个城市赶往另一个城市。在经受了一次腿伤后,她被丢弃在猫狗收里从一个城市赶往另一个城市。在经受了一次腿伤后,她被丢弃在猫狗收容所,那里条件极差,根本无法照顾大象,更不用说一头受伤的大象了。容所,那里条件极差,根本无法照顾大象,更不用说一头受伤的大象了。一位动物保护组织成员和芭克雷取得

12、了联系,把詹妮带到了霍恩沃尔德。一位动物保护组织成员和芭克雷取得了联系,把詹妮带到了霍恩沃尔德。第13页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 8. Freedoms a wonderful thing, and Jenny was eager to experience it. She was kept alone in a yard for one day due to injury, but that proved stressful for her. So she was let out with the rest of the elephants. And thats when sh

13、e met with, a friend from the past. 第14页/共56页8.自由是件美好的东西,詹妮渴望拥有它。她因腿伤被单独关在一个院子里一天,自由是件美好的东西,詹妮渴望拥有它。她因腿伤被单独关在一个院子里一天,但事实证明那对她来说是一种压力。于是她被放到象群中,就在那时她与一位但事实证明那对她来说是一种压力。于是她被放到象群中,就在那时她与一位“故人故人”不期而遇。不期而遇。 第15页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 9. Jenny was still a baby when she and Shirley first met years before, wor

14、king hard together at a circus. Although theyd spent only a few weeks with each other, Shirley assumed the role of substitute mother to Jenny before they were separated. But that was 23 years earlier would they remember?第16页/共56页 9. 多年前,当詹妮还是头小象时就与雪莉相识了,她们同在一个马戏团卖力多年前,当詹妮还是头小象时就与雪莉相识了,她们同在一个马戏团卖力地演出

15、。尽管她们仅仅相处了几个星期,但在分开之前雪莉已承担起了詹妮地演出。尽管她们仅仅相处了几个星期,但在分开之前雪莉已承担起了詹妮代理妈妈的重任。但那是代理妈妈的重任。但那是23年前的事了,她们还会记得吗年前的事了,她们还会记得吗?第17页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 10. Jenny knew right away who Shirley was. Soon Hohenwald was rocking as the two greeted each other with trumpeting and celebratory bumping. 第18页/共56页Unit 2: Text

16、 A 11. Shirley and Jenny instantly fell into their old routine, wandering the sanctuary side by side. The good times had lasted only a few years when Jenny became ill, the result of her previous leg injury.第19页/共56页10. 詹妮立即认出了雪莉詹妮立即认出了雪莉!不一会儿,霍恩沃尔德因它们相遇时互致问候的吼不一会儿,霍恩沃尔德因它们相遇时互致问候的吼声和庆祝性的碰撞而震动起来。声和庆祝

17、性的碰撞而震动起来。11.雪莉和詹妮很快恢复了她们的老习惯:肩并肩地在保护区内闲逛。然而雪莉和詹妮很快恢复了她们的老习惯:肩并肩地在保护区内闲逛。然而美好的时光总是特别短暂,几年后詹妮因腿上的旧伤复发而病倒。美好的时光总是特别短暂,几年后詹妮因腿上的旧伤复发而病倒。第20页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 12-1. When she grew too weak to wander the hills and valleys, Jenny walked heavily and slowly toward a shady valley, found some soft, flat bush

18、es, and lay down. Shirley stood guard night and day, using her trunk to help her friend to rise and even shift her weight. 第21页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 12-2. Also by Jennys side were two other sanctuary friends, Tarra and Bunny. At one point, the four spent three hours trumpeting the vibrations felt by e

19、very living being in the sanctuary. In all her years of working with animals, Buckley had never seen anything like this joy-filled celebration of Jennys life.第22页/共56页12. 当她虚弱得不能在山野中自由徜祥时,詹妮挣扎着来到一个荫凉的山谷,当她虚弱得不能在山野中自由徜祥时,詹妮挣扎着来到一个荫凉的山谷,找到一处平坦而柔软的灌木丛,躺了下去。找到一处平坦而柔软的灌木丛,躺了下去。 雪莉日夜伫立守候,用鼻子帮她雪莉日夜伫立守候,用鼻子

20、帮她的朋友起身,甚至帮她翻身。在詹妮的身旁还有保护区的其他两位朋友的朋友起身,甚至帮她翻身。在詹妮的身旁还有保护区的其他两位朋友塔拉和伯尼。那时,四头大象持续三小时的鸣吼使保护区内的每个生命都为塔拉和伯尼。那时,四头大象持续三小时的鸣吼使保护区内的每个生命都为之震颤。与动物相处多年的芭克雷从未见过比詹妮这充满喜悦的生命庆典更之震颤。与动物相处多年的芭克雷从未见过比詹妮这充满喜悦的生命庆典更令人动容的场面。令人动容的场面。第23页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 13-1. The next day, October 17, 2006, the great animals continue

21、d their trumpeting. There was nothing urgent in their song. It was calming. Still, it was too much for Shirley. About to lose Jenny for the second time, she went to a nearby hill to grieve alone. 第24页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 13-2. In her absence, Bunny and Tarra comforted Jenny by stroking her. That even

22、ing, at the age of 36 young for an elephant Jenny died. Tarra and Bunny stayed at her side through the night. But whereas Jennys suffering had ended, Shirleys began. 第25页/共56页 13. 第二天,也就是第二天,也就是20年年10月月17日,这些庞大的动物还在继续鸣唱。歌声日,这些庞大的动物还在继续鸣唱。歌声中没有一丝不安,只有慰藉。但对雪莉来中没有一丝不安,只有慰藉。但对雪莉来 说,这无法承受,将要再次失去詹妮说,这无法承受

23、,将要再次失去詹妮的她躲到附近的小山上独自悲伤。她不在的时候,伯尼和塔拉用拍打来安慰詹的她躲到附近的小山上独自悲伤。她不在的时候,伯尼和塔拉用拍打来安慰詹妮。那晚,年仅妮。那晚,年仅36岁的詹妮死了,这个年龄对于大象来说还很年轻。塔拉和伯岁的詹妮死了,这个年龄对于大象来说还很年轻。塔拉和伯尼一整夜都守在她身旁。詹妮的苦难结束了,然尼一整夜都守在她身旁。詹妮的苦难结束了,然 而雪莉的却开始了。而雪莉的却开始了。第26页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 14-1. Elephants wear their hearts on their trunks, as it were, so it w

24、as easy to tell that Shirley was not dealing well with Jennys death her eyes were half shut and her trunk dragged on the ground. She wasnt eating or trumpeting. She was depressed. 第27页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 14-2. Bunny followed her to the hill, where the two stayed for days before finally returning to

25、the barn. With her spirits restored, Shirley, the oldest and largest elephant at the sanctuary, began to eat and play, and even picked her trunk off the ground. She was back with the elephants, where she belonged.第28页/共56页 14. 可以说大象不会隐藏他们的心情,因此很容易看出雪莉无法承受詹妮之可以说大象不会隐藏他们的心情,因此很容易看出雪莉无法承受詹妮之死所带来的打击死所带来

26、的打击她的眼睛半闭着,鼻子拖在地上。她不吃东西也不呜叫,她的眼睛半闭着,鼻子拖在地上。她不吃东西也不呜叫,无精打采。伯尼跟着她来到山里,它们俩在那里待了几天后才回到象房里。无精打采。伯尼跟着她来到山里,它们俩在那里待了几天后才回到象房里。随着精神渐渐恢复,雪莉,这头保护区最年长、体型最大的大象,开始吃喝随着精神渐渐恢复,雪莉,这头保护区最年长、体型最大的大象,开始吃喝玩耍了,甚至还把鼻子从地上提了起来。她又回到了象群中,她属于那里。玩耍了,甚至还把鼻子从地上提了起来。她又回到了象群中,她属于那里。第29页/共56页Unit 2: Text A 15. Watch an elephant wal

27、k on its back legs or perform a hula dance at a circus and its easy to forget that these are sensitive, intelligent animals for whom the family unit is everything. 16. Luckily for them, theres a place in Tennessee that hasnt. (840 words)第30页/共56页 15. 在马戏团观看大象用后腿站立或表演草裙舞,很容易让人忘记这是一在马戏团观看大象用后腿站立或表演草裙舞

28、,很容易让人忘记这是一些敏感、有灵气的生物,对它们来说家庭就是一切。些敏感、有灵气的生物,对它们来说家庭就是一切。 16.对它们而言幸运的是,在田纳西有这样一个地方还没有忘记这点。对它们而言幸运的是,在田纳西有这样一个地方还没有忘记这点。第31页/共56页Unit 2: Text B The Naked Ape (Excerpt) By Desmond Morris 1. Apart from deliberate decisions to use animal forms as images and symbols, there are also hidden pressures worki

29、ng on us all the time that force us to see other species as symbols of ourselves. 第32页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 1. We are passionate animal lovers and animal haters, and these involvements cannot be explained on the basis of economic and exploratory considerations alone. Clearly some kind of unexpected, b

30、asic response is the result of the specific signals we are receiving. We declare that it is attractive, irresistible, or horrible, but what makes it so?第33页/共56页 裸 猿 (节选)1. 除了有意将动物看作是意象和象征之外,始终有一些隐蔽的压力迫使我们把其他动物看作人类自身的形象。我们喜 欢某些动物,对它们充满了温情,而对另一些动物又极端厌恶。仅仅从经济价值和探索欲望来解释人的这些爱憎是不够的。显然,我们接受的物种信号产生了某种预料之外的

31、基本反应。我们宣称动物迷人可爱、让人不可抗拒或阴森可怕。但是我们喜爱或憎恶动物的原因何在呢?第34页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 2-1. In order to find the answer to this question we must first assemble some facts. To obtain such evidence an investigation was carried out involving 80,000 British children between the ages of four and fourteen. During a zoo te

32、levision programme they were asked the simple question:“Which animal do you like most?” and “Which animal do you dislike most?”第35页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 2-2. From the massive response to this inquiry a sample of 12,000 replies to each question was selected at random and analysed. If we now narrow our

33、sights to the “top ten animal loves” the list emerges as follows: 1. Chimpanzee; 2. Monkey; 3. Horse; 4. Bushbaby; 5. Panda; 6. Bear; 7. Elephant; 8. Lion; 9. Dog; 10. Giraffe. 第36页/共56页2. 要回答这个问题首先必须搜集材料。为了获得证据,我们对8万名414岁的英国儿童做了调查。在一次动物园电视节目中,我们提出两个简单的问题:“你最喜欢哪种动物?”以及“你最不喜欢哪种动物?”我们从大量的调查回答中进行抽样,对每个

34、问题都随机选出12万份答案进行分析。如果我们只看“最受宠爱的前10名动物”,其具体排名如下:1。黑猩猩;2猴子;3马;4丛猴;5。熊猫;6熊;7象;8狮子;9。狗;10长颈鹿。第37页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 3-1. It is immediately clear that these preferences are the result of the animals anthropomorphic features and it is to these that the children are responding when making their choices. Th

35、is is not a conscious process. 第38页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 3-2. The most significant of these anthropomorphic features in the top ten animals are as follows: 1. They all have hair, rather than feathers or scales. 2. They have rounded outlines. 3. They have flat faces. 4. They have facial expressions. 5.

36、 They can handle small objects. 6. Their body positions are in some ways, or at some times, rather vertical. 第39页/共56页3. 显而易见,对这些动物的偏爱与这些动物类人化的特征有关,孩子们在做出选择时正是对这些特征做出了反应。这是一个不自觉的过程。前10名动物最主要的类人化特征如下:l. 它们都长有毛发,而不是羽毛或鳞片;2它们有浑圆: 的外形轮廓;3它们的面部扁平;4它们有面部表情;5它们可以操作某些小物件;6它们的体姿以某些方式或在某些时候是直立的。第40页/共56页Unit

37、2: Text B 4-1. Facial expressions are particularly important as basic forms of visual communication in our species. They have evolved in a complex form in only a few groups of mammals the higher primates, the horses, the dogs and the cats. It is no accident that five of the top ten favourites belong

38、 to these groups. 第41页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 4-2. Changes in facial expression indicate changes in mood and this provides a valuable link between the animal and ourselves, even though the correct significance of the expressions is not always precisely understood. 第42页/共56页4. 面部表情是人类视觉交际的基本形式,因而非常重要。只有少

39、数几种哺乳类动物,如高级灵长目动物、马、狗和猫才拥有这种比较复杂的交际形式。人选的10种动物中前5种都是这些动物,也就并非偶然了。面部表情的变化表现了情绪的变化,这使动物和人类之间有了宝贵的联系纽带,尽管我们未必能时刻准确理解动物面部表情所传递的信息。第43页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 5-1. As regards manual ability, the panda and the elephant are unique cases. The former has evolved a long wrist bone with which it can grasp the thin

40、 bamboo sticks on which it feeds. A structure of this kind is found nowhere else in the animal kingdom. 第44页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 5-2. It gives the flat-footed panda the ability to hold small objects and bring them up to its mouth while sitting in a vertical position. The elephant is also capable of h

41、andling small objects with its trunk, another unique structure, and taking them up to its mouth. 第45页/共56页5. 就操作能力而言,熊猫和大象是出类拔萃的能手。熊猫有细长的腕骨,它可以握住赖以为生的细竹枝。这样的骨骼组织在动物王国中是绝无仅有的。这使脚掌扁平的熊猫在端坐时可以把小东西拣起来送到嘴里:大象也能用象鼻这- 独一无二的构造来操纵小东西,把它们送进嘴里。第46页/共56页Unit 2 Text B 6-1. The vertical position so characteristic

42、 of our species gives any other animal that can adopt this position an immediate anthropomorphic advantage. The primates in the top ten list, the bears and the panda all sit up vertically on frequent occasions. Sometimes they may even stand vertically or go so far as to take a few steps in this posi

43、tion, all of which helps them to score valuable points. 第47页/共56页Unit 2 Text B 6-2. The giraffe, by virtue of the unique size of its body parts, is, in a sense, permanently vertical. The dog, which achieves such a high anthropomorphic score for its social behaviour, has always been something of a di

44、sappointment, because it is completely horizontal. Refusing to accept defeat on this point, our cleverness went to work and soon solved the 第48页/共56页 6. 直立是人类的特征。凡是能直立的动物立刻就具有类人的优势。前10名中的灵长目动物、熊和熊猫都能经常保持直立的姿势,有时还可以站起来,甚至能用这种姿势走上几步。这些都能使之赢得宝贵的几分。长颈鹿由于身体的比例关系非常奇特,从某种意义上看它始终都保持着直立的姿势。狗的类人社会行为得分很高,但它身体的

45、姿势却非常令人失望,完全是呈水平状的。我们不愿在这一点上认输,于是我们用自己的聪明才智迅速解决了这个难题训练狗坐立和乞怜。我们想要类人化的愿望非常强烈,不满足决不罢休,即使削弱动物的功用也在所不惜。第49页/共56页Unit 2: Text B problem we taught the dog to sit up and beg. Our anthropomorphic desires are so demanding that they have to be satisfied, even at the expense of the animals efficiency. 7. If we

46、 now split up the responses to these favourite animals, separating them into age groups, some remarkably consistent trends emerge:第50页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 7-2. For certain of the animals there is a steady decrease in preference with the increasing age of the children. For others there is a steady ris

47、e. The unexpected discovery here is that these trends show an obvious relationship with one particular feature of the preferred animals, namely their body size. The younger children prefer the bigger animals and the older children prefer the smaller ones. 第51页/共56页7. 如果我们把儿童对动物的喜爱按年龄分组,就会呈现出某些明显的倾向:

48、随着年龄的增长,儿童对某些动物的偏爱会逐渐减弱,而对另一些动物的偏爱则会逐渐增强。有关这些倾向的一个意外发现是:儿童对动物的喜爱明显与动物的某一特征有关,这一特征就是它们体型的大小。年幼的儿童喜欢个头较大的动物,而年龄较大的儿童则喜欢较小的动物第52页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 8. We can sum up the findings so far by stating two principles. The first law of animal appeal states that “The popularity of an animal is directly relate

49、d with the number of anthropomorphic features it possesses.” The second law of animal appeal states that “The age of a child is conversely related with the size of the animal it most prefers.”第53页/共56页Unit 2: Text B 9. How can we explain the second law? The simplest explanation is that the smaller c

50、hildren are viewing the animals as parent-substitutes and the older children are looking upon them as child-substitutes. ( 819 words)第54页/共56页8. 我们可以拟定出两条原理来总结我们现在的发现。动物讨人喜欢的第一条原理是“动物的受欢迎程度与它的类人形特征成正比”。第二:条原理是“儿童的年龄与他最喜欢的动物的大小成反比”。9. 我们如何解释第二条原理呢?最简单的解释就是:年幼的儿童把动物看成是父母亲的替代物,而午长的儿童则把动物看成是自己孩子的替代物。第55


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